Static Value-Flow Analysis
No Matches
Public Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
SVF::ContextDDA Class Reference

#include <ContextDDA.h>

Inheritance diagram for SVF::ContextDDA:
SVF::CondPTAImpl< ContextCond > SVF::DDAVFSolver< CxtVar, CxtPtSet, CxtLocDPItem > SVF::PointerAnalysis

Public Member Functions

 ContextDDA (SVFIR *_pag, DDAClient *client)
virtual ~ContextDDA ()
virtual void initialize () override
 Initialization of the analysis.
virtual void finalize () override
 Finalize analysis.
virtual void analyze () override
 dummy analyze method
virtual void computeDDAPts (NodeID id) override
 Compute points-to set for an unconditional pointer.
virtual const CxtPtSetcomputeDDAPts (const CxtVar &cxtVar)
 Compute points-to set for a context-sensitive pointer.
void handleOutOfBudgetDpm (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm)
 Handle out-of-budget dpm.
virtual CxtPtSet getConservativeCPts (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm) override
 Override parent method.
virtual NodeID getPtrNodeID (const CxtVar &var) const override
 Override parent method.
virtual bool handleBKCondition (CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const SVFGEdge *edge) override
 Handle condition for context or path analysis (backward analysis)
virtual bool isHeapCondMemObj (const CxtVar &var, const StoreSVFGNode *store) override
bool testIndCallReachability (CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const SVFFunction *callee, const CallICFGNode *cs)
 refine indirect call edge
CallSiteID getCSIDAtCall (CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const SVFGEdge *edge)
 get callsite id from call, return 0 if it is a spurious call edge
CallSiteID getCSIDAtRet (CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const SVFGEdge *edge)
 get callsite id from return, return 0 if it is a spurious return edge
virtual void popRecursiveCallSites (CxtLocDPItem &dpm)
 Pop recursive callsites.
virtual bool isEdgeInRecursion (CallSiteID csId)
 Whether call/return inside recursion.
virtual void updateCallGraphAndSVFG (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const CallICFGNode *cs, SVFGEdgeSet &svfgEdges) override
 Update call graph.
bool edgeInCallGraphSCC (const SVFGEdge *edge)
 Return TRUE if this edge is inside a SVFG SCC, i.e., src node and dst node are in the same SCC on the SVFG.
virtual CxtPtSet processGepPts (const GepSVFGNode *gep, const CxtPtSet &srcPts) override
 processGep node
virtual void handleAddr (CxtPtSet &pts, const CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const AddrSVFGNode *addr) override
 Handle Address SVFGNode to add proper conditional points-to.
virtual bool propagateViaObj (const CxtVar &storeObj, const CxtVar &loadObj) override
 Propagate along indirect value-flow if two objects of load and store are same.
virtual bool isCondCompatible (const ContextCond &cxt1, const ContextCond &cxt2, bool singleton) const override
bool isInsensitiveCallRet (const SVFGEdge *edge)
 Whether this edge is treated context-insensitively.
ConstSVFGEdgeSetgetInsensitiveEdgeSet ()
 Return insensitive edge set.
virtual void dumpContexts (const ContextCond &cxts)
 dump context call strings
virtual const std::string PTAName () const override
 Return PTA name.
- Public Member Functions inherited from SVF::CondPTAImpl< ContextCond >
 CondPTAImpl (SVFIR *pag, PointerAnalysis::PTATY type)
 map a pointer to its conditional points-to set
virtual ~CondPTAImpl ()
void destroy ()
 Release memory.
PTDataTygetPTDataTy () const
 Get points-to data.
MutPTDataTygetMutPTDataTy () const
bool hasPtsMap (void) const
const MutPTDataTy::PtsMap & getPtsMap () const
virtual const CPtSetgetPts (CVar id)
virtual PointsTogetPts (NodeID ptr)
 Given a pointer return its bit vector points-to.
virtual const Set< CVar > & getRevPts (CVar nodeId)
virtual NodeSetgetRevPts (NodeID obj)
 Given an object return all pointers points to this object.
virtual void clearPts ()
 Clear all data.
bool overlap (const CPtSet &cpts1, const CPtSet &cpts2) const
 Whether cpts1 and cpts2 have overlap points-to targets.
void expandFIObjs (const CPtSet &cpts, CPtSet &expandedCpts)
 Expand all fields of an aggregate in all points-to sets.
virtual void dumpCPts ()
 Print out conditional pts.
virtual PointsTo getBVPointsTo (const CPtSet &cpts) const
 Given a conditional pts return its bit vector points-to.
virtual const CPtSetgetCondPointsTo (NodeID ptr)
 Given a pointer return its conditional points-to.
virtual AliasResult alias (const SVFValue *V1, const SVFValue *V2)
 Interface expose to users of our pointer analysis, given Value infos.
virtual AliasResult alias (NodeID node1, NodeID node2)
 Interface expose to users of our pointer analysis, given two pointers.
virtual AliasResult alias (const CVar &var1, const CVar &var2)
 Interface expose to users of our pointer analysis, given conditional variables.
virtual AliasResult alias (const CPtSet &pts1, const CPtSet &pts2)
 Interface expose to users of our pointer analysis, given two conditional points-to sets.
bool containBlackHoleNode (const CPtSet &cpts)
 Test blk node for cpts.
bool containConstantNode (const CPtSet &cpts)
 Test constant node for cpts.
void dumpTopLevelPtsTo ()
 Dump points-to information of top-level pointers.
- Public Member Functions inherited from SVF::PointerAnalysis
ICFGgetICFG () const
 Get ICFG.
u32_t getNumOfResolvedIndCallEdge () const
 Return number of resolved indirect call edges.
PTACallGraphgetCallGraph () const
 Return call graph.
CallGraphSCCgetCallGraphSCC () const
 Return call graph SCC.
 PointerAnalysis (SVFIR *pag, PTATY ty=Default_PTA, bool alias_check=true)
PTATY getAnalysisTy () const
 Type of pointer analysis.
PTAImplTy getImplTy () const
 Return implementation type of the pointer analysis.
bool printStat ()
 Whether print statistics.
void disablePrintStat ()
 Whether print statistics.
CallEdgeMapgetIndCallMap ()
 Get callees from an indirect callsite.
bool hasIndCSCallees (const CallICFGNode *cs) const
const FunctionSetgetIndCSCallees (const CallICFGNode *cs) const
virtual void resolveIndCalls (const CallICFGNode *cs, const PointsTo &target, CallEdgeMap &newEdges)
 Resolve indirect call edges.
void callGraphSCCDetection ()
 PTACallGraph SCC related methods.
NodeID getCallGraphSCCRepNode (NodeID id) const
 Get SCC rep node of a SVFG node.
bool inSameCallGraphSCC (const SVFFunction *fun1, const SVFFunction *fun2)
 Return TRUE if this edge is inside a PTACallGraph SCC, i.e., src node and dst node are in the same SCC on the SVFG.
bool isInRecursion (const SVFFunction *fun) const
bool isLocalVarInRecursiveFun (NodeID id) const
 Whether a local variable is in function recursions.
CommonCHGraphgetCHGraph () const
 get CHGraph
void getVFnsFromCHA (const CallICFGNode *cs, VFunSet &vfns)
void getVFnsFromPts (const CallICFGNode *cs, const PointsTo &target, VFunSet &vfns)
void connectVCallToVFns (const CallICFGNode *cs, const VFunSet &vfns, CallEdgeMap &newEdges)
virtual void resolveCPPIndCalls (const CallICFGNode *cs, const PointsTo &target, CallEdgeMap &newEdges)
 Resolve cpp indirect call edges.
SVFIRgetPAG () const
PTAStatgetStat () const
 Get PTA stat.
SVFModulegetModule () const
OrderedNodeSetgetAllValidPtrs ()
 Get all Valid Pointers for resolution.
void printIndCSTargets (const CallICFGNode *cs, const FunctionSet &targets)
 Print targets of a function pointer.
virtual void dumpAllPts ()
virtual void dumpPts (NodeID ptr, const PointsTo &pts)
void printIndCSTargets ()
void dumpAllTypes ()
void dumpStat ()
 Dump the statistics.
bool containBlackHoleNode (const PointsTo &pts)
 Determine whether a points-to contains a black hole or constant node.
bool containConstantNode (const PointsTo &pts)
virtual bool isBlkObjOrConstantObj (NodeID ptd) const
bool isHeapMemObj (NodeID id) const
 Whether this object is heap or array.
bool isArrayMemObj (NodeID id) const
bool isFIObjNode (NodeID id) const
NodeID getBaseObjVar (NodeID id)
NodeID getFIObjVar (NodeID id)
NodeID getGepObjVar (NodeID id, const APOffset &ap)
virtual const NodeBSgetAllFieldsObjVars (NodeID id)
void setObjFieldInsensitive (NodeID id)
bool isFieldInsensitive (NodeID id) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from SVF::DDAVFSolver< CxtVar, CxtPtSet, CxtLocDPItem >
 DDAVFSolver ()
virtual ~DDAVFSolver ()
NodeBSgetCandidateQueries ()
 Return candidate pointers for DDA.
virtual CxtLocDPItem getDPIm (const CxtVar &var, const SVFGNode *loc) const
 Given CVar and location (SVFGNode) return a new DPItem.
virtual bool unionDDAPts (CxtPtSet &pts, const CxtPtSet &targetPts)
 Union pts.
virtual bool unionDDAPts (CxtLocDPItem dpm, const CxtPtSet &targetPts)
 Union pts.
virtual void addDDAPts (CxtPtSet &pts, const CxtVar &var)
 Add pts.
SVFGgetSVFG () const
 Return SVFG.
 Return SVFGSCC.
void dumpCPtSet (const CxtPtSet &cpts) const
virtual const CxtPtSetfindPT (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm)
 Compute points-to.

Private Attributes

ConstSVFGEdgeSet insensitveEdges
 insensitive call-return edges
 downgrade to flowDDA if out-of-budget
 DDA client.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from SVF::CondPTAImpl< ContextCond >
typedef CondVar< ContextCondCVar
typedef CondStdSet< CVarCPtSet
typedef PTData< CVar, Set< CVar >, CVar, CPtSetPTDataTy
typedef MutablePTData< CVar, Set< CVar >, CVar, CPtSetMutPTDataTy
typedef Map< NodeID, PointsToPtrToBVPtsMap
typedef Map< NodeID, NodeSetPtrToNSMap
 map a pointer to its BitVector points-to representation
typedef Map< NodeID, CPtSetPtrToCPtsMap
- Public Types inherited from SVF::PointerAnalysis
enum  PTATY {
  Andersen_BASE , Andersen_WPA , AndersenSCD_WPA , AndersenSFR_WPA ,
  AndersenWaveDiff_WPA , Steensgaard_WPA , CSCallString_WPA , CSSummary_WPA ,
  FieldS_DDA , FlowS_DDA , PathS_DDA , Cxt_DDA ,
 Pointer analysis type list. More...
enum  PTAImplTy { BaseImpl , BVDataImpl , CondImpl }
 Implementation type: BVDataPTAImpl or CondPTAImpl. More...
typedef Set< const CallICFGNode * > CallSiteSet
 Indirect call edges type, map a callsite to a set of callees.
typedef SVFIR::CallSiteToFunPtrMap CallSiteToFunPtrMap
typedef Set< const SVFFunction * > FunctionSet
typedef OrderedMap< const CallICFGNode *, FunctionSetCallEdgeMap
typedef SCCDetection< PTACallGraph * > CallGraphSCC
typedef Set< const SVFGlobalValue * > VTableSet
typedef Set< const SVFFunction * > VFunSet
- Public Types inherited from SVF::DDAVFSolver< CxtVar, CxtPtSet, CxtLocDPItem >
typedef SCCDetection< SVFG * > SVFGSCC
typedef SCCDetection< PTACallGraph * > CallGraphSCC
typedef PTACallGraphEdge::CallInstSet CallInstSet
typedef SVFIR::CallSiteSet CallSiteSet
typedef OrderedSet< CxtLocDPItemDPTItemSet
typedef OrderedMap< CxtLocDPItem, CxtPtSetDPImToCPtSetMap
typedef OrderedMap< CxtLocDPItem, CxtVarDPMToCVarMap
typedef OrderedMap< CxtLocDPItem, CxtLocDPItemDPMToDPMMap
typedef OrderedMap< NodeID, DPTItemSetLocToDPMVecMap
typedef OrderedSet< const SVFGEdge * > ConstSVFGEdgeSet
typedef SVFGEdge::SVFGEdgeSetTy SVFGEdgeSet
typedef OrderedMap< const SVFGNode *, DPTItemSetStoreToPMSetMap
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SVF::CondPTAImpl< ContextCond >
static bool classof (const PointerAnalysis *pta)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from SVF::PointerAnalysis
static const std::string aliasTestMayAlias = "MAYALIAS"
static const std::string aliasTestMayAliasMangled = "_Z8MAYALIASPvS_"
static const std::string aliasTestNoAlias = "NOALIAS"
static const std::string aliasTestNoAliasMangled = "_Z7NOALIASPvS_"
static const std::string aliasTestPartialAlias = "PARTIALALIAS"
static const std::string aliasTestPartialAliasMangled = "_Z12PARTIALALIASPvS_"
static const std::string aliasTestMustAlias = "MUSTALIAS"
static const std::string aliasTestMustAliasMangled = "_Z9MUSTALIASPvS_"
static const std::string aliasTestFailMayAlias = "EXPECTEDFAIL_MAYALIAS"
static const std::string aliasTestFailMayAliasMangled = "_Z21EXPECTEDFAIL_MAYALIASPvS_"
static const std::string aliasTestFailNoAlias = "EXPECTEDFAIL_NOALIAS"
static const std::string aliasTestFailNoAliasMangled = "_Z20EXPECTEDFAIL_NOALIASPvS_"
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SVF::CondPTAImpl< ContextCond >
virtual bool unionPts (CVar id, const CPtSet &target)
virtual bool unionPts (CVar id, CVar ptd)
virtual bool addPts (CVar id, CVar ptd)
bool mustAlias (const CVar &var1, const CVar &var2)
 Internal interface to be used for conditional points-to set queries.
bool contains (const CPtSet &cpts1, const CPtSet &cpts2)
bool isSameVar (const CVar &var1, const CVar &var2) const
 Whether two pointers/objects are the same one by considering their conditions.
virtual void normalizePointsTo ()
 Normalize points-to information to BitVector/conditional representation.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SVF::PointerAnalysis
const CallSiteToFunPtrMapgetIndirectCallsites () const
 Return all indirect callsites.
NodeID getFunPtr (const CallICFGNode *cs) const
 Return function pointer PAGNode at a callsite cs.
virtual void validateTests ()
 Alias check functions to verify correctness of pointer analysis.
virtual void validateSuccessTests (std::string fun)
virtual void validateExpectedFailureTests (std::string fun)
void resetObjFieldSensitive ()
 Reset all object node as field-sensitive.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SVF::DDAVFSolver< CxtVar, CxtPtSet, CxtLocDPItem >
virtual void handleSingleStatement (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm, CxtPtSet &pts)
 Handle single statement.
void reCompute (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm)
 recompute points-to for value-flow cycles and indirect calls
void reComputeForEdges (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const SVFGEdgeSet &edgeSet, bool indirectCall=false)
 Traverse along out edges to find all nodes which may be affected by locDPM.
virtual void buildSVFG (SVFIR *pag)
 Build SVFG.
virtual void resetQuery ()
 Reset visited map for next points-to query.
void OOBResetVisited ()
 Reset visited map if the current query is out-of-budget.
const SVFGNodegetDefSVFGNode (const PAGNode *pagNode) const
 GetDefinition SVFG.
void backtraceAlongIndirectVF (CxtPtSet &pts, const CxtLocDPItem &oldDpm)
 Backward traverse along indirect value flows.
void backtraceAlongDirectVF (CxtPtSet &pts, const CxtLocDPItem &oldDpm)
 Backward traverse along direct value flows.
void startNewPTCompFromLoadSrc (CxtPtSet &pts, const CxtLocDPItem &oldDpm)
void startNewPTCompFromStoreDst (CxtPtSet &pts, const CxtLocDPItem &oldDpm)
void backtraceToStoreSrc (CxtPtSet &pts, const CxtLocDPItem &oldDpm)
virtual void backwardPropDpm (CxtPtSet &pts, NodeID ptr, const CxtLocDPItem &oldDpm, const SVFGEdge *edge)
 dpm transit during backward tracing
virtual bool isMustAlias (const CxtLocDPItem &, const CxtLocDPItem &)
 whether load and store are aliased
virtual bool isStrongUpdate (const CxtPtSet &dstCPSet, const StoreSVFGNode *store)
 Return TRUE if this is a strong update STORE statement.
virtual bool isLocalCVarInRecursion (const CxtVar &var) const
 Whether a local variable is in function recursions.
void resolveFunPtr (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm)
 resolve function pointer
void markbkVisited (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm)
 Visited flags to avoid cycles.
bool isbkVisited (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm)
void clearbkVisited (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm)
virtual const CxtPtSetgetCachedPointsTo (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm)
 Points-to Caching for top-level pointers and address-taken objects.
virtual void updateCachedPointsTo (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const CxtPtSet &pts)
virtual const CxtPtSetgetCachedTLPointsTo (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm)
virtual const CxtPtSetgetCachedADPointsTo (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm)
bool isTopLevelPtrStmt (const SVFGNode *stmt)
 Whether this is a top-level pointer statement.
virtual CxtLocDPItem getDPImWithOldCond (const CxtLocDPItem &oldDpm, const CxtVar &var, const SVFGNode *loc)
 Return dpm with old context and path conditions.
void SVFGSCCDetection ()
 SVFG SCC detection.
NodeID getSVFGSCCRepNode (NodeID id)
 Get SCC rep node of a SVFG node.
bool isSVFGNodeInCycle (const SVFGNode *node)
 Return whether this SVFGNode is in cycle.
bool edgeInSVFGSCC (const SVFGEdge *edge)
 Return TRUE if this edge is inside a SVFG SCC, i.e., src node and dst node are in the same SCC on the SVFG.
void setCallGraph (PTACallGraph *cg)
 Set callgraph.
void setCallGraphSCC (CallGraphSCC *scc)
 Set callgraphSCC.
bool isArrayCondMemObj (const CxtVar &var) const
bool isFieldInsenCondMemObj (const CxtVar &var) const
void addLoadDpmAndCVar (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const CxtLocDPItem &loadDpm, const CxtVar &loadVar)
 LoadDpm for must-alias analysis.
void addLoadDpm (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const CxtLocDPItem &loadDpm)
 Note that simply use "dpmToloadDpmMap[dpm]=loadDpm", requires DPIm have a default constructor.
const CxtLocDPItemgetLoadDpm (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm) const
void addLoadCVar (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const CxtVar &loadVar)
const CxtVargetLoadCVar (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm) const
AndersenWaveDiffgetAndersenAnalysis () const
 Return Andersen's analysis.
void handleOutOfBudgetDpm (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm)
 handle out-of-budget queries
bool testOutOfBudget (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm)
bool isOutOfBudgetQuery () const
void addOutOfBudgetDpm (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm)
bool isOutOfBudgetDpm (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm) const
DDAStatsetDDAStat (DDAStat *s)
 Set DDAStat.
void addSUStat (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const SVFGNode *node)
 stat strong updates num
void rmSUStat (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const SVFGNode *node)
 remove strong updates num if the dpm goes to weak updates branch
- Protected Attributes inherited from SVF::CondPTAImpl< ContextCond >
 Points-to data.
bool normalized
 Normalized flag.
PtrToBVPtsMap ptrToBVPtsMap
 Normal points-to representation (without conditions)
PtrToNSMap objToNSRevPtsMap
 Normal points-to representation (without conditions)
PtrToCPtsMap ptrToCPtsMap
 Conditional points-to representation (with conditions)
- Protected Attributes inherited from SVF::PointerAnalysis
bool print_stat
 User input flags.
bool alias_validation
 Flag for validating points-to/alias results.
u32_t OnTheFlyIterBudgetForStat
 Flag for iteration budget for on-the-fly statistics.
 Pointer analysis Type.
PTAImplTy ptaImplTy
 PTA implementation type.
 Call graph used for pointer analysis.
 SCC for PTACallGraph.
 Interprocedural control-flow graph.
- Protected Attributes inherited from SVF::DDAVFSolver< CxtVar, CxtPtSet, CxtLocDPItem >
bool outOfBudgetQuery
 Whether the current query is out of step limits.
 Andersen's analysis.
NodeBS candidateQueries
 candidate pointers;
 SCC for PTACallGraph.
 SCC for SVFG.
DPTItemSet backwardVisited
 visited map during backward traversing
DPImToCPtSetMap dpmToTLCPtSetMap
 points-to caching map for top-level vars
DPImToCPtSetMap dpmToADCPtSetMap
 points-to caching map for address-taken vars
LocToDPMVecMap locToDpmSetMap
 map location to its dpms
DPMToDPMMap dpmToloadDpmMap
 dpms at loads for may/must-alias analysis with stores
DPMToCVarMap loadToPTCVarMap
 map a load dpm to its cvar pointed by its pointer operand
DPTItemSet outOfBudgetDpms
 out of budget dpm set
StoreToPMSetMap storeToDPMs
 map store to set of DPM which have been stong updated there
 DDA stat.
SVFGBuilder svfgBuilder
 SVFG Builder.
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from SVF::PointerAnalysis
static SVFIRpag = nullptr

Detailed Description

Context-, Flow- Sensitive Demand-driven Analysis

Definition at line 54 of file ContextDDA.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ContextDDA()

ContextDDA::ContextDDA ( SVFIR _pag,
DDAClient client 



Definition at line 42 of file ContextDDA.cpp.

46 flowDDA = new FlowDDA(_pag, client);
FlowDDA * flowDDA
downgrade to flowDDA if out-of-budget
Definition ContextDDA.h:224
DDAClient * _client
DDA client.
Definition ContextDDA.h:225
@ Cxt_DDA
context sensitive DDA
llvm::IRBuilder IRBuilder
Definition BasicTypes.h:74

◆ ~ContextDDA()

ContextDDA::~ContextDDA ( )



Definition at line 52 of file ContextDDA.cpp.

54 if(flowDDA)
55 delete flowDDA;
56 flowDDA = nullptr;

Member Function Documentation

◆ analyze()

virtual void SVF::ContextDDA::analyze ( )

dummy analyze method

Implements SVF::PointerAnalysis.

Definition at line 74 of file ContextDDA.h.


◆ computeDDAPts() [1/2]

const CxtPtSet & ContextDDA::computeDDAPts ( const CxtVar var)

Compute points-to set for a context-sensitive pointer.

Compute points-to set for a context-sensitive pointer

Definition at line 75 of file ContextDDA.cpp.

78 resetQuery();
81 NodeID id = var.get_id();
82 PAGNode* node = getPAG()->getGNode(id);
85 // start DDA analysis
86 DOTIMESTAT(double start = DDAStat::getClk(true));
87 const CxtPtSet& cpts = findPT(dpm);
91 if(isOutOfBudgetQuery() == false)
92 unionPts(var,cpts);
93 else
96 if (this->printStat())
99 return this->getPts(var);
#define DBOUT(TYPE, X)
LLVM debug macros, define type of your DBUG model of each pass.
Definition SVFType.h:484
#define DGENERAL
Definition SVFType.h:490
#define DOSTAT(X)
Definition SVFType.h:485
Definition SVFType.h:486
virtual bool unionPts(CVar id, const CPtSet &target)
virtual PointsTo getBVPointsTo(const CPtSet &cpts) const
Given a conditional pts return its bit vector points-to.
virtual const CPtSet & getPts(CVar id)
void handleOutOfBudgetDpm(const CxtLocDPItem &dpm)
Handle out-of-budget dpm.
double _AnaTimePerQuery
Definition DDAStat.h:61
double _TotalTimeOfQueries
Definition DDAStat.h:63
const SVFGNode * getDefSVFGNode(const PAGNode *pagNode) const
GetDefinition SVFG.
virtual const CxtPtSet & findPT(const CxtLocDPItem &dpm)
Compute points-to.
virtual CxtLocDPItem getDPIm(const CxtVar &var, const SVFGNode *loc) const
Given CVar and location (SVFGNode) return a new DPItem.
Definition DDAVFSolver.h:96
virtual void resetQuery()
Reset visited map for next points-to query.
static void setMaxBudget(u32_t max)
set max step budge per query
Definition DPItem.h:86
NodeType * getGNode(NodeID id) const
Get a node.
static const Option< u32_t > CxtBudget
Definition Options.h:81
bool printStat()
Whether print statistics.
PTAStat * stat
SVFIR * getPAG() const
virtual void printStatPerQuery(NodeID, const PointsTo &)
Definition SVFStat.h:89
virtual void performStatPerQuery(NodeID)
Definition SVFStat.h:87
static double getClk(bool mark=false)
Definition SVFStat.cpp:48
u32_t NodeID
Definition GeneralType.h:55

◆ computeDDAPts() [2/2]

void ContextDDA::computeDDAPts ( NodeID  id)

Compute points-to set for an unconditional pointer.

Compute points-to set for an unconditional pointer

Reimplemented from SVF::PointerAnalysis.

Definition at line 105 of file ContextDDA.cpp.

107 ContextCond cxt;
108 CxtVar var(cxt, id);
virtual void computeDDAPts(NodeID id) override
Compute points-to set for an unconditional pointer.

◆ dumpContexts()

virtual void SVF::ContextDDA::dumpContexts ( const ContextCond cxts)

dump context call strings

Definition at line 212 of file ContextDDA.h.

213 {
214 SVFUtil::outs() << cxts.toString() << "\n";
215 }
std::ostream & outs()
Overwrite llvm::outs()
Definition SVFUtil.h:50

◆ edgeInCallGraphSCC()

bool SVF::ContextDDA::edgeInCallGraphSCC ( const SVFGEdge edge)

Return TRUE if this edge is inside a SVFG SCC, i.e., src node and dst node are in the same SCC on the SVFG.

Definition at line 160 of file ContextDDA.h.

161 {
162 const SVFFunction* srcfun = edge->getSrcNode()->getFun();
163 const SVFFunction* dstfun = edge->getDstNode()->getFun();
165 if(srcfun && dstfun)
168 assert(edge->isRetVFGEdge() == false && "should not be an inter-procedural return edge" );
170 return false;
171 }
bool inSameCallGraphSCC(const SVFFunction *fun1, const SVFFunction *fun2)
Return TRUE if this edge is inside a PTACallGraph SCC, i.e., src node and dst node are in the same SC...

◆ finalize()

virtual void SVF::ContextDDA::finalize ( )

Finalize analysis.

Reimplemented from SVF::CondPTAImpl< ContextCond >.

Definition at line 68 of file ContextDDA.h.

69 {
71 }
virtual void finalize()
Finalization of pointer analysis, and normalize points-to information to Bit Vector representation.

◆ getConservativeCPts()

virtual CxtPtSet SVF::ContextDDA::getConservativeCPts ( const CxtLocDPItem dpm)

Override parent method.

Implements SVF::DDAVFSolver< CxtVar, CxtPtSet, CxtLocDPItem >.

Definition at line 86 of file ContextDDA.h.

87 {
88 const PointsTo& pts = getAndersenAnalysis()->getPts(dpm.getCurNodeID());
90 ContextCond cxt;
91 for (PointsTo::iterator piter = pts.begin(); piter != pts.end(); ++piter)
92 {
93 CxtVar var(cxt,*piter);
94 tmpCPts.set(var);
95 }
96 return tmpCPts;
97 }
virtual const PointsTo & getPts(NodeID id)
Operation of points-to set.
Definition Andersen.h:239
AndersenWaveDiff * getAndersenAnalysis() const
Return Andersen's analysis.
const_iterator iterator
Definition PointsTo.h:40
CondVar< ContextCond > CxtVar
Definition DPItem.h:385
CondStdSet< CxtVar > CxtPtSet
Definition DPItem.h:386

◆ getCSIDAtCall()

CallSiteID ContextDDA::getCSIDAtCall ( CxtLocDPItem dpm,
const SVFGEdge edge 

get callsite id from call, return 0 if it is a spurious call edge

get callsite id from call, return 0 if it is a spurious call edge translate the callsite id from pre-computed callgraph on SVFG to the one on current callgraph

Definition at line 210 of file ContextDDA.cpp.

214 if (const CallDirSVFGEdge* callEdge = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<CallDirSVFGEdge>(edge))
215 svfg_csId = callEdge->getCallSiteId();
216 else
217 svfg_csId = SVFUtil::cast<CallIndSVFGEdge>(edge)->getCallSiteId();
220 const SVFFunction* callee = edge->getDstNode()->getFun();
222 if(getCallGraph()->hasCallSiteID(cbn,callee))
223 {
225 }
227 return 0;
CallSiteID getCallSiteID(const CallICFGNode *cs, const SVFFunction *callee) const
Get CallSiteID.
PTACallGraph * getCallGraph() const
Return call graph.
const CallICFGNode * getCallSite(CallSiteID id) const
Definition VFG.h:182
unsigned CallSiteID
Definition GeneralType.h:58

◆ getCSIDAtRet()

CallSiteID ContextDDA::getCSIDAtRet ( CxtLocDPItem dpm,
const SVFGEdge edge 

get callsite id from return, return 0 if it is a spurious return edge

get callsite id from return, return 0 if it is a spurious return edge translate the callsite id from pre-computed callgraph on SVFG to the one on current callgraph

Definition at line 234 of file ContextDDA.cpp.

238 if (const RetDirSVFGEdge* retEdge = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<RetDirSVFGEdge>(edge))
239 svfg_csId = retEdge->getCallSiteId();
240 else
241 svfg_csId = SVFUtil::cast<RetIndSVFGEdge>(edge)->getCallSiteId();
244 const SVFFunction* callee = edge->getSrcNode()->getFun();
246 if(getCallGraph()->hasCallSiteID(cbn,callee))
247 {
249 }
251 return 0;

◆ getInsensitiveEdgeSet()

ConstSVFGEdgeSet & SVF::ContextDDA::getInsensitiveEdgeSet ( )

Return insensitive edge set.

Definition at line 207 of file ContextDDA.h.

208 {
209 return insensitveEdges;
210 }
ConstSVFGEdgeSet insensitveEdges
insensitive call-return edges
Definition ContextDDA.h:223

◆ getPtrNodeID()

virtual NodeID SVF::ContextDDA::getPtrNodeID ( const CxtVar var) const

Override parent method.

Implements SVF::DDAVFSolver< CxtVar, CxtPtSet, CxtLocDPItem >.

Definition at line 100 of file ContextDDA.h.

101 {
102 return var.get_id();
103 }

◆ handleAddr()

virtual void SVF::ContextDDA::handleAddr ( CxtPtSet pts,
const CxtLocDPItem dpm,
const AddrSVFGNode addr 

Handle Address SVFGNode to add proper conditional points-to.

whether this object is set field-insensitive during pre-analysis

Implements SVF::DDAVFSolver< CxtVar, CxtPtSet, CxtLocDPItem >.

Definition at line 177 of file ContextDDA.h.

178 {
179 NodeID srcID = addr->getPAGSrcNodeID();
184 CxtVar var(dpm.getCond(),srcID);
186 DBOUT(DDDA, SVFUtil::outs() << "\t add points-to target " << var << " to dpm ");
187 DBOUT(DDDA, dpm.dump());
188 }
#define DDDA
Definition SVFType.h:496
virtual void addDDAPts(CxtPtSet &pts, const CxtVar &var)
Add pts.
bool isFieldInsensitive(NodeID id) const
NodeID getFIObjVar(NodeID id)

◆ handleBKCondition()

bool ContextDDA::handleBKCondition ( CxtLocDPItem dpm,
const SVFGEdge edge 

Handle condition for context or path analysis (backward analysis)

Handle conditions during backward traversing.

we don't handle context in recursions, they treated as assignments

we don't handle context in recursions, they treated as assignments

TODO: When this call site id is contained in current call string, we may find a recursion. Try to solve this later.

Reimplemented from SVF::DDAVFSolver< CxtVar, CxtPtSet, CxtLocDPItem >.

Definition at line 256 of file ContextDDA.cpp.

258 _client->handleStatement(edge->getSrcNode(), dpm.getCurNodeID());
260 if (edge->isCallVFGEdge())
261 {
263 if(CallSiteID csId = getCSIDAtCall(dpm,edge))
264 {
266 if(isEdgeInRecursion(csId))
267 {
268 DBOUT(DDDA,outs() << "\t\t call edge " << getCallGraph()->getCallerOfCallSite(csId)->getName() <<
269 "=>" << getCallGraph()->getCalleeOfCallSite(csId)->getName() << "in recursion \n");
271 }
272 else
273 {
274 if (dpm.matchContext(csId) == false)
275 {
276 DBOUT(DDDA, outs() << "\t\t context not match, edge "
277 << edge->getDstID() << " --| " << edge->getSrcID() << " \t");
278 DBOUT(DDDA, dumpContexts(dpm.getCond()));
279 return false;
280 }
282 DBOUT(DDDA, outs() << "\t\t match contexts ");
283 DBOUT(DDDA, dumpContexts(dpm.getCond()));
284 }
285 }
286 }
288 else if (edge->isRetVFGEdge())
289 {
291 if(CallSiteID csId = getCSIDAtRet(dpm,edge))
292 {
294 if(isEdgeInRecursion(csId))
295 {
296 DBOUT(DDDA,outs() << "\t\t return edge " << getCallGraph()->getCalleeOfCallSite(csId)->getName() <<
297 "=>" << getCallGraph()->getCallerOfCallSite(csId)->getName() << "in recursion \n");
299 }
300 else
301 {
304 if (dpm.getCond().containCallStr(csId))
305 {
306 outOfBudgetQuery = true;
307 SVFUtil::writeWrnMsg("Call site ID is contained in call string. Is this a recursion?");
308 return false;
309 }
310 else
311 {
312 assert(dpm.getCond().containCallStr(csId) ==false && "contain visited call string ??");
313 if(dpm.pushContext(csId))
314 {
315 DBOUT(DDDA, outs() << "\t\t push context ");
316 DBOUT(DDDA, dumpContexts(dpm.getCond()));
317 }
318 else
319 {
320 DBOUT(DDDA, outs() << "\t\t context is full ");
321 DBOUT(DDDA, dumpContexts(dpm.getCond()));
322 }
323 }
324 }
325 }
326 }
328 return true;
virtual void popRecursiveCallSites(CxtLocDPItem &dpm)
Pop recursive callsites.
Definition ContextDDA.h:123
CallSiteID getCSIDAtCall(CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const SVFGEdge *edge)
get callsite id from call, return 0 if it is a spurious call edge
virtual bool isEdgeInRecursion(CallSiteID csId)
Whether call/return inside recursion.
Definition ContextDDA.h:134
CallSiteID getCSIDAtRet(CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const SVFGEdge *edge)
get callsite id from return, return 0 if it is a spurious return edge
virtual void dumpContexts(const ContextCond &cxts)
dump context call strings
Definition ContextDDA.h:212
virtual void handleStatement(const SVFGNode *, NodeID)
Call back used by DDAVFSolver.
Definition DDAClient.h:77
bool outOfBudgetQuery
Whether the current query is out of step limits.
void writeWrnMsg(const std::string &msg)
Writes a message run through wrnMsg.
Definition SVFUtil.cpp:67

◆ handleOutOfBudgetDpm()

void ContextDDA::handleOutOfBudgetDpm ( const CxtLocDPItem dpm)

Handle out-of-budget dpm.

Handle out-of-budget dpm

Definition at line 115 of file ContextDDA.cpp.

118 DBOUT(DGENERAL,outs() << "~~~Out of budget query, downgrade to flow sensitive analysis \n");
119 flowDDA->computeDDAPts(dpm.getCurNodeID());
120 const PointsTo& flowPts = flowDDA->getPts(dpm.getCurNodeID());
122 for(PointsTo::iterator it = flowPts.begin(), eit = flowPts.end(); it!=eit; ++it)
123 {
124 ContextCond cxt;
125 CxtVar var(cxt, *it);
126 cxtPts.set(var);
127 }
129 unionPts(dpm.getCondVar(),cxtPts);
const PointsTo & getPts(NodeID id) override
virtual void updateCachedPointsTo(const CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const CxtPtSet &pts)
void addOutOfBudgetDpm(const CxtLocDPItem &dpm)
void computeDDAPts(NodeID id) override
Compute points-to set for all top variable.
Definition FlowDDA.cpp:43

◆ initialize()

void ContextDDA::initialize ( )

Initialization of the analysis.

Analysis initialization

Reimplemented from SVF::PointerAnalysis.

Definition at line 62 of file ContextDDA.cpp.

68 stat = setDDAStat(new DDAStat(this));
void setCallGraphSCC(CallGraphSCC *scc)
Set callgraphSCC.
virtual void buildSVFG(SVFIR *pag)
Build SVFG.
DDAStat * setDDAStat(DDAStat *s)
Set DDAStat.
void setCallGraph(PTACallGraph *cg)
Set callgraph.
virtual void initialize() override
Initialization of the analysis.
Definition FlowDDA.h:86
virtual void initialize()
Initialization of a pointer analysis, including building symbol table and SVFIR etc.
static SVFIR * pag
CallGraphSCC * getCallGraphSCC() const
Return call graph SCC.

◆ isCondCompatible()

bool ContextDDA::isCondCompatible ( const ContextCond cxt1,
const ContextCond cxt2,
bool  singleton 
) const

Whether two call string contexts are compatible which may represent the same memory object compare with call strings from last few callsite ids (most recent ids to objects): compatible : (e.g., 123 == 123, 123 == 23). not compatible (e.g., 123 != 423)

context conditions of local(not in recursion) and global variables are compatible

Implements SVF::CondPTAImpl< ContextCond >.

Definition at line 136 of file ContextDDA.cpp.

138 if(singleton)
139 return true;
141 int i = cxt1.cxtSize() - 1;
142 int j = cxt2.cxtSize() - 1;
143 for(; i >= 0 && j>=0; i--, j--)
144 {
145 if(cxt1[i] != cxt2[j])
146 return false;
147 }
148 return true;

◆ isEdgeInRecursion()

virtual bool SVF::ContextDDA::isEdgeInRecursion ( CallSiteID  csId)

Whether call/return inside recursion.

Definition at line 134 of file ContextDDA.h.

135 {
136 const SVFFunction* caller = getCallGraph()->getCallerOfCallSite(csId);
137 const SVFFunction* callee = getCallGraph()->getCalleeOfCallSite(csId);
139 }
const SVFFunction * getCallerOfCallSite(CallSiteID id) const
const SVFFunction * getCalleeOfCallSite(CallSiteID id) const

◆ isHeapCondMemObj()

bool ContextDDA::isHeapCondMemObj ( const CxtVar var,
const StoreSVFGNode store 

we exclude concrete heap given the following conditions: (1) concrete calling context (not involved in recursion and not exceed the maximum context limit) (2) not inside loop

Reimplemented from SVF::DDAVFSolver< CxtVar, CxtPtSet, CxtLocDPItem >.

Definition at line 335 of file ContextDDA.cpp.

337 const MemObj* mem = _pag->getObject(getPtrNodeID(var));
338 assert(mem && "memory object is null??");
340 assert(baseVar && "base object is null??");
341 if (SVFUtil::isa<HeapObjVar, DummyObjVar>(baseVar))
342 {
343 if (!mem->getValue())
344 {
346 GepObjVar* gepobj = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<GepObjVar>(pnode);
347 if (gepobj != nullptr)
348 {
349 assert(SVFUtil::isa<DummyObjVar>(_pag->getGNode(gepobj->getBaseNode()))
350 && "empty refVal in a gep object whose base is a non-dummy object");
351 }
352 else
353 {
354 assert((SVFUtil::isa<DummyObjVar, DummyValVar>(pnode))
355 && "empty refVal in non-dummy object");
356 }
357 return true;
358 }
359 else if(const SVFBaseNode* gNode = mem->getGNode())
360 {
361 if (const auto& node =
362 SVFUtil::dyn_cast<ICFGNode>(gNode))
363 {
364 const SVFFunction* svfFun = node->getFun();
366 return true;
367 if(var.get_cond().isConcreteCxt() == false)
368 return true;
369 if(_pag->getICFG()->isInLoop(node))
370 return true;
371 }
372 }
373 }
374 return false;
virtual NodeID getPtrNodeID(const CxtVar &var) const override
Override parent method.
Definition ContextDDA.h:100
AndersenWaveDiff * _ander
Andersen's analysis.
bool isInLoop(const ICFGNode *node)
Whether node is in a loop.
Definition ICFG.h:117
const SVFBaseNode * getGNode() const
Get the reference value to this object.
const SVFValue * getValue() const
Get the reference value to this object.
bool isInRecursion(const SVFFunction *fun) const
const BaseObjVar * getBaseObject(NodeID id) const
Definition SVFIR.h:405
ICFG * getICFG() const
Definition SVFIR.h:172
const MemObj * getObject(NodeID id) const
Definition SVFIR.h:396

◆ isInsensitiveCallRet()

bool SVF::ContextDDA::isInsensitiveCallRet ( const SVFGEdge edge)

Whether this edge is treated context-insensitively.

Definition at line 202 of file ContextDDA.h.

203 {
204 return insensitveEdges.find(edge) != insensitveEdges.end();
205 }

◆ popRecursiveCallSites()

virtual void SVF::ContextDDA::popRecursiveCallSites ( CxtLocDPItem dpm)

Pop recursive callsites.

Definition at line 123 of file ContextDDA.h.

124 {
125 ContextCond& cxtCond = dpm.getCond();
126 cxtCond.setNonConcreteCxt();
127 CallStrCxt& cxt = cxtCond.getContexts();
128 while(!cxt.empty() && isEdgeInRecursion(cxt.back()))
129 {
130 cxt.pop_back();
131 }
132 }
std::vector< u32_t > CallStrCxt

◆ processGepPts()

CxtPtSet ContextDDA::processGepPts ( const GepSVFGNode gep,
const CxtPtSet srcPts 

processGep node

Generate field objects for structs

Implements SVF::DDAVFSolver< CxtVar, CxtPtSet, CxtLocDPItem >.

Definition at line 154 of file ContextDDA.cpp.

157 for (CxtPtSet::iterator piter = srcPts.begin(); piter != srcPts.end(); ++piter)
158 {
160 CxtVar ptd = *piter;
161 if (isBlkObjOrConstantObj(ptd.get_id()))
162 tmpDstPts.set(ptd);
163 else
164 {
165 const GepStmt* gepStmt = SVFUtil::cast<GepStmt>(gep->getPAGEdge());
166 if (gepStmt->isVariantFieldGep())
167 {
168 setObjFieldInsensitive(ptd.get_id());
169 CxtVar var(ptd.get_cond(),getFIObjVar(ptd.get_id()));
170 tmpDstPts.set(var);
171 }
172 else
173 {
174 CxtVar var(ptd.get_cond(),getGepObjVar(ptd.get_id(),
175 gepStmt->getAccessPath().getConstantStructFldIdx()));
176 tmpDstPts.set(var);
177 }
178 }
179 }
181 DBOUT(DDDA, outs() << "\t return created gep objs ");
182 DBOUT(DDDA, outs() << srcPts.toString());
183 DBOUT(DDDA, outs() << " --> ");
184 DBOUT(DDDA, outs() << tmpDstPts.toString());
185 DBOUT(DDDA, outs() << "\n");
186 return tmpDstPts;
OrderedSet< Element >::iterator iterator
virtual bool isBlkObjOrConstantObj(NodeID ptd) const
NodeID getGepObjVar(NodeID id, const APOffset &ap)
void setObjFieldInsensitive(NodeID id)

◆ propagateViaObj()

virtual bool SVF::ContextDDA::propagateViaObj ( const CxtVar storeObj,
const CxtVar loadObj 

Propagate along indirect value-flow if two objects of load and store are same.

Reimplemented from SVF::DDAVFSolver< CxtVar, CxtPtSet, CxtLocDPItem >.

Definition at line 191 of file ContextDDA.h.

192 {
193 return isSameVar(storeObj,loadObj);
194 }
bool isSameVar(const CVar &var1, const CVar &var2) const
Whether two pointers/objects are the same one by considering their conditions.

◆ PTAName()

virtual const std::string SVF::ContextDDA::PTAName ( ) const

Return PTA name.

Reimplemented from SVF::PointerAnalysis.

Definition at line 217 of file ContextDDA.h.

218 {
219 return "Context Sensitive DDA";
220 }

◆ testIndCallReachability()

bool ContextDDA::testIndCallReachability ( CxtLocDPItem dpm,
const SVFFunction callee,
const CallICFGNode cs 

refine indirect call edge

Definition at line 189 of file ContextDDA.cpp.

191 if(getPAG()->isIndirectCallSites(cs))
192 {
193 NodeID id = getPAG()->getFunPtr(cs);
194 PAGNode* node = getPAG()->getGNode(id);
195 CxtVar funptrVar(dpm.getCondVar().get_cond(), id);
198 if(pts.test(getPAG()->getObjectNode(callee)))
199 return true;
200 else
201 return false;
202 }
203 return true;
NodeID getFunPtr(const CallICFGNode *cs) const
Definition SVFIR.h:355

◆ updateCallGraphAndSVFG()

virtual void SVF::ContextDDA::updateCallGraphAndSVFG ( const CxtLocDPItem dpm,
const CallICFGNode cs,
SVFGEdgeSet svfgEdges 

Update call graph.

Reimplemented from SVF::DDAVFSolver< CxtVar, CxtPtSet, CxtLocDPItem >.

Definition at line 142 of file ContextDDA.h.

143 {
146 for (CallEdgeMap::const_iterator iter = newEdges.begin(),eiter = newEdges.end(); iter != eiter; iter++)
147 {
148 const CallICFGNode* newcs = iter->first;
149 const FunctionSet & functions = iter->second;
150 for (FunctionSet::const_iterator func_iter = functions.begin(); func_iter != functions.end(); func_iter++)
151 {
152 const SVFFunction* func = *func_iter;
154 }
155 }
156 }
virtual const CxtPtSet & getCachedPointsTo(const CxtLocDPItem &dpm)
Points-to Caching for top-level pointers and address-taken objects.
OrderedMap< const CallICFGNode *, FunctionSet > CallEdgeMap
virtual void resolveIndCalls(const CallICFGNode *cs, const PointsTo &target, CallEdgeMap &newEdges)
Resolve indirect call edges.
Set< const SVFFunction * > FunctionSet
virtual void connectCallerAndCallee(const CallICFGNode *cs, const SVFFunction *callee, SVFGEdgeSetTy &edges)
Connect SVFG nodes between caller and callee for indirect call site.
Definition SVFG.cpp:658

Member Data Documentation

◆ _client

DDAClient* SVF::ContextDDA::_client

DDA client.

Definition at line 225 of file ContextDDA.h.

◆ flowDDA

FlowDDA* SVF::ContextDDA::flowDDA

downgrade to flowDDA if out-of-budget

Definition at line 224 of file ContextDDA.h.

◆ insensitveEdges

ConstSVFGEdgeSet SVF::ContextDDA::insensitveEdges

insensitive call-return edges

Definition at line 223 of file ContextDDA.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: