| ContextDDA (SVFIR *_pag, DDAClient *client) |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~ContextDDA () |
| Destructor.
virtual void | initialize () override |
| Initialization of the analysis.
virtual void | finalize () override |
| Finalize analysis.
virtual void | analyze () override |
| dummy analyze method
virtual void | computeDDAPts (NodeID id) override |
| Compute points-to set for an unconditional pointer.
virtual const CxtPtSet & | computeDDAPts (const CxtVar &cxtVar) |
| Compute points-to set for a context-sensitive pointer.
void | handleOutOfBudgetDpm (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm) |
| Handle out-of-budget dpm.
virtual CxtPtSet | getConservativeCPts (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm) override |
| Override parent method.
virtual NodeID | getPtrNodeID (const CxtVar &var) const override |
| Override parent method.
virtual bool | handleBKCondition (CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const SVFGEdge *edge) override |
| Handle condition for context or path analysis (backward analysis)
virtual bool | isHeapCondMemObj (const CxtVar &var, const StoreSVFGNode *store) override |
bool | testIndCallReachability (CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const SVFFunction *callee, const CallICFGNode *cs) |
| refine indirect call edge
CallSiteID | getCSIDAtCall (CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const SVFGEdge *edge) |
| get callsite id from call, return 0 if it is a spurious call edge
CallSiteID | getCSIDAtRet (CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const SVFGEdge *edge) |
| get callsite id from return, return 0 if it is a spurious return edge
virtual void | popRecursiveCallSites (CxtLocDPItem &dpm) |
| Pop recursive callsites.
virtual bool | isEdgeInRecursion (CallSiteID csId) |
| Whether call/return inside recursion.
virtual void | updateCallGraphAndSVFG (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const CallICFGNode *cs, SVFGEdgeSet &svfgEdges) override |
| Update call graph.
bool | edgeInCallGraphSCC (const SVFGEdge *edge) |
| Return TRUE if this edge is inside a SVFG SCC, i.e., src node and dst node are in the same SCC on the SVFG.
virtual CxtPtSet | processGepPts (const GepSVFGNode *gep, const CxtPtSet &srcPts) override |
| processGep node
virtual void | handleAddr (CxtPtSet &pts, const CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const AddrSVFGNode *addr) override |
| Handle Address SVFGNode to add proper conditional points-to.
virtual bool | propagateViaObj (const CxtVar &storeObj, const CxtVar &loadObj) override |
| Propagate along indirect value-flow if two objects of load and store are same.
virtual bool | isCondCompatible (const ContextCond &cxt1, const ContextCond &cxt2, bool singleton) const override |
bool | isInsensitiveCallRet (const SVFGEdge *edge) |
| Whether this edge is treated context-insensitively.
ConstSVFGEdgeSet & | getInsensitiveEdgeSet () |
| Return insensitive edge set.
virtual void | dumpContexts (const ContextCond &cxts) |
| dump context call strings
virtual const std::string | PTAName () const override |
| Return PTA name.
| CondPTAImpl (SVFIR *pag, PointerAnalysis::PTATY type) |
| map a pointer to its conditional points-to set
virtual | ~CondPTAImpl () |
| Destructor.
void | destroy () |
| Release memory.
PTDataTy * | getPTDataTy () const |
| Get points-to data.
MutPTDataTy * | getMutPTDataTy () const |
bool | hasPtsMap (void) const |
const MutPTDataTy::PtsMap & | getPtsMap () const |
virtual const CPtSet & | getPts (CVar id) |
virtual PointsTo & | getPts (NodeID ptr) |
| Given a pointer return its bit vector points-to.
virtual const Set< CVar > & | getRevPts (CVar nodeId) |
virtual NodeSet & | getRevPts (NodeID obj) |
| Given an object return all pointers points to this object.
virtual void | clearPts () |
| Clear all data.
bool | overlap (const CPtSet &cpts1, const CPtSet &cpts2) const |
| Whether cpts1 and cpts2 have overlap points-to targets.
void | expandFIObjs (const CPtSet &cpts, CPtSet &expandedCpts) |
| Expand all fields of an aggregate in all points-to sets.
virtual void | dumpCPts () |
| Print out conditional pts.
virtual PointsTo | getBVPointsTo (const CPtSet &cpts) const |
| Given a conditional pts return its bit vector points-to.
virtual const CPtSet & | getCondPointsTo (NodeID ptr) |
| Given a pointer return its conditional points-to.
virtual AliasResult | alias (const SVFValue *V1, const SVFValue *V2) |
| Interface expose to users of our pointer analysis, given Value infos.
virtual AliasResult | alias (NodeID node1, NodeID node2) |
| Interface expose to users of our pointer analysis, given two pointers.
virtual AliasResult | alias (const CVar &var1, const CVar &var2) |
| Interface expose to users of our pointer analysis, given conditional variables.
virtual AliasResult | alias (const CPtSet &pts1, const CPtSet &pts2) |
| Interface expose to users of our pointer analysis, given two conditional points-to sets.
bool | containBlackHoleNode (const CPtSet &cpts) |
| Test blk node for cpts.
bool | containConstantNode (const CPtSet &cpts) |
| Test constant node for cpts.
void | dumpTopLevelPtsTo () |
| Dump points-to information of top-level pointers.
ICFG * | getICFG () const |
| Get ICFG.
u32_t | getNumOfResolvedIndCallEdge () const |
| Return number of resolved indirect call edges.
PTACallGraph * | getCallGraph () const |
| Return call graph.
CallGraphSCC * | getCallGraphSCC () const |
| Return call graph SCC.
| PointerAnalysis (SVFIR *pag, PTATY ty=Default_PTA, bool alias_check=true) |
| Constructor.
PTATY | getAnalysisTy () const |
| Type of pointer analysis.
PTAImplTy | getImplTy () const |
| Return implementation type of the pointer analysis.
bool | printStat () |
| Whether print statistics.
void | disablePrintStat () |
| Whether print statistics.
CallEdgeMap & | getIndCallMap () |
| Get callees from an indirect callsite.
bool | hasIndCSCallees (const CallICFGNode *cs) const |
const FunctionSet & | getIndCSCallees (const CallICFGNode *cs) const |
virtual void | resolveIndCalls (const CallICFGNode *cs, const PointsTo &target, CallEdgeMap &newEdges) |
| Resolve indirect call edges.
void | callGraphSCCDetection () |
| PTACallGraph SCC related methods.
NodeID | getCallGraphSCCRepNode (NodeID id) const |
| Get SCC rep node of a SVFG node.
bool | inSameCallGraphSCC (const SVFFunction *fun1, const SVFFunction *fun2) |
| Return TRUE if this edge is inside a PTACallGraph SCC, i.e., src node and dst node are in the same SCC on the SVFG.
bool | isInRecursion (const SVFFunction *fun) const |
bool | isLocalVarInRecursiveFun (NodeID id) const |
| Whether a local variable is in function recursions.
CommonCHGraph * | getCHGraph () const |
| get CHGraph
void | getVFnsFromCHA (const CallICFGNode *cs, VFunSet &vfns) |
void | getVFnsFromPts (const CallICFGNode *cs, const PointsTo &target, VFunSet &vfns) |
void | connectVCallToVFns (const CallICFGNode *cs, const VFunSet &vfns, CallEdgeMap &newEdges) |
virtual void | resolveCPPIndCalls (const CallICFGNode *cs, const PointsTo &target, CallEdgeMap &newEdges) |
| Resolve cpp indirect call edges.
SVFIR * | getPAG () const |
PTAStat * | getStat () const |
| Get PTA stat.
SVFModule * | getModule () const |
| Module.
OrderedNodeSet & | getAllValidPtrs () |
| Get all Valid Pointers for resolution.
void | printIndCSTargets (const CallICFGNode *cs, const FunctionSet &targets) |
| Print targets of a function pointer.
virtual void | dumpAllPts () |
virtual void | dumpPts (NodeID ptr, const PointsTo &pts) |
void | printIndCSTargets () |
void | dumpAllTypes () |
void | dumpStat () |
| Dump the statistics.
bool | containBlackHoleNode (const PointsTo &pts) |
| Determine whether a points-to contains a black hole or constant node.
bool | containConstantNode (const PointsTo &pts) |
virtual bool | isBlkObjOrConstantObj (NodeID ptd) const |
bool | isHeapMemObj (NodeID id) const |
| Whether this object is heap or array.
bool | isArrayMemObj (NodeID id) const |
bool | isFIObjNode (NodeID id) const |
NodeID | getBaseObjVar (NodeID id) |
NodeID | getFIObjVar (NodeID id) |
NodeID | getGepObjVar (NodeID id, const APOffset &ap) |
virtual const NodeBS & | getAllFieldsObjVars (NodeID id) |
void | setObjFieldInsensitive (NodeID id) |
bool | isFieldInsensitive (NodeID id) const |
| DDAVFSolver () |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~DDAVFSolver () |
| Destructor.
NodeBS & | getCandidateQueries () |
| Return candidate pointers for DDA.
virtual CxtLocDPItem | getDPIm (const CxtVar &var, const SVFGNode *loc) const |
| Given CVar and location (SVFGNode) return a new DPItem.
virtual bool | unionDDAPts (CxtPtSet &pts, const CxtPtSet &targetPts) |
| Union pts.
virtual bool | unionDDAPts (CxtLocDPItem dpm, const CxtPtSet &targetPts) |
| Union pts.
virtual void | addDDAPts (CxtPtSet &pts, const CxtVar &var) |
| Add pts.
SVFG * | getSVFG () const |
| Return SVFG.
SVFGSCC * | getSVFGSCC () const |
| Return SVFGSCC.
void | dumpCPtSet (const CxtPtSet &cpts) const |
virtual const CxtPtSet & | findPT (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm) |
| Compute points-to.
typedef CondVar< ContextCond > | CVar |
typedef CondStdSet< CVar > | CPtSet |
typedef PTData< CVar, Set< CVar >, CVar, CPtSet > | PTDataTy |
typedef MutablePTData< CVar, Set< CVar >, CVar, CPtSet > | MutPTDataTy |
typedef Map< NodeID, PointsTo > | PtrToBVPtsMap |
typedef Map< NodeID, NodeSet > | PtrToNSMap |
| map a pointer to its BitVector points-to representation
typedef Map< NodeID, CPtSet > | PtrToCPtsMap |
enum | PTATY {
, Andersen_WPA
, AndersenSCD_WPA
, AndersenSFR_WPA
, Steensgaard_WPA
, CSCallString_WPA
, CSSummary_WPA
, FlowS_DDA
, PathS_DDA
, Cxt_DDA
} |
| Pointer analysis type list. More...
enum | PTAImplTy { BaseImpl
, BVDataImpl
, CondImpl
} |
| Implementation type: BVDataPTAImpl or CondPTAImpl. More...
typedef Set< const CallICFGNode * > | CallSiteSet |
| Indirect call edges type, map a callsite to a set of callees.
typedef SVFIR::CallSiteToFunPtrMap | CallSiteToFunPtrMap |
typedef Set< const SVFFunction * > | FunctionSet |
typedef OrderedMap< const CallICFGNode *, FunctionSet > | CallEdgeMap |
typedef SCCDetection< PTACallGraph * > | CallGraphSCC |
typedef Set< const SVFGlobalValue * > | VTableSet |
typedef Set< const SVFFunction * > | VFunSet |
typedef SCCDetection< SVFG * > | SVFGSCC |
typedef SCCDetection< PTACallGraph * > | CallGraphSCC |
typedef PTACallGraphEdge::CallInstSet | CallInstSet |
typedef SVFIR::CallSiteSet | CallSiteSet |
typedef OrderedSet< CxtLocDPItem > | DPTItemSet |
typedef OrderedMap< CxtLocDPItem, CxtPtSet > | DPImToCPtSetMap |
typedef OrderedMap< CxtLocDPItem, CxtVar > | DPMToCVarMap |
typedef OrderedMap< CxtLocDPItem, CxtLocDPItem > | DPMToDPMMap |
typedef OrderedMap< NodeID, DPTItemSet > | LocToDPMVecMap |
typedef OrderedSet< const SVFGEdge * > | ConstSVFGEdgeSet |
typedef SVFGEdge::SVFGEdgeSetTy | SVFGEdgeSet |
typedef OrderedMap< const SVFGNode *, DPTItemSet > | StoreToPMSetMap |
static bool | classof (const PointerAnalysis *pta) |
static const std::string | aliasTestMayAlias = "MAYALIAS" |
static const std::string | aliasTestMayAliasMangled = "_Z8MAYALIASPvS_" |
static const std::string | aliasTestNoAlias = "NOALIAS" |
static const std::string | aliasTestNoAliasMangled = "_Z7NOALIASPvS_" |
static const std::string | aliasTestPartialAlias = "PARTIALALIAS" |
static const std::string | aliasTestPartialAliasMangled = "_Z12PARTIALALIASPvS_" |
static const std::string | aliasTestMustAlias = "MUSTALIAS" |
static const std::string | aliasTestMustAliasMangled = "_Z9MUSTALIASPvS_" |
static const std::string | aliasTestFailMayAlias = "EXPECTEDFAIL_MAYALIAS" |
static const std::string | aliasTestFailMayAliasMangled = "_Z21EXPECTEDFAIL_MAYALIASPvS_" |
static const std::string | aliasTestFailNoAlias = "EXPECTEDFAIL_NOALIAS" |
static const std::string | aliasTestFailNoAliasMangled = "_Z20EXPECTEDFAIL_NOALIASPvS_" |
virtual bool | unionPts (CVar id, const CPtSet &target) |
virtual bool | unionPts (CVar id, CVar ptd) |
virtual bool | addPts (CVar id, CVar ptd) |
bool | mustAlias (const CVar &var1, const CVar &var2) |
| Internal interface to be used for conditional points-to set queries.
bool | contains (const CPtSet &cpts1, const CPtSet &cpts2) |
bool | isSameVar (const CVar &var1, const CVar &var2) const |
| Whether two pointers/objects are the same one by considering their conditions.
virtual void | normalizePointsTo () |
| Normalize points-to information to BitVector/conditional representation.
const CallSiteToFunPtrMap & | getIndirectCallsites () const |
| Return all indirect callsites.
NodeID | getFunPtr (const CallICFGNode *cs) const |
| Return function pointer PAGNode at a callsite cs.
virtual void | validateTests () |
| Alias check functions to verify correctness of pointer analysis.
virtual void | validateSuccessTests (std::string fun) |
virtual void | validateExpectedFailureTests (std::string fun) |
void | resetObjFieldSensitive () |
| Reset all object node as field-sensitive.
virtual void | handleSingleStatement (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm, CxtPtSet &pts) |
| Handle single statement.
void | reCompute (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm) |
| recompute points-to for value-flow cycles and indirect calls
void | reComputeForEdges (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const SVFGEdgeSet &edgeSet, bool indirectCall=false) |
| Traverse along out edges to find all nodes which may be affected by locDPM.
virtual void | buildSVFG (SVFIR *pag) |
| Build SVFG.
virtual void | resetQuery () |
| Reset visited map for next points-to query.
void | OOBResetVisited () |
| Reset visited map if the current query is out-of-budget.
const SVFGNode * | getDefSVFGNode (const PAGNode *pagNode) const |
| GetDefinition SVFG.
void | backtraceAlongIndirectVF (CxtPtSet &pts, const CxtLocDPItem &oldDpm) |
| Backward traverse along indirect value flows.
void | backtraceAlongDirectVF (CxtPtSet &pts, const CxtLocDPItem &oldDpm) |
| Backward traverse along direct value flows.
void | startNewPTCompFromLoadSrc (CxtPtSet &pts, const CxtLocDPItem &oldDpm) |
void | startNewPTCompFromStoreDst (CxtPtSet &pts, const CxtLocDPItem &oldDpm) |
void | backtraceToStoreSrc (CxtPtSet &pts, const CxtLocDPItem &oldDpm) |
virtual void | backwardPropDpm (CxtPtSet &pts, NodeID ptr, const CxtLocDPItem &oldDpm, const SVFGEdge *edge) |
| dpm transit during backward tracing
virtual bool | isMustAlias (const CxtLocDPItem &, const CxtLocDPItem &) |
| whether load and store are aliased
virtual bool | isStrongUpdate (const CxtPtSet &dstCPSet, const StoreSVFGNode *store) |
| Return TRUE if this is a strong update STORE statement.
virtual bool | isLocalCVarInRecursion (const CxtVar &var) const |
| Whether a local variable is in function recursions.
void | resolveFunPtr (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm) |
| resolve function pointer
void | markbkVisited (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm) |
| Visited flags to avoid cycles.
bool | isbkVisited (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm) |
void | clearbkVisited (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm) |
virtual const CxtPtSet & | getCachedPointsTo (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm) |
| Points-to Caching for top-level pointers and address-taken objects.
virtual void | updateCachedPointsTo (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const CxtPtSet &pts) |
virtual const CxtPtSet & | getCachedTLPointsTo (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm) |
virtual const CxtPtSet & | getCachedADPointsTo (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm) |
bool | isTopLevelPtrStmt (const SVFGNode *stmt) |
| Whether this is a top-level pointer statement.
virtual CxtLocDPItem | getDPImWithOldCond (const CxtLocDPItem &oldDpm, const CxtVar &var, const SVFGNode *loc) |
| Return dpm with old context and path conditions.
void | SVFGSCCDetection () |
| SVFG SCC detection.
NodeID | getSVFGSCCRepNode (NodeID id) |
| Get SCC rep node of a SVFG node.
bool | isSVFGNodeInCycle (const SVFGNode *node) |
| Return whether this SVFGNode is in cycle.
bool | edgeInSVFGSCC (const SVFGEdge *edge) |
| Return TRUE if this edge is inside a SVFG SCC, i.e., src node and dst node are in the same SCC on the SVFG.
void | setCallGraph (PTACallGraph *cg) |
| Set callgraph.
void | setCallGraphSCC (CallGraphSCC *scc) |
| Set callgraphSCC.
bool | isArrayCondMemObj (const CxtVar &var) const |
bool | isFieldInsenCondMemObj (const CxtVar &var) const |
void | addLoadDpmAndCVar (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const CxtLocDPItem &loadDpm, const CxtVar &loadVar) |
| LoadDpm for must-alias analysis.
void | addLoadDpm (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const CxtLocDPItem &loadDpm) |
| Note that simply use "dpmToloadDpmMap[dpm]=loadDpm", requires DPIm have a default constructor.
const CxtLocDPItem & | getLoadDpm (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm) const |
void | addLoadCVar (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const CxtVar &loadVar) |
const CxtVar & | getLoadCVar (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm) const |
AndersenWaveDiff * | getAndersenAnalysis () const |
| Return Andersen's analysis.
void | handleOutOfBudgetDpm (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm) |
| handle out-of-budget queries
bool | testOutOfBudget (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm) |
bool | isOutOfBudgetQuery () const |
void | addOutOfBudgetDpm (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm) |
bool | isOutOfBudgetDpm (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm) const |
DDAStat * | setDDAStat (DDAStat *s) |
| Set DDAStat.
void | addSUStat (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const SVFGNode *node) |
| stat strong updates num
void | rmSUStat (const CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const SVFGNode *node) |
| remove strong updates num if the dpm goes to weak updates branch
PTDataTy * | ptD |
| Points-to data.
bool | normalized |
| Normalized flag.
PtrToBVPtsMap | ptrToBVPtsMap |
| Normal points-to representation (without conditions)
PtrToNSMap | objToNSRevPtsMap |
| Normal points-to representation (without conditions)
PtrToCPtsMap | ptrToCPtsMap |
| Conditional points-to representation (with conditions)
bool | print_stat |
| User input flags.
bool | alias_validation |
| Flag for validating points-to/alias results.
u32_t | OnTheFlyIterBudgetForStat |
| Flag for iteration budget for on-the-fly statistics.
SVFModule * | svfMod |
| Module.
PTATY | ptaTy |
| Pointer analysis Type.
PTAImplTy | ptaImplTy |
| PTA implementation type.
PTAStat * | stat |
| Statistics.
PTACallGraph * | callgraph |
| Call graph used for pointer analysis.
CallGraphSCC * | callGraphSCC |
| SCC for PTACallGraph.
ICFG * | icfg |
| Interprocedural control-flow graph.
CommonCHGraph * | chgraph |
| CHGraph.
bool | outOfBudgetQuery |
| Whether the current query is out of step limits.
SVFIR * | _pag |
SVFG * | _svfg |
AndersenWaveDiff * | _ander |
| Andersen's analysis.
NodeBS | candidateQueries |
| candidate pointers;
PTACallGraph * | _callGraph |
| PTACallGraph.
CallGraphSCC * | _callGraphSCC |
| SCC for PTACallGraph.
SVFGSCC * | _svfgSCC |
| SCC for SVFG.
DPTItemSet | backwardVisited |
| visited map during backward traversing
DPImToCPtSetMap | dpmToTLCPtSetMap |
| points-to caching map for top-level vars
DPImToCPtSetMap | dpmToADCPtSetMap |
| points-to caching map for address-taken vars
LocToDPMVecMap | locToDpmSetMap |
| map location to its dpms
DPMToDPMMap | dpmToloadDpmMap |
| dpms at loads for may/must-alias analysis with stores
DPMToCVarMap | loadToPTCVarMap |
| map a load dpm to its cvar pointed by its pointer operand
DPTItemSet | outOfBudgetDpms |
| out of budget dpm set
StoreToPMSetMap | storeToDPMs |
| map store to set of DPM which have been stong updated there
DDAStat * | ddaStat |
| DDA stat.
SVFGBuilder | svfgBuilder |
| SVFG Builder.
static SVFIR * | pag = nullptr |
Context-, Flow- Sensitive Demand-driven Analysis
Definition at line 54 of file ContextDDA.h.