168 assert(
edge->isRetVFGEdge() ==
false &&
"should not be an inter-procedural return edge" );
217 virtual const std::string
const override
219 return "Context Sensitive DDA";
#define DBOUT(TYPE, X)
LLVM debug macros, define type of your DBUG model of each pass.
virtual const PointsTo & getPts(NodeID id)
Operation of points-to set.
bool isSameVar(const CVar &var1, const CVar &var2) const
Whether two pointers/objects are the same one by considering their conditions.
virtual PointsTo getBVPointsTo(const CPtSet &cpts) const
Given a conditional pts return its bit vector points-to.
virtual void finalize()
Finalization of pointer analysis, and normalize points-to information to Bit Vector representation.
void setNonConcreteCxt()
Whether it is an concrete context.
virtual bool isHeapCondMemObj(const CxtVar &var, const StoreSVFGNode *store) override
bool testIndCallReachability(CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const SVFFunction *callee, const CallICFGNode *cs)
refine indirect call edge
void handleOutOfBudgetDpm(const CxtLocDPItem &dpm)
Handle out-of-budget dpm.
virtual void handleAddr(CxtPtSet &pts, const CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const AddrSVFGNode *addr) override
Handle Address SVFGNode to add proper conditional points-to.
virtual void popRecursiveCallSites(CxtLocDPItem &dpm)
Pop recursive callsites.
FlowDDA * flowDDA
downgrade to flowDDA if out-of-budget
CallSiteID getCSIDAtCall(CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const SVFGEdge *edge)
get callsite id from call, return 0 if it is a spurious call edge
virtual CxtPtSet getConservativeCPts(const CxtLocDPItem &dpm) override
Override parent method.
virtual void computeDDAPts(NodeID id) override
Compute points-to set for an unconditional pointer.
virtual bool propagateViaObj(const CxtVar &storeObj, const CxtVar &loadObj) override
Propagate along indirect value-flow if two objects of load and store are same.
virtual bool isEdgeInRecursion(CallSiteID csId)
Whether call/return inside recursion.
virtual bool isCondCompatible(const ContextCond &cxt1, const ContextCond &cxt2, bool singleton) const override
ConstSVFGEdgeSet & getInsensitiveEdgeSet()
Return insensitive edge set.
virtual ~ContextDDA()
virtual NodeID getPtrNodeID(const CxtVar &var) const override
Override parent method.
virtual void updateCallGraphAndSVFG(const CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const CallICFGNode *cs, SVFGEdgeSet &svfgEdges) override
Update call graph.
bool isInsensitiveCallRet(const SVFGEdge *edge)
Whether this edge is treated context-insensitively.
CallSiteID getCSIDAtRet(CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const SVFGEdge *edge)
get callsite id from return, return 0 if it is a spurious return edge
ConstSVFGEdgeSet insensitveEdges
insensitive call-return edges
virtual bool handleBKCondition(CxtLocDPItem &dpm, const SVFGEdge *edge) override
Handle condition for context or path analysis (backward analysis)
virtual void dumpContexts(const ContextCond &cxts)
dump context call strings
virtual void analyze() override
dummy analyze method
bool edgeInCallGraphSCC(const SVFGEdge *edge)
Return TRUE if this edge is inside a SVFG SCC, i.e., src node and dst node are in the same SCC on the...
virtual void initialize() override
Initialization of the analysis.
virtual void finalize() override
Finalize analysis.
DDAClient * _client
DDA client.
virtual CxtPtSet processGepPts(const GepSVFGNode *gep, const CxtPtSet &srcPts) override
processGep node
virtual const std::string PTAName() const override
Return PTA name.
AndersenWaveDiff * getAndersenAnalysis() const
Return Andersen's analysis.
virtual void addDDAPts(CxtPtSet &pts, const CxtVar &var)
Add pts.
SVFG * getSVFG() const
Return SVFG.
virtual const CxtPtSet & getCachedPointsTo(const CxtLocDPItem &dpm)
Points-to Caching for top-level pointers and address-taken objects.
OrderedSet< const SVFGEdge * > ConstSVFGEdgeSet
const SVFFunction * getCallerOfCallSite(CallSiteID id) const
const SVFFunction * getCalleeOfCallSite(CallSiteID id) const
bool isFieldInsensitive(NodeID id) const
OrderedMap< const CallICFGNode *, FunctionSet > CallEdgeMap
NodeID getFIObjVar(NodeID id)
virtual void resolveIndCalls(const CallICFGNode *cs, const PointsTo &target, CallEdgeMap &newEdges)
Resolve indirect call edges.
PTACallGraph * getCallGraph() const
Return call graph.
Set< const SVFFunction * > FunctionSet
bool inSameCallGraphSCC(const SVFFunction *fun1, const SVFFunction *fun2)
Return TRUE if this edge is inside a PTACallGraph SCC, i.e., src node and dst node are in the same SC...
virtual void connectCallerAndCallee(const CallICFGNode *cs, const SVFFunction *callee, SVFGEdgeSetTy &edges)
Connect SVFG nodes between caller and callee for indirect call site.
std::ostream & outs()
Overwrite llvm::outs()
llvm::IRBuilder IRBuilder
CxtStmtDPItem< SVFGNode > CxtLocDPItem
std::vector< u32_t > CallStrCxt