Static Value-Flow Analysis
No Matches
Public Types | Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | List of all members
SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond > Class Template Referenceabstract

#include <PointerAnalysisImpl.h>

Inheritance diagram for SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >:

Public Types

typedef CondVar< CondCVar
typedef CondStdSet< CVarCPtSet
typedef PTData< CVar, Set< CVar >, CVar, CPtSetPTDataTy
typedef MutablePTData< CVar, Set< CVar >, CVar, CPtSetMutPTDataTy
typedef Map< NodeID, PointsToPtrToBVPtsMap
typedef Map< NodeID, NodeSetPtrToNSMap
 map a pointer to its BitVector points-to representation
typedef Map< NodeID, CPtSetPtrToCPtsMap
- Public Types inherited from SVF::PointerAnalysis
enum  PTATY {
  Andersen_BASE , Andersen_WPA , AndersenSCD_WPA , AndersenSFR_WPA ,
  AndersenWaveDiff_WPA , Steensgaard_WPA , CSCallString_WPA , CSSummary_WPA ,
  FieldS_DDA , FlowS_DDA , PathS_DDA , Cxt_DDA ,
 Pointer analysis type list. More...
enum  PTAImplTy { BaseImpl , BVDataImpl , CondImpl }
 Implementation type: BVDataPTAImpl or CondPTAImpl. More...
typedef Set< const CallICFGNode * > CallSiteSet
 Indirect call edges type, map a callsite to a set of callees.
typedef SVFIR::CallSiteToFunPtrMap CallSiteToFunPtrMap
typedef Set< const SVFFunction * > FunctionSet
typedef OrderedMap< const CallICFGNode *, FunctionSetCallEdgeMap
typedef SCCDetection< PTACallGraph * > CallGraphSCC
typedef Set< const SVFGlobalValue * > VTableSet
typedef Set< const SVFFunction * > VFunSet

Public Member Functions

 CondPTAImpl (SVFIR *pag, PointerAnalysis::PTATY type)
 map a pointer to its conditional points-to set
virtual ~CondPTAImpl ()
void destroy ()
 Release memory.
PTDataTygetPTDataTy () const
 Get points-to data.
MutPTDataTygetMutPTDataTy () const
bool hasPtsMap (void) const
const MutPTDataTy::PtsMapgetPtsMap () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from SVF::PointerAnalysis
ICFGgetICFG () const
 Get ICFG.
u32_t getNumOfResolvedIndCallEdge () const
 Return number of resolved indirect call edges.
PTACallGraphgetCallGraph () const
 Return call graph.
CallGraphSCCgetCallGraphSCC () const
 Return call graph SCC.
 PointerAnalysis (SVFIR *pag, PTATY ty=Default_PTA, bool alias_check=true)
PTATY getAnalysisTy () const
 Type of pointer analysis.
PTAImplTy getImplTy () const
 Return implementation type of the pointer analysis.
bool printStat ()
 Whether print statistics.
void disablePrintStat ()
 Whether print statistics.
CallEdgeMapgetIndCallMap ()
 Get callees from an indirect callsite.
bool hasIndCSCallees (const CallICFGNode *cs) const
const FunctionSetgetIndCSCallees (const CallICFGNode *cs) const
virtual void resolveIndCalls (const CallICFGNode *cs, const PointsTo &target, CallEdgeMap &newEdges)
 Resolve indirect call edges.
void callGraphSCCDetection ()
 PTACallGraph SCC related methods.
NodeID getCallGraphSCCRepNode (NodeID id) const
 Get SCC rep node of a SVFG node.
bool inSameCallGraphSCC (const SVFFunction *fun1, const SVFFunction *fun2)
 Return TRUE if this edge is inside a PTACallGraph SCC, i.e., src node and dst node are in the same SCC on the SVFG.
bool isInRecursion (const SVFFunction *fun) const
bool isLocalVarInRecursiveFun (NodeID id) const
 Whether a local variable is in function recursions.
virtual const std::string PTAName () const
 Return PTA name.
CommonCHGraphgetCHGraph () const
 get CHGraph
void getVFnsFromCHA (const CallICFGNode *cs, VFunSet &vfns)
void getVFnsFromPts (const CallICFGNode *cs, const PointsTo &target, VFunSet &vfns)
void connectVCallToVFns (const CallICFGNode *cs, const VFunSet &vfns, CallEdgeMap &newEdges)
virtual void resolveCPPIndCalls (const CallICFGNode *cs, const PointsTo &target, CallEdgeMap &newEdges)
 Resolve cpp indirect call edges.
SVFIRgetPAG () const
PTAStatgetStat () const
 Get PTA stat.
SVFModulegetModule () const
OrderedNodeSetgetAllValidPtrs ()
 Get all Valid Pointers for resolution.
virtual void initialize ()
 Initialization of a pointer analysis, including building symbol table and SVFIR etc.
virtual void analyze ()=0
 Start Analysis here (main part of pointer analysis). It needs to be implemented in child class.
virtual void computeDDAPts (NodeID)
 Compute points-to results on-demand, overridden by derived classes.
void printIndCSTargets (const CallICFGNode *cs, const FunctionSet &targets)
 Print targets of a function pointer.
virtual void dumpAllPts ()
virtual void dumpPts (NodeID ptr, const PointsTo &pts)
void printIndCSTargets ()
void dumpAllTypes ()
void dumpStat ()
 Dump the statistics.
bool containBlackHoleNode (const PointsTo &pts)
 Determine whether a points-to contains a black hole or constant node.
bool containConstantNode (const PointsTo &pts)
virtual bool isBlkObjOrConstantObj (NodeID ptd) const
bool isHeapMemObj (NodeID id) const
 Whether this object is heap or array.
bool isArrayMemObj (NodeID id) const
bool isFIObjNode (NodeID id) const
NodeID getBaseObjVar (NodeID id)
NodeID getFIObjVar (NodeID id)
NodeID getGepObjVar (NodeID id, const APOffset &ap)
virtual const NodeBSgetAllFieldsObjVars (NodeID id)
void setObjFieldInsensitive (NodeID id)
bool isFieldInsensitive (NodeID id) const

Static Public Member Functions

static bool classof (const PointerAnalysis *pta)
 Points-to data.
bool normalized
 Normalized flag.
PtrToBVPtsMap ptrToBVPtsMap
 Normal points-to representation (without conditions)
PtrToNSMap objToNSRevPtsMap
 Normal points-to representation (without conditions)
PtrToCPtsMap ptrToCPtsMap
 Conditional points-to representation (with conditions)
virtual const CPtSetgetPts (CVar id)
virtual const Set< CVar > & getRevPts (CVar nodeId)
virtual void clearPts ()
 Clear all data.
bool overlap (const CPtSet &cpts1, const CPtSet &cpts2) const
 Whether cpts1 and cpts2 have overlap points-to targets.
void expandFIObjs (const CPtSet &cpts, CPtSet &expandedCpts)
 Expand all fields of an aggregate in all points-to sets.
virtual void dumpCPts ()
 Print out conditional pts.
virtual PointsTo getBVPointsTo (const CPtSet &cpts) const
 Given a conditional pts return its bit vector points-to.
virtual PointsTogetPts (NodeID ptr)
 Given a pointer return its bit vector points-to.
virtual const CPtSetgetCondPointsTo (NodeID ptr)
 Given a pointer return its conditional points-to.
virtual NodeSetgetRevPts (NodeID obj)
 Given an object return all pointers points to this object.
virtual AliasResult alias (const SVFValue *V1, const SVFValue *V2)
 Interface expose to users of our pointer analysis, given Value infos.
virtual AliasResult alias (NodeID node1, NodeID node2)
 Interface expose to users of our pointer analysis, given two pointers.
virtual AliasResult alias (const CVar &var1, const CVar &var2)
 Interface expose to users of our pointer analysis, given conditional variables.
virtual AliasResult alias (const CPtSet &pts1, const CPtSet &pts2)
 Interface expose to users of our pointer analysis, given two conditional points-to sets.
bool containBlackHoleNode (const CPtSet &cpts)
 Test blk node for cpts.
bool containConstantNode (const CPtSet &cpts)
 Test constant node for cpts.
virtual bool isCondCompatible (const Cond &cxt1, const Cond &cxt2, bool singleton) const =0
 Whether two conditions are compatible (to be implemented by child class)
void dumpTopLevelPtsTo ()
 Dump points-to information of top-level pointers.
virtual void finalize ()
 Finalization of pointer analysis, and normalize points-to information to Bit Vector representation.
virtual bool unionPts (CVar id, const CPtSet &target)
virtual bool unionPts (CVar id, CVar ptd)
virtual bool addPts (CVar id, CVar ptd)
bool mustAlias (const CVar &var1, const CVar &var2)
 Internal interface to be used for conditional points-to set queries.
bool contains (const CPtSet &cpts1, const CPtSet &cpts2)
bool isSameVar (const CVar &var1, const CVar &var2) const
 Whether two pointers/objects are the same one by considering their conditions.
virtual void normalizePointsTo ()
 Normalize points-to information to BitVector/conditional representation.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from SVF::PointerAnalysis
static const std::string aliasTestMayAlias = "MAYALIAS"
static const std::string aliasTestMayAliasMangled = "_Z8MAYALIASPvS_"
static const std::string aliasTestNoAlias = "NOALIAS"
static const std::string aliasTestNoAliasMangled = "_Z7NOALIASPvS_"
static const std::string aliasTestPartialAlias = "PARTIALALIAS"
static const std::string aliasTestPartialAliasMangled = "_Z12PARTIALALIASPvS_"
static const std::string aliasTestMustAlias = "MUSTALIAS"
static const std::string aliasTestMustAliasMangled = "_Z9MUSTALIASPvS_"
static const std::string aliasTestFailMayAlias = "EXPECTEDFAIL_MAYALIAS"
static const std::string aliasTestFailMayAliasMangled = "_Z21EXPECTEDFAIL_MAYALIASPvS_"
static const std::string aliasTestFailNoAlias = "EXPECTEDFAIL_NOALIAS"
static const std::string aliasTestFailNoAliasMangled = "_Z20EXPECTEDFAIL_NOALIASPvS_"
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SVF::PointerAnalysis
const CallSiteToFunPtrMapgetIndirectCallsites () const
 Return all indirect callsites.
NodeID getFunPtr (const CallICFGNode *cs) const
 Return function pointer PAGNode at a callsite cs.
virtual void validateTests ()
 Alias check functions to verify correctness of pointer analysis.
virtual void validateSuccessTests (std::string fun)
virtual void validateExpectedFailureTests (std::string fun)
void resetObjFieldSensitive ()
 Reset all object node as field-sensitive.
- Protected Attributes inherited from SVF::PointerAnalysis
bool print_stat
 User input flags.
bool alias_validation
 Flag for validating points-to/alias results.
u32_t OnTheFlyIterBudgetForStat
 Flag for iteration budget for on-the-fly statistics.
 Pointer analysis Type.
PTAImplTy ptaImplTy
 PTA implementation type.
 Call graph used for pointer analysis.
 SCC for PTACallGraph.
 Interprocedural control-flow graph.
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from SVF::PointerAnalysis
static SVFIRpag = nullptr

Detailed Description

template<class Cond>
class SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >

Pointer analysis implementation which uses conditional points-to map data structure (context/path sensitive analysis)

Definition at line 244 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ CPtSet

Definition at line 249 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

◆ CVar

Definition at line 248 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

◆ MutPTDataTy

Definition at line 251 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

◆ PTDataTy

Definition at line 250 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

◆ PtrToBVPtsMap

template<class Cond >
typedef Map<NodeID,PointsTo> SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::PtrToBVPtsMap

Definition at line 252 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

◆ PtrToCPtsMap

template<class Cond >
typedef Map<NodeID,CPtSet> SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::PtrToCPtsMap

Definition at line 254 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

◆ PtrToNSMap

template<class Cond >
typedef Map<NodeID, NodeSet> SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::PtrToNSMap

map a pointer to its BitVector points-to representation

Definition at line 253 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CondPTAImpl()

template<class Cond >
SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::CondPTAImpl ( SVFIR pag,
PointerAnalysis::PTATY  type 

map a pointer to its conditional points-to set


Definition at line 257 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

258 {
259 if (type == PathS_DDA || type == Cxt_DDA)
260 ptD = new MutPTDataTy();
261 else
262 assert(false && "no points-to data available");
265 }
newitem type
Definition cJSON.cpp:2739
bool normalized
Normalized flag.
MutablePTData< CVar, Set< CVar >, CVar, CPtSet > MutPTDataTy
PTDataTy * ptD
Points-to data.
@ Cxt_DDA
context sensitive DDA
@ PathS_DDA
Guarded value-flow DDA.
PointerAnalysis(SVFIR *pag, PTATY ty=Default_PTA, bool alias_check=true)
PTAImplTy ptaImplTy
PTA implementation type.
@ CondImpl
Represents CondPTAImpl.
static SVFIR * pag
llvm::IRBuilder IRBuilder
Definition BasicTypes.h:74

◆ ~CondPTAImpl()

template<class Cond >
virtual SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::~CondPTAImpl ( )


Definition at line 268 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

269 {
270 destroy();
271 }
void destroy()
Release memory.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addPts()

template<class Cond >
virtual bool SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::addPts ( CVar  id,
CVar  ptd 

Definition at line 381 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

382 {
383 return ptD->addPts(id,ptd);
384 }

◆ alias() [1/4]

template<class Cond >
virtual AliasResult SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::alias ( const CPtSet pts1,
const CPtSet pts2 

Interface expose to users of our pointer analysis, given two conditional points-to sets.

Definition at line 519 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

520 {
527 else if(this->getAnalysisTy()==PathS_DDA && contains(cpts1,cpts2) && contains(cpts2,cpts1))
528 {
530 }
531 else if(overlap(cpts1,cpts2))
533 else
535 }
CondStdSet< CVar > CPtSet
bool contains(const CPtSet &cpts1, const CPtSet &cpts2)
void expandFIObjs(const CPtSet &cpts, CPtSet &expandedCpts)
Expand all fields of an aggregate in all points-to sets.
bool containBlackHoleNode(const CPtSet &cpts)
Test blk node for cpts.
bool overlap(const CPtSet &cpts1, const CPtSet &cpts2) const
Whether cpts1 and cpts2 have overlap points-to targets.
PTATY getAnalysisTy() const
Type of pointer analysis.
@ MustAlias
Definition SVFType.h:530
@ MayAlias
Definition SVFType.h:529
@ NoAlias
Definition SVFType.h:528

◆ alias() [2/4]

template<class Cond >
virtual AliasResult SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::alias ( const CVar var1,
const CVar var2 

Interface expose to users of our pointer analysis, given conditional variables.

Definition at line 514 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

515 {
516 return alias(getPts(var1),getPts(var2));
517 }
virtual AliasResult alias(const SVFValue *V1, const SVFValue *V2)
Interface expose to users of our pointer analysis, given Value infos.
virtual const CPtSet & getPts(CVar id)

◆ alias() [3/4]

template<class Cond >
virtual AliasResult SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::alias ( const SVFValue V1,
const SVFValue V2 

Interface expose to users of our pointer analysis, given Value infos.

Implements SVF::PointerAnalysis.

Definition at line 504 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

505 {
507 }
NodeID getValueNode(const SVFValue *V)
Definition IRGraph.h:137

◆ alias() [4/4]

template<class Cond >
virtual AliasResult SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::alias ( NodeID  node1,
NodeID  node2 

Interface expose to users of our pointer analysis, given two pointers.

Implements SVF::PointerAnalysis.

Definition at line 509 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

510 {
512 }
virtual const CPtSet & getCondPointsTo(NodeID ptr)
Given a pointer return its conditional points-to.

◆ classof()

template<class Cond >
static bool SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::classof ( const PointerAnalysis pta)

Definition at line 273 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

274 {
275 return pta->getImplTy() == CondImpl;
276 }

◆ clearPts()

template<class Cond >
virtual void SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::clearPts ( )

Clear all data.

Definition at line 323 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

324 {
325 ptD->clear();
326 }

◆ containBlackHoleNode()

template<class Cond >
bool SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::containBlackHoleNode ( const CPtSet cpts)

Test blk node for cpts.

Definition at line 537 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

538 {
539 for(typename CPtSet::const_iterator cit = cpts.begin(), ecit=cpts.end(); cit!=ecit; ++cit)
540 {
541 if(cit->get_id() == pag->getBlackHoleNode())
542 return true;
543 }
544 return false;
545 }
OrderedSet< Element >::const_iterator const_iterator
NodeID getBlackHoleNode() const
Definition IRGraph.h:161

◆ containConstantNode()

template<class Cond >
bool SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::containConstantNode ( const CPtSet cpts)

Test constant node for cpts.

Definition at line 547 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

548 {
549 for(typename CPtSet::const_iterator cit = cpts.begin(), ecit=cpts.end(); cit!=ecit; ++cit)
550 {
551 if(cit->get_id() == pag->getConstantNode())
552 return true;
553 }
554 return false;
555 }
NodeID getConstantNode() const
Definition IRGraph.h:165

◆ contains()

template<class Cond >
bool SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::contains ( const CPtSet cpts1,
const CPtSet cpts2 

Definition at line 404 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

405 {
406 if (cpts1.empty() || cpts2.empty())
407 return false;
409 for (typename CPtSet::const_iterator it2 = cpts2.begin(); it2 != cpts2.end(); ++it2)
410 {
411 bool hasObj = false;
412 for (typename CPtSet::const_iterator it1 = cpts1.begin(); it1 != cpts1.end(); ++it1)
413 {
414 if(isSameVar(*it1,*it2))
415 {
416 hasObj = true;
417 break;
418 }
419 }
420 if(hasObj == false)
421 return false;
422 }
423 return true;
424 }
bool isSameVar(const CVar &var1, const CVar &var2) const
Whether two pointers/objects are the same one by considering their conditions.

◆ destroy()

template<class Cond >
void SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::destroy ( )

Release memory.

Definition at line 279 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

280 {
281 delete ptD;
282 ptD = nullptr;
283 }

◆ dumpCPts()

template<class Cond >
virtual void SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::dumpCPts ( )

Print out conditional pts.

Reimplemented from SVF::PointerAnalysis.

Definition at line 472 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

473 {
474 ptD->dumpPTData();
475 }

◆ dumpTopLevelPtsTo()

template<class Cond >
void SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::dumpTopLevelPtsTo ( )

Dump points-to information of top-level pointers.

Reimplemented from SVF::PointerAnalysis.

Definition at line 560 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

561 {
562 for (OrderedNodeSet::iterator nIter = this->getAllValidPtrs().begin(); nIter != this->getAllValidPtrs().end(); ++nIter)
563 {
564 const PAGNode* node = this->getPAG()->getGNode(*nIter);
565 if (this->getPAG()->isValidTopLevelPtr(node))
566 {
567 if (SVFUtil::isa<DummyObjVar>(node))
568 {
569 SVFUtil::outs() << "##<Blackhole or constant> id:" << node->getId();
570 }
571 else if (!SVFUtil::isa<DummyValVar>(node))
572 {
573 SVFUtil::outs() << "##<" << node->getValue()->getName() << "> ";
574 //SVFUtil::outs() << "Source Loc: " << SVFUtil::getSourceLoc(node->getValue());
575 }
577 const PointsTo& pts = getPts(node->getId());
578 SVFUtil::outs() << "\nNodeID " << node->getId() << " ";
579 if (pts.empty())
580 {
581 SVFUtil::outs() << "\t\tPointsTo: {empty}\n\n";
582 }
583 else
584 {
585 SVFUtil::outs() << "\t\tPointsTo: { ";
586 for (PointsTo::iterator it = pts.begin(), eit = pts.end(); it != eit; ++it)
587 SVFUtil::outs() << *it << " ";
588 SVFUtil::outs() << "}\n\n";
589 }
590 }
591 }
593 SVFUtil::outs().flush();
594 }
NodeType * getGNode(NodeID id) const
Get a node.
SVFIR * getPAG() const
OrderedNodeSet & getAllValidPtrs()
Get all Valid Pointers for resolution.
const_iterator iterator
Definition PointsTo.h:40
NodeID getId() const
Get ID.
std::ostream & outs()
Overwrite llvm::outs()
Definition SVFUtil.h:50
Definition IRGraph.h:42

◆ expandFIObjs()

template<class Cond >
void SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::expandFIObjs ( const CPtSet cpts,
CPtSet expandedCpts 

Expand all fields of an aggregate in all points-to sets.

Definition at line 343 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

344 {
345 expandedCpts = cpts;;
346 for(typename CPtSet::const_iterator cit = cpts.begin(), ecit=cpts.end(); cit!=ecit; ++cit)
347 {
348 if(pag->getBaseObjVar(cit->get_id())==cit->get_id())
349 {
350 NodeBS& fields = pag->getAllFieldsObjVars(cit->get_id());
351 for(NodeBS::iterator it = fields.begin(), eit = fields.end(); it!=eit; ++it)
352 {
353 CVar cvar(cit->get_cond(),*it);
354 expandedCpts.set(cvar);
355 }
356 }
357 }
358 }
NodeBS & getAllFieldsObjVars(const MemObj *obj)
Get all fields of an object.
Definition SVFIR.cpp:489
NodeID getBaseObjVar(NodeID id) const
Base and Offset methods for Value and Object node.
Definition SVFIR.h:477
SparseBitVectorIterator iterator
SparseBitVector NodeBS
Definition GeneralType.h:62

◆ finalize()

template<class Cond >
virtual void SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::finalize ( )

Finalization of pointer analysis, and normalize points-to information to Bit Vector representation.

Reimplemented from SVF::PointerAnalysis.

Reimplemented in SVF::ContextDDA.

Definition at line 363 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

364 {
367 }
virtual void normalizePointsTo()
Normalize points-to information to BitVector/conditional representation.
virtual void finalize()
Finalization of a pointer analysis, including checking alias correctness.

◆ getBVPointsTo()

template<class Cond >
virtual PointsTo SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::getBVPointsTo ( const CPtSet cpts) const

Given a conditional pts return its bit vector points-to.

Definition at line 477 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

478 {
479 PointsTo pts;
480 for(typename CPtSet::const_iterator cit = cpts.begin(), ecit=cpts.end(); cit!=ecit; ++cit)
481 pts.set(cit->get_id());
482 return pts;
483 }

◆ getCondPointsTo()

template<class Cond >
virtual const CPtSet & SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::getCondPointsTo ( NodeID  ptr)

Given a pointer return its conditional points-to.

Definition at line 491 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

492 {
493 assert(normalized && "Pts of all context-vars have to be merged/normalized. Want to use getPts(CVar cvar)??");
494 return ptrToCPtsMap[ptr];
495 }
PtrToCPtsMap ptrToCPtsMap
Conditional points-to representation (with conditions)

◆ getMutPTDataTy()

template<class Cond >
MutPTDataTy * SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::getMutPTDataTy ( ) const

Definition at line 291 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

292 {
293 MutPTDataTy* mut = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<MutPTDataTy>(ptD);
294 assert(mut && "BVDataPTAImpl::getMutPTDataTy: not a MutPTDataTy!");
295 return mut;
296 }

◆ getPTDataTy()

template<class Cond >
PTDataTy * SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::getPTDataTy ( ) const

Get points-to data.

Definition at line 286 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

287 {
288 return ptD;
289 }

◆ getPts() [1/2]

template<class Cond >
virtual const CPtSet & SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::getPts ( CVar  id)

Get points-to and reverse points-to

Definition at line 312 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

313 {
314 return ptD->getPts(id);
315 }

◆ getPts() [2/2]

template<class Cond >
virtual PointsTo & SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::getPts ( NodeID  ptr)

Given a pointer return its bit vector points-to.

Implements SVF::PointerAnalysis.

Definition at line 485 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

486 {
487 assert(normalized && "Pts of all context-var have to be merged/normalized. Want to use getPts(CVar cvar)??");
488 return ptrToBVPtsMap[ptr];
489 }
PtrToBVPtsMap ptrToBVPtsMap
Normal points-to representation (without conditions)

◆ getPtsMap()

template<class Cond >
const MutPTDataTy::PtsMap & SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::getPtsMap ( ) const

Definition at line 303 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

304 {
305 if (MutPTDataTy *m = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<MutPTDataTy>(ptD)) return m->getPtsMap();
306 assert(false && "CondPTAImpl::getPtsMap: not a PTData with a PtsMap!");
307 exit(1);
308 }

◆ getRevPts() [1/2]

template<class Cond >
virtual const Set< CVar > & SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::getRevPts ( CVar  nodeId)

Definition at line 316 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

317 {
318 return ptD->getRevPts(nodeId);
319 }

◆ getRevPts() [2/2]

template<class Cond >
virtual NodeSet & SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::getRevPts ( NodeID  obj)

Given an object return all pointers points to this object.

Implements SVF::PointerAnalysis.

Definition at line 497 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

498 {
499 assert(normalized && "Pts of all context-var have to be merged/normalized. Want to use getPts(CVar cvar)??");
500 return objToNSRevPtsMap[obj];
501 }
PtrToNSMap objToNSRevPtsMap
Normal points-to representation (without conditions)

◆ hasPtsMap()

template<class Cond >
bool SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::hasPtsMap ( void  ) const

Definition at line 298 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

299 {
300 return SVFUtil::isa<MutPTDataTy>(ptD);
301 }

◆ isCondCompatible()

template<class Cond >
virtual bool SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::isCondCompatible ( const Cond cxt1,
const Cond cxt2,
bool  singleton 
) const
pure virtual

Whether two conditions are compatible (to be implemented by child class)

Implemented in SVF::ContextDDA.

◆ isSameVar()

template<class Cond >
bool SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::isSameVar ( const CVar var1,
const CVar var2 
) const

Whether two pointers/objects are the same one by considering their conditions.

we distinguish context sensitive memory allocation here

Definition at line 427 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

428 {
429 if(var1.get_id() != var2.get_id())
430 return false;
433 bool singleton = !(isHeapMemObj(var1.get_id()) || isLocalVarInRecursiveFun(var1.get_id()));
434 return isCondCompatible(var1.get_cond(),var2.get_cond(),singleton);
435 }
virtual bool isCondCompatible(const Cond &cxt1, const Cond &cxt2, bool singleton) const =0
Whether two conditions are compatible (to be implemented by child class)
bool isLocalVarInRecursiveFun(NodeID id) const
Whether a local variable is in function recursions.
bool isHeapMemObj(NodeID id) const
Whether this object is heap or array.

◆ mustAlias()

template<class Cond >
bool SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::mustAlias ( const CVar var1,
const CVar var2 

Internal interface to be used for conditional points-to set queries.

Definition at line 389 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

390 {
391 if(isSameVar(var1,var2))
392 return true;
394 bool singleton = !(isHeapMemObj(var1.get_id()) || isLocalVarInRecursiveFun(var1.get_id()));
395 if(isCondCompatible(var1.get_cond(),var2.get_cond(),singleton) == false)
396 return false;
398 const CPtSet& cpts1 = getPts(var1);
399 const CPtSet& cpts2 = getPts(var2);
400 return (contains(cpts1,cpts2) && contains(cpts2,cpts1));
401 }

◆ normalizePointsTo()

template<class Cond >
virtual void SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::normalizePointsTo ( )

Normalize points-to information to BitVector/conditional representation.

Definition at line 439 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

440 {
441 normalized = true;
442 if (hasPtsMap())
443 {
444 const typename MutPTDataTy::PtsMap& ptsMap = getPtsMap();
445 for(typename MutPTDataTy::PtsMap::const_iterator it = ptsMap.begin(), eit=ptsMap.end(); it!=eit; ++it)
446 {
447 for(typename CPtSet::const_iterator cit = it->second.begin(), ecit=it->second.end(); cit!=ecit; ++cit)
448 {
449 ptrToBVPtsMap[(it->first).get_id()].set(cit->get_id());
450 objToNSRevPtsMap[cit->get_id()].insert((it->first).get_id());
451 ptrToCPtsMap[(it->first).get_id()].set(*cit);
452 }
453 }
454 }
455 else
456 {
457 assert(false && "CondPTAImpl::NormalizePointsTo: could not normalize points-to sets");
458 }
459 }
bool hasPtsMap(void) const
const MutPTDataTy::PtsMap & getPtsMap() const
Map< Key, DataSet > PtsMap

◆ overlap()

template<class Cond >
bool SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::overlap ( const CPtSet cpts1,
const CPtSet cpts2 
) const

Whether cpts1 and cpts2 have overlap points-to targets.

Definition at line 329 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

330 {
331 for (typename CPtSet::const_iterator it1 = cpts1.begin(); it1 != cpts1.end(); ++it1)
332 {
333 for (typename CPtSet::const_iterator it2 = cpts2.begin(); it2 != cpts2.end(); ++it2)
334 {
335 if(isSameVar(*it1,*it2))
336 return true;
337 }
338 }
339 return false;
340 }

◆ unionPts() [1/2]

template<class Cond >
virtual bool SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::unionPts ( CVar  id,
const CPtSet target 

Union/add points-to, and add the reverse points-to for node collapse purpose To be noted that adding reverse pts might incur 10% total overhead during solving

Definition at line 371 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

372 {
373 return ptD->unionPts(id, target);
374 }

◆ unionPts() [2/2]

template<class Cond >
virtual bool SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::unionPts ( CVar  id,
CVar  ptd 

Definition at line 376 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

377 {
378 return ptD->unionPts(id,ptd);
379 }

Member Data Documentation

◆ normalized

template<class Cond >
bool SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::normalized

Normalized flag.

Definition at line 463 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

◆ objToNSRevPtsMap

template<class Cond >
PtrToNSMap SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::objToNSRevPtsMap

Normal points-to representation (without conditions)

Definition at line 467 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

◆ ptD

template<class Cond >
PTDataTy* SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::ptD

Points-to data.

Definition at line 461 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

◆ ptrToBVPtsMap

template<class Cond >
PtrToBVPtsMap SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::ptrToBVPtsMap

Normal points-to representation (without conditions)

Definition at line 465 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

◆ ptrToCPtsMap

template<class Cond >
PtrToCPtsMap SVF::CondPTAImpl< Cond >::ptrToCPtsMap

Conditional points-to representation (with conditions)

Definition at line 469 of file PointerAnalysisImpl.h.

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