Static Value-Flow Analysis
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SVF::SVFG Class Reference

#include <SVFG.h>

Inheritance diagram for SVF::SVFG:
SVF::VFG SVF::GenericGraph< NodeTy, EdgeTy > SVF::SVFGOPT

Public Types

typedef VFGNodeIDToNodeMapTy SVFGNodeIDToNodeMapTy
typedef Map< const PAGNode *, NodeIDPAGNodeToDefMapTy
typedef Map< const MRVer *, NodeIDMSSAVarToDefMapTy
typedef NodeBS ActualINSVFGNodeSet
typedef NodeBS ActualOUTSVFGNodeSet
typedef NodeBS FormalINSVFGNodeSet
typedef NodeBS FormalOUTSVFGNodeSet
typedef Map< const CallICFGNode *, ActualINSVFGNodeSetCallSiteToActualINsMapTy
typedef Map< const CallICFGNode *, ActualOUTSVFGNodeSetCallSiteToActualOUTsMapTy
typedef Map< const SVFFunction *, FormalINSVFGNodeSetFunctionToFormalINsMapTy
typedef Map< const SVFFunction *, FormalOUTSVFGNodeSetFunctionToFormalOUTsMapTy
typedef MemSSA::MUSet MUSet
typedef MemSSA::CHISet CHISet
typedef MemSSA::PHISet PHISet
typedef MemSSA::MU MU
typedef MemSSA::CHI CHI
- Public Types inherited from SVF::VFG
 VFG kind. More...
typedef OrderedMap< NodeID, VFGNode * > VFGNodeIDToNodeMapTy
typedef Set< VFGNode * > VFGNodeSet
typedef Map< const PAGNode *, NodeIDPAGNodeToDefMapTy
typedef Map< std::pair< NodeID, const CallICFGNode * >, ActualParmVFGNode * > PAGNodeToActualParmMapTy
typedef Map< const PAGNode *, ActualRetVFGNode * > PAGNodeToActualRetMapTy
typedef Map< const PAGNode *, FormalParmVFGNode * > PAGNodeToFormalParmMapTy
typedef Map< const PAGNode *, FormalRetVFGNode * > PAGNodeToFormalRetMapTy
typedef Map< const PAGEdge *, StmtVFGNode * > PAGEdgeToStmtVFGNodeMapTy
typedef Map< const PAGNode *, IntraPHIVFGNode * > PAGNodeToPHIVFGNodeMapTy
typedef Map< const PAGNode *, BinaryOPVFGNode * > PAGNodeToBinaryOPVFGNodeMapTy
typedef Map< const PAGNode *, UnaryOPVFGNode * > PAGNodeToUnaryOPVFGNodeMapTy
typedef Map< const PAGNode *, BranchVFGNode * > PAGNodeToBranchVFGNodeMapTy
typedef Map< const PAGNode *, CmpVFGNode * > PAGNodeToCmpVFGNodeMapTy
typedef Map< const SVFFunction *, VFGNodeSetFunToVFGNodesMapTy
typedef FormalParmVFGNode::CallPESet CallPESet
typedef FormalRetVFGNode::RetPESet RetPESet
typedef VFGEdge::VFGEdgeSetTy VFGEdgeSetTy
typedef VFGEdge::SVFGEdgeSetTy SVFGEdgeSetTy
typedef VFGEdge::VFGEdgeSetTy::iterator VFGNodeIter
typedef VFGNodeIDToNodeMapTy::iterator iterator
typedef VFGNodeIDToNodeMapTy::const_iterator const_iterator
typedef SVFIR::SVFStmtSet SVFStmtSet
typedef Set< const VFGNode * > GlobalVFGNodeSet
typedef Set< const PAGNode * > PAGNodeSet
- Public Types inherited from SVF::GenericGraph< NodeTy, EdgeTy >
typedef NodeTy NodeType
typedef EdgeTy EdgeType
typedef OrderedMap< NodeID, NodeType * > IDToNodeMapTy
 NodeID to GenericNode map.
typedef IDToNodeMapTy::iterator iterator
 Node Iterators.
typedef IDToNodeMapTy::const_iterator const_iterator

Public Member Functions

virtual ~SVFG ()
SVFGStatgetStat () const
 Return statistics.
void clearMSSA ()
 Clear MSSA.
MemSSAgetMSSA () const
 Get SVFG memory SSA.
PointerAnalysisgetPTA () const
 Get Pointer Analysis.
SVFGNodegetSVFGNode (NodeID id) const
 Get a SVFG node.
bool hasSVFGNode (NodeID id) const
 Whether has the SVFGNode.
void getInterVFEdgesForIndirectCallSite (const CallICFGNode *cs, const SVFFunction *callee, SVFGEdgeSetTy &edges)
 Get all inter value flow edges of a indirect call site.
void dump (const std::string &file, bool simple=false)
 Dump graph into dot file.
virtual void connectCallerAndCallee (const CallICFGNode *cs, const SVFFunction *callee, SVFGEdgeSetTy &edges)
 Connect SVFG nodes between caller and callee for indirect call site.
const SVFGNodegetDefSVFGNode (const PAGNode *pagNode) const
 Given a pagNode, return its definition site.
bool hasDefSVFGNode (const PAGNode *pagNode) const
 Given a pagNode, return whether it has definition site.
void performStat ()
 Perform statistics.
bool hasActualINSVFGNodes (const CallICFGNode *cs) const
 Has a SVFGNode.
bool hasActualOUTSVFGNodes (const CallICFGNode *cs) const
bool hasFormalINSVFGNodes (const SVFFunction *fun) const
bool hasFormalOUTSVFGNodes (const SVFFunction *fun) const
ActualINSVFGNodeSetgetActualINSVFGNodes (const CallICFGNode *cs)
 Get SVFGNode set.
ActualOUTSVFGNodeSetgetActualOUTSVFGNodes (const CallICFGNode *cs)
FormalINSVFGNodeSetgetFormalINSVFGNodes (const SVFFunction *fun)
FormalOUTSVFGNodeSetgetFormalOUTSVFGNodes (const SVFFunction *fun)
const SVFFunctionisFunEntrySVFGNode (const SVFGNode *node) const
 Whether a node is function entry SVFGNode.
const CallICFGNodeisCallSiteRetSVFGNode (const SVFGNode *node) const
 Whether a node is callsite return SVFGNode.
void removeSVFGEdge (SVFGEdge *edge)
 Remove a SVFG edge.
void removeSVFGNode (SVFGNode *node)
 Remove a SVFGNode.
bool addSVFGEdge (SVFGEdge *edge)
 Add SVFG edge.
u32_t getSVFGNodeNum () const
 Return total SVFG node number.
const DummyVersionPropSVFGNodeaddDummyVersionPropSVFGNode (const NodeID object, const NodeID version)
virtual void writeToFile (const std::string &filename)
virtual void readFile (const std::string &filename)
virtual MRVergetMRVERFromString (const std::string &input)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SVF::VFG
 VFG (PTACallGraph *callgraph, VFGK k=FULLSVFG)
virtual ~VFG ()
VFGK getKind () const
 Get VFG kind.
bool isPtrOnlySVFG () const
 Return true if this VFG only contains pointer related SVFGNodes for pointer analysis.
SVFIRgetPAG () const
 Return SVFIR.
PTACallGraphgetCallGraph () const
 Return PTACallGraph.
VFGNodegetVFGNode (NodeID id) const
 Get a VFG node.
bool hasVFGNode (NodeID id) const
 Whether has the VFGNode.
GlobalVFGNodeSetgetGlobalVFGNodes ()
 Return global stores.
VFGEdgegetIntraVFGEdge (const VFGNode *src, const VFGNode *dst, VFGEdge::VFGEdgeK kind)
 Get a SVFG edge according to src and dst.
void dump (const std::string &file, bool simple=false)
 Dump graph into dot file.
void view ()
 Dump graph into dot file.
void updateCallGraph (PointerAnalysis *pta)
 Update VFG based on pointer analysis results.
CallSiteID getCallSiteID (const CallICFGNode *cs, const SVFFunction *func) const
 Get callsite given a callsiteID.
const CallICFGNodegetCallSite (CallSiteID id) const
const VFGNodegetDefVFGNode (const PAGNode *pagNode) const
 Given a pagNode, return its definition site.
const PAGNodegetLHSTopLevPtr (const VFGNode *node) const
StmtVFGNodegetStmtVFGNode (const PAGEdge *pagEdge) const
 Get an VFGNode.
IntraPHIVFGNodegetIntraPHIVFGNode (const PAGNode *pagNode) const
BinaryOPVFGNodegetBinaryOPVFGNode (const PAGNode *pagNode) const
UnaryOPVFGNodegetUnaryOPVFGNode (const PAGNode *pagNode) const
BranchVFGNodegetBranchVFGNode (const PAGNode *pagNode) const
CmpVFGNodegetCmpVFGNode (const PAGNode *pagNode) const
ActualParmVFGNodegetActualParmVFGNode (const PAGNode *aparm, const CallICFGNode *cs) const
ActualRetVFGNodegetActualRetVFGNode (const PAGNode *aret) const
FormalParmVFGNodegetFormalParmVFGNode (const PAGNode *fparm) const
FormalRetVFGNodegetFormalRetVFGNode (const PAGNode *fret) const
const SVFFunctionisFunEntryVFGNode (const VFGNode *node) const
 Whether a node is function entry VFGNode.
bool hasBlackHoleConstObjAddrAsDef (const PAGNode *pagNode) const
 Whether a PAGNode has a blackhole or const object as its definition.
VFGEdgeaddIntraDirectVFEdge (NodeID srcId, NodeID dstId)
VFGEdgeaddCallEdge (NodeID srcId, NodeID dstId, CallSiteID csId)
VFGEdgeaddRetEdge (NodeID srcId, NodeID dstId, CallSiteID csId)
void removeVFGEdge (VFGEdge *edge)
 Remove a SVFG edge.
void removeVFGNode (VFGNode *node)
 Remove a VFGNode.
VFGEdgehasIntraVFGEdge (VFGNode *src, VFGNode *dst, VFGEdge::VFGEdgeK kind)
 Whether we has a SVFG edge.
VFGEdgehasInterVFGEdge (VFGNode *src, VFGNode *dst, VFGEdge::VFGEdgeK kind, CallSiteID csId)
VFGEdgehasThreadVFGEdge (VFGNode *src, VFGNode *dst, VFGEdge::VFGEdgeK kind)
bool addVFGEdge (VFGEdge *edge)
 Add VFG edge.
VFGNodeSetgetVFGNodes (const SVFFunction *fun)
bool hasVFGNodes (const SVFFunction *fun) const
bool VFGNodes (const SVFFunction *fun) const
VFGNodeSet::const_iterator getVFGNodeBegin (const SVFFunction *fun) const
VFGNodeSet::const_iterator getVFGNodeEnd (const SVFFunction *fun) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from SVF::GenericGraph< NodeTy, EdgeTy >
 GenericGraph ()
virtual ~GenericGraph ()
void destroy ()
 Release memory.
iterator begin ()
iterator end ()
const_iterator begin () const
const_iterator end () const
void addGNode (NodeID id, NodeType *node)
 Add a Node.
NodeTypegetGNode (NodeID id) const
 Get a node.
bool hasGNode (NodeID id) const
 Has a node.
void removeGNode (NodeType *node)
 Delete a node.
u32_t getTotalNodeNum () const
 Get total number of node/edge.
u32_t getTotalEdgeNum () const
void incNodeNum ()
 Increase number of node/edge.
void incEdgeNum ()

Protected Member Functions

void destroy ()
 Clean up memory.
 SVFG (std::unique_ptr< MemSSA > mssa, VFGK k)
virtual void buildSVFG ()
 Start building SVFG.
SVFGEdgeaddIntraIndirectVFEdge (NodeID srcId, NodeID dstId, const NodeBS &cpts)
 Add indirect def-use edges of a memory region between two statements,.
SVFGEdgeaddCallIndirectVFEdge (NodeID srcId, NodeID dstId, const NodeBS &cpts, CallSiteID csId)
SVFGEdgeaddRetIndirectVFEdge (NodeID srcId, NodeID dstId, const NodeBS &cpts, CallSiteID csId)
SVFGEdgeaddThreadMHPIndirectVFEdge (NodeID srcId, NodeID dstId, const NodeBS &cpts)
SVFGEdgeaddInterIndirectVFCallEdge (const ActualINSVFGNode *src, const FormalINSVFGNode *dst, CallSiteID csId)
 Add inter VF edge from callsite mu to function entry chi.
SVFGEdgeaddInterIndirectVFRetEdge (const FormalOUTSVFGNode *src, const ActualOUTSVFGNode *dst, CallSiteID csId)
 Add inter VF edge from function exit mu to callsite chi.
virtual void connectAInAndFIn (const ActualINSVFGNode *actualIn, const FormalINSVFGNode *formalIn, CallSiteID csId, SVFGEdgeSetTy &edges)
 Connect SVFG nodes between caller and callee for indirect call site.
virtual void connectFOutAndAOut (const FormalOUTSVFGNode *formalOut, const ActualOUTSVFGNode *actualOut, CallSiteID csId, SVFGEdgeSetTy &edges)
 Connect formal-out and actual-out.
virtual void getInterVFEdgeAtIndCSFromAPToFP (const PAGNode *cs_arg, const PAGNode *fun_arg, const CallICFGNode *, CallSiteID csId, SVFGEdgeSetTy &edges)
 Get inter value flow edges between indirect call site and callee.
virtual void getInterVFEdgeAtIndCSFromFRToAR (const PAGNode *fun_ret, const PAGNode *cs_ret, CallSiteID csId, SVFGEdgeSetTy &edges)
virtual void getInterVFEdgeAtIndCSFromAInToFIn (ActualINSVFGNode *actualIn, const SVFFunction *callee, SVFGEdgeSetTy &edges)
virtual void getInterVFEdgeAtIndCSFromFOutToAOut (ActualOUTSVFGNode *actualOut, const SVFFunction *callee, SVFGEdgeSetTy &edges)
void setDef (const PAGNode *pagNode, const SVFGNode *node)
 Given a PAGNode, set/get its def SVFG node (definition of top level pointers)
NodeID getDef (const PAGNode *pagNode) const
bool hasDef (const PAGNode *pagNode) const
void setDef (const MRVer *mvar, const SVFGNode *node)
 Given a MSSADef, set/get its def SVFG node (definition of address-taken variables)
NodeID getDef (const MRVer *mvar) const
void addSVFGNodesForAddrTakenVars ()
 Create SVFG nodes for address-taken variables.
void connectIndirectSVFGEdges ()
 Connect direct SVFG edges between two SVFG nodes (value-flow of top address-taken variables)
void connectFromGlobalToProgEntry ()
 Connect indirect SVFG edges from global initializers (store) to main function entry.
virtual void addSVFGNode (SVFGNode *node, ICFGNode *icfgNode)
 Add SVFG node.
void addFormalINSVFGNode (const FunEntryICFGNode *funEntry, const MRVer *resVer, const NodeID nodeId)
 Add memory Function entry chi SVFG node.
void addFormalOUTSVFGNode (const FunExitICFGNode *funExit, const MRVer *ver, const NodeID nodeId)
 Add memory Function return mu SVFG node.
void addActualINSVFGNode (const CallICFGNode *callsite, const MRVer *ver, const NodeID nodeId)
 Add memory callsite mu SVFG node.
void addActualOUTSVFGNode (const CallICFGNode *callsite, const MRVer *resVer, const NodeID nodeId)
 Add memory callsite chi SVFG node.
void addIntraMSSAPHISVFGNode (ICFGNode *BlockICFGNode, const Map< u32_t, const MRVer * >::const_iterator opVerBegin, const Map< u32_t, const MRVer * >::const_iterator opVerEnd, const MRVer *resVer, const NodeID nodeId)
 Add memory SSA PHI SVFG node.
bool hasFuncEntryChi (const SVFFunction *func) const
 Has function for EntryCHI/RetMU/CallCHI/CallMU.
bool hasFuncRetMu (const SVFFunction *func) const
bool hasCallSiteChi (const CallICFGNode *cs) const
bool hasCallSiteMu (const CallICFGNode *cs) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SVF::VFG
void destroy ()
 Clean up memory.
void checkIntraEdgeParents (const VFGNode *srcNode, const VFGNode *dstNode)
 sanitize Intra edges, verify that both nodes belong to the same function.
VFGEdgeaddInterEdgeFromAPToFP (ActualParmVFGNode *src, FormalParmVFGNode *dst, CallSiteID csId)
 Add inter VF edge from actual to formal parameters.
VFGEdgeaddInterEdgeFromFRToAR (FormalRetVFGNode *src, ActualRetVFGNode *dst, CallSiteID csId)
 Add inter VF edge from callee return to callsite receive parameter.
VFGEdgeaddInterEdgeFromAPToFP (NodeID src, NodeID dst, CallSiteID csId)
 Add inter VF edge from actual to formal parameters.
VFGEdgeaddInterEdgeFromFRToAR (NodeID src, NodeID dst, CallSiteID csId)
 Add inter VF edge from callee return to callsite receive parameter.
virtual void connectAParamAndFParam (const PAGNode *csArg, const PAGNode *funArg, const CallICFGNode *cbn, CallSiteID csId, VFGEdgeSetTy &edges)
 Connect VFG nodes between caller and callee for indirect call site.
virtual void connectFRetAndARet (const PAGNode *funReturn, const PAGNode *csReturn, CallSiteID csId, VFGEdgeSetTy &edges)
 Connect formal-ret and actual ret.
void setDef (const PAGNode *pagNode, const VFGNode *node)
 Given a PAGNode, set/get its def VFG node (definition of top level pointers)
NodeID getDef (const PAGNode *pagNode) const
bool hasDef (const PAGNode *pagNode) const
void addVFGNodes ()
 Create VFG nodes.
virtual SVFStmt::SVFStmtSetTygetPAGEdgeSet (SVFStmt::PEDGEK kind)
 Get PAGEdge set.
virtual bool isInterestedPAGNode (const SVFVar *node) const
void connectDirectVFGEdges ()
 Create edges between VFG nodes within a function.
void addVFGInterEdges (const CallICFGNode *cs, const SVFFunction *callee)
 Create edges between VFG nodes across functions.
bool isPhiCopyEdge (const PAGEdge *copy) const
virtual void addVFGNode (VFGNode *vfgNode, ICFGNode *icfgNode)
 Add a VFG node.
void addStmtVFGNode (StmtVFGNode *node, const PAGEdge *pagEdge)
 Add a VFG node for program statement.
void addNullPtrVFGNode (const PAGNode *pagNode)
void addAddrVFGNode (const AddrStmt *addr)
 Add an Address VFG node.
void addCopyVFGNode (const CopyStmt *copy)
 Add a Copy VFG node.
void addGepVFGNode (const GepStmt *gep)
 Add a Gep VFG node.
void addLoadVFGNode (const LoadStmt *load)
 Add a Load VFG node.
void addStoreVFGNode (const StoreStmt *store)
void addActualParmVFGNode (const PAGNode *aparm, const CallICFGNode *cs)
void addFormalParmVFGNode (const PAGNode *fparm, const SVFFunction *fun, CallPESet &callPEs)
 Add a formal parameter VFG node.
void addFormalRetVFGNode (const PAGNode *uniqueFunRet, const SVFFunction *fun, RetPESet &retPEs)
void addActualRetVFGNode (const PAGNode *ret, const CallICFGNode *cs)
 Add a callsite Receive VFG node.
void addIntraPHIVFGNode (const MultiOpndStmt *edge)
 Add an llvm PHI VFG node.
void addCmpVFGNode (const CmpStmt *edge)
 Add a Compare VFG node.
void addBinaryOPVFGNode (const BinaryOPStmt *edge)
 Add a BinaryOperator VFG node.
void addUnaryOPVFGNode (const UnaryOPStmt *edge)
 Add a UnaryOperator VFG node.
void addBranchVFGNode (const BranchStmt *edge)
 Add a BranchVFGNode.

Protected Attributes

 map a memory SSA operator to its definition SVFG node
CallSiteToActualINsMapTy callSiteToActualINMap
CallSiteToActualOUTsMapTy callSiteToActualOUTMap
FunctionToFormalINsMapTy funToFormalINMap
FunctionToFormalOUTsMapTy funToFormalOUTMap
std::unique_ptr< MemSSAmssa
- Protected Attributes inherited from SVF::VFG
NodeID totalVFGNode
PAGNodeToDefMapTy PAGNodeToDefMap
 map a pag node to its definition SVG node
PAGNodeToActualParmMapTy PAGNodeToActualParmMap
 map a PAGNode to an actual parameter
PAGNodeToActualRetMapTy PAGNodeToActualRetMap
 map a PAGNode to an actual return
PAGNodeToFormalParmMapTy PAGNodeToFormalParmMap
 map a PAGNode to a formal parameter
PAGNodeToFormalRetMapTy PAGNodeToFormalRetMap
 map a PAGNode to a formal return
 map a PAGNode to its PHIVFGNode
PAGNodeToBinaryOPVFGNodeMapTy PAGNodeToBinaryOPVFGNodeMap
 map a PAGNode to its BinaryOPVFGNode
PAGNodeToUnaryOPVFGNodeMapTy PAGNodeToUnaryOPVFGNodeMap
 map a PAGNode to its UnaryOPVFGNode
PAGNodeToBranchVFGNodeMapTy PAGNodeToBranchVFGNodeMap
 map a PAGNode to its BranchVFGNode
PAGNodeToCmpVFGNodeMapTy PAGNodeToCmpVFGNodeMap
 map a PAGNode to its CmpVFGNode
PAGEdgeToStmtVFGNodeMapTy PAGEdgeToStmtVFGNodeMap
 map a PAGEdge to its StmtVFGNode
FunToVFGNodesMapTy funToVFGNodesMap
 map a function to its VFGNodes;
GlobalVFGNodeSet globalVFGNodes
 set of global store VFG nodes
VFGK kind
- Protected Attributes inherited from SVF::GenericGraph< NodeTy, EdgeTy >
IDToNodeMapTy IDToNodeMap
 node map


class SVFGBuilder
class SaberSVFGBuilder
class CFLSVFGBuilder
class TaintSVFGBuilder
class DDASVFGBuilder
class MTASVFGBuilder
class RcSvfgBuilder

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from SVF::GenericGraph< NodeTy, EdgeTy >
u32_t edgeNum
 total num of node
u32_t nodeNum
 total num of edge

Detailed Description

Sparse value flow graph Each node stands for a definition, each edge stands for value flow relations

Definition at line 65 of file SVFG.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ActualINSVFGNodeSet

Definition at line 79 of file SVFG.h.

◆ ActualOUTSVFGNodeSet

Definition at line 80 of file SVFG.h.


Definition at line 96 of file SVFG.h.


Definition at line 97 of file SVFG.h.

◆ CallSiteToActualINsMapTy

Definition at line 83 of file SVFG.h.

◆ CallSiteToActualOUTsMapTy

Definition at line 84 of file SVFG.h.


Definition at line 91 of file SVFG.h.

◆ CHISet

Definition at line 88 of file SVFG.h.


Definition at line 95 of file SVFG.h.

◆ FormalINSVFGNodeSet

Definition at line 81 of file SVFG.h.

◆ FormalOUTSVFGNodeSet

Definition at line 82 of file SVFG.h.

◆ FunctionToFormalINsMapTy

Definition at line 85 of file SVFG.h.

◆ FunctionToFormalOUTsMapTy

Definition at line 86 of file SVFG.h.


Definition at line 92 of file SVFG.h.

◆ MSSAVarToDefMapTy

Definition at line 78 of file SVFG.h.

◆ MU

Definition at line 90 of file SVFG.h.

◆ MUSet

Definition at line 87 of file SVFG.h.

◆ PAGNodeToDefMapTy

Definition at line 77 of file SVFG.h.

◆ PHISet

Definition at line 89 of file SVFG.h.


Definition at line 94 of file SVFG.h.


Definition at line 93 of file SVFG.h.

◆ SVFGNodeIDToNodeMapTy

Definition at line 76 of file SVFG.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SVFG()

SVFG::SVFG ( std::unique_ptr< MemSSA mssa,
VFGK  k 



Definition at line 204 of file SVFG.cpp.

204 : VFG(mssa->getPTA()->getCallGraph(),k),mssa(std::move(mssa)), pta(this->mssa->getPTA())
206 stat = new SVFGStat(this);
PointerAnalysis * pta
Definition SVFG.h:107
std::unique_ptr< MemSSA > mssa
Definition SVFG.h:106
SVFGStat * stat
Definition SVFG.h:105
Definition VFG.h:51
llvm::IRBuilder IRBuilder
Definition BasicTypes.h:74

◆ ~SVFG()

virtual SVF::SVFG::~SVFG ( )


Definition at line 120 of file SVFG.h.

121 {
122 destroy();
123 }
void destroy()
Clean up memory.
Definition SVFG.cpp:212

Member Function Documentation

◆ addActualINSVFGNode()

void SVF::SVFG::addActualINSVFGNode ( const CallICFGNode callsite,
const MRVer ver,
const NodeID  nodeId 

Add memory callsite mu SVFG node.

Definition at line 420 of file SVFG.h.

421 {
422 ActualINSVFGNode* sNode = new ActualINSVFGNode(nodeId, callsite, ver);
423 addSVFGNode(sNode, const_cast<CallICFGNode*>(callsite));
424 callSiteToActualINMap[callsite].set(sNode->getId());
425 }
virtual void addSVFGNode(SVFGNode *node, ICFGNode *icfgNode)
Add SVFG node.
Definition SVFG.h:397
CallSiteToActualINsMapTy callSiteToActualINMap
Definition SVFG.h:101

◆ addActualOUTSVFGNode()

void SVF::SVFG::addActualOUTSVFGNode ( const CallICFGNode callsite,
const MRVer resVer,
const NodeID  nodeId 

Add memory callsite chi SVFG node.

Definition at line 428 of file SVFG.h.

429 {
430 ActualOUTSVFGNode* sNode = new ActualOUTSVFGNode(nodeId, callsite, resVer);
431 addSVFGNode(sNode,const_cast<RetICFGNode*>(callsite->getRetICFGNode()));
432 setDef(resVer,sNode);
433 callSiteToActualOUTMap[callsite].set(sNode->getId());
434 }
CallSiteToActualOUTsMapTy callSiteToActualOUTMap
Definition SVFG.h:102
void setDef(const PAGNode *pagNode, const SVFGNode *node)
Given a PAGNode, set/get its def SVFG node (definition of top level pointers)
Definition SVFG.h:352

◆ addCallIndirectVFEdge()

SVFGEdge * SVFG::addCallIndirectVFEdge ( NodeID  srcId,
NodeID  dstId,
const NodeBS cpts,
CallSiteID  csId 

Definition at line 505 of file SVFG.cpp.

510 {
511 assert(SVFUtil::isa<CallIndSVFGEdge>(edge) && "this should be a indirect value flow edge!");
512 return (SVFUtil::cast<CallIndSVFGEdge>(edge)->addPointsTo(cpts) ? edge : nullptr);
513 }
514 else
515 {
517 callEdge->addPointsTo(cpts);
518 return (addSVFGEdge(callEdge) ? callEdge : nullptr);
519 }
SVFGNode * getSVFGNode(NodeID id) const
Get a SVFG node.
Definition SVFG.h:150
bool addSVFGEdge(SVFGEdge *edge)
Add SVFG edge.
Definition SVFG.h:249
VFGEdge * hasInterVFGEdge(VFGNode *src, VFGNode *dst, VFGEdge::VFGEdgeK kind, CallSiteID csId)
Definition VFG.cpp:910

◆ addDummyVersionPropSVFGNode()

const DummyVersionPropSVFGNode * SVF::SVFG::addDummyVersionPropSVFGNode ( const NodeID  object,
const NodeID  version 

Used only for Versioned FSPTA to encode propagation of versions in the worklist (allowing for breadth-first propagation). Returns the created node.

Definition at line 263 of file SVFG.h.

264 {
265 DummyVersionPropSVFGNode *dvpNode = new DummyVersionPropSVFGNode(totalVFGNode++, object, version);
266 // Not going through add[S]VFGNode because we have no ICFG edge.
267 addGNode(dvpNode->getId(), dvpNode);
268 return dvpNode;
269 }
void addGNode(NodeID id, NodeType *node)
Add a Node.
NodeID totalVFGNode
Definition VFG.h:88

◆ addFormalINSVFGNode()

void SVF::SVFG::addFormalINSVFGNode ( const FunEntryICFGNode funEntry,
const MRVer resVer,
const NodeID  nodeId 

Add memory Function entry chi SVFG node.

Definition at line 403 of file SVFG.h.

404 {
405 FormalINSVFGNode* sNode = new FormalINSVFGNode(nodeId, resVer, funEntry);
407 setDef(resVer,sNode);
408 funToFormalINMap[funEntry->getFun()].set(sNode->getId());
409 }
FunEntryICFGNode * getFunEntryICFGNode(const SVFFunction *fun)
Add a function entry node.
Definition ICFG.cpp:234
FunctionToFormalINsMapTy funToFormalINMap
Definition SVFG.h:103
ICFG * getICFG() const
Definition SVFIR.h:172
SVFIR * pag
Definition VFG.h:104

◆ addFormalOUTSVFGNode()

void SVF::SVFG::addFormalOUTSVFGNode ( const FunExitICFGNode funExit,
const MRVer ver,
const NodeID  nodeId 

Add memory Function return mu SVFG node.

Definition at line 412 of file SVFG.h.

413 {
414 FormalOUTSVFGNode* sNode = new FormalOUTSVFGNode(nodeId, ver, funExit);
416 funToFormalOUTMap[funExit->getFun()].set(sNode->getId());
417 }
FunExitICFGNode * getFunExitICFGNode(const SVFFunction *fun)
Add a function exit node.
Definition ICFG.cpp:241
FunctionToFormalOUTsMapTy funToFormalOUTMap
Definition SVFG.h:104

◆ addInterIndirectVFCallEdge()

SVFGEdge * SVFG::addInterIndirectVFCallEdge ( const ActualINSVFGNode src,
const FormalINSVFGNode dst,
CallSiteID  csId 

Add inter VF edge from callsite mu to function entry chi.

Definition at line 545 of file SVFG.cpp.

547 NodeBS cpts1 = src->getPointsTo();
548 NodeBS cpts2 = dst->getPointsTo();
549 if(cpts1.intersects(cpts2))
550 {
551 cpts1 &= cpts2;
552 return addCallIndirectVFEdge(src->getId(),dst->getId(),cpts1,csId);
553 }
554 return nullptr;
const NodeBS & getPointsTo() const
Return points-to of the MR.
Definition SVFGNode.h:52
NodeID getId() const
Get ID.
SVFGEdge * addCallIndirectVFEdge(NodeID srcId, NodeID dstId, const NodeBS &cpts, CallSiteID csId)
Definition SVFG.cpp:505

◆ addInterIndirectVFRetEdge()

SVFGEdge * SVFG::addInterIndirectVFRetEdge ( const FormalOUTSVFGNode src,
const ActualOUTSVFGNode dst,
CallSiteID  csId 

Add inter VF edge from function exit mu to callsite chi.

Add inter VF edge from function exit mu to callsite chi

Definition at line 560 of file SVFG.cpp.

563 NodeBS cpts1 = src->getPointsTo();
564 NodeBS cpts2 = dst->getPointsTo();
565 if(cpts1.intersects(cpts2))
566 {
567 cpts1 &= cpts2;
568 return addRetIndirectVFEdge(src->getId(),dst->getId(),cpts1,csId);
569 }
570 return nullptr;
SVFGEdge * addRetIndirectVFEdge(NodeID srcId, NodeID dstId, const NodeBS &cpts, CallSiteID csId)
Definition SVFG.cpp:525

◆ addIntraIndirectVFEdge()

SVFGEdge * SVFG::addIntraIndirectVFEdge ( NodeID  srcId,
NodeID  dstId,
const NodeBS cpts 

Add indirect def-use edges of a memory region between two statements,.

Definition at line 463 of file SVFG.cpp.

469 {
470 assert(SVFUtil::isa<IndirectSVFGEdge>(edge) && "this should be a indirect value flow edge!");
471 return (SVFUtil::cast<IndirectSVFGEdge>(edge)->addPointsTo(cpts) ? edge : nullptr);
472 }
473 else
474 {
476 indirectEdge->addPointsTo(cpts);
478 }
@ IntraIndirectVF
Definition VFGEdge.h:54
void checkIntraEdgeParents(const VFGNode *srcNode, const VFGNode *dstNode)
sanitize Intra edges, verify that both nodes belong to the same function.
Definition VFG.h:351
VFGEdge * hasIntraVFGEdge(VFGNode *src, VFGNode *dst, VFGEdge::VFGEdgeK kind)
Whether we has a SVFG edge.
Definition VFG.cpp:875

◆ addIntraMSSAPHISVFGNode()

void SVF::SVFG::addIntraMSSAPHISVFGNode ( ICFGNode BlockICFGNode,
const Map< u32_t, const MRVer * >::const_iterator  opVerBegin,
const Map< u32_t, const MRVer * >::const_iterator  opVerEnd,
const MRVer resVer,
const NodeID  nodeId 

Add memory SSA PHI SVFG node.

Definition at line 437 of file SVFG.h.

439 {
440 IntraMSSAPHISVFGNode* sNode = new IntraMSSAPHISVFGNode(nodeId, resVer);
442 for(MemSSA::PHI::OPVers::const_iterator it = opVerBegin, eit=opVerEnd; it!=eit; ++it)
443 sNode->setOpVer(it->first,it->second);
444 setDef(resVer,sNode);
445 }

◆ addRetIndirectVFEdge()

SVFGEdge * SVFG::addRetIndirectVFEdge ( NodeID  srcId,
NodeID  dstId,
const NodeBS cpts,
CallSiteID  csId 

Definition at line 525 of file SVFG.cpp.

530 {
531 assert(SVFUtil::isa<RetIndSVFGEdge>(edge) && "this should be a indirect value flow edge!");
532 return (SVFUtil::cast<RetIndSVFGEdge>(edge)->addPointsTo(cpts) ? edge : nullptr);
533 }
534 else
535 {
537 retEdge->addPointsTo(cpts);
538 return (addSVFGEdge(retEdge) ? retEdge : nullptr);
539 }

◆ addSVFGEdge()

bool SVF::SVFG::addSVFGEdge ( SVFGEdge edge)

Add SVFG edge.

Definition at line 249 of file SVFG.h.

250 {
251 return addVFGEdge(edge);
252 }
bool addVFGEdge(VFGEdge *edge)
Add VFG edge.
Definition VFG.h:339

◆ addSVFGNode()

virtual void SVF::SVFG::addSVFGNode ( SVFGNode node,
ICFGNode icfgNode 

Add SVFG node.

Definition at line 397 of file SVFG.h.

398 {
399 addVFGNode(node, icfgNode);
400 }
virtual void addVFGNode(VFGNode *vfgNode, ICFGNode *icfgNode)
Add a VFG node.
Definition VFG.h:464

◆ addSVFGNodesForAddrTakenVars()

void SVFG::addSVFGNodesForAddrTakenVars ( )

Create SVFG nodes for address-taken variables.

set defs for address-taken vars defined at phi/chi/call create corresponding def and use nodes for address-taken vars (a.k.a MRVers) initialize memory SSA phi nodes (phi of address-taken variables)

initialize memory SSA entry chi nodes

initialize memory SSA return mu nodes

initialize memory SSA callsite mu nodes

initialize memory SSA callsite chi nodes

Definition at line 255 of file SVFG.cpp.

258 // set defs for address-taken vars defined at store statements
260 for (SVFStmt::SVFStmtSetTy::iterator iter = stores.begin(), eiter =
261 stores.end(); iter != eiter; ++iter)
262 {
263 StoreStmt* store = SVFUtil::cast<StoreStmt>(*iter);
264 const StmtSVFGNode* sNode = getStmtVFGNode(store);
265 for(CHISet::iterator pi = mssa->getCHISet(store).begin(), epi = mssa->getCHISet(store).end(); pi!=epi; ++pi)
266 setDef((*pi)->getResVer(),sNode);
267 }
272 for(MemSSA::BBToPhiSetMap::iterator it = mssa->getBBToPhiSetMap().begin(),
273 eit = mssa->getBBToPhiSetMap().end(); it!=eit; ++it)
274 {
275 for(PHISet::iterator pi = it->second.begin(), epi = it->second.end(); pi!=epi; ++pi)
276 {
277 MemSSA::PHI* phi = *pi;
278 const ICFGNode* inst = phi->getBasicBlock()->front();
279 addIntraMSSAPHISVFGNode(const_cast<ICFGNode*>(inst), phi->opVerBegin(), phi->opVerEnd(),phi->getResVer(), totalVFGNode++);
280 }
281 }
283 for(MemSSA::FunToEntryChiSetMap::iterator it = mssa->getFunToEntryChiSetMap().begin(),
284 eit = mssa->getFunToEntryChiSetMap().end(); it!=eit; ++it)
285 {
286 for(CHISet::iterator pi = it->second.begin(), epi = it->second.end(); pi!=epi; ++pi)
287 {
288 const MemSSA::ENTRYCHI* chi = SVFUtil::cast<ENTRYCHI>(*pi);
289 addFormalINSVFGNode(pag->getICFG()->getFunEntryICFGNode(chi->getFunction()), chi->getResVer(), totalVFGNode++);
290 }
291 }
293 for(MemSSA::FunToReturnMuSetMap::iterator it = mssa->getFunToRetMuSetMap().begin(),
294 eit = mssa->getFunToRetMuSetMap().end(); it!=eit; ++it)
295 {
296 for(MUSet::iterator pi = it->second.begin(), epi = it->second.end(); pi!=epi; ++pi)
297 {
298 const MemSSA::RETMU* mu = SVFUtil::cast<RETMU>(*pi);
299 addFormalOUTSVFGNode(pag->getICFG()->getFunExitICFGNode(mu->getFunction()), mu->getMRVer(), totalVFGNode++);
300 }
301 }
303 for(MemSSA::CallSiteToMUSetMap::iterator it = mssa->getCallSiteToMuSetMap().begin(),
304 eit = mssa->getCallSiteToMuSetMap().end();
305 it!=eit; ++it)
306 {
307 for(MUSet::iterator pi = it->second.begin(), epi = it->second.end(); pi!=epi; ++pi)
308 {
309 const MemSSA::CALLMU* mu = SVFUtil::cast<CALLMU>(*pi);
310 addActualINSVFGNode(mu->getCallSite(), mu->getMRVer(), totalVFGNode++);
311 }
312 }
314 for(MemSSA::CallSiteToCHISetMap::iterator it = mssa->getCallSiteToChiSetMap().begin(),
315 eit = mssa->getCallSiteToChiSetMap().end();
316 it!=eit; ++it)
317 {
318 for(CHISet::iterator pi = it->second.begin(), epi = it->second.end(); pi!=epi; ++pi)
319 {
320 const MemSSA::CALLCHI* chi = SVFUtil::cast<CALLCHI>(*pi);
321 addActualOUTSVFGNode(chi->getCallSite(), chi->getResVer(), totalVFGNode++);
322 }
324 }
CallCHI< Condition > CALLCHI
Definition MemSSA.h:66
EntryCHI< Condition > ENTRYCHI
Definition MemSSA.h:64
CallMU< Condition > CALLMU
Definition MemSSA.h:62
RetMU< Condition > RETMU
Definition MemSSA.h:60
void addIntraMSSAPHISVFGNode(ICFGNode *BlockICFGNode, const Map< u32_t, const MRVer * >::const_iterator opVerBegin, const Map< u32_t, const MRVer * >::const_iterator opVerEnd, const MRVer *resVer, const NodeID nodeId)
Add memory SSA PHI SVFG node.
Definition SVFG.h:437
void addActualOUTSVFGNode(const CallICFGNode *callsite, const MRVer *resVer, const NodeID nodeId)
Add memory callsite chi SVFG node.
Definition SVFG.h:428
void addFormalOUTSVFGNode(const FunExitICFGNode *funExit, const MRVer *ver, const NodeID nodeId)
Add memory Function return mu SVFG node.
Definition SVFG.h:412
void addActualINSVFGNode(const CallICFGNode *callsite, const MRVer *ver, const NodeID nodeId)
Add memory callsite mu SVFG node.
Definition SVFG.h:420
void addFormalINSVFGNode(const FunEntryICFGNode *funEntry, const MRVer *resVer, const NodeID nodeId)
Add memory Function entry chi SVFG node.
Definition SVFG.h:403
GenericNode< SVFVar, SVFStmt >::GEdgeSetTy SVFStmtSetTy
virtual SVFStmt::SVFStmtSetTy & getPAGEdgeSet(SVFStmt::PEDGEK kind)
Get PAGEdge set.
Definition VFG.h:436
StmtVFGNode * getStmtVFGNode(const PAGEdge *pagEdge) const
Get an VFGNode.
Definition VFG.h:199

◆ addThreadMHPIndirectVFEdge()

SVFGEdge * SVFG::addThreadMHPIndirectVFEdge ( NodeID  srcId,
NodeID  dstId,
const NodeBS cpts 

Add def-use edges of a memory region between two may-happen-in-parallel statements for multithreaded program

Definition at line 485 of file SVFG.cpp.

490 {
491 assert(SVFUtil::isa<IndirectSVFGEdge>(edge) && "this should be a indirect value flow edge!");
492 return (SVFUtil::cast<IndirectSVFGEdge>(edge)->addPointsTo(cpts) ? edge : nullptr);
493 }
494 else
495 {
497 indirectEdge->addPointsTo(cpts);
499 }
@ TheadMHPIndirectVF
Definition VFGEdge.h:59
VFGEdge * hasThreadVFGEdge(VFGNode *src, VFGNode *dst, VFGEdge::VFGEdgeK kind)
Definition VFG.cpp:893

◆ buildSVFG()

void SVFG::buildSVFG ( )

Start building SVFG.

Build SVFG 1) build SVFG nodes a) statements for top level pointers (PAGEdges) b) operators of address-taken variables (MSSAPHI and MSSACHI) 2) connect SVFG edges a) between two statements (PAGEdges) b) between two memory SSA operators (MSSAPHI MSSAMU and MSSACHI)

Reimplemented in SVF::SVFGOPT.

Definition at line 228 of file SVFG.cpp.

230 DBOUT(DGENERAL, outs() << pasMsg("Build Sparse Value-Flow Graph \n"));
232 stat->startClk();
233 if (!Options::ReadSVFG().empty())
234 {
236 }
237 else
238 {
239 DBOUT(DGENERAL, outs() << pasMsg("\tCreate SVFG Addr-taken Node\n"));
242 stat->ATVFNodeEnd();
243 DBOUT(DGENERAL, outs() << pasMsg("\tCreate SVFG Indirect Edge\n"));
247 if (!Options::WriteSVFG().empty())
249 }
#define DBOUT(TYPE, X)
LLVM debug macros, define type of your DBUG model of each pass.
Definition SVFType.h:484
#define DGENERAL
Definition SVFType.h:490
static const Option< std::string > ReadSVFG
Definition Options.h:152
static const Option< std::string > WriteSVFG
Definition Options.h:151
void ATVFNodeStart()
Definition SVFGStat.h:139
void indVFEdgeEnd()
Definition SVFGStat.h:124
void ATVFNodeEnd()
Definition SVFGStat.h:144
void indVFEdgeStart()
Definition SVFGStat.h:119
void connectIndirectSVFGEdges()
Connect direct SVFG edges between two SVFG nodes (value-flow of top address-taken variables)
Definition SVFG.cpp:330
virtual void writeToFile(const std::string &filename)
virtual void readFile(const std::string &filename)
void addSVFGNodesForAddrTakenVars()
Create SVFG nodes for address-taken variables.
Definition SVFG.cpp:255
virtual void startClk()
Definition SVFStat.h:58
std::string pasMsg(const std::string &msg)
Print each pass/phase message by converting a string into blue string output.
Definition SVFUtil.cpp:100
std::ostream & outs()
Overwrite llvm::outs()
Definition SVFUtil.h:50

◆ clearMSSA()

void SVF::SVFG::clearMSSA ( )

Clear MSSA.

Definition at line 132 of file SVFG.h.

133 {
134 mssa = nullptr;
135 }

◆ connectAInAndFIn()

virtual void SVF::SVFG::connectAInAndFIn ( const ActualINSVFGNode actualIn,
const FormalINSVFGNode formalIn,
CallSiteID  csId,
SVFGEdgeSetTy edges 

Connect SVFG nodes between caller and callee for indirect call site.

Connect actual-in and formal-in

Reimplemented in SVF::SVFGOPT.

Definition at line 293 of file SVFG.h.

294 {
296 if (edge != nullptr)
297 edges.insert(edge);
298 }
SVFGEdge * addInterIndirectVFCallEdge(const ActualINSVFGNode *src, const FormalINSVFGNode *dst, CallSiteID csId)
Add inter VF edge from callsite mu to function entry chi.
Definition SVFG.cpp:545
Definition SVFG.h:42

◆ connectCallerAndCallee()

void SVFG::connectCallerAndCallee ( const CallICFGNode cs,
const SVFFunction callee,
SVFGEdgeSetTy edges 

Connect SVFG nodes between caller and callee for indirect call site.

Connect actual params/return to formal params/return for top-level variables. Also connect indirect actual in/out and formal in/out.

Reimplemented from SVF::VFG.

Definition at line 658 of file SVFG.cpp.

662 CallSiteID csId = getCallSiteID(cs, callee);
664 // connect actual in and formal in
666 {
671 {
672 const ActualINSVFGNode * actualIn = SVFUtil::cast<ActualINSVFGNode>(getSVFGNode(*ai_it));
675 {
676 const FormalINSVFGNode* formalIn = SVFUtil::cast<FormalINSVFGNode>(getSVFGNode(*fi_it));
678 }
679 }
680 }
682 // connect actual out and formal out
684 {
685 // connect formal out and actual out
690 {
691 const FormalOUTSVFGNode * formalOut = SVFUtil::cast<FormalOUTSVFGNode>(getSVFGNode(*fo_it));
694 {
695 const ActualOUTSVFGNode* actualOut = SVFUtil::cast<ActualOUTSVFGNode>(getSVFGNode(*ao_it));
697 }
698 }
699 }
ActualOUTSVFGNodeSet & getActualOUTSVFGNodes(const CallICFGNode *cs)
Definition SVFG.h:215
bool hasFuncEntryChi(const SVFFunction *func) const
Has function for EntryCHI/RetMU/CallCHI/CallMU.
Definition SVFG.h:449
bool hasFuncRetMu(const SVFFunction *func) const
Definition SVFG.h:453
virtual void connectFOutAndAOut(const FormalOUTSVFGNode *formalOut, const ActualOUTSVFGNode *actualOut, CallSiteID csId, SVFGEdgeSetTy &edges)
Connect formal-out and actual-out.
Definition SVFG.h:300
ActualINSVFGNodeSet & getActualINSVFGNodes(const CallICFGNode *cs)
Get SVFGNode set.
Definition SVFG.h:210
FormalINSVFGNodeSet & getFormalINSVFGNodes(const SVFFunction *fun)
Definition SVFG.h:220
bool hasCallSiteMu(const CallICFGNode *cs) const
Definition SVFG.h:461
virtual void connectAInAndFIn(const ActualINSVFGNode *actualIn, const FormalINSVFGNode *formalIn, CallSiteID csId, SVFGEdgeSetTy &edges)
Connect SVFG nodes between caller and callee for indirect call site.
Definition SVFG.h:293
bool hasCallSiteChi(const CallICFGNode *cs) const
Definition SVFG.h:457
FormalOUTSVFGNodeSet & getFormalOUTSVFGNodes(const SVFFunction *fun)
Definition SVFG.h:225
CallSiteID getCallSiteID(const CallICFGNode *cs, const SVFFunction *func) const
Get callsite given a callsiteID.
Definition VFG.h:178
virtual void connectCallerAndCallee(const CallICFGNode *cs, const SVFFunction *callee, VFGEdgeSetTy &edges)
Connect VFG nodes between caller and callee for indirect call site.
Definition VFG.cpp:973
unsigned CallSiteID
Definition GeneralType.h:58

◆ connectFOutAndAOut()

virtual void SVF::SVFG::connectFOutAndAOut ( const FormalOUTSVFGNode formalOut,
const ActualOUTSVFGNode actualOut,
CallSiteID  csId,
SVFGEdgeSetTy edges 

Connect formal-out and actual-out.

Reimplemented in SVF::SVFGOPT.

Definition at line 300 of file SVFG.h.

301 {
303 if (edge != nullptr)
304 edges.insert(edge);
305 }
SVFGEdge * addInterIndirectVFRetEdge(const FormalOUTSVFGNode *src, const ActualOUTSVFGNode *dst, CallSiteID csId)
Add inter VF edge from function exit mu to callsite chi.
Definition SVFG.cpp:560

◆ connectFromGlobalToProgEntry()

void SVFG::connectFromGlobalToProgEntry ( )

Connect indirect SVFG edges from global initializers (store) to main function entry.

Connect indirect SVFG edges from global initializers (store) to main function entry

connect this store to main function entry

add indirect value flow edge

Definition at line 428 of file SVFG.cpp.

432 if (formalIns.empty())
433 return;
435 for (GlobalVFGNodeSet::const_iterator storeIt = globalVFGNodes.begin(), storeEit = globalVFGNodes.end();
437 {
438 if (const StoreSVFGNode* store = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<StoreSVFGNode>(*storeIt))
439 {
441 const NodeBS& storePts = mssa->getPTA()->getPts(store->getPAGDstNodeID()).toNodeBS();
444 formalIns.end(); fiIt != fiEit; ++fiIt)
445 {
450 if (formalInPts.empty())
451 continue;
455 }
456 }
457 }
NodeBS FormalINSVFGNodeSet
Definition SVFG.h:81
SVFGEdge * addIntraIndirectVFEdge(NodeID srcId, NodeID dstId, const NodeBS &cpts)
Add indirect def-use edges of a memory region between two statements,.
Definition SVFG.cpp:463
SparseBitVectorIterator iterator
GlobalVFGNodeSet globalVFGNodes
set of global store VFG nodes
Definition VFG.h:102
const SVFFunction * getProgEntryFunction()
Get program entry function.
Definition SVFUtil.cpp:416
u32_t NodeID
Definition GeneralType.h:55

◆ connectIndirectSVFGEdges()

void SVFG::connectIndirectSVFGEdges ( )

Connect direct SVFG edges between two SVFG nodes (value-flow of top address-taken variables)

There's no need to connect actual out node to its definition site in the same function.

Definition at line 330 of file SVFG.cpp.

333 for(iterator it = begin(), eit = end(); it!=eit; ++it)
334 {
335 NodeID nodeId = it->first;
336 const SVFGNode* node = it->second;
337 if(const LoadSVFGNode* loadNode = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<LoadSVFGNode>(node))
338 {
339 MUSet& muSet = mssa->getMUSet(SVFUtil::cast<LoadStmt>(loadNode->getPAGEdge()));
340 for(MUSet::iterator it = muSet.begin(), eit = muSet.end(); it!=eit; ++it)
341 {
342 if(LOADMU* mu = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<LOADMU>(*it))
343 {
344 NodeID def = getDef(mu->getMRVer());
345 addIntraIndirectVFEdge(def,nodeId, mu->getMRVer()->getMR()->getPointsTo());
346 }
347 }
348 }
349 else if(const StoreSVFGNode* storeNode = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<StoreSVFGNode>(node))
350 {
351 CHISet& chiSet = mssa->getCHISet(SVFUtil::cast<StoreStmt>(storeNode->getPAGEdge()));
352 for(CHISet::iterator it = chiSet.begin(), eit = chiSet.end(); it!=eit; ++it)
353 {
354 if(STORECHI* chi = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<STORECHI>(*it))
355 {
356 NodeID def = getDef(chi->getOpVer());
357 addIntraIndirectVFEdge(def,nodeId, chi->getOpVer()->getMR()->getPointsTo());
358 }
359 }
360 }
361 else if(const FormalINSVFGNode* formalIn = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<FormalINSVFGNode>(node))
362 {
364 mssa->getPTA()->getCallGraph()->getDirCallSitesInvokingCallee(formalIn->getFun(),callInstSet);
365 for(PTACallGraphEdge::CallInstSet::iterator it = callInstSet.begin(), eit = callInstSet.end(); it!=eit; ++it)
366 {
367 const CallICFGNode* cs = *it;
368 if(!mssa->hasMU(cs))
369 continue;
372 {
373 const ActualINSVFGNode* actualIn = SVFUtil::cast<ActualINSVFGNode>(getSVFGNode(*ait));
375 }
376 }
377 }
378 else if(const FormalOUTSVFGNode* formalOut = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<FormalOUTSVFGNode>(node))
379 {
381 // const MemSSA::RETMU* retMu = formalOut->getRetMU();
382 mssa->getPTA()->getCallGraph()->getDirCallSitesInvokingCallee(formalOut->getFun(),callInstSet);
383 for(PTACallGraphEdge::CallInstSet::iterator it = callInstSet.begin(), eit = callInstSet.end(); it!=eit; ++it)
384 {
385 const CallICFGNode* cs = *it;
386 if(!mssa->hasCHI(cs))
387 continue;
390 {
391 const ActualOUTSVFGNode* actualOut = SVFUtil::cast<ActualOUTSVFGNode>(getSVFGNode(*ait));
393 }
394 }
395 NodeID def = getDef(formalOut->getMRVer());
396 addIntraIndirectVFEdge(def,nodeId, formalOut->getMRVer()->getMR()->getPointsTo());
397 }
398 else if(const ActualINSVFGNode* actualIn = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<ActualINSVFGNode>(node))
399 {
400 const MRVer* ver = actualIn->getMRVer();
401 NodeID def = getDef(ver);
403 }
404 else if(SVFUtil::isa<ActualOUTSVFGNode>(node))
405 {
407 }
408 else if(const MSSAPHISVFGNode* phiNode = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<MSSAPHISVFGNode>(node))
409 {
410 for (MemSSA::PHI::OPVers::const_iterator it = phiNode->opVerBegin(), eit = phiNode->opVerEnd();
411 it != eit; it++)
412 {
413 const MRVer* op = it->second;
414 NodeID def = getDef(op);
415 addIntraIndirectVFEdge(def,nodeId, op->getMR()->getPointsTo());
416 }
417 }
418 }
iterator begin()
const MemRegion * getMR() const
Return the memory region.
Definition MSSAMuChi.h:63
const NodeBS & getPointsTo() const
Return points-to.
Definition MemRegion.h:83
Set< const CallICFGNode * > CallInstSet
NodeBS ActualOUTSVFGNodeSet
Definition SVFG.h:80
void connectFromGlobalToProgEntry()
Connect indirect SVFG edges from global initializers (store) to main function entry.
Definition SVFG.cpp:428
Definition SVFG.h:92
Definition SVFG.h:88
NodeBS ActualINSVFGNodeSet
Definition SVFG.h:79
NodeID getDef(const PAGNode *pagNode) const
Definition SVFG.h:356
Definition SVFG.h:87
Definition SVFG.h:93
VFGNodeIDToNodeMapTy::iterator iterator
Definition VFG.h:80

◆ destroy()

void SVFG::destroy ( )

Clean up memory.

Memory has been cleaned up at GenericGraph

Definition at line 212 of file SVFG.cpp.

214 delete stat;
215 stat = nullptr;
216 clearMSSA();
void clearMSSA()
Clear MSSA.
Definition SVFG.h:132

◆ dump()

void SVFG::dump ( const std::string &  file,
bool  simple = false 

Dump graph into dot file.


Definition at line 576 of file SVFG.cpp.

static void WriteGraphToFile(SVF::OutStream &O, const std::string &GraphName, const GraphType &GT, bool simple=false)

◆ getActualINSVFGNodes()

ActualINSVFGNodeSet & SVF::SVFG::getActualINSVFGNodes ( const CallICFGNode cs)

Get SVFGNode set.

Definition at line 210 of file SVFG.h.

211 {
212 return callSiteToActualINMap[cs];
213 }

◆ getActualOUTSVFGNodes()

ActualOUTSVFGNodeSet & SVF::SVFG::getActualOUTSVFGNodes ( const CallICFGNode cs)

Definition at line 215 of file SVFG.h.

216 {
217 return callSiteToActualOUTMap[cs];
218 }

◆ getDef() [1/2]

NodeID SVF::SVFG::getDef ( const MRVer mvar) const

Definition at line 381 of file SVFG.h.

382 {
383 MSSAVarToDefMapTy::const_iterator it = MSSAVarToDefMap.find(mvar);
384 assert(it!=MSSAVarToDefMap.end() && "memory SSA does not have a definition??");
385 return it->second;
386 }
map a memory SSA operator to its definition SVFG node
Definition SVFG.h:100

◆ getDef() [2/2]

NodeID SVF::SVFG::getDef ( const PAGNode pagNode) const

Definition at line 356 of file SVFG.h.

357 {
358 return VFG::getDef(pagNode);
359 }
NodeID getDef(const PAGNode *pagNode) const
Definition VFG.h:420

◆ getDefSVFGNode()

const SVFGNode * SVF::SVFG::getDefSVFGNode ( const PAGNode pagNode) const

Given a pagNode, return its definition site.

Definition at line 171 of file SVFG.h.

172 {
173 return getSVFGNode(getDef(pagNode));
174 }

◆ getFormalINSVFGNodes()

FormalINSVFGNodeSet & SVF::SVFG::getFormalINSVFGNodes ( const SVFFunction fun)

Definition at line 220 of file SVFG.h.

221 {
222 return funToFormalINMap[fun];
223 }

◆ getFormalOUTSVFGNodes()

FormalOUTSVFGNodeSet & SVF::SVFG::getFormalOUTSVFGNodes ( const SVFFunction fun)

Definition at line 225 of file SVFG.h.

226 {
227 return funToFormalOUTMap[fun];
228 }

◆ getInterVFEdgeAtIndCSFromAInToFIn()

virtual void SVF::SVFG::getInterVFEdgeAtIndCSFromAInToFIn ( ActualINSVFGNode actualIn,
const SVFFunction callee,
SVFGEdgeSetTy edges 

Definition at line 328 of file SVFG.h.

329 {
330 for (SVFGNode::const_iterator outIt = actualIn->OutEdgeBegin(), outEit = actualIn->OutEdgeEnd(); outIt != outEit; ++outIt)
331 {
332 SVFGEdge* edge = *outIt;
333 if (edge->getDstNode()->getFun() == callee)
334 edges.insert(edge);
335 }
336 }
VFGEdge::VFGEdgeSetTy::const_iterator const_iterator
Definition VFGNode.h:55

◆ getInterVFEdgeAtIndCSFromAPToFP()

virtual void SVF::SVFG::getInterVFEdgeAtIndCSFromAPToFP ( const PAGNode cs_arg,
const PAGNode fun_arg,
const CallICFGNode ,
CallSiteID  csId,
SVFGEdgeSetTy edges 

Get inter value flow edges between indirect call site and callee.

Definition at line 310 of file SVFG.h.

311 {
315 assert(edge != nullptr && "Can not find inter value flow edge from aparam to fparam");
316 edges.insert(edge);
317 }
Definition SVFG.h:43

◆ getInterVFEdgeAtIndCSFromFOutToAOut()

virtual void SVF::SVFG::getInterVFEdgeAtIndCSFromFOutToAOut ( ActualOUTSVFGNode actualOut,
const SVFFunction callee,
SVFGEdgeSetTy edges 

Definition at line 338 of file SVFG.h.

339 {
340 for (SVFGNode::const_iterator inIt = actualOut->InEdgeBegin(), inEit = actualOut->InEdgeEnd(); inIt != inEit; ++inIt)
341 {
342 SVFGEdge* edge = *inIt;
343 if (edge->getSrcNode()->getFun() == callee)
344 edges.insert(edge);
345 }
346 }

◆ getInterVFEdgeAtIndCSFromFRToAR()

virtual void SVF::SVFG::getInterVFEdgeAtIndCSFromFRToAR ( const PAGNode fun_ret,
const PAGNode cs_ret,
CallSiteID  csId,
SVFGEdgeSetTy edges 

Definition at line 319 of file SVFG.h.

320 {
321 SVFGNode* formalRet = getSVFGNode(getDef(fun_ret));
322 SVFGNode* actualRet = getSVFGNode(getDef(cs_ret));
323 SVFGEdge* edge = hasInterVFGEdge(formalRet, actualRet, SVFGEdge::RetDirVF, csId);
324 assert(edge != nullptr && "Can not find inter value flow edge from fret to aret");
325 edges.insert(edge);
326 }

◆ getInterVFEdgesForIndirectCallSite()

void SVFG::getInterVFEdgesForIndirectCallSite ( const CallICFGNode callICFGNode,
const SVFFunction callee,
SVFGEdgeSetTy edges 

Get all inter value flow edges of a indirect call site.

Get all inter value flow edges at this indirect call site, including call and return edges.

Definition at line 584 of file SVFG.cpp.

587 const RetICFGNode* retICFGNode = callICFGNode->getRetICFGNode();
589 // Find inter direct call edges between actual param and formal param.
591 {
594 SVFIR::SVFVarList::const_iterator csArgIt = csArgList.begin(), csArgEit = csArgList.end();
595 SVFIR::SVFVarList::const_iterator funArgIt = funArgList.begin(), funArgEit = funArgList.end();
596 for (; funArgIt != funArgEit && csArgIt != csArgEit; funArgIt++, csArgIt++)
597 {
598 const PAGNode *cs_arg = *csArgIt;
599 const PAGNode *fun_arg = *funArgIt;
602 }
603 assert(funArgIt == funArgEit && "function has more arguments than call site");
604 if (callee->isVarArg())
605 {
609 {
610 for (; csArgIt != csArgEit; csArgIt++)
611 {
612 const PAGNode *cs_arg = *csArgIt;
615 }
616 }
617 }
618 }
620 // Find inter direct return edges between actual return and formal return.
622 {
627 }
629 // Find inter indirect call edges between actual-in and formal-in svfg nodes.
631 {
635 {
636 ActualINSVFGNode * actualIn = SVFUtil::cast<ActualINSVFGNode>(getSVFGNode(*ai_it));
638 }
639 }
641 // Find inter indirect return edges between actual-out and formal-out svfg nodes.
643 {
647 {
648 ActualOUTSVFGNode* actualOut = SVFUtil::cast<ActualOUTSVFGNode>(getSVFGNode(*ao_it));
650 }
651 }
NodeType * getGNode(NodeID id) const
Get a node.
NodeID getVarargNode(const SVFFunction *func) const
getVarargNode - Return the unique node representing the variadic argument of a variadic function.
Definition IRGraph.h:157
virtual void getInterVFEdgeAtIndCSFromFOutToAOut(ActualOUTSVFGNode *actualOut, const SVFFunction *callee, SVFGEdgeSetTy &edges)
Definition SVFG.h:338
virtual void getInterVFEdgeAtIndCSFromFRToAR(const PAGNode *fun_ret, const PAGNode *cs_ret, CallSiteID csId, SVFGEdgeSetTy &edges)
Definition SVFG.h:319
virtual void getInterVFEdgeAtIndCSFromAPToFP(const PAGNode *cs_arg, const PAGNode *fun_arg, const CallICFGNode *, CallSiteID csId, SVFGEdgeSetTy &edges)
Get inter value flow edges between indirect call site and callee.
Definition SVFG.h:310
virtual void getInterVFEdgeAtIndCSFromAInToFIn(ActualINSVFGNode *actualIn, const SVFFunction *callee, SVFGEdgeSetTy &edges)
Definition SVFG.h:328
std::vector< const SVFVar * > SVFVarList
Definition SVFIR.h:60
const SVFVarList & getFunArgsList(const SVFFunction *func) const
Get function arguments list.
Definition SVFIR.h:276
const SVFVar * getFunRet(const SVFFunction *func) const
Get function return list.
Definition SVFIR.h:321
bool hasCallSiteArgsMap(const CallICFGNode *cs) const
Callsite has argument list.
Definition SVFIR.h:283
bool callsiteHasRet(const RetICFGNode *cs) const
Definition SVFIR.h:311
bool hasFunArgsList(const SVFFunction *func) const
Function has arguments list.
Definition SVFIR.h:266
const SVFVarList & getCallSiteArgsList(const CallICFGNode *cs) const
Get callsite argument list.
Definition SVFIR.h:293
const SVFVar * getCallSiteRet(const RetICFGNode *cs) const
Get callsite return.
Definition SVFIR.h:305
bool funHasRet(const SVFFunction *func) const
Definition SVFIR.h:327
virtual bool isInterestedPAGNode(const SVFVar *node) const
Definition VFG.h:444

◆ getMRVERFromString()

MRVer * SVFG::getMRVERFromString ( const std::string &  input)

Definition at line 431 of file SVFGReadWrite.cpp.

433 if(s == "")
434 {
435 return NULL;
436 }
437 string temp;
438 size_t last = 0;
439 size_t next = 0;
443 //{create Memory Region object
444 next = s.find("MemRegion: pts{") + 15;
445 last = s.find("} MRVERSION: ");
446 temp = s.substr(next, last-next);
447 // convert string to PointsTo
449 string point;
451 while (getline(ss, point, ' '))
452 {
454 NodeID obj;
455 sss >> obj;
456 dstPts.set(obj);
457 }
459 // create mssdef
460 next = s.find("MSSADef: ") + 9;
461 last = s.find("} >=");
462 temp = s.substr(next, last-next);
463 // convert string to deftype
464 istringstream ss1(temp.substr(0, temp.find(", ")));
465 int obj1;
466 ss1 >> obj1;
469 // mrversion
470 next = s.find("MRVERSION: ") + 11;
471 last = s.find(" MSSADef:");
472 temp = s.substr(next, last-next);
473 // convert mrversion to nodeid
475 NodeID obj2;
476 ss2 >> obj2;
477 // create mrver
479 return tempMRVer;
item next
Definition cJSON.cpp:2224
Memory Region class.
Definition MemRegion.h:56
#define NULL
Definition extapi.c:2

◆ getMSSA()

MemSSA * SVF::SVFG::getMSSA ( ) const

Get SVFG memory SSA.

Definition at line 138 of file SVFG.h.

139 {
140 return mssa.get();
141 }

◆ getPTA()

PointerAnalysis * SVF::SVFG::getPTA ( ) const

Get Pointer Analysis.

Definition at line 144 of file SVFG.h.

145 {
146 return pta;
147 }

◆ getStat()

SVFGStat * SVF::SVFG::getStat ( ) const

Return statistics.

Definition at line 126 of file SVFG.h.

127 {
128 return stat;
129 }

◆ getSVFGNode()

SVFGNode * SVF::SVFG::getSVFGNode ( NodeID  id) const

Get a SVFG node.

Definition at line 150 of file SVFG.h.

151 {
152 return getVFGNode(id);
153 }
VFGNode * getVFGNode(NodeID id) const
Get a VFG node.
Definition VFG.h:145

◆ getSVFGNodeNum()

u32_t SVF::SVFG::getSVFGNodeNum ( ) const

Return total SVFG node number.

Definition at line 255 of file SVFG.h.

256 {
257 return nodeNum;
258 }
u32_t nodeNum
total num of edge

◆ hasActualINSVFGNodes()

bool SVF::SVFG::hasActualINSVFGNodes ( const CallICFGNode cs) const

Has a SVFGNode.

Definition at line 187 of file SVFG.h.

188 {
189 return callSiteToActualINMap.find(cs)!=callSiteToActualINMap.end();
190 }

◆ hasActualOUTSVFGNodes()

bool SVF::SVFG::hasActualOUTSVFGNodes ( const CallICFGNode cs) const

Definition at line 192 of file SVFG.h.

193 {
194 return callSiteToActualOUTMap.find(cs)!=callSiteToActualOUTMap.end();
195 }

◆ hasCallSiteChi()

bool SVF::SVFG::hasCallSiteChi ( const CallICFGNode cs) const

Definition at line 457 of file SVFG.h.

458 {
459 return (callSiteToActualOUTMap.find(cs) != callSiteToActualOUTMap.end());
460 }

◆ hasCallSiteMu()

bool SVF::SVFG::hasCallSiteMu ( const CallICFGNode cs) const

Definition at line 461 of file SVFG.h.

462 {
463 return (callSiteToActualINMap.find(cs) != callSiteToActualINMap.end());
464 }

◆ hasDef()

bool SVF::SVFG::hasDef ( const PAGNode pagNode) const

Definition at line 360 of file SVFG.h.

361 {
362 return VFG::hasDef(pagNode);
363 }
bool hasDef(const PAGNode *pagNode) const
Definition VFG.h:426

◆ hasDefSVFGNode()

bool SVF::SVFG::hasDefSVFGNode ( const PAGNode pagNode) const

Given a pagNode, return whether it has definition site.

Definition at line 177 of file SVFG.h.

178 {
180 }
bool hasSVFGNode(NodeID id) const
Whether has the SVFGNode.
Definition SVFG.h:156
bool hasDef(const PAGNode *pagNode) const
Definition SVFG.h:360

◆ hasFormalINSVFGNodes()

bool SVF::SVFG::hasFormalINSVFGNodes ( const SVFFunction fun) const

Definition at line 197 of file SVFG.h.

198 {
199 return funToFormalINMap.find(fun)!=funToFormalINMap.end();
200 }

◆ hasFormalOUTSVFGNodes()

bool SVF::SVFG::hasFormalOUTSVFGNodes ( const SVFFunction fun) const

Definition at line 202 of file SVFG.h.

203 {
204 return funToFormalOUTMap.find(fun)!=funToFormalOUTMap.end();
205 }

◆ hasFuncEntryChi()

bool SVF::SVFG::hasFuncEntryChi ( const SVFFunction func) const

Has function for EntryCHI/RetMU/CallCHI/CallMU.

Definition at line 449 of file SVFG.h.

450 {
451 return (funToFormalINMap.find(func) != funToFormalINMap.end());
452 }

◆ hasFuncRetMu()

bool SVF::SVFG::hasFuncRetMu ( const SVFFunction func) const

Definition at line 453 of file SVFG.h.

454 {
455 return (funToFormalOUTMap.find(func) != funToFormalOUTMap.end());
456 }

◆ hasSVFGNode()

bool SVF::SVFG::hasSVFGNode ( NodeID  id) const

Whether has the SVFGNode.

Definition at line 156 of file SVFG.h.

157 {
158 return hasVFGNode(id);
159 }
bool hasVFGNode(NodeID id) const
Whether has the VFGNode.
Definition VFG.h:151

◆ isCallSiteRetSVFGNode()

const CallICFGNode * SVFG::isCallSiteRetSVFGNode ( const SVFGNode node) const

Whether a node is callsite return SVFGNode.

Whether this is an callsite return SVFGNode (actual return, actual out)

Definition at line 732 of file SVFG.cpp.

734 if(const ActualRetSVFGNode* ar = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<ActualRetSVFGNode>(node))
735 {
736 return ar->getCallSite();
737 }
738 else if(const InterPHISVFGNode* phi = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<InterPHISVFGNode>(node))
739 {
740 if(phi->isActualRetPHI())
741 return phi->getCallSite();
742 }
743 else if(const ActualOUTSVFGNode* ao = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<ActualOUTSVFGNode>(node))
744 {
745 return ao->getCallSite();
746 }
747 else if(const InterMSSAPHISVFGNode* mphi = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<InterMSSAPHISVFGNode>(node))
748 {
749 if(mphi->isActualOUTPHI())
750 return mphi->getCallSite();
751 }
752 return nullptr;

◆ isFunEntrySVFGNode()

const SVFFunction * SVFG::isFunEntrySVFGNode ( const SVFGNode node) const

Whether a node is function entry SVFGNode.

Whether this is an function entry SVFGNode (formal parameter, formal In)

Definition at line 706 of file SVFG.cpp.

708 if(const FormalParmSVFGNode* fp = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<FormalParmSVFGNode>(node))
709 {
710 return fp->getFun();
711 }
712 else if(const InterPHISVFGNode* phi = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<InterPHISVFGNode>(node))
713 {
714 if(phi->isFormalParmPHI())
715 return phi->getFun();
716 }
717 else if(const FormalINSVFGNode* fi = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<FormalINSVFGNode>(node))
718 {
719 return fi->getFun();
720 }
721 else if(const InterMSSAPHISVFGNode* mphi = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<InterMSSAPHISVFGNode>(node))
722 {
723 if(mphi->isFormalINPHI())
724 return mphi->getFun();
725 }
726 return nullptr;

◆ performStat()

void SVFG::performStat ( )

Perform statistics.

Perform Statistics

Definition at line 758 of file SVFG.cpp.

760 stat->performStat();
virtual void performStat() override
Definition SVFGStat.cpp:178

◆ readFile()

void SVFG::readFile ( const std::string &  filename)

Definition at line 207 of file SVFGReadWrite.cpp.

209 outs() << "Loading SVFG analysis results from '" << filename << "'...";
210 ifstream F(filename.c_str());
211 if (!F.is_open())
212 {
213 outs() << " error opening file for reading!\n";
214 return;
215 }
218 for (PAGEdge::PAGEdgeSetTy::iterator iter = stores.begin(), eiter =
219 stores.end(); iter != eiter; ++iter)
220 {
221 StoreStmt* store = SVFUtil::cast<StoreStmt>(*iter);
222 const StmtSVFGNode* sNode = getStmtVFGNode(store);
223 for(CHISet::iterator pi = mssa->getCHISet(store).begin(), epi = mssa->getCHISet(store).end(); pi!=epi; ++pi)
224 setDef((*pi)->getResVer(),sNode);
225 }
226 //outer loop through each line in the file
227 string line;
228 // add nodes
230 while (F.good())
231 {
232 getline(F, line);
233 if (line.empty())
234 continue;
235 if (line.find("__Edges__") != std::string::npos)
236 break;
238 std::string s = line;
239 std::string delimiter = " >= ";
240 string temp;
241 int index = 0;
242 //implement delimiter to split string using ">="
243 size_t next = 0;
244 size_t last = 0;
245 size_t outer_last = 0;
246 size_t nextTemp; //size_t lastTemp;
247 NodeID id = 0;
248 string type;
249 string MR;
250 string basicBlock;
251 string opVer;
252 //inner loop through to get each element in the line
253 while ((next = s.find(delimiter, last)) != string::npos)
254 {
255 temp = s.substr(last, next-last);
256 last = next + 4;
257 outer_last = next + 4;
258 if(index == 0)
259 {
260 nextTemp = temp.find("SVFGNodeID: ") + 12;
261 id = atoi(temp.substr(nextTemp).c_str());
262 }
263 if(index == 1)
264 {
265 type = temp;
266 }
267 if(index > 1)
268 {
269 if(index == 2)
270 {
271 MR = temp;
272 }
273 if(index == 3)
274 {
275 basicBlock = temp;
276 }
277 }
278 index++;
279 }
281 if(!MR.empty())
282 {
284 }
285 else
286 {
288 }
289 //add nodes using the variables we extracted
290 if(type == "FormalINSVFGNode")
291 {
292 outer_last = s.find("ICFGNodeID: ") + 12;
293 NodeID FunID = atoi(s.substr(outer_last).c_str());
294 addFormalINSVFGNode(SVFUtil::dyn_cast<FunEntryICFGNode>(pag->getICFG()->getICFGNode(FunID)), tempMRVer, id);
295 }
296 else if(type == "FormalOUTSVFGNode")
297 {
298 outer_last = s.find("ICFGNodeID: ") + 12;
299 NodeID FunID = atoi(s.substr(outer_last).c_str());
300 addFormalOUTSVFGNode(SVFUtil::dyn_cast<FunExitICFGNode>(pag->getICFG()->getICFGNode(FunID)), tempMRVer, id);
301 }
302 else if(type == "ActualINSVFGNode")
303 {
304 outer_last = s.find("ICFGNodeID: ") + 12;
305 NodeID CallSiteID = atoi(s.substr(outer_last).c_str());
306 addActualINSVFGNode(SVFUtil::dyn_cast<CallICFGNode>(pag->getICFG()->getICFGNode(CallSiteID)), tempMRVer, id);
307 }
308 else if(type == "ActualOUTSVFGNode")
309 {
310 outer_last = s.find("ICFGNodeID: ") + 12;
311 NodeID CallSiteID = atoi(s.substr(outer_last).c_str());
312 addActualOUTSVFGNode(SVFUtil::dyn_cast<CallICFGNode>(pag->getICFG()->getICFGNode(CallSiteID)), tempMRVer, id);
313 }
314 else if (type == "PHISVFGNode")
315 {
316 opVer = s.substr(outer_last);
317 next = opVer.find("{") + 1;
318 last = opVer.find(",}");
319 temp = opVer.substr(next, last);
321 int index = 0;
322 while ((next = temp.find("{") + 1) != string::npos)
323 {
324 if (temp == ",}")
325 break;
326 last = temp.find("},");
327 string temp1;
328 temp1 = temp.substr(next, last-next);
330 OPVers.insert(make_pair(index, tempOPVer));
331 temp = temp.substr(last + 1);
332 index++;
333 }
334 next = basicBlock.find("ICFGNodeID: ") + 12;
335 temp = basicBlock.substr(next);
336 addIntraMSSAPHISVFGNode(pag->getICFG()->getICFGNode(atoi(temp.c_str())), OPVers.begin(), OPVers.end(), tempMRVer, id);
337 }
338 else
339 {
340 }
342 if (totalVFGNode < id)
343 totalVFGNode = id + 1;
344 }
345 stat->ATVFNodeEnd();
348 // Edges
349 while (F.good())
350 {
351 getline(F, line);
352 if (line.empty())
353 continue;
355 std::string s = line;
356 std::string delimiter = " >= ";
357 string temp;
358 // int index = 0;
359 size_t last = 0;
360 size_t next = 0; // size_t outer_last = 0;
361 string edge;
362 string attributes;
364 next = s.find(delimiter);
366 edge = s.substr(0, next);
367 attributes = s.substr(next + 4);
369 // extract nodeIDs for src and dst nodes
370 NodeID src;
371 NodeID dst;
372 next = edge.find("srcSVFGNodeID: ") + 15;
373 last = edge.find(" => ");
374 src = atoi(edge.substr(next, last-next).c_str());
375 next = edge.find("dstSVFGNodeID: ") + 15;
376 dst = atoi(edge.substr(next).c_str());
378 string type;
379 string attribute;
380 if (attributes.find(" | ") == string::npos)
382 else
383 {
384 next = attributes.find(" | ");
385 type = attributes.substr(0, next);
386 attribute = attributes.substr(next + 3);
387 }
389 if(type == "FormalINSVFGNode")
390 {
391 const FormalINSVFGNode* formalIn = SVFUtil::cast<FormalINSVFGNode>(getSVFGNode(src));
392 const ActualINSVFGNode* actualIn = SVFUtil::cast<ActualINSVFGNode>(getSVFGNode(dst));
394 }
395 else if(type == "FormalOUTSVFGNode")
396 {
397 const FormalOUTSVFGNode* formalOut = SVFUtil::cast<FormalOUTSVFGNode>(getSVFGNode(src));
398 if (attribute.find("intra") != string::npos)
399 {
400 addIntraIndirectVFEdge(dst, src, formalOut->getMRVer()->getMR()->getPointsTo());
401 }
402 else
403 {
404 const ActualOUTSVFGNode* actualOut = SVFUtil::cast<ActualOUTSVFGNode>(getSVFGNode(dst));
406 }
407 }
408 else if(type == "ActualINSVFGNode")
409 {
410 const ActualINSVFGNode* actualIn = SVFUtil::cast<ActualINSVFGNode>(getSVFGNode(src));
411 addIntraIndirectVFEdge(dst,src, actualIn->getMRVer()->getMR()->getPointsTo());
412 }
413 else if(type == "ActualOUTSVFGNode")
414 {
415 // There's no need to connect actual out node to its definition site in the same function.
416 }
417 else if (type == "StoreNode" || type == "LoadNode" || type == "PHISVFGNode")
418 {
420 tempMRVer = getMRVERFromString(attribute);
421 addIntraIndirectVFEdge(dst,src, tempMRVer->getMR()->getPointsTo());
422 }
423 else
424 {
425 }
426 }
#define F(f)
newitem type
Definition cJSON.cpp:2739
int index
Definition cJSON.h:170
ICFGNode * getICFGNode(NodeID id) const
Get a ICFG node.
Definition ICFG.h:86
virtual MRVer * getMRVERFromString(const std::string &input)
SVFStmtSetTy PAGEdgeSetTy

◆ removeSVFGEdge()

void SVF::SVFG::removeSVFGEdge ( SVFGEdge edge)

Remove a SVFG edge.

Definition at line 238 of file SVFG.h.

239 {
241 }
void removeVFGEdge(VFGEdge *edge)
Remove a SVFG edge.
Definition VFG.h:319

◆ removeSVFGNode()

void SVF::SVFG::removeSVFGNode ( SVFGNode node)

Remove a SVFGNode.

Definition at line 243 of file SVFG.h.

244 {
245 removeVFGNode(node);
246 }
void removeVFGNode(VFGNode *node)
Remove a VFGNode.
Definition VFG.h:326

◆ setDef() [1/2]

void SVF::SVFG::setDef ( const MRVer mvar,
const SVFGNode node 

Given a MSSADef, set/get its def SVFG node (definition of address-taken variables)

Definition at line 368 of file SVFG.h.

369 {
370 MSSAVarToDefMapTy::iterator it = MSSAVarToDefMap.find(mvar);
371 if(it==MSSAVarToDefMap.end())
372 {
373 MSSAVarToDefMap[mvar] = node->getId();
374 assert(hasSVFGNode(node->getId()) && "not in the map!!");
375 }
376 else
377 {
378 assert((it->second == node->getId()) && "a SVFIR node can only have unique definition ");
379 }
380 }

◆ setDef() [2/2]

void SVF::SVFG::setDef ( const PAGNode pagNode,
const SVFGNode node 

Given a PAGNode, set/get its def SVFG node (definition of top level pointers)

Definition at line 352 of file SVFG.h.

353 {
354 VFG::setDef(pagNode, node);
355 }
void setDef(const PAGNode *pagNode, const VFGNode *node)
Given a PAGNode, set/get its def VFG node (definition of top level pointers)
Definition VFG.h:407

◆ writeToFile()

void SVFG::writeToFile ( const std::string &  filename)

Definition at line 47 of file SVFGReadWrite.cpp.

49 outs() << "Writing SVFG analysis to '" << filename << "'...";
51 std::fstream f(filename.c_str(), std::ios_base::out);
52 if (!f.good())
53 {
54 outs() << " error opening file for writing!\n";
55 return;
56 }
57 f << "__Nodes__\n";
58 // Iterate over nodes and write to file
59 for(iterator it = begin(), eit = end(); it!=eit; ++it)
60 {
61 NodeID nodeId = it->first;
62 const SVFGNode* node = it->second;
63 if(const FormalINSVFGNode* formalIn = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<FormalINSVFGNode>(node))
64 {
65 //node
66 f << "SVFGNodeID: " << nodeId << " >= " << "FormalINSVFGNode";
67 f << " >= MVER: {";
68 f << *formalIn->getMRVer() << "} >= ICFGNodeID: " << formalIn->getFunEntryNode()->getId() << "\n";
69 }
70 else if(const FormalOUTSVFGNode* formalOut = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<FormalOUTSVFGNode>(node))
71 {
72 //node
73 f << "SVFGNodeID: " << nodeId << " >= " << "FormalOUTSVFGNode";
74 f << " >= MVER: {";
75 f << *formalOut->getMRVer() << "} >= ICFGNodeID: " << formalOut->getFunExitNode()->getId() << "\n";
76 }
77 else if(const ActualINSVFGNode* actualIn = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<ActualINSVFGNode>(node))
78 {
79 //node
80 f << "SVFGNodeID: " << nodeId << " >= " << "ActualINSVFGNode";
81 f << " >= MVER: {";
82 f << *actualIn->getMRVer() << "} >= ICFGNodeID: " << actualIn->getCallSite()->getId() << "\n";
83 }
84 else if(const ActualOUTSVFGNode* actualOut = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<ActualOUTSVFGNode>(node))
85 {
86 //node
87 f << "SVFGNodeID: " << nodeId << " >= " << "ActualOUTSVFGNode" << " >= MVER: {";
88 f << *actualOut->getMRVer() << "} >= ICFGNodeID: " << actualOut->getCallSite()->getId() << "\n";
89 }
90 else if(const MSSAPHISVFGNode* phiNode = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<MSSAPHISVFGNode>(node))
91 {
92 //node
93 f << "SVFGNodeID: " << nodeId << " >= " << "PHISVFGNode";
95 for (MemSSA::PHI::OPVers::const_iterator it = phiNode->opVerBegin(), eit = phiNode->opVerEnd();
96 it != eit; it++)
97 {
98 opvers.insert(make_pair(it->first, it->second));
99 }
100 // opvers
101 f << " >= MVER: {";
102 f << *phiNode->getResVer();
103 const ICFGNode* inst = phiNode->getICFGNode()->getBB()->front();
104 f << "} >= ICFGNodeID: " << inst->getId();
105 f << " >= OPVers: {";
106 for (auto x: opvers)
107 {
108 const MRVer* op = x.second;
109 f << "{" << *op << "}" << ",";
110 }
111 f << "}\n";
112 }
113 }
115 f << "\n\n__Edges__\n";
116 // Iterate over edges and write to file
117 for(iterator it = begin(), eit = end(); it!=eit; ++it)
118 {
119 NodeID nodeId = it->first;
120 const SVFGNode* node = it->second;
121 if(const LoadSVFGNode* loadNode = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<LoadSVFGNode>(node))
122 {
123 MUSet& muSet = mssa->getMUSet(SVFUtil::cast<LoadStmt>(loadNode->getPAGEdge()));
124 for(MUSet::iterator it = muSet.begin(), eit = muSet.end(); it!=eit; ++it)
125 {
126 if(LOADMU* mu = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<LOADMU>(*it))
127 {
128 NodeID def = getDef(mu->getMRVer());
129 f << "srcSVFGNodeID: " << nodeId << " => " << "dstSVFGNodeID: " << def << " >= LoadNode | MVER: {" << *mu->getMRVer() << "}" << "\n";
130 }
131 }
132 }
133 else if(const StoreSVFGNode* storeNode = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<StoreSVFGNode>(node))
134 {
135 CHISet& chiSet = mssa->getCHISet(SVFUtil::cast<StoreStmt>(storeNode->getPAGEdge()));
136 for(CHISet::iterator it = chiSet.begin(), eit = chiSet.end(); it!=eit; ++it)
137 {
138 if(STORECHI* chi = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<STORECHI>(*it))
139 {
140 NodeID def = getDef(chi->getOpVer());
141 f << "srcSVFGNodeID: " << nodeId << " => " << "dstSVFGNodeID: " << def << " >= StoreNode | MVER: {" << *chi->getOpVer() << "}" << "\n";
142 }
143 }
144 }
145 else if(const FormalINSVFGNode* formalIn = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<FormalINSVFGNode>(node))
146 {
148 mssa->getPTA()->getCallGraph()->getDirCallSitesInvokingCallee(formalIn->getFun(),callInstSet);
149 for(PTACallGraphEdge::CallInstSet::iterator it = callInstSet.begin(), eit = callInstSet.end(); it!=eit; ++it)
150 {
151 const CallICFGNode* cs = *it;
152 if(!mssa->hasMU(cs))
153 continue;
156 {
157 const ActualINSVFGNode* actualIn = SVFUtil::cast<ActualINSVFGNode>(getSVFGNode(*ait));
158 f << "srcSVFGNodeID: " << nodeId << " => " << "dstSVFGNodeID: " << actualIn->getId() << " >= FormalINSVFGNode" << "\n";
159 }
160 }
161 }
162 else if(const FormalOUTSVFGNode* formalOut = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<FormalOUTSVFGNode>(node))
163 {
165 mssa->getPTA()->getCallGraph()->getDirCallSitesInvokingCallee(formalOut->getFun(),callInstSet);
166 for(PTACallGraphEdge::CallInstSet::iterator it = callInstSet.begin(), eit = callInstSet.end(); it!=eit; ++it)
167 {
168 const CallICFGNode* cs = *it;
169 if(!mssa->hasCHI(cs))
170 continue;
173 {
174 const ActualOUTSVFGNode* actualOut = SVFUtil::cast<ActualOUTSVFGNode>(getSVFGNode(*ait));
175 f << "srcSVFGNodeID: " << nodeId << " => " << "dstSVFGNodeID: " << actualOut->getId() << " >= FormalOUTSVFGNode" << "\n";
176 }
177 }
178 NodeID def = getDef(formalOut->getMRVer());
179 f << "srcSVFGNodeID: " << nodeId << " => " << "dstSVFGNodeID: " << def << " >= FormalOUTSVFGNode | intra" << "\n";
180 }
181 else if(const ActualINSVFGNode* actualIn = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<ActualINSVFGNode>(node))
182 {
183 NodeID def = getDef(actualIn->getMRVer());
184 f << "srcSVFGNodeID: " << nodeId << " => " << "dstSVFGNodeID: " << def << " >= ActualINSVFGNode" << "\n";
186 }
187 else if(const MSSAPHISVFGNode* phiNode = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<MSSAPHISVFGNode>(node))
188 {
189 for (MemSSA::PHI::OPVers::const_iterator it = phiNode->opVerBegin(), eit = phiNode->opVerEnd();
190 it != eit; it++)
191 {
192 const MRVer* op = it->second;
193 NodeID def = getDef(op);
194 f << "srcSVFGNodeID: " << nodeId << " => " << "dstSVFGNodeID: " << def << " >= PHISVFGNode | MVER: {" << *op << "}" << "\n";
195 }
196 }
197 }
198 // Job finish and close file
199 f.close();
200 if (f.good())
201 {
202 outs() << "\n";
203 return;
204 }
virtual const SVFBasicBlock * getBB() const
Return the basic block of this ICFGNode.
Definition ICFGNode.h:82
const ICFGNode * front() const
Definition SVFValue.h:605

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ CFLSVFGBuilder

Definition at line 69 of file SVFG.h.

◆ DDASVFGBuilder

friend class DDASVFGBuilder

Definition at line 71 of file SVFG.h.

◆ MTASVFGBuilder

friend class MTASVFGBuilder

Definition at line 72 of file SVFG.h.

◆ RcSvfgBuilder

friend class RcSvfgBuilder

Definition at line 73 of file SVFG.h.

◆ SaberSVFGBuilder

Definition at line 68 of file SVFG.h.

◆ SVFGBuilder

Definition at line 67 of file SVFG.h.

◆ TaintSVFGBuilder

friend class TaintSVFGBuilder

Definition at line 70 of file SVFG.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ callSiteToActualINMap

CallSiteToActualINsMapTy SVF::SVFG::callSiteToActualINMap

Definition at line 101 of file SVFG.h.

◆ callSiteToActualOUTMap

CallSiteToActualOUTsMapTy SVF::SVFG::callSiteToActualOUTMap

Definition at line 102 of file SVFG.h.

◆ funToFormalINMap

FunctionToFormalINsMapTy SVF::SVFG::funToFormalINMap

Definition at line 103 of file SVFG.h.

◆ funToFormalOUTMap

FunctionToFormalOUTsMapTy SVF::SVFG::funToFormalOUTMap

Definition at line 104 of file SVFG.h.

◆ mssa

std::unique_ptr<MemSSA> SVF::SVFG::mssa

Definition at line 106 of file SVFG.h.

◆ MSSAVarToDefMap


map a memory SSA operator to its definition SVFG node

Definition at line 100 of file SVFG.h.

◆ pta

PointerAnalysis* SVF::SVFG::pta

Definition at line 107 of file SVFG.h.

◆ stat

SVFGStat* SVF::SVFG::stat

Definition at line 105 of file SVFG.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: