Static Value-Flow Analysis
Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | List of all members
SVF::TypeAnalysis Class Reference

#include <TypeAnalysis.h>

Inheritance diagram for SVF::TypeAnalysis:
SVF::AndersenBase SVF::WPASolver< GraphType > SVF::BVDataPTAImpl SVF::PointerAnalysis

Public Member Functions

 TypeAnalysis (SVFIR *pag)
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~TypeAnalysis ()
 Destructor. More...
void analyze () override
 Type analysis. More...
void initialize () override
 Initialize analysis. More...
virtual void finalize () override
 Finalize analysis. More...
bool addCopyEdge (NodeID src, NodeID dst) override
 Add copy edge on constraint graph. More...
void callGraphSolveBasedOnCHA (const CallSiteToFunPtrMap &callsites, CallEdgeMap &newEdges)
 Resolve callgraph based on CHA. More...
void dumpCHAStats ()
 Statistics of CHA and callgraph. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from SVF::AndersenBase
 AndersenBase (SVFIR *_pag, PTATY type=Andersen_BASE, bool alias_check=true)
 Constructor. More...
 ~AndersenBase () override
 Destructor. More...
virtual void solveAndwritePtsToFile (const std::string &filename)
virtual void readPtsFromFile (const std::string &filename)
virtual void solveConstraints ()
virtual bool updateCallGraph (const CallSiteToFunPtrMap &) override
 Update call graph. More...
virtual bool updateThreadCallGraph (const CallSiteToFunPtrMap &, NodePairSet &)
 Update thread call graph. More...
virtual void connectCaller2ForkedFunParams (const CallICFGNode *cs, const SVFFunction *F, NodePairSet &cpySrcNodes)
 Connect formal and actual parameters for indirect forksites. More...
virtual void connectCaller2CalleeParams (const CallICFGNode *cs, const SVFFunction *F, NodePairSet &cpySrcNodes)
 Connect formal and actual parameters for indirect callsites. More...
ConstraintGraphgetConstraintGraph ()
 Get constraint graph. More...
NodeID sccRepNode (NodeID id) const override
 SCC methods. More...
NodeBSsccSubNodes (NodeID repId)
void printStat ()
 dump statistics More...
virtual void normalizePointsTo () override
void cleanConsCG (NodeID id)
 remove redundant gepnodes in constraint graph More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from SVF::BVDataPTAImpl
 BVDataPTAImpl (SVFIR *pag, PointerAnalysis::PTATY type, bool alias_check=true)
 Constructor. More...
 ~BVDataPTAImpl () override=default
 Destructor. More...
PersistentPointsToCache< PointsTo > & getPtCache ()
const PointsTogetPts (NodeID id) override
const NodeSetgetRevPts (NodeID nodeId) override
virtual void clearPts (NodeID id, NodeID element)
 Remove element from the points-to set of id. More...
virtual void clearFullPts (NodeID id)
 Clear points-to set of id. More...
virtual bool unionPts (NodeID id, const PointsTo &target)
virtual bool unionPts (NodeID id, NodeID ptd)
virtual bool addPts (NodeID id, NodeID ptd)
virtual void clearAllPts ()
 Clear all data. More...
virtual void expandFIObjs (const PointsTo &pts, PointsTo &expandedPts)
 Expand FI objects. More...
virtual void expandFIObjs (const NodeBS &pts, NodeBS &expandedPts)
 TODO: remove repetition. More...
void remapPointsToSets (void)
 Remap all points-to sets to use the current mapping. More...
virtual void writeToFile (const std::string &filename)
 Interface for analysis result storage on filesystem. More...
virtual void writeObjVarToFile (const std::string &filename)
virtual void writePtsResultToFile (std::fstream &f)
virtual void writeGepObjVarMapToFile (std::fstream &f)
virtual bool readFromFile (const std::string &filename)
virtual void readPtsResultFromFile (std::ifstream &f)
virtual void readGepObjVarMapFromFile (std::ifstream &f)
virtual void readAndSetObjFieldSensitivity (std::ifstream &f, const std::string &delimiterStr)
AliasResult alias (const SVFValue *V1, const SVFValue *V2) override
 Interface expose to users of our pointer analysis, given Value infos. More...
AliasResult alias (NodeID node1, NodeID node2) override
 Interface expose to users of our pointer analysis, given PAGNodeID. More...
virtual AliasResult alias (const PointsTo &pts1, const PointsTo &pts2)
 Interface expose to users of our pointer analysis, given two pts. More...
void dumpCPts () override
 dump and debug, print out conditional pts More...
void dumpTopLevelPtsTo () override
void dumpAllPts () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from SVF::PointerAnalysis
ICFGgetICFG () const
 Get ICFG. More...
u32_t getNumOfResolvedIndCallEdge () const
 Return number of resolved indirect call edges. More...
PTACallGraphgetCallGraph () const
 Return call graph. More...
CallGraphSCCgetCallGraphSCC () const
 Return call graph SCC. More...
 PointerAnalysis (SVFIR *pag, PTATY ty=Default_PTA, bool alias_check=true)
 Constructor. More...
PTATY getAnalysisTy () const
 Type of pointer analysis. More...
PTAImplTy getImplTy () const
 Return implementation type of the pointer analysis. More...
bool printStat ()
 Whether print statistics. More...
void disablePrintStat ()
 Whether print statistics. More...
CallEdgeMapgetIndCallMap ()
 Get callees from an indirect callsite. More...
bool hasIndCSCallees (const CallICFGNode *cs) const
const FunctionSetgetIndCSCallees (const CallICFGNode *cs) const
virtual void resolveIndCalls (const CallICFGNode *cs, const PointsTo &target, CallEdgeMap &newEdges)
 Resolve indirect call edges. More...
void callGraphSCCDetection ()
 PTACallGraph SCC related methods. More...
NodeID getCallGraphSCCRepNode (NodeID id) const
 Get SCC rep node of a SVFG node. More...
bool inSameCallGraphSCC (const SVFFunction *fun1, const SVFFunction *fun2)
 Return TRUE if this edge is inside a PTACallGraph SCC, i.e., src node and dst node are in the same SCC on the SVFG. More...
bool isInRecursion (const SVFFunction *fun) const
bool isLocalVarInRecursiveFun (NodeID id) const
 Whether a local variable is in function recursions. More...
virtual const std::string PTAName () const
 Return PTA name. More...
CommonCHGraphgetCHGraph () const
 get CHGraph More...
void getVFnsFromCHA (const CallICFGNode *cs, VFunSet &vfns)
void getVFnsFromPts (const CallICFGNode *cs, const PointsTo &target, VFunSet &vfns)
void connectVCallToVFns (const CallICFGNode *cs, const VFunSet &vfns, CallEdgeMap &newEdges)
virtual void resolveCPPIndCalls (const CallICFGNode *cs, const PointsTo &target, CallEdgeMap &newEdges)
 Resolve cpp indirect call edges. More...
SVFIRgetPAG () const
PTAStatgetStat () const
 Get PTA stat. More...
SVFModulegetModule () const
 Module. More...
OrderedNodeSetgetAllValidPtrs ()
 Get all Valid Pointers for resolution. More...
virtual ~PointerAnalysis ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual void computeDDAPts (NodeID)
 Compute points-to results on-demand, overridden by derived classes. More...
void printIndCSTargets (const CallICFGNode *cs, const FunctionSet &targets)
 Print targets of a function pointer. More...
virtual void dumpPts (NodeID ptr, const PointsTo &pts)
void printIndCSTargets ()
void dumpAllTypes ()
void dumpStat ()
 Dump the statistics. More...
bool containBlackHoleNode (const PointsTo &pts)
 Determine whether a points-to contains a black hole or constant node. More...
bool containConstantNode (const PointsTo &pts)
virtual bool isBlkObjOrConstantObj (NodeID ptd) const
bool isHeapMemObj (NodeID id) const
 Whether this object is heap or array. More...
bool isArrayMemObj (NodeID id) const
bool isFIObjNode (NodeID id) const
NodeID getBaseObjVar (NodeID id)
NodeID getFIObjVar (NodeID id)
NodeID getGepObjVar (NodeID id, const APOffset &ap)
virtual const NodeBSgetAllFieldsObjVars (NodeID id)
void setObjFieldInsensitive (NodeID id)
bool isFieldInsensitive (NodeID id) const

Static Public Member Functions

static bool classof (const TypeAnalysis *)
 Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast: More...
static bool classof (const PointerAnalysis *pta)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SVF::AndersenBase
static bool classof (const AndersenBase *)
 Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast: More...
static bool classof (const PointerAnalysis *pta)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SVF::BVDataPTAImpl
static bool classof (const PointerAnalysis *pta)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from SVF::AndersenBase
typedef OrderedMap< const CallICFGNode *, NodeIDCallSite2DummyValPN
- Public Types inherited from SVF::WPASolver< GraphType >
typedef SVF::GenericGraphTraits< GraphType > GTraits
 Define the GTraits and node iterator for printing. More...
typedef GTraits::NodeRef GNODE
typedef GTraits::EdgeType GEDGE
typedef GTraits::ChildIteratorType child_iterator
typedef SCCDetection< GraphType > SCC
typedef FIFOWorkList< NodeIDWorkList
- Public Types inherited from SVF::BVDataPTAImpl
enum  PTBackingType { Mutable , Persistent }
 How the PTData used is implemented. More...
typedef PTData< NodeID, NodeSet, NodeID, PointsToPTDataTy
typedef DiffPTData< NodeID, NodeSet, NodeID, PointsToDiffPTDataTy
typedef DFPTData< NodeID, NodeSet, NodeID, PointsToDFPTDataTy
typedef VersionedPTData< NodeID, NodeSet, NodeID, PointsTo, VersionedVar, Set< VersionedVar > > VersionedPTDataTy
typedef MutablePTData< NodeID, NodeSet, NodeID, PointsToMutPTDataTy
typedef MutableDiffPTData< NodeID, NodeSet, NodeID, PointsToMutDiffPTDataTy
typedef MutableDFPTData< NodeID, NodeSet, NodeID, PointsToMutDFPTDataTy
typedef MutableIncDFPTData< NodeID, NodeSet, NodeID, PointsToMutIncDFPTDataTy
typedef MutableVersionedPTData< NodeID, NodeSet, NodeID, PointsTo, VersionedVar, Set< VersionedVar > > MutVersionedPTDataTy
typedef PersistentPTData< NodeID, NodeSet, NodeID, PointsToPersPTDataTy
typedef PersistentDiffPTData< NodeID, NodeSet, NodeID, PointsToPersDiffPTDataTy
typedef PersistentDFPTData< NodeID, NodeSet, NodeID, PointsToPersDFPTDataTy
typedef PersistentIncDFPTData< NodeID, NodeSet, NodeID, PointsToPersIncDFPTDataTy
typedef PersistentVersionedPTData< NodeID, NodeSet, NodeID, PointsTo, VersionedVar, Set< VersionedVar > > PersVersionedPTDataTy
- Public Types inherited from SVF::PointerAnalysis
enum  PTATY {
  Andersen_BASE , Andersen_WPA , AndersenSCD_WPA , AndersenSFR_WPA ,
  AndersenWaveDiff_WPA , Steensgaard_WPA , CSCallString_WPA , CSSummary_WPA ,
  FieldS_DDA , FlowS_DDA , PathS_DDA , Cxt_DDA ,
 Pointer analysis type list. More...
enum  PTAImplTy { BaseImpl , BVDataImpl , CondImpl }
 Implementation type: BVDataPTAImpl or CondPTAImpl. More...
typedef Set< const CallICFGNode * > CallSiteSet
 Indirect call edges type, map a callsite to a set of callees. More...
typedef SVFIR::CallSiteToFunPtrMap CallSiteToFunPtrMap
typedef Set< const SVFFunction * > FunctionSet
typedef OrderedMap< const CallICFGNode *, FunctionSetCallEdgeMap
typedef SCCDetection< PTACallGraph * > CallGraphSCC
typedef Set< const SVFGlobalValue * > VTableSet
typedef Set< const SVFFunction * > VFunSet
- Public Attributes inherited from SVF::AndersenBase
NodeBS redundantGepNodes
- Public Attributes inherited from SVF::WPASolver< GraphType >
u32_t numOfIteration
 num of iterations during constraint solving More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from SVF::AndersenBase
static u32_t numOfProcessedAddr = 0
 Statistics. More...
static u32_t numOfProcessedCopy = 0
 Number of processed Addr edge. More...
static u32_t numOfProcessedGep = 0
 Number of processed Copy edge. More...
static u32_t numOfProcessedLoad = 0
 Number of processed Gep edge. More...
static u32_t numOfProcessedStore = 0
 Number of processed Load edge. More...
static u32_t numOfSfrs = 0
 Number of processed Store edge. More...
static u32_t numOfFieldExpand = 0
static u32_t numOfSCCDetection = 0
static double timeOfSCCDetection = 0
static double timeOfSCCMerges = 0
static double timeOfCollapse = 0
static u32_t AveragePointsToSetSize = 0
static u32_t MaxPointsToSetSize = 0
static double timeOfProcessCopyGep = 0
static double timeOfProcessLoadStore = 0
static double timeOfUpdateCallGraph = 0
- Static Public Attributes inherited from SVF::PointerAnalysis
static const std::string aliasTestMayAlias = "MAYALIAS"
static const std::string aliasTestMayAliasMangled = "_Z8MAYALIASPvS_"
static const std::string aliasTestNoAlias = "NOALIAS"
static const std::string aliasTestNoAliasMangled = "_Z7NOALIASPvS_"
static const std::string aliasTestPartialAlias = "PARTIALALIAS"
static const std::string aliasTestPartialAliasMangled = "_Z12PARTIALALIASPvS_"
static const std::string aliasTestMustAlias = "MUSTALIAS"
static const std::string aliasTestMustAliasMangled = "_Z9MUSTALIASPvS_"
static const std::string aliasTestFailMayAlias = "EXPECTEDFAIL_MAYALIAS"
static const std::string aliasTestFailMayAliasMangled = "_Z21EXPECTEDFAIL_MAYALIASPvS_"
static const std::string aliasTestFailNoAlias = "EXPECTEDFAIL_NOALIAS"
static const std::string aliasTestFailNoAliasMangled = "_Z20EXPECTEDFAIL_NOALIASPvS_"
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SVF::AndersenBase
void heapAllocatorViaIndCall (const CallICFGNode *cs, NodePairSet &cpySrcNodes)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SVF::WPASolver< GraphType >
 WPASolver ()
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~WPASolver ()=default
 Destructor. More...
SCCgetSCCDetector () const
 Get SCC detector. More...
const GraphType graph ()
 Get/Set graph methods. More...
void setGraph (GraphType g)
virtual NodeStackSCCDetect ()
 SCC detection. More...
virtual NodeStackSCCDetect (NodeSet &candidates)
virtual void initWorklist ()
virtual void solveWorklist ()
virtual void processNode (NodeID)
 Following methods are to be implemented in child class, in order to achieve a fully worked PTA. More...
virtual void collapseFields ()
 collapse positive weight cycles of a graph More...
virtual void propagate (GNODE *v)
virtual bool propFromSrcToDst (GEDGE *)
 Propagate information from source to destination node, to be implemented in the child class. More...
NodeID popFromWorklist ()
 Worklist operations. More...
virtual void pushIntoWorklist (NodeID id)
bool isWorklistEmpty ()
bool isInWorklist (NodeID id)
GNODENode (NodeID id)
 Get node on the graph. More...
NodeID Node_Index (GNODE node)
 Get node ID. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SVF::BVDataPTAImpl
PTDataTygetPTDataTy () const
 Get points-to data structure. More...
DiffPTDataTygetDiffPTDataTy () const
DFPTDataTygetDFPTDataTy () const
MutDFPTDataTygetMutDFPTDataTy () const
VersionedPTDataTygetVersionedPTDataTy () const
virtual void onTheFlyCallGraphSolve (const CallSiteToFunPtrMap &callsites, CallEdgeMap &newEdges)
 On the fly call graph construction. More...
virtual void onTheFlyThreadCallGraphSolve (const CallSiteToFunPtrMap &callsites, CallEdgeMap &newForkEdges)
 On the fly thread call graph construction respecting forksite. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SVF::PointerAnalysis
const CallSiteToFunPtrMapgetIndirectCallsites () const
 Return all indirect callsites. More...
NodeID getFunPtr (const CallICFGNode *cs) const
 Return function pointer PAGNode at a callsite cs. More...
virtual void validateTests ()
 Alias check functions to verify correctness of pointer analysis. More...
virtual void validateSuccessTests (std::string fun)
virtual void validateExpectedFailureTests (std::string fun)
void resetObjFieldSensitive ()
 Reset all object node as field-sensitive. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from SVF::AndersenBase
 Constraint Graph. More...
CallSite2DummyValPN callsite2DummyValPN
- Protected Attributes inherited from SVF::WPASolver< GraphType >
bool reanalyze
 Reanalyze if any constraint value changed. More...
u32_t iterationForPrintStat
 print out statistics for i-th iteration More...
GraphType _graph
 Graph. More...
std::unique_ptr< SCCscc
 SCC. More...
WorkList worklist
 Worklist for resolution. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from SVF::PointerAnalysis
bool print_stat
 User input flags. More...
bool alias_validation
 Flag for validating points-to/alias results. More...
u32_t OnTheFlyIterBudgetForStat
 Flag for iteration budget for on-the-fly statistics. More...
 Module. More...
 Pointer analysis Type. More...
PTAImplTy ptaImplTy
 PTA implementation type. More...
 Statistics. More...
 Call graph used for pointer analysis. More...
 SCC for PTACallGraph. More...
 Interprocedural control-flow graph. More...
 CHGraph. More...
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from SVF::PointerAnalysis
static SVFIRpag = nullptr
 SVFIR. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 38 of file TypeAnalysis.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TypeAnalysis()

SVF::TypeAnalysis::TypeAnalysis ( SVFIR pag)


Definition at line 43 of file TypeAnalysis.h.

45  {
46  }
AndersenBase(SVFIR *_pag, PTATY type=Andersen_BASE, bool alias_check=true)
Definition: Andersen.h:65
Type-based analysis for C++.
static SVFIR * pag

◆ ~TypeAnalysis()

virtual SVF::TypeAnalysis::~TypeAnalysis ( )


Definition at line 49 of file TypeAnalysis.h.

50  {
51  }

Member Function Documentation

◆ addCopyEdge()

bool SVF::TypeAnalysis::addCopyEdge ( NodeID  src,
NodeID  dst 

Add copy edge on constraint graph.

Implements SVF::AndersenBase.

Definition at line 63 of file TypeAnalysis.h.

64  {
65  assert(false && "this function should never be executed!");
66  return false;
67  }

◆ analyze()

void TypeAnalysis::analyze ( )

Type analysis.

Reimplemented from SVF::AndersenBase.

Definition at line 67 of file TypeAnalysis.cpp.

68 {
69  initialize();
70  CallEdgeMap newEdges;
72  finalize();
73 }
OrderedMap< const CallICFGNode *, FunctionSet > CallEdgeMap
const CallSiteToFunPtrMap & getIndirectCallsites() const
Return all indirect callsites.
virtual void finalize() override
Finalize analysis.
void initialize() override
Initialize analysis.
void callGraphSolveBasedOnCHA(const CallSiteToFunPtrMap &callsites, CallEdgeMap &newEdges)
Resolve callgraph based on CHA.

◆ callGraphSolveBasedOnCHA()

void TypeAnalysis::callGraphSolveBasedOnCHA ( const CallSiteToFunPtrMap callsites,
CallEdgeMap newEdges 

Resolve callgraph based on CHA.

Definition at line 75 of file TypeAnalysis.cpp.

76 {
77  for(CallSiteToFunPtrMap::const_iterator iter = callsites.begin(), eiter = callsites.end(); iter!=eiter; ++iter)
78  {
79  const CallICFGNode* cbn = iter->first;
80  if (cbn->isVirtualCall())
81  {
82  const SVFVar* vtbl = cbn->getVtablePtr();
83  (void)vtbl; // Suppress warning of unused variable under release build
84  assert(vtbl != nullptr);
85  VFunSet vfns;
86  getVFnsFromCHA(cbn, vfns);
87  connectVCallToVFns(cbn, vfns, newEdges);
88  }
89  }
90 }
const SVFVar * getVtablePtr() const
Definition: ICFGNode.h:537
bool isVirtualCall() const
Definition: ICFGNode.h:527
void connectVCallToVFns(const CallICFGNode *cs, const VFunSet &vfns, CallEdgeMap &newEdges)
void getVFnsFromCHA(const CallICFGNode *cs, VFunSet &vfns)
Set< const SVFFunction * > VFunSet
Definition: CHG.h:47

◆ classof() [1/2]

static bool SVF::TypeAnalysis::classof ( const PointerAnalysis pta)

Definition at line 81 of file TypeAnalysis.h.

82  {
83  return (pta->getAnalysisTy() == TypeCPP_WPA);
84  }

◆ classof() [2/2]

static bool SVF::TypeAnalysis::classof ( const TypeAnalysis )

Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast:

Definition at line 77 of file TypeAnalysis.h.

78  {
79  return true;
80  }

◆ dumpCHAStats()

void TypeAnalysis::dumpCHAStats ( )

Statistics of CHA and callgraph.

Definition at line 93 of file TypeAnalysis.cpp.

94 {
96  const CHGraph *chgraph = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<CHGraph>(getCHGraph());
97  if (chgraph == nullptr)
98  {
99  SVFUtil::errs() << "dumpCHAStats only implemented for standard CHGraph.\n";
100  return;
101  }
103  u32_t pure_abstract_class_num = 0,
104  multi_inheritance_class_num = 0;
105  for (CHGraph::const_iterator it = chgraph->begin(), eit = chgraph->end();
106  it != eit; ++it)
107  {
108  CHNode *node = it->second;
109  outs() << "class " << node->getName() << "\n";
110  if (node->isPureAbstract())
111  pure_abstract_class_num++;
112  if (node->isMultiInheritance())
113  multi_inheritance_class_num++;
114  }
115  outs() << "class_num:\t" << chgraph->getTotalNodeNum() << '\n';
116  outs() << "pure_abstract_class_num:\t" << pure_abstract_class_num << '\n';
117  outs() << "multi_inheritance_class_num:\t" << multi_inheritance_class_num << '\n';
119  /*
120  * count the following info:
121  * vtblnum
122  * total vfunction
123  * vtbl max vfunction
124  * pure abstract class
125  */
126  u32_t vtblnum = 0,
127  vfunc_total = 0,
128  vtbl_max = 0,
129  pure_abstract = 0;
130  set<const SVFFunction*> allVirtualFunctions;
131  for (CHGraph::const_iterator it = chgraph->begin(), eit = chgraph->end();
132  it != eit; ++it)
133  {
134  CHNode *node = it->second;
135  if (node->isPureAbstract())
136  pure_abstract++;
138  u32_t vfuncs_size = 0;
139  const vector<CHNode::FuncVector>& vecs = node->getVirtualFunctionVectors();
140  for (vector<CHNode::FuncVector>::const_iterator vit = vecs.begin(),
141  veit = vecs.end(); vit != veit; ++vit)
142  {
143  vfuncs_size += (*vit).size();
144  for (vector<const SVFFunction*>::const_iterator fit = (*vit).begin(),
145  feit = (*vit).end(); fit != feit; ++fit)
146  {
147  const SVFFunction* func = *fit;
148  allVirtualFunctions.insert(func);
149  }
150  }
151  if (vfuncs_size > 0)
152  {
153  vtblnum++;
154  if (vfuncs_size > vtbl_max)
155  {
156  vtbl_max = vfuncs_size;
157  }
158  }
159  }
160  vfunc_total = allVirtualFunctions.size();
162  outs() << "vtblnum:\t" << vtblnum << '\n';
163  outs() << "vtbl_average:\t" << (double)(vfunc_total)/vtblnum << '\n';
164  outs() << "vtbl_max:\t" << vtbl_max << '\n';
165  outs() << "pure_abstract:\t" << pure_abstract << '\n';
166 }
unsigned u32_t
Definition: CommandLine.h:18
bool isMultiInheritance() const
Definition: CHG.h:164
bool isPureAbstract() const
Definition: CHG.h:160
const std::vector< FuncVector > & getVirtualFunctionVectors() const
Definition: CHG.h:178
std::string getName() const
Definition: CHG.h:130
IDToNodeMapTy::const_iterator const_iterator
Definition: GenericGraph.h:607
CommonCHGraph * chgraph
CommonCHGraph * getCHGraph() const
get CHGraph
std::ostream & errs()
Overwrite llvm::errs()
Definition: SVFUtil.h:56
std::ostream & outs()
Overwrite llvm::outs()
Definition: SVFUtil.h:50

◆ finalize()

void TypeAnalysis::finalize ( )

Finalize analysis.

Reimplemented from SVF::AndersenBase.

Definition at line 60 of file TypeAnalysis.cpp.

61 {
63  if (print_stat)
64  dumpCHAStats();
65 }
virtual void finalize() override
Finalize analysis.
Definition: Andersen.cpp:89
bool print_stat
User input flags.
void dumpCHAStats()
Statistics of CHA and callgraph.

◆ initialize()

void TypeAnalysis::initialize ( )

Initialize analysis.

Reimplemented from SVF::AndersenBase.

Definition at line 43 of file TypeAnalysis.cpp.

44 {
46  if (Options::DumpICFG())
47  {
48  icfg = SVFIR::getPAG()->getICFG();
49  icfg->dump("icfg_initial");
50  icfg->dump("vfg_initial");
51  if (print_stat)
52  {
54  stat.performStat();
55  }
56  }
57 }
virtual void initialize() override
Initialize analysis.
Definition: Andersen.cpp:73
void dump(const std::string &file, bool simple=false)
Dump graph into dot file.
Definition: ICFG.cpp:403
static const Option< bool > DumpICFG
Definition: Options.h:123
void performStat() override
Definition: PTAStat.cpp:52
PTAStat * stat
ICFG * icfg
Interprocedural control-flow graph.
static SVFIR * getPAG(bool buildFromFile=false)
Singleton design here to make sure we only have one instance during any analysis.
Definition: SVFIR.h:115
ICFG * getICFG() const
Definition: SVFIR.h:171

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: