Static Value-Flow Analysis
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SVF::SVFGOPT Class Reference

#include <SVFGOPT.h>

Inheritance diagram for SVF::SVFGOPT:
SVF::SVFG SVF::VFG SVF::GenericGraph< NodeTy, EdgeTy >

Public Member Functions

 SVFGOPT (std::unique_ptr< MemSSA > mssa, VFGK kind)
 Constructor. More...
 ~SVFGOPT () override=default
 Destructor. More...
void setTokeepActualOutFormalIn ()
void setTokeepAllSelfCycle ()
void setTokeepContextSelfCycle ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from SVF::SVFG
virtual ~SVFG ()
 Destructor. More...
SVFGStatgetStat () const
 Return statistics. More...
void clearMSSA ()
 Clear MSSA. More...
MemSSAgetMSSA () const
 Get SVFG memory SSA. More...
PointerAnalysisgetPTA () const
 Get Pointer Analysis. More...
SVFGNodegetSVFGNode (NodeID id) const
 Get a SVFG node. More...
bool hasSVFGNode (NodeID id) const
 Whether has the SVFGNode. More...
void getInterVFEdgesForIndirectCallSite (const CallICFGNode *cs, const SVFFunction *callee, SVFGEdgeSetTy &edges)
 Get all inter value flow edges of a indirect call site. More...
void dump (const std::string &file, bool simple=false)
 Dump graph into dot file. More...
virtual void connectCallerAndCallee (const CallICFGNode *cs, const SVFFunction *callee, SVFGEdgeSetTy &edges)
 Connect SVFG nodes between caller and callee for indirect call site. More...
const SVFGNodegetDefSVFGNode (const PAGNode *pagNode) const
 Given a pagNode, return its definition site. More...
bool hasDefSVFGNode (const PAGNode *pagNode) const
 Given a pagNode, return whether it has definition site. More...
void performStat ()
 Perform statistics. More...
bool hasActualINSVFGNodes (const CallICFGNode *cs) const
 Has a SVFGNode. More...
bool hasActualOUTSVFGNodes (const CallICFGNode *cs) const
bool hasFormalINSVFGNodes (const SVFFunction *fun) const
bool hasFormalOUTSVFGNodes (const SVFFunction *fun) const
ActualINSVFGNodeSetgetActualINSVFGNodes (const CallICFGNode *cs)
 Get SVFGNode set. More...
ActualOUTSVFGNodeSetgetActualOUTSVFGNodes (const CallICFGNode *cs)
FormalINSVFGNodeSetgetFormalINSVFGNodes (const SVFFunction *fun)
FormalOUTSVFGNodeSetgetFormalOUTSVFGNodes (const SVFFunction *fun)
const SVFFunctionisFunEntrySVFGNode (const SVFGNode *node) const
 Whether a node is function entry SVFGNode. More...
const CallICFGNodeisCallSiteRetSVFGNode (const SVFGNode *node) const
 Whether a node is callsite return SVFGNode. More...
void removeSVFGEdge (SVFGEdge *edge)
 Remove a SVFG edge. More...
void removeSVFGNode (SVFGNode *node)
 Remove a SVFGNode. More...
bool addSVFGEdge (SVFGEdge *edge)
 Add SVFG edge. More...
u32_t getSVFGNodeNum () const
 Return total SVFG node number. More...
const DummyVersionPropSVFGNodeaddDummyVersionPropSVFGNode (const NodeID object, const NodeID version)
virtual void writeToFile (const std::string &filename)
virtual void readFile (const std::string &filename)
virtual MRVergetMRVERFromString (const std::string &input)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SVF::VFG
 VFG (PTACallGraph *callgraph, VFGK k=FULLSVFG)
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~VFG ()
 Destructor. More...
VFGK getKind () const
 Get VFG kind. More...
bool isPtrOnlySVFG () const
 Return true if this VFG only contains pointer related SVFGNodes for pointer analysis. More...
SVFIRgetPAG () const
 Return SVFIR. More...
PTACallGraphgetCallGraph () const
 Return PTACallGraph. More...
VFGNodegetVFGNode (NodeID id) const
 Get a VFG node. More...
bool hasVFGNode (NodeID id) const
 Whether has the VFGNode. More...
GlobalVFGNodeSetgetGlobalVFGNodes ()
 Return global stores. More...
VFGEdgegetIntraVFGEdge (const VFGNode *src, const VFGNode *dst, VFGEdge::VFGEdgeK kind)
 Get a SVFG edge according to src and dst. More...
void dump (const std::string &file, bool simple=false)
 Dump graph into dot file. More...
void view ()
 Dump graph into dot file. More...
void updateCallGraph (PointerAnalysis *pta)
 Update VFG based on pointer analysis results. More...
CallSiteID getCallSiteID (const CallICFGNode *cs, const SVFFunction *func) const
 Get callsite given a callsiteID. More...
const CallICFGNodegetCallSite (CallSiteID id) const
const VFGNodegetDefVFGNode (const PAGNode *pagNode) const
 Given a pagNode, return its definition site. More...
const PAGNodegetLHSTopLevPtr (const VFGNode *node) const
StmtVFGNodegetStmtVFGNode (const PAGEdge *pagEdge) const
 Get an VFGNode. More...
IntraPHIVFGNodegetIntraPHIVFGNode (const PAGNode *pagNode) const
BinaryOPVFGNodegetBinaryOPVFGNode (const PAGNode *pagNode) const
UnaryOPVFGNodegetUnaryOPVFGNode (const PAGNode *pagNode) const
BranchVFGNodegetBranchVFGNode (const PAGNode *pagNode) const
CmpVFGNodegetCmpVFGNode (const PAGNode *pagNode) const
ActualParmVFGNodegetActualParmVFGNode (const PAGNode *aparm, const CallICFGNode *cs) const
ActualRetVFGNodegetActualRetVFGNode (const PAGNode *aret) const
FormalParmVFGNodegetFormalParmVFGNode (const PAGNode *fparm) const
FormalRetVFGNodegetFormalRetVFGNode (const PAGNode *fret) const
const SVFFunctionisFunEntryVFGNode (const VFGNode *node) const
 Whether a node is function entry VFGNode. More...
bool hasBlackHoleConstObjAddrAsDef (const PAGNode *pagNode) const
 Whether a PAGNode has a blackhole or const object as its definition. More...
VFGEdgeaddIntraDirectVFEdge (NodeID srcId, NodeID dstId)
VFGEdgeaddCallEdge (NodeID srcId, NodeID dstId, CallSiteID csId)
VFGEdgeaddRetEdge (NodeID srcId, NodeID dstId, CallSiteID csId)
void removeVFGEdge (VFGEdge *edge)
 Remove a SVFG edge. More...
void removeVFGNode (VFGNode *node)
 Remove a VFGNode. More...
VFGEdgehasIntraVFGEdge (VFGNode *src, VFGNode *dst, VFGEdge::VFGEdgeK kind)
 Whether we has a SVFG edge. More...
VFGEdgehasInterVFGEdge (VFGNode *src, VFGNode *dst, VFGEdge::VFGEdgeK kind, CallSiteID csId)
VFGEdgehasThreadVFGEdge (VFGNode *src, VFGNode *dst, VFGEdge::VFGEdgeK kind)
bool addVFGEdge (VFGEdge *edge)
 Add VFG edge. More...
VFGNodeSetgetVFGNodes (const SVFFunction *fun)
bool hasVFGNodes (const SVFFunction *fun) const
bool VFGNodes (const SVFFunction *fun) const
VFGNodeSet::const_iterator getVFGNodeBegin (const SVFFunction *fun) const
VFGNodeSet::const_iterator getVFGNodeEnd (const SVFFunction *fun) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from SVF::GenericGraph< NodeTy, EdgeTy >
 GenericGraph ()
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~GenericGraph ()
 Destructor. More...
void destroy ()
 Release memory. More...
iterator begin ()
 Iterators. More...
iterator end ()
const_iterator begin () const
const_iterator end () const
void addGNode (NodeID id, NodeType *node)
 Add a Node. More...
NodeTypegetGNode (NodeID id) const
 Get a node. More...
bool hasGNode (NodeID id) const
 Has a node. More...
void removeGNode (NodeType *node)
 Delete a node. More...
u32_t getTotalNodeNum () const
 Get total number of node/edge. More...
u32_t getTotalEdgeNum () const
void incNodeNum ()
 Increase number of node/edge. More...
void incEdgeNum ()

Protected Member Functions

void buildSVFG () override
 Start building SVFG. More...
void connectAParamAndFParam (const PAGNode *cs_arg, const PAGNode *fun_arg, const CallICFGNode *, CallSiteID csId, SVFGEdgeSetTy &edges) override
 Connect SVFG nodes between caller and callee for indirect call sites. More...
void connectFRetAndARet (const PAGNode *fun_ret, const PAGNode *cs_ret, CallSiteID csId, SVFGEdgeSetTy &edges) override
 Connect formal-ret and actual ret. More...
void connectAInAndFIn (const ActualINSVFGNode *actualIn, const FormalINSVFGNode *formalIn, CallSiteID csId, SVFGEdgeSetTy &edges) override
 Connect actual-in and formal-in. More...
void connectFOutAndAOut (const FormalOUTSVFGNode *formalOut, const ActualOUTSVFGNode *actualOut, CallSiteID csId, SVFGEdgeSetTy &edges) override
 Connect formal-out and actual-out. More...
NodeID getActualINDef (NodeID ai) const
 Get def-site of actual-in/formal-out. More...
NodeID getFormalOUTDef (NodeID fo) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SVF::SVFG
void destroy ()
 Clean up memory. More...
 SVFG (std::unique_ptr< MemSSA > mssa, VFGK k)
 Constructor. More...
SVFGEdgeaddIntraIndirectVFEdge (NodeID srcId, NodeID dstId, const NodeBS &cpts)
 Add indirect def-use edges of a memory region between two statements,. More...
SVFGEdgeaddCallIndirectVFEdge (NodeID srcId, NodeID dstId, const NodeBS &cpts, CallSiteID csId)
SVFGEdgeaddRetIndirectVFEdge (NodeID srcId, NodeID dstId, const NodeBS &cpts, CallSiteID csId)
SVFGEdgeaddThreadMHPIndirectVFEdge (NodeID srcId, NodeID dstId, const NodeBS &cpts)
SVFGEdgeaddInterIndirectVFCallEdge (const ActualINSVFGNode *src, const FormalINSVFGNode *dst, CallSiteID csId)
 Add inter VF edge from callsite mu to function entry chi. More...
SVFGEdgeaddInterIndirectVFRetEdge (const FormalOUTSVFGNode *src, const ActualOUTSVFGNode *dst, CallSiteID csId)
 Add inter VF edge from function exit mu to callsite chi. More...
virtual void getInterVFEdgeAtIndCSFromAPToFP (const PAGNode *cs_arg, const PAGNode *fun_arg, const CallICFGNode *, CallSiteID csId, SVFGEdgeSetTy &edges)
 Get inter value flow edges between indirect call site and callee. More...
virtual void getInterVFEdgeAtIndCSFromFRToAR (const PAGNode *fun_ret, const PAGNode *cs_ret, CallSiteID csId, SVFGEdgeSetTy &edges)
virtual void getInterVFEdgeAtIndCSFromAInToFIn (ActualINSVFGNode *actualIn, const SVFFunction *callee, SVFGEdgeSetTy &edges)
virtual void getInterVFEdgeAtIndCSFromFOutToAOut (ActualOUTSVFGNode *actualOut, const SVFFunction *callee, SVFGEdgeSetTy &edges)
void setDef (const PAGNode *pagNode, const SVFGNode *node)
 Given a PAGNode, set/get its def SVFG node (definition of top level pointers) More...
NodeID getDef (const PAGNode *pagNode) const
bool hasDef (const PAGNode *pagNode) const
void setDef (const MRVer *mvar, const SVFGNode *node)
 Given a MSSADef, set/get its def SVFG node (definition of address-taken variables) More...
NodeID getDef (const MRVer *mvar) const
void addSVFGNodesForAddrTakenVars ()
 Create SVFG nodes for address-taken variables. More...
void connectIndirectSVFGEdges ()
 Connect direct SVFG edges between two SVFG nodes (value-flow of top address-taken variables) More...
void connectFromGlobalToProgEntry ()
 Connect indirect SVFG edges from global initializers (store) to main function entry. More...
virtual void addSVFGNode (SVFGNode *node, ICFGNode *icfgNode)
 Add SVFG node. More...
void addFormalINSVFGNode (const FunEntryICFGNode *funEntry, const MRVer *resVer, const NodeID nodeId)
 Add memory Function entry chi SVFG node. More...
void addFormalOUTSVFGNode (const FunExitICFGNode *funExit, const MRVer *ver, const NodeID nodeId)
 Add memory Function return mu SVFG node. More...
void addActualINSVFGNode (const CallICFGNode *callsite, const MRVer *ver, const NodeID nodeId)
 Add memory callsite mu SVFG node. More...
void addActualOUTSVFGNode (const CallICFGNode *callsite, const MRVer *resVer, const NodeID nodeId)
 Add memory callsite chi SVFG node. More...
void addIntraMSSAPHISVFGNode (ICFGNode *BlockICFGNode, const Map< u32_t, const MRVer * >::const_iterator opVerBegin, const Map< u32_t, const MRVer * >::const_iterator opVerEnd, const MRVer *resVer, const NodeID nodeId)
 Add memory SSA PHI SVFG node. More...
bool hasFuncEntryChi (const SVFFunction *func) const
 Has function for EntryCHI/RetMU/CallCHI/CallMU. More...
bool hasFuncRetMu (const SVFFunction *func) const
bool hasCallSiteChi (const CallICFGNode *cs) const
bool hasCallSiteMu (const CallICFGNode *cs) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SVF::VFG
void destroy ()
 Clean up memory. More...
void checkIntraEdgeParents (const VFGNode *srcNode, const VFGNode *dstNode)
 sanitize Intra edges, verify that both nodes belong to the same function. More...
VFGEdgeaddInterEdgeFromAPToFP (ActualParmVFGNode *src, FormalParmVFGNode *dst, CallSiteID csId)
 Add inter VF edge from actual to formal parameters. More...
VFGEdgeaddInterEdgeFromFRToAR (FormalRetVFGNode *src, ActualRetVFGNode *dst, CallSiteID csId)
 Add inter VF edge from callee return to callsite receive parameter. More...
VFGEdgeaddInterEdgeFromAPToFP (NodeID src, NodeID dst, CallSiteID csId)
 Add inter VF edge from actual to formal parameters. More...
VFGEdgeaddInterEdgeFromFRToAR (NodeID src, NodeID dst, CallSiteID csId)
 Add inter VF edge from callee return to callsite receive parameter. More...
void setDef (const PAGNode *pagNode, const VFGNode *node)
 Given a PAGNode, set/get its def VFG node (definition of top level pointers) More...
NodeID getDef (const PAGNode *pagNode) const
bool hasDef (const PAGNode *pagNode) const
void addVFGNodes ()
 Create VFG nodes. More...
virtual SVFStmt::SVFStmtSetTygetPAGEdgeSet (SVFStmt::PEDGEK kind)
 Get PAGEdge set. More...
virtual bool isInterestedPAGNode (const SVFVar *node) const
void connectDirectVFGEdges ()
 Create edges between VFG nodes within a function. More...
void addVFGInterEdges (const CallICFGNode *cs, const SVFFunction *callee)
 Create edges between VFG nodes across functions. More...
bool isPhiCopyEdge (const PAGEdge *copy) const
virtual void addVFGNode (VFGNode *vfgNode, ICFGNode *icfgNode)
 Add a VFG node. More...
void addStmtVFGNode (StmtVFGNode *node, const PAGEdge *pagEdge)
 Add a VFG node for program statement. More...
void addNullPtrVFGNode (const PAGNode *pagNode)
void addAddrVFGNode (const AddrStmt *addr)
 Add an Address VFG node. More...
void addCopyVFGNode (const CopyStmt *copy)
 Add a Copy VFG node. More...
void addGepVFGNode (const GepStmt *gep)
 Add a Gep VFG node. More...
void addLoadVFGNode (const LoadStmt *load)
 Add a Load VFG node. More...
void addStoreVFGNode (const StoreStmt *store)
void addActualParmVFGNode (const PAGNode *aparm, const CallICFGNode *cs)
void addFormalParmVFGNode (const PAGNode *fparm, const SVFFunction *fun, CallPESet &callPEs)
 Add a formal parameter VFG node. More...
void addFormalRetVFGNode (const PAGNode *uniqueFunRet, const SVFFunction *fun, RetPESet &retPEs)
void addActualRetVFGNode (const PAGNode *ret, const CallICFGNode *cs)
 Add a callsite Receive VFG node. More...
void addIntraPHIVFGNode (const MultiOpndStmt *edge)
 Add an llvm PHI VFG node. More...
void addCmpVFGNode (const CmpStmt *edge)
 Add a Compare VFG node. More...
void addBinaryOPVFGNode (const BinaryOPStmt *edge)
 Add a BinaryOperator VFG node. More...
void addUnaryOPVFGNode (const UnaryOPStmt *edge)
 Add a UnaryOperator VFG node. More...
void addBranchVFGNode (const BranchStmt *edge)
 Add a BranchVFGNode. More...

Private Types

typedef Set< SVFGNode * > SVFGNodeSet
typedef Map< NodeID, NodeIDNodeIDToNodeIDMap
typedef FIFOWorkList< const MSSAPHISVFGNode * > WorkList

Private Member Functions

void parseSelfCycleHandleOption ()
SVFGEdgeaddCallIndirectSVFGEdge (NodeID srcId, NodeID dstId, CallSiteID csid, const NodeBS &cpts)
 Add inter-procedural value flow edge. More...
SVFGEdgeaddRetIndirectSVFGEdge (NodeID srcId, NodeID dstId, CallSiteID csid, const NodeBS &cpts)
 Add indirect ret edge from src to dst with one call site ID. More...
void handleInterValueFlow ()
void replaceFParamARetWithPHI (PHISVFGNode *phi, SVFGNode *svfgNode)
 Replace FormalParam/ActualRet node with PHI node. More...
void retargetEdgesOfAInFOut (SVFGNode *node)
 Retarget edges related to actual-in/-out and formal-in/-out. More...
void retargetEdgesOfAOutFIn (SVFGNode *node)
 Connect actual-out/formal-in's predecessors to their successors directly. More...
void handleIntraValueFlow ()
 Remove MSSAPHI SVFG nodes. More...
void initialWorkList ()
 Initial work list with MSSAPHI nodes which may be removed. More...
bool addIntoWorklist (const SVFGNode *node)
void bypassMSSAPHINode (const MSSAPHISVFGNode *node)
 Remove MSSAPHI node if possible. More...
bool checkSelfCycleEdges (const MSSAPHISVFGNode *node)
 Remove self cycle edges if needed. Return TRUE if some self cycle edges remained. More...
bool addNewSVFGEdge (NodeID srcId, NodeID dstId, const SVFGEdge *preEdge, const SVFGEdge *succEdge)
 Add new SVFG edge from src to dst. More...
bool bothInterEdges (const SVFGEdge *edge1, const SVFGEdge *edge2) const
 Return TRUE if both edges are indirect call/ret edges. More...
void addInterPHIOperands (PHISVFGNode *phi, const PAGNode *operand)
InterPHISVFGNodeaddInterPHIForFP (const FormalParmSVFGNode *fp)
 Add inter PHI SVFG node for formal parameter. More...
InterPHISVFGNodeaddInterPHIForAR (const ActualRetSVFGNode *ar)
 Add inter PHI SVFG node for actual return. More...
void resetDef (const PAGNode *pagNode, const SVFGNode *node)
bool isDefOfAInFOut (const SVFGNode *node)
bool actualInOfIndCS (const ActualINSVFGNode *ai) const
 Check if actual-in/actual-out exist at indirect call site. More...
bool actualOutOfIndCS (const ActualOUTSVFGNode *ao) const
bool formalInOfAddressTakenFunc (const FormalINSVFGNode *fi) const
 Check if formal-in/formal-out reside in address-taken function. More...
bool formalOutOfAddressTakenFunc (const FormalOUTSVFGNode *fo) const
bool isConnectingTwoCallSites (const SVFGNode *node) const
 Return TRUE if this node has both incoming call/ret and outgoing call/ret edges. More...
bool canBeRemoved (const SVFGNode *node)
void removeAllEdges (const SVFGNode *node)
 Remove edges of a SVFG node. More...
void removeInEdges (const SVFGNode *node)
void removeOutEdges (const SVFGNode *node)
void setActualINDef (NodeID ai, NodeID def)
void setFormalOUTDef (NodeID fo, NodeID def)

Private Attributes

NodeIDToNodeIDMap actualInToDefMap
 map actual-in to its def-site node More...
NodeIDToNodeIDMap formalOutToDefMap
 map formal-out to its def-site node More...
NodeBS defNodes
 preserved def nodes of formal-in/actual-out More...
WorkList worklist
 storing MSSAPHI nodes which may be removed. More...
bool keepActualOutFormalIn
bool keepAllSelfCycle
bool keepContextSelfCycle

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from SVF::SVFG
typedef VFGNodeIDToNodeMapTy SVFGNodeIDToNodeMapTy
typedef Map< const PAGNode *, NodeIDPAGNodeToDefMapTy
typedef Map< const MRVer *, NodeIDMSSAVarToDefMapTy
typedef NodeBS ActualINSVFGNodeSet
typedef NodeBS ActualOUTSVFGNodeSet
typedef NodeBS FormalINSVFGNodeSet
typedef NodeBS FormalOUTSVFGNodeSet
typedef Map< const CallICFGNode *, ActualINSVFGNodeSetCallSiteToActualINsMapTy
typedef Map< const CallICFGNode *, ActualOUTSVFGNodeSetCallSiteToActualOUTsMapTy
typedef Map< const SVFFunction *, FormalINSVFGNodeSetFunctionToFormalINsMapTy
typedef Map< const SVFFunction *, FormalOUTSVFGNodeSetFunctionToFormalOUTsMapTy
typedef MemSSA::MUSet MUSet
typedef MemSSA::CHISet CHISet
typedef MemSSA::PHISet PHISet
typedef MemSSA::MU MU
typedef MemSSA::CHI CHI
- Public Types inherited from SVF::VFG
 VFG kind. More...
typedef OrderedMap< NodeID, VFGNode * > VFGNodeIDToNodeMapTy
typedef Set< VFGNode * > VFGNodeSet
typedef Map< const PAGNode *, NodeIDPAGNodeToDefMapTy
typedef Map< std::pair< NodeID, const CallICFGNode * >, ActualParmVFGNode * > PAGNodeToActualParmMapTy
typedef Map< const PAGNode *, ActualRetVFGNode * > PAGNodeToActualRetMapTy
typedef Map< const PAGNode *, FormalParmVFGNode * > PAGNodeToFormalParmMapTy
typedef Map< const PAGNode *, FormalRetVFGNode * > PAGNodeToFormalRetMapTy
typedef Map< const PAGEdge *, StmtVFGNode * > PAGEdgeToStmtVFGNodeMapTy
typedef Map< const PAGNode *, IntraPHIVFGNode * > PAGNodeToPHIVFGNodeMapTy
typedef Map< const PAGNode *, BinaryOPVFGNode * > PAGNodeToBinaryOPVFGNodeMapTy
typedef Map< const PAGNode *, UnaryOPVFGNode * > PAGNodeToUnaryOPVFGNodeMapTy
typedef Map< const PAGNode *, BranchVFGNode * > PAGNodeToBranchVFGNodeMapTy
typedef Map< const PAGNode *, CmpVFGNode * > PAGNodeToCmpVFGNodeMapTy
typedef Map< const SVFFunction *, VFGNodeSetFunToVFGNodesMapTy
typedef FormalParmVFGNode::CallPESet CallPESet
typedef FormalRetVFGNode::RetPESet RetPESet
typedef VFGEdge::VFGEdgeSetTy VFGEdgeSetTy
typedef VFGEdge::SVFGEdgeSetTy SVFGEdgeSetTy
typedef VFGEdge::VFGEdgeSetTy::iterator VFGNodeIter
typedef VFGNodeIDToNodeMapTy::iterator iterator
typedef VFGNodeIDToNodeMapTy::const_iterator const_iterator
typedef SVFIR::SVFStmtSet SVFStmtSet
typedef Set< const VFGNode * > GlobalVFGNodeSet
typedef Set< const PAGNode * > PAGNodeSet
- Public Types inherited from SVF::GenericGraph< NodeTy, EdgeTy >
typedef NodeTy NodeType
typedef EdgeTy EdgeType
typedef OrderedMap< NodeID, NodeType * > IDToNodeMapTy
 NodeID to GenericNode map. More...
typedef IDToNodeMapTy::iterator iterator
 Node Iterators. More...
typedef IDToNodeMapTy::const_iterator const_iterator
- Public Attributes inherited from SVF::GenericGraph< NodeTy, EdgeTy >
u32_t edgeNum
 total num of node More...
u32_t nodeNum
 total num of edge More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from SVF::SVFG
 map a memory SSA operator to its definition SVFG node More...
CallSiteToActualINsMapTy callSiteToActualINMap
CallSiteToActualOUTsMapTy callSiteToActualOUTMap
FunctionToFormalINsMapTy funToFormalINMap
FunctionToFormalOUTsMapTy funToFormalOUTMap
std::unique_ptr< MemSSAmssa
- Protected Attributes inherited from SVF::VFG
NodeID totalVFGNode
PAGNodeToDefMapTy PAGNodeToDefMap
 map a pag node to its definition SVG node More...
PAGNodeToActualParmMapTy PAGNodeToActualParmMap
 map a PAGNode to an actual parameter More...
PAGNodeToActualRetMapTy PAGNodeToActualRetMap
 map a PAGNode to an actual return More...
PAGNodeToFormalParmMapTy PAGNodeToFormalParmMap
 map a PAGNode to a formal parameter More...
PAGNodeToFormalRetMapTy PAGNodeToFormalRetMap
 map a PAGNode to a formal return More...
 map a PAGNode to its PHIVFGNode More...
PAGNodeToBinaryOPVFGNodeMapTy PAGNodeToBinaryOPVFGNodeMap
 map a PAGNode to its BinaryOPVFGNode More...
PAGNodeToUnaryOPVFGNodeMapTy PAGNodeToUnaryOPVFGNodeMap
 map a PAGNode to its UnaryOPVFGNode More...
PAGNodeToBranchVFGNodeMapTy PAGNodeToBranchVFGNodeMap
 map a PAGNode to its BranchVFGNode More...
PAGNodeToCmpVFGNodeMapTy PAGNodeToCmpVFGNodeMap
 map a PAGNode to its CmpVFGNode More...
PAGEdgeToStmtVFGNodeMapTy PAGEdgeToStmtVFGNodeMap
 map a PAGEdge to its StmtVFGNode More...
FunToVFGNodesMapTy funToVFGNodesMap
 map a function to its VFGNodes; More...
GlobalVFGNodeSet globalVFGNodes
 set of global store VFG nodes More...
VFGK kind
- Protected Attributes inherited from SVF::GenericGraph< NodeTy, EdgeTy >
IDToNodeMapTy IDToNodeMap
 node map More...

Detailed Description

Optimised SVFG.

  1. FormalParam/ActualRet is converted into Phi. ActualParam/FormalRet becomes the operands of Phi nodes created at callee/caller's entry/callsite.
  2. ActualIns/ActualOuts resides at direct call sites id removed. Sources of its incoming edges are connected with the destinations of its outgoing edges directly.
  3. FormalIns/FormalOuts reside at the entry/exit of non-address-taken functions is removed as ActualIn/ActualOuts.
  4. MSSAPHI nodes are removed if it have no self cycle. Otherwise depends on user option.

Definition at line 56 of file SVFGOPT.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ NodeIDToNodeIDMap

Definition at line 59 of file SVFGOPT.h.

◆ SVFGNodeSet

Definition at line 58 of file SVFGOPT.h.

◆ WorkList

Definition at line 60 of file SVFGOPT.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


SVF::SVFGOPT::SVFGOPT ( std::unique_ptr< MemSSA mssa,
VFGK  kind 


Definition at line 64 of file SVFGOPT.h.

64  : SVFG(std::move(mssa), kind)
65  {
67  }
bool keepAllSelfCycle
Definition: SVFGOPT.h:357
bool keepActualOutFormalIn
Definition: SVFGOPT.h:356
bool keepContextSelfCycle
Definition: SVFGOPT.h:358
SVFG(std::unique_ptr< MemSSA > mssa, VFGK k)
Definition: SVFG.cpp:204
std::unique_ptr< MemSSA > mssa
Definition: SVFG.h:106
VFGK kind
Definition: VFG.h:105
constexpr std::remove_reference< T >::type && move(T &&t) noexcept
Definition: SVFUtil.h:447




Member Function Documentation

◆ actualInOfIndCS()

bool SVF::SVFGOPT::actualInOfIndCS ( const ActualINSVFGNode ai) const

Check if actual-in/actual-out exist at indirect call site.

Definition at line 293 of file SVFGOPT.h.

294  {
295  return (SVFIR::getPAG()->isIndirectCallSites(ai->getCallSite()));
296  }
static SVFIR * getPAG(bool buildFromFile=false)
Singleton design here to make sure we only have one instance during any analysis.
Definition: SVFIR.h:115

◆ actualOutOfIndCS()

bool SVF::SVFGOPT::actualOutOfIndCS ( const ActualOUTSVFGNode ao) const

Definition at line 297 of file SVFGOPT.h.

298  {
299  return (SVFIR::getPAG()->isIndirectCallSites(ao->getCallSite()));
300  }

◆ addCallIndirectSVFGEdge()

SVFGEdge * SVFGOPT::addCallIndirectSVFGEdge ( NodeID  srcId,
NodeID  dstId,
CallSiteID  csid,
const NodeBS cpts 

Add inter-procedural value flow edge.

Add indirect call edge from src to dst with one call site ID.

Definition at line 68 of file SVFGOPT.cpp.

69 {
71  return addIntraIndirectVFEdge(srcId, dstId, cpts);
72  else
73  return addCallIndirectVFEdge(srcId, dstId, cpts, csid);
74 }
static const Option< bool > ContextInsensitive
Definition: Options.h:106
SVFGEdge * addIntraIndirectVFEdge(NodeID srcId, NodeID dstId, const NodeBS &cpts)
Add indirect def-use edges of a memory region between two statements,.
Definition: SVFG.cpp:463
SVFGEdge * addCallIndirectVFEdge(NodeID srcId, NodeID dstId, const NodeBS &cpts, CallSiteID csId)
Definition: SVFG.cpp:505

◆ addInterPHIForAR()

InterPHISVFGNode* SVF::SVFGOPT::addInterPHIForAR ( const ActualRetSVFGNode ar)

Add inter PHI SVFG node for actual return.

Definition at line 252 of file SVFGOPT.h.

253  {
255  addSVFGNode(sNode, const_cast<RetICFGNode*>(
256  ar->getCallSite()->getRetICFGNode()));
257  resetDef(ar->getRev(),sNode);
258  return sNode;
259  }
void resetDef(const PAGNode *pagNode, const SVFGNode *node)
Definition: SVFGOPT.h:261
virtual void addSVFGNode(SVFGNode *node, ICFGNode *icfgNode)
Add SVFG node.
Definition: SVFG.h:397
NodeID totalVFGNode
Definition: VFG.h:88
Definition: SVFG.h:58

◆ addInterPHIForFP()

InterPHISVFGNode* SVF::SVFGOPT::addInterPHIForFP ( const FormalParmSVFGNode fp)

Add inter PHI SVFG node for formal parameter.

Definition at line 244 of file SVFGOPT.h.

245  {
247  addSVFGNode(sNode, pag->getICFG()->getFunEntryICFGNode(fp->getFun()));
248  resetDef(fp->getParam(),sNode);
249  return sNode;
250  }
FunEntryICFGNode * getFunEntryICFGNode(const SVFFunction *fun)
Add a function entry node.
Definition: ICFG.cpp:234
ICFG * getICFG() const
Definition: SVFIR.h:171
SVFIR * pag
Definition: VFG.h:104

◆ addInterPHIOperands()

void SVF::SVFGOPT::addInterPHIOperands ( PHISVFGNode phi,
const PAGNode operand 

Definition at line 238 of file SVFGOPT.h.

239  {
240  phi->setOpVer(phi->getOpVerNum(), operand);
241  }

◆ addIntoWorklist()

bool SVF::SVFGOPT::addIntoWorklist ( const SVFGNode node)

Only MSSAPHI node which satisfy following conditions will be removed:

  1. it's not def-site of actual-in/formal-out;
  2. it doesn't have incoming and outgoing call/ret at the same time.

Definition at line 211 of file SVFGOPT.h.

212  {
213  if (const MSSAPHISVFGNode* phi = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<MSSAPHISVFGNode>(node))
214  {
215  if (isConnectingTwoCallSites(phi) == false && isDefOfAInFOut(phi) == false)
216  return worklist.push(phi);
217  }
218  return false;
219  }
bool push(const Data &data)
Definition: WorkList.h:165
bool isDefOfAInFOut(const SVFGNode *node)
Definition: SVFGOPT.h:286
WorkList worklist
storing MSSAPHI nodes which may be removed.
Definition: SVFGOPT.h:354
bool isConnectingTwoCallSites(const SVFGNode *node) const
Return TRUE if this node has both incoming call/ret and outgoing call/ret edges.
Definition: SVFGOPT.cpp:292

◆ addNewSVFGEdge()

bool SVFGOPT::addNewSVFGEdge ( NodeID  srcId,
NodeID  dstId,
const SVFGEdge preEdge,
const SVFGEdge succEdge 

Add new SVFG edge from src to dst.

Add new SVFG edge from src to dst. The edge's kind depends on preEdge and succEdge. Self-cycle edges may be added here.

Definition at line 523 of file SVFGOPT.cpp.

524 {
525  assert(SVFUtil::isa<IndirectSVFGEdge>(preEdge) && SVFUtil::isa<IndirectSVFGEdge>(succEdge)
526  && "either pre or succ edge is not indirect SVFG edge");
528  const IndirectSVFGEdge* preIndEdge = SVFUtil::cast<IndirectSVFGEdge>(preEdge);
529  const IndirectSVFGEdge* succIndEdge = SVFUtil::cast<IndirectSVFGEdge>(succEdge);
531  NodeBS intersection = preIndEdge->getPointsTo();
532  intersection &= succIndEdge->getPointsTo();
534  if (intersection.empty())
535  return false;
537  assert(bothInterEdges(preEdge, succEdge) == false && "both edges are inter edges");
539  if (const CallIndSVFGEdge* preCallEdge = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<CallIndSVFGEdge>(preEdge))
540  {
541  return addCallIndirectSVFGEdge(srcId, dstId, preCallEdge->getCallSiteId(), intersection);
542  }
543  else if (const CallIndSVFGEdge* succCallEdge = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<CallIndSVFGEdge>(succEdge))
544  {
545  return addCallIndirectSVFGEdge(srcId, dstId, succCallEdge->getCallSiteId(), intersection);
546  }
547  else if (const RetIndSVFGEdge* preRetEdge = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<RetIndSVFGEdge>(preEdge))
548  {
549  return addRetIndirectSVFGEdge(srcId, dstId, preRetEdge->getCallSiteId(), intersection);
550  }
551  else if (const RetIndSVFGEdge* succRetEdge = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<RetIndSVFGEdge>(succEdge))
552  {
553  return addRetIndirectSVFGEdge(srcId, dstId, succRetEdge->getCallSiteId(), intersection);
554  }
555  else
556  {
557  return addIntraIndirectVFEdge(srcId, dstId, intersection);
558  }
560  return false;
561 }
const NodeBS & getPointsTo() const
Definition: SVFGEdge.h:60
SVFGEdge * addCallIndirectSVFGEdge(NodeID srcId, NodeID dstId, CallSiteID csid, const NodeBS &cpts)
Add inter-procedural value flow edge.
Definition: SVFGOPT.cpp:68
bool bothInterEdges(const SVFGEdge *edge1, const SVFGEdge *edge2) const
Return TRUE if both edges are indirect call/ret edges.
Definition: SVFGOPT.h:231
SVFGEdge * addRetIndirectSVFGEdge(NodeID srcId, NodeID dstId, CallSiteID csid, const NodeBS &cpts)
Add indirect ret edge from src to dst with one call site ID.
Definition: SVFGOPT.cpp:79

◆ addRetIndirectSVFGEdge()

SVFGEdge * SVFGOPT::addRetIndirectSVFGEdge ( NodeID  srcId,
NodeID  dstId,
CallSiteID  csid,
const NodeBS cpts 

Add indirect ret edge from src to dst with one call site ID.

Definition at line 79 of file SVFGOPT.cpp.

80 {
82  return addIntraIndirectVFEdge(srcId, dstId, cpts);
83  else
84  return addRetIndirectVFEdge(srcId, dstId, cpts, csid);
85 }
SVFGEdge * addRetIndirectVFEdge(NodeID srcId, NodeID dstId, const NodeBS &cpts, CallSiteID csId)
Definition: SVFG.cpp:525

◆ bothInterEdges()

bool SVF::SVFGOPT::bothInterEdges ( const SVFGEdge edge1,
const SVFGEdge edge2 
) const

Return TRUE if both edges are indirect call/ret edges.

Definition at line 231 of file SVFGOPT.h.

232  {
233  bool inter1 = SVFUtil::isa<CallIndSVFGEdge, RetIndSVFGEdge>(edge1);
234  bool inter2 = SVFUtil::isa<CallIndSVFGEdge, RetIndSVFGEdge>(edge2);
235  return (inter1 && inter2);
236  }

◆ buildSVFG()

void SVFGOPT::buildSVFG ( )

Start building SVFG.

Build SVFG 1) build SVFG nodes a) statements for top level pointers (PAGEdges) b) operators of address-taken variables (MSSAPHI and MSSACHI) 2) connect SVFG edges a) between two statements (PAGEdges) b) between two memory SSA operators (MSSAPHI MSSAMU and MSSACHI)

Reimplemented from SVF::SVFG.

Definition at line 47 of file SVFGOPT.cpp.

48 {
51  if(Options::DumpVFG())
52  dump("SVFG_before_opt");
54  DBOUT(DGENERAL, outs() << SVFUtil::pasMsg("\tSVFG Optimisation\n"));
58  stat->sfvgOptStart();
62  stat->sfvgOptEnd();
64 }
#define DBOUT(TYPE, X)
LLVM debug macros, define type of your DBUG model of each pass.
Definition: SVFType.h:484
#define DGENERAL
Definition: SVFType.h:490
static const Option< bool > KeepAOFI
Definition: Options.h:107
static const Option< bool > DumpVFG
Definition: Options.h:111
void handleIntraValueFlow()
Remove MSSAPHI SVFG nodes.
Definition: SVFGOPT.cpp:391
void handleInterValueFlow()
Definition: SVFGOPT.cpp:90
void sfvgOptEnd()
Definition: SVFGStat.h:154
void sfvgOptStart()
Definition: SVFGStat.h:149
virtual void buildSVFG()
Start building SVFG.
Definition: SVFG.cpp:228
void dump(const std::string &file, bool simple=false)
Dump graph into dot file.
Definition: SVFG.cpp:576
SVFGStat * stat
Definition: SVFG.h:105
std::string pasMsg(const std::string &msg)
Print each pass/phase message by converting a string into blue string output.
Definition: SVFUtil.cpp:99
std::ostream & outs()
Overwrite llvm::outs()
Definition: SVFUtil.h:50

◆ bypassMSSAPHINode()

void SVFGOPT::bypassMSSAPHINode ( const MSSAPHISVFGNode node)

Remove MSSAPHI node if possible.

Remove MSSAPHI node if possible

add new edges from predecessor to all successors.

if no new edge is added, the number of dst node's incoming edges may be decreased. try to analyze it again.

if no new edge is added, the number of src node's outgoing edges may be decreased. try to analyze it again.

Definition at line 480 of file SVFGOPT.cpp.

481 {
482  SVFGNode::const_iterator inEdgeIt = node->InEdgeBegin();
483  SVFGNode::const_iterator inEdgeEit = node->InEdgeEnd();
484  for (; inEdgeIt != inEdgeEit; ++inEdgeIt)
485  {
486  const SVFGEdge* preEdge = *inEdgeIt;
487  const SVFGNode* srcNode = preEdge->getSrcNode();
489  bool added = false;
491  SVFGNode::const_iterator outEdgeIt = node->OutEdgeBegin();
492  SVFGNode::const_iterator outEdgeEit = node->OutEdgeEnd();
493  for (; outEdgeIt != outEdgeEit; ++outEdgeIt)
494  {
495  const SVFGEdge* succEdge = *outEdgeIt;
496  const SVFGNode* dstNode = (*outEdgeIt)->getDstNode();
497  if (srcNode->getId() != dstNode->getId()
498  && addNewSVFGEdge(srcNode->getId(), dstNode->getId(), preEdge, succEdge))
499  added = true;
500  else
501  {
504  addIntoWorklist(dstNode);
505  }
506  }
508  if (added == false)
509  {
512  addIntoWorklist(srcNode);
513  }
514  }
516  removeAllEdges(node);
517 }
NodeType * getSrcNode() const
Definition: GenericGraph.h:97
iterator OutEdgeEnd()
Definition: GenericGraph.h:458
iterator OutEdgeBegin()
Definition: GenericGraph.h:454
iterator InEdgeBegin()
Definition: GenericGraph.h:462
iterator InEdgeEnd()
Definition: GenericGraph.h:466
NodeID getId() const
Get ID.
Definition: GenericGraph.h:260
bool addNewSVFGEdge(NodeID srcId, NodeID dstId, const SVFGEdge *preEdge, const SVFGEdge *succEdge)
Add new SVFG edge from src to dst.
Definition: SVFGOPT.cpp:523
bool addIntoWorklist(const SVFGNode *node)
Definition: SVFGOPT.h:211
void removeAllEdges(const SVFGNode *node)
Remove edges of a SVFG node.
Definition: SVFGOPT.h:331
VFGEdge::VFGEdgeSetTy::const_iterator const_iterator
Definition: VFGNode.h:55

◆ canBeRemoved()

bool SVFGOPT::canBeRemoved ( const SVFGNode node)

Return TRUE if this SVFGNode can be removed. Nodes can be removed if it is:

  1. ActualParam/FormalParam/ActualRet/FormalRet
  2. ActualIN if it doesn't reside at indirect call site
  3. FormalIN if it doesn't reside at the entry of address-taken function and it's not definition site of ActualIN
  4. ActualOUT if it doesn't reside at indirect call site and it's not definition site of FormalOUT
  5. FormalOUT if it doesn't reside at the exit of address-taken function

Now each SVFG edge can only be associated with one call site id, so if this node has both incoming call/ret and outgoing call/ret edges, we don't remove this node.

Definition at line 334 of file SVFGOPT.cpp.

335 {
338  return true;
341  {
345  if (isConnectingTwoCallSites(node))
346  return false;
348  if (const ActualINSVFGNode* ai = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<ActualINSVFGNode>(node))
349  {
350  return (actualInOfIndCS(ai) == false);
351  }
352  else if (const ActualOUTSVFGNode* ao = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<ActualOUTSVFGNode>(node))
353  {
354  return (actualOutOfIndCS(ao) == false && isDefOfAInFOut(node) == false);
355  }
356  else if (const FormalINSVFGNode* fi = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<FormalINSVFGNode>(node))
357  {
358  return (formalInOfAddressTakenFunc(fi) == false && isDefOfAInFOut(node) == false);
359  }
360  else if (const FormalOUTSVFGNode* fo = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<FormalOUTSVFGNode>(node))
361  {
362  return (formalOutOfAddressTakenFunc(fo) == false);
363  }
364  }
366  return false;
367 }
bool formalInOfAddressTakenFunc(const FormalINSVFGNode *fi) const
Check if formal-in/formal-out reside in address-taken function.
Definition: SVFGOPT.h:305
bool actualOutOfIndCS(const ActualOUTSVFGNode *ao) const
Definition: SVFGOPT.h:297
bool formalOutOfAddressTakenFunc(const FormalOUTSVFGNode *fo) const
Definition: SVFGOPT.h:309
bool actualInOfIndCS(const ActualINSVFGNode *ai) const
Check if actual-in/actual-out exist at indirect call site.
Definition: SVFGOPT.h:293
LLVM_NODISCARD bool isa(const Y &Val)
Definition: Casting.h:241

◆ checkSelfCycleEdges()

bool SVFGOPT::checkSelfCycleEdges ( const MSSAPHISVFGNode node)

Remove self cycle edges if needed. Return TRUE if some self cycle edges remained.

Remove self cycle edges according to specified options:

  1. keepAllSelfCycle = TRUE: all self cycle edges are kept;
  2. keepContextSelfCycle = TRUE: all self cycle edges related-to context are kept;
  3. Otherwise, all self cycle edges are NOT kept. Return TRUE if some self cycle edges remain in this node.

There's no need to check other edge if we do not remove self cycle

Continue checking and remove other self cycle which are NOT context-related

Definition at line 442 of file SVFGOPT.cpp.

443 {
444  bool hasSelfCycle = false;
446  SVFGEdge::SVFGEdgeSetTy inEdges = node->getInEdges();
447  SVFGNode::const_iterator inEdgeIt = inEdges.begin();
448  SVFGNode::const_iterator inEdgeEit = inEdges.end();
449  for (; inEdgeIt != inEdgeEit; ++inEdgeIt)
450  {
451  SVFGEdge* preEdge = *inEdgeIt;
453  if (preEdge->getSrcID() == preEdge->getDstID())
454  {
455  if (keepAllSelfCycle)
456  {
457  hasSelfCycle = true;
458  break;
459  }
460  else if (keepContextSelfCycle &&
461  SVFUtil::isa<CallIndSVFGEdge, RetIndSVFGEdge>(preEdge))
462  {
463  hasSelfCycle = true;
464  continue;
465  }
466  else
467  {
468  assert(SVFUtil::isa<IndirectSVFGEdge>(preEdge) && "can only remove indirect SVFG edge");
469  removeSVFGEdge(preEdge);
470  }
471  }
472  }
474  return hasSelfCycle;
475 }
NodeID getDstID() const
Definition: GenericGraph.h:85
NodeID getSrcID() const
get methods of the components
Definition: GenericGraph.h:81
const GEdgeSetTy & getInEdges() const
Definition: GenericGraph.h:434
void removeSVFGEdge(SVFGEdge *edge)
Remove a SVFG edge.
Definition: SVFG.h:238
VFGEdgeSetTy SVFGEdgeSetTy
Definition: VFGEdge.h:118

◆ connectAInAndFIn()

void SVF::SVFGOPT::connectAInAndFIn ( const ActualINSVFGNode actualIn,
const FormalINSVFGNode formalIn,
CallSiteID  csId,
SVFGEdgeSetTy edges 

Connect actual-in and formal-in.

Reimplemented from SVF::SVFG.

Definition at line 120 of file SVFGOPT.h.

121  {
122  NodeBS intersection = actualIn->getPointsTo();
123  intersection &= formalIn->getPointsTo();
124  if (intersection.empty() == false)
125  {
126  NodeID aiDef = getActualINDef(actualIn->getId());
127  SVFGEdge* edge = addCallIndirectSVFGEdge(aiDef,formalIn->getId(),csId,intersection);
128  if (edge != nullptr)
129  edges.insert(edge);
130  }
131  }
NodeID getActualINDef(NodeID ai) const
Get def-site of actual-in/formal-out.
Definition: SVFGOPT.h:149
u32_t NodeID
Definition: GeneralType.h:55
Definition: SVFG.h:40
SparseBitVector NodeBS
Definition: GeneralType.h:62

◆ connectAParamAndFParam()

void SVF::SVFGOPT::connectAParamAndFParam ( const PAGNode cs_arg,
const PAGNode fun_arg,
const CallICFGNode ,
CallSiteID  csId,
SVFGEdgeSetTy edges 

Connect SVFG nodes between caller and callee for indirect call sites.

Reimplemented from SVF::VFG.

Definition at line 89 of file SVFGOPT.h.

90  {
91  NodeID phiId = getDef(fun_arg);
92  SVFGEdge* edge = addCallEdge(getDef(cs_arg), phiId, csId);
93  if (edge != nullptr)
94  {
95  PHISVFGNode* phi = SVFUtil::cast<PHISVFGNode>(getSVFGNode(phiId));
96  addInterPHIOperands(phi, cs_arg);
97  edges.insert(edge);
98  }
99  }
void addInterPHIOperands(PHISVFGNode *phi, const PAGNode *operand)
Definition: SVFGOPT.h:238
SVFGNode * getSVFGNode(NodeID id) const
Get a SVFG node.
Definition: SVFG.h:150
NodeID getDef(const PAGNode *pagNode) const
Definition: SVFG.h:356
VFGEdge * addCallEdge(NodeID srcId, NodeID dstId, CallSiteID csId)
Definition: VFG.cpp:701
Definition: SVFG.h:56

◆ connectFOutAndAOut()

void SVF::SVFGOPT::connectFOutAndAOut ( const FormalOUTSVFGNode formalOut,
const ActualOUTSVFGNode actualOut,
CallSiteID  csId,
SVFGEdgeSetTy edges 

Connect formal-out and actual-out.

Reimplemented from SVF::SVFG.

Definition at line 133 of file SVFGOPT.h.

134  {
135  NodeBS intersection = formalOut->getPointsTo();
136  intersection &= actualOut->getPointsTo();
137  if (intersection.empty() == false)
138  {
139  NodeID foDef = getFormalOUTDef(formalOut->getId());
140  SVFGEdge* edge = addRetIndirectSVFGEdge(foDef,actualOut->getId(),csId,intersection);
141  if (edge != nullptr)
142  edges.insert(edge);
143  }
144  }
NodeID getFormalOUTDef(NodeID fo) const
Definition: SVFGOPT.h:155

◆ connectFRetAndARet()

void SVF::SVFGOPT::connectFRetAndARet ( const PAGNode fun_ret,
const PAGNode cs_ret,
CallSiteID  csId,
SVFGEdgeSetTy edges 

Connect formal-ret and actual ret.

If a function does not have any return instruction. The def of a FormalRetVFGNode is itself (see VFG.h: addFormalRetVFGNode). Therefore, we do not connect return edge from a function without any return instruction (i.e., pag->isPhiNode(fun_ret)==false) because unique fun_ret PAGNode was not collected as a PhiNode in SVFIRBuilder::visitReturnInst

Reimplemented from SVF::VFG.

Definition at line 101 of file SVFGOPT.h.

102  {
103  NodeID phiId = getDef(cs_ret);
104  NodeID retdef = getDef(fun_ret);
108  if (pag->isPhiNode(fun_ret)==false)
109  return;
111  SVFGEdge* edge = addRetEdge(retdef, phiId, csId);
112  if (edge != nullptr)
113  {
114  PHISVFGNode* phi = SVFUtil::cast<PHISVFGNode>(getSVFGNode(phiId));
115  addInterPHIOperands(phi, fun_ret);
116  edges.insert(edge);
117  }
118  }
bool isPhiNode(const SVFVar *node) const
Whether this SVFVar is a result operand a of phi node.
Definition: SVFIR.h:259
VFGEdge * addRetEdge(NodeID srcId, NodeID dstId, CallSiteID csId)
Definition: VFG.cpp:721

◆ formalInOfAddressTakenFunc()

bool SVF::SVFGOPT::formalInOfAddressTakenFunc ( const FormalINSVFGNode fi) const

Check if formal-in/formal-out reside in address-taken function.

Definition at line 305 of file SVFGOPT.h.

306  {
307  return (fi->getFun()->hasAddressTaken());
308  }

◆ formalOutOfAddressTakenFunc()

bool SVF::SVFGOPT::formalOutOfAddressTakenFunc ( const FormalOUTSVFGNode fo) const

Definition at line 309 of file SVFGOPT.h.

310  {
311  return (fo->getFun()->hasAddressTaken());
312  }

◆ getActualINDef()

NodeID SVF::SVFGOPT::getActualINDef ( NodeID  ai) const

Get def-site of actual-in/formal-out.

Definition at line 149 of file SVFGOPT.h.

150  {
151  NodeIDToNodeIDMap::const_iterator it = actualInToDefMap.find(ai);
152  assert(it != actualInToDefMap.end() && "can not find actual-in's def");
153  return it->second;
154  }
NodeIDToNodeIDMap actualInToDefMap
map actual-in to its def-site node
Definition: SVFGOPT.h:350

◆ getFormalOUTDef()

NodeID SVF::SVFGOPT::getFormalOUTDef ( NodeID  fo) const

Definition at line 155 of file SVFGOPT.h.

156  {
157  NodeIDToNodeIDMap::const_iterator it = formalOutToDefMap.find(fo);
158  assert(it != formalOutToDefMap.end() && "can not find formal-out's def");
159  return it->second;
160  }
NodeIDToNodeIDMap formalOutToDefMap
map formal-out to its def-site node
Definition: SVFGOPT.h:351

◆ handleInterValueFlow()

void SVFGOPT::handleInterValueFlow ( )
  1. Convert FormalParmSVFGNode into PHISVFGNode and add all ActualParmSVFGNoe which may propagate pts to it as phi's operands.
  2. Do the same thing for ActualRetSVFGNode and FormalRetSVFGNode.
  3. Record def site of ActualINSVFGNode. Remove all its edges and connect its predecessors and successors.
  4. Do the same thing for FormalOUTSVFGNode as 3.
  5. Remove ActualINSVFGNode/FormalINSVFGNode/ActualOUTSVFGNode/FormalOUTSVFGNode if they will not be used when updating call graph.

reset def of address-taken variable

Definition at line 90 of file SVFGOPT.cpp.

91 {
92  SVFGNodeSet candidates;
93  for (SVFGNodeIDToNodeMapTy::iterator it = SVFG::begin(), eit = SVFG::end();
94  it!=eit; ++it)
95  {
96  SVFGNode* node = it->second;
100  candidates.insert(node);
101  }
103  SVFGNodeSet nodesToBeDeleted;
104  for (SVFGNodeSet::const_iterator it = candidates.begin(), eit = candidates.end();
105  it!=eit; ++it)
106  {
107  SVFGNode* node = *it;
108  if (FormalParmSVFGNode* fp = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<FormalParmSVFGNode>(node))
109  {
111  nodesToBeDeleted.insert(fp);
112  }
113  else if (ActualRetSVFGNode* ar = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<ActualRetSVFGNode>(node))
114  {
116  nodesToBeDeleted.insert(ar);
117  }
118  else if (SVFUtil::isa<ActualParmSVFGNode, FormalRetSVFGNode>(node))
119  {
120  nodesToBeDeleted.insert(node);
121  }
122  else if (SVFUtil::isa<ActualINSVFGNode, FormalOUTSVFGNode>(node))
123  {
125  nodesToBeDeleted.insert(node);
126  }
127  else if (SVFUtil::isa<ActualOUTSVFGNode, FormalINSVFGNode>(node))
128  {
129  if(keepActualOutFormalIn == false)
130  nodesToBeDeleted.insert(node);
131  }
132  }
134  for (SVFGNodeSet::iterator it = nodesToBeDeleted.begin(), eit = nodesToBeDeleted.end(); it != eit; ++it)
135  {
136  SVFGNode* node = *it;
137  if (canBeRemoved(node))
138  {
139  if (SVFUtil::isa<ActualOUTSVFGNode, FormalINSVFGNode>(node))
140  retargetEdgesOfAOutFIn(node);
142  removeAllEdges(node);
143  removeSVFGNode(node);
144  }
145  }
146 }
iterator begin()
Definition: GenericGraph.h:627
Set< SVFGNode * > SVFGNodeSet
Definition: SVFGOPT.h:58
void replaceFParamARetWithPHI(PHISVFGNode *phi, SVFGNode *svfgNode)
Replace FormalParam/ActualRet node with PHI node.
Definition: SVFGOPT.cpp:151
void retargetEdgesOfAOutFIn(SVFGNode *node)
Connect actual-out/formal-in's predecessors to their successors directly.
Definition: SVFGOPT.cpp:250
InterPHISVFGNode * addInterPHIForFP(const FormalParmSVFGNode *fp)
Add inter PHI SVFG node for formal parameter.
Definition: SVFGOPT.h:244
bool canBeRemoved(const SVFGNode *node)
Definition: SVFGOPT.cpp:334
void retargetEdgesOfAInFOut(SVFGNode *node)
Retarget edges related to actual-in/-out and formal-in/-out.
Definition: SVFGOPT.cpp:204
InterPHISVFGNode * addInterPHIForAR(const ActualRetSVFGNode *ar)
Add inter PHI SVFG node for actual return.
Definition: SVFGOPT.h:252
void removeSVFGNode(SVFGNode *node)
Remove a SVFGNode.
Definition: SVFG.h:243

◆ handleIntraValueFlow()

void SVFGOPT::handleIntraValueFlow ( )

Remove MSSAPHI SVFG nodes.

Remove MSSAPHI SVFG nodes.

Skip nodes which have self cycle

remove node's edges if it only has incoming or outgoing edges.

remove all the incoming edges;

remove all the outgoing edges;

remove this node if it has no edges

Definition at line 391 of file SVFGOPT.cpp.

392 {
395  initialWorkList();
397  while (!worklist.empty())
398  {
399  const MSSAPHISVFGNode* node = worklist.pop();
402  if (checkSelfCycleEdges(node))
403  continue;
405  if (node->hasOutgoingEdge() && node->hasIncomingEdge())
406  bypassMSSAPHINode(node);
409  if (node->hasIncomingEdge() && node->hasOutgoingEdge() == false)
410  {
412  SVFGNode::const_iterator edgeIt = node->InEdgeBegin();
413  SVFGNode::const_iterator edgeEit = node->InEdgeEnd();
414  for (; edgeIt != edgeEit; ++edgeIt)
415  addIntoWorklist((*edgeIt)->getSrcNode());
417  removeInEdges(node);
418  }
419  else if (node->hasOutgoingEdge() && node->hasIncomingEdge() == false)
420  {
422  SVFGNode::const_iterator edgeIt = node->OutEdgeBegin();
423  SVFGNode::const_iterator edgeEit = node->OutEdgeEnd();
424  for (; edgeIt != edgeEit; ++edgeIt)
425  addIntoWorklist((*edgeIt)->getDstNode());
427  removeOutEdges(node);
428  }
431  if (node->hasIncomingEdge() == false && node->hasOutgoingEdge() == false)
432  removeSVFGNode(const_cast<MSSAPHISVFGNode*>(node));
433  }
434 }
bool empty() const
Definition: WorkList.h:146
bool hasIncomingEdge() const
Has incoming/outgoing edge set.
Definition: GenericGraph.h:442
bool hasOutgoingEdge() const
Definition: GenericGraph.h:446
void bypassMSSAPHINode(const MSSAPHISVFGNode *node)
Remove MSSAPHI node if possible.
Definition: SVFGOPT.cpp:480
void removeInEdges(const SVFGNode *node)
Definition: SVFGOPT.h:336
void parseSelfCycleHandleOption()
Definition: SVFGOPT.cpp:372
void initialWorkList()
Initial work list with MSSAPHI nodes which may be removed.
Definition: SVFGOPT.h:202
void removeOutEdges(const SVFGNode *node)
Definition: SVFGOPT.h:342
bool checkSelfCycleEdges(const MSSAPHISVFGNode *node)
Remove self cycle edges if needed. Return TRUE if some self cycle edges remained.
Definition: SVFGOPT.cpp:442

◆ initialWorkList()

void SVF::SVFGOPT::initialWorkList ( )

Initial work list with MSSAPHI nodes which may be removed.

Definition at line 202 of file SVFGOPT.h.

203  {
204  for (SVFG::const_iterator it = begin(), eit = end(); it != eit; ++it)
205  addIntoWorklist(it->second);
206  }
VFGNodeIDToNodeMapTy::const_iterator const_iterator
Definition: VFG.h:81

◆ isConnectingTwoCallSites()

bool SVFGOPT::isConnectingTwoCallSites ( const SVFGNode node) const

Return TRUE if this node has both incoming call/ret and outgoing call/ret edges.

Definition at line 292 of file SVFGOPT.cpp.

293 {
294  bool hasInCallRet = false;
295  bool hasOutCallRet = false;
297  SVFGNode::const_iterator edgeIt = node->InEdgeBegin();
298  SVFGNode::const_iterator edgeEit = node->InEdgeEnd();
299  for (; edgeIt != edgeEit; ++edgeIt)
300  {
301  if (SVFUtil::isa<CallIndSVFGEdge, RetIndSVFGEdge>(*edgeIt))
302  {
303  hasInCallRet = true;
304  break;
305  }
306  }
308  edgeIt = node->OutEdgeBegin();
309  edgeEit = node->OutEdgeEnd();
310  for (; edgeIt != edgeEit; ++edgeIt)
311  {
312  if (SVFUtil::isa<CallIndSVFGEdge, RetIndSVFGEdge>(*edgeIt))
313  {
314  hasOutCallRet = true;
315  break;
316  }
317  }
319  if (hasInCallRet && hasOutCallRet)
320  return true;
321  else
322  return false;
323 }

◆ isDefOfAInFOut()

bool SVF::SVFGOPT::isDefOfAInFOut ( const SVFGNode node)

Definition at line 286 of file SVFGOPT.h.

287  {
288  return defNodes.test(node->getId());
289  }
NodeBS defNodes
preserved def nodes of formal-in/actual-out
Definition: SVFGOPT.h:352
bool test(unsigned Idx) const

◆ parseSelfCycleHandleOption()

void SVFGOPT::parseSelfCycleHandleOption ( )

Definition at line 372 of file SVFGOPT.cpp.

373 {
374  std::string choice = (Options::SelfCycle().empty()) ? "" : Options::SelfCycle();
375  if (choice.empty() || choice == KeepAllSelfCycle)
376  keepAllSelfCycle = true;
377  else if (choice == KeepContextSelfCycle)
378  keepContextSelfCycle = true;
379  else if (choice == KeepNoneSelfCycle)
381  else
382  {
383  SVFUtil::writeWrnMsg("Unrecognised option. All self cycle edges will be kept.");
384  keepAllSelfCycle = true;
385  }
386 }
static std::string KeepNoneSelfCycle
Definition: SVFGOPT.cpp:44
static std::string KeepContextSelfCycle
Definition: SVFGOPT.cpp:43
static std::string KeepAllSelfCycle
Definition: SVFGOPT.cpp:42
const char *const string
Definition: cJSON.h:172
static const Option< std::string > SelfCycle
Definition: Options.h:108
void writeWrnMsg(const std::string &msg)
Writes a message run through wrnMsg.
Definition: SVFUtil.cpp:66

◆ removeAllEdges()

void SVF::SVFGOPT::removeAllEdges ( const SVFGNode node)

Remove edges of a SVFG node.

Definition at line 331 of file SVFGOPT.h.

332  {
333  removeInEdges(node);
334  removeOutEdges(node);
335  }

◆ removeInEdges()

void SVF::SVFGOPT::removeInEdges ( const SVFGNode node)

remove incoming edges

Definition at line 336 of file SVFGOPT.h.

337  {
339  while (node->hasIncomingEdge())
340  removeSVFGEdge(*(node->InEdgeBegin()));
341  }

◆ removeOutEdges()

void SVF::SVFGOPT::removeOutEdges ( const SVFGNode node)

Definition at line 342 of file SVFGOPT.h.

343  {
344  while (node->hasOutgoingEdge())
345  removeSVFGEdge(*(node->OutEdgeBegin()));
346  }

◆ replaceFParamARetWithPHI()

void SVFGOPT::replaceFParamARetWithPHI ( PHISVFGNode phi,
SVFGNode svfgNode 

Replace FormalParam/ActualRet node with PHI node.

create a new PHISVFGNode.

migrate formal-param's edges to phi node.

add actual-param/formal-ret into phi's operand list

Definition at line 151 of file SVFGOPT.cpp.

152 {
153  assert((SVFUtil::isa<FormalParmSVFGNode, ActualRetSVFGNode>(svfgNode))
154  && "expecting a formal param or actual ret svfg node");
157  NodeID phiId = phi->getId();
159  for (SVFGNode::const_iterator it = svfgNode->OutEdgeBegin(), eit = svfgNode->OutEdgeEnd();
160  it != eit; ++it)
161  {
162  const SVFGEdge* outEdge = *it;
163  SVFGNode* dstNode = outEdge->getDstNode();
164  NodeID dstId = dstNode->getId();
165  if (const CallDirSVFGEdge* callEdge = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<CallDirSVFGEdge>(outEdge))
166  addCallEdge(phiId, dstId, callEdge->getCallSiteId());
167  else if (const RetDirSVFGEdge* retEdge = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<RetDirSVFGEdge>(outEdge))
168  addRetEdge(phiId, dstId, retEdge->getCallSiteId());
169  else
170  addIntraDirectVFEdge(phiId, dstId);
171  }
174  if (FormalParmSVFGNode* fp = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<FormalParmSVFGNode>(svfgNode))
175  {
176  for (SVFGNode::iterator it = svfgNode->InEdgeBegin(), eit = svfgNode->InEdgeEnd();
177  it != eit; ++it)
178  {
179  ActualParmSVFGNode* ap = SVFUtil::cast<ActualParmSVFGNode>((*it)->getSrcNode());
180  addInterPHIOperands(phi, ap->getParam());
181  // connect actual param's def node to phi node
182  addCallEdge(getDef(ap->getParam()), phiId, getCallSiteID(ap->getCallSite(), fp->getFun()));
183  }
184  }
185  else if (ActualRetSVFGNode* ar = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<ActualRetSVFGNode>(svfgNode))
186  {
187  for (SVFGNode::iterator it = svfgNode->InEdgeBegin(), eit = svfgNode->InEdgeEnd();
188  it != eit; ++it)
189  {
190  FormalRetSVFGNode* fr = SVFUtil::cast<FormalRetSVFGNode>((*it)->getSrcNode());
191  addInterPHIOperands(phi, fr->getRet());
192  // connect formal return's def node to phi node
193  addRetEdge(getDef(fr->getRet()), phiId, getCallSiteID(ar->getCallSite(), fr->getFun()));
194  }
195  }
197  removeAllEdges(svfgNode);
198 }
const PAGNode * getParam() const
Return parameter.
Definition: VFGNode.h:907
const CallICFGNode * getCallSite() const
Return callsite.
Definition: VFGNode.h:901
const PAGNode * getRet() const
Return value at callee.
Definition: VFGNode.h:1095
const SVFFunction * getFun() const override
Definition: VFGNode.h:1100
NodeType * getDstNode() const
Definition: GenericGraph.h:101
virtual const SVFFunction * getFun() const
Return the function of this ICFGNode.
Definition: ICFGNode.h:76
VFGEdge::VFGEdgeSetTy::iterator iterator
Definition: VFGNode.h:54
VFGEdge * addIntraDirectVFEdge(NodeID srcId, NodeID dstId)
Definition: VFG.cpp:675
CallSiteID getCallSiteID(const CallICFGNode *cs, const SVFFunction *func) const
Get callsite given a callsiteID.
Definition: VFG.h:178

◆ resetDef()

void SVF::SVFGOPT::resetDef ( const PAGNode pagNode,
const SVFGNode node 

Definition at line 261 of file SVFGOPT.h.

262  {
263  PAGNodeToDefMapTy::iterator it = PAGNodeToDefMap.find(pagNode);
264  assert(it != PAGNodeToDefMap.end() && "a SVFIR node doesn't have definition before");
265  it->second = node->getId();
266  }
PAGNodeToDefMapTy PAGNodeToDefMap
map a pag node to its definition SVG node
Definition: VFG.h:89

◆ retargetEdgesOfAInFOut()

void SVFGOPT::retargetEdgesOfAInFOut ( SVFGNode node)

Retarget edges related to actual-in/-out and formal-in/-out.

Record def sites of actual-in/formal-out and connect from those def-sites to formal-in/actual-out directly if they exist.

Definition at line 204 of file SVFGOPT.cpp.

205 {
206  assert(node->getInEdges().size() == 1 && "actual-in/formal-out can only have one incoming edge as its def size");
208  SVFGNode* def = nullptr;
209  NodeBS inPointsTo;
212  SVFGNode::const_iterator eit = node->InEdgeEnd();
213  for (; it != eit; ++it)
214  {
215  const IndirectSVFGEdge* inEdge = SVFUtil::cast<IndirectSVFGEdge>(*it);
216  inPointsTo = inEdge->getPointsTo();
218  def = inEdge->getSrcNode();
219  if (SVFUtil::isa<ActualINSVFGNode>(node))
220  setActualINDef(node->getId(), def->getId());
221  else if (SVFUtil::isa<FormalOUTSVFGNode>(node))
222  setFormalOUTDef(node->getId(), def->getId());
223  }
225  it = node->OutEdgeBegin(), eit = node->OutEdgeEnd();
226  for (; it != eit; ++it)
227  {
228  const IndirectSVFGEdge* outEdge = SVFUtil::cast<IndirectSVFGEdge>(*it);
229  NodeBS intersection = inPointsTo;
230  intersection &= outEdge->getPointsTo();
232  if (intersection.empty())
233  continue;
235  SVFGNode* dstNode = outEdge->getDstNode();
236  if (const CallIndSVFGEdge* callEdge = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<CallIndSVFGEdge>(outEdge))
237  addCallIndirectSVFGEdge(def->getId(), dstNode->getId(), callEdge->getCallSiteId(), intersection);
238  else if (const RetIndSVFGEdge* retEdge = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<RetIndSVFGEdge>(outEdge))
239  addRetIndirectSVFGEdge(def->getId(), dstNode->getId(), retEdge->getCallSiteId(), intersection);
240  else
241  assert(false && "expecting an inter-procedural SVFG edge");
242  }
244  removeAllEdges(node);
245 }
void setFormalOUTDef(NodeID fo, NodeID def)
Definition: SVFGOPT.h:277
void setActualINDef(NodeID ai, NodeID def)
Definition: SVFGOPT.h:270

◆ retargetEdgesOfAOutFIn()

void SVFGOPT::retargetEdgesOfAOutFIn ( SVFGNode node)

Connect actual-out/formal-in's predecessors to their successors directly.

Definition at line 250 of file SVFGOPT.cpp.

251 {
252  SVFGNode::const_iterator inIt = node->InEdgeBegin();
253  SVFGNode::const_iterator inEit = node->InEdgeEnd();
254  for (; inIt != inEit; ++inIt)
255  {
256  const IndirectSVFGEdge* inEdge = SVFUtil::cast<IndirectSVFGEdge>(*inIt);
257  NodeID srcId = inEdge->getSrcID();
259  SVFGNode::const_iterator outIt = node->OutEdgeBegin();
260  SVFGNode::const_iterator outEit = node->OutEdgeEnd();
261  for (; outIt != outEit; ++outIt)
262  {
263  const IndirectSVFGEdge* outEdge = SVFUtil::cast<IndirectSVFGEdge>(*outIt);
265  NodeBS intersection = inEdge->getPointsTo();
266  intersection &= outEdge->getPointsTo();
267  if (intersection.empty())
268  continue;
270  NodeID dstId = outEdge->getDstID();
271  if (const RetIndSVFGEdge* retEdge = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<RetIndSVFGEdge>(inEdge))
272  {
273  addRetIndirectSVFGEdge(srcId, dstId, retEdge->getCallSiteId(), intersection);
274  }
275  else if (const CallIndSVFGEdge* callEdge = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<CallIndSVFGEdge>(inEdge))
276  {
277  addCallIndirectSVFGEdge(srcId, dstId, callEdge->getCallSiteId(), intersection);
278  }
279  else
280  {
281  addIntraIndirectVFEdge(srcId, dstId, intersection);
282  }
283  }
284  }
286  removeAllEdges(node);
287 }

◆ setActualINDef()

void SVF::SVFGOPT::setActualINDef ( NodeID  ai,
NodeID  def 

Set def-site of actual-in/formal-out.

Definition at line 270 of file SVFGOPT.h.

271  {
272  bool inserted = actualInToDefMap.emplace(ai, def).second;
273  (void)inserted; // Suppress warning of unused variable under release build
274  assert(inserted && "can not set actual-in's def twice");
275  defNodes.set(def);
276  }
void set(unsigned Idx)

◆ setFormalOUTDef()

void SVF::SVFGOPT::setFormalOUTDef ( NodeID  fo,
NodeID  def 

Definition at line 277 of file SVFGOPT.h.

278  {
279  bool inserted = formalOutToDefMap.emplace(fo, def).second;
280  (void) inserted;
281  assert(inserted && "can not set formal-out's def twice");
282  defNodes.set(def);
283  }

◆ setTokeepActualOutFormalIn()

void SVF::SVFGOPT::setTokeepActualOutFormalIn ( )

Definition at line 71 of file SVFGOPT.h.

72  {
73  keepActualOutFormalIn = true;
74  }

◆ setTokeepAllSelfCycle()

void SVF::SVFGOPT::setTokeepAllSelfCycle ( )

Definition at line 75 of file SVFGOPT.h.

76  {
77  keepAllSelfCycle = true;
78  }

◆ setTokeepContextSelfCycle()

void SVF::SVFGOPT::setTokeepContextSelfCycle ( )

Definition at line 79 of file SVFGOPT.h.

80  {
81  keepContextSelfCycle = true;
82  }

Member Data Documentation

◆ actualInToDefMap

NodeIDToNodeIDMap SVF::SVFGOPT::actualInToDefMap

map actual-in to its def-site node

Definition at line 350 of file SVFGOPT.h.

◆ defNodes

NodeBS SVF::SVFGOPT::defNodes

preserved def nodes of formal-in/actual-out

Definition at line 352 of file SVFGOPT.h.

◆ formalOutToDefMap

NodeIDToNodeIDMap SVF::SVFGOPT::formalOutToDefMap

map formal-out to its def-site node

Definition at line 351 of file SVFGOPT.h.

◆ keepActualOutFormalIn

bool SVF::SVFGOPT::keepActualOutFormalIn

Definition at line 356 of file SVFGOPT.h.

◆ keepAllSelfCycle

bool SVF::SVFGOPT::keepAllSelfCycle

Definition at line 357 of file SVFGOPT.h.

◆ keepContextSelfCycle

bool SVF::SVFGOPT::keepContextSelfCycle

Definition at line 358 of file SVFGOPT.h.

◆ worklist

WorkList SVF::SVFGOPT::worklist

storing MSSAPHI nodes which may be removed.

Definition at line 354 of file SVFGOPT.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: