Static Value-Flow Analysis
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- SVFGStat.cpp -- SVFG statistics---------------------------------------//
2 //
3 // SVF: Static Value-Flow Analysis
4 //
5 // Copyright (C) <2013-2017> <Yulei Sui>
6 //
8 // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
10 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
11 // (at your option) any later version.
13 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 // GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
18 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
19 // along with this program. If not, see <>.
20 //
21 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
23 /*
24  * SVFGStat.cpp
25  *
26  * Created on: 28/11/2013
27  * Author: yesen
28  */
30 #include "Graphs/SVFG.h"
31 #include "Graphs/SVFGStat.h"
32 #include "Graphs/PTACallGraph.h"
34 using namespace SVF;
35 using namespace std;
37 const char* MemSSAStat::TotalTimeOfConstructMemSSA = "TotalMSSATime";
38 const char* MemSSAStat::TimeOfGeneratingMemRegions = "GenRegionTime";
39 const char* MemSSAStat::TimeOfCreateMUCHI = "GenMUCHITime";
40 const char* MemSSAStat::TimeOfInsertingPHI = "InsertPHITime";
41 const char* MemSSAStat::TimeOfSSARenaming = "SSARenameTime";
43 const char* MemSSAStat::NumOfMaxRegion = "MaxRegSize";
44 const char* MemSSAStat::NumOfAveragePtsInRegion = "AverageRegSize";
45 const char* MemSSAStat::NumOfMemRegions = "MemRegions";
46 const char* MemSSAStat::NumOfEntryChi = "FunEntryChi";
47 const char* MemSSAStat::NumOfRetMu = "FunRetMu";
48 const char* MemSSAStat::NumOfCSChi = "CSChiNode";
49 const char* MemSSAStat::NumOfCSMu = "CSMuNode";
50 const char* MemSSAStat::NumOfLoadMu = "LoadMuNode";
51 const char* MemSSAStat::NumOfStoreChi = "StoreChiNode";
52 const char* MemSSAStat::NumOfMSSAPhi = "MSSAPhi";
54 const char* MemSSAStat::NumOfFunHasEntryChi = "FunHasEntryChi";
55 const char* MemSSAStat::NumOfFunHasRetMu = "FunHasRetMu";
56 const char* MemSSAStat::NumOfCSHasChi = "CSHasChi";
57 const char* MemSSAStat::NumOfCSHasMu = "CSHasMu";
58 const char* MemSSAStat::NumOfLoadHasMu = "LoadHasMu";
59 const char* MemSSAStat::NumOfStoreHasChi = "StoreHasChi";
60 const char* MemSSAStat::NumOfBBHasMSSAPhi = "BBHasMSSAPhi";
66 {
67  mssa = memSSA;
68  startClk();
69 }
75 {
77  endClk();
79  MRGenerator* mrGenerator = mssa->getMRGenerator();
80  u32_t regionNumber = mrGenerator->getMRNum();
82  u32_t maxRegionSize = 0;
83  u32_t totalRegionPtsNum = 0;
84  MRGenerator::MRSet & mrSet = mrGenerator->getMRSet();
85  MRGenerator::MRSet::const_iterator it = mrSet.begin();
86  MRGenerator::MRSet::const_iterator eit = mrSet.end();
87  for (; it != eit; it++)
88  {
89  const MemRegion* region = *it;
90  u32_t regionSize = region->getRegionSize();
91  if (regionSize > maxRegionSize)
92  maxRegionSize = regionSize;
93  totalRegionPtsNum += regionSize;
94  }
102  PTNumStatMap[NumOfMaxRegion] = maxRegionSize;
103  timeStatMap[NumOfAveragePtsInRegion] = (regionNumber == 0) ? 0 : ((double)totalRegionPtsNum / regionNumber);
104  PTNumStatMap[NumOfMemRegions] = regionNumber;
121  printStat();
123 }
128 void MemSSAStat::printStat(string str)
129 {
130  PTAStat::printStat("Memory SSA Statistics");
131 }
137 {
138  graph = g;
139  clear();
140  startClk();
146 }
149 {
150  numOfNodes = 0;
154  numOfMSSAPhi = numOfPhi = 0;
155  avgWeight = 0;
163  totalIndEdgeLabels = 0;
167 }
170 {
171  return scc->repNode(id);
172 }
174 {
175  return scc->isInCycle(id);
176 }
179 {
180  endClk();
182  clear();
184  processGraph();
186  timeStatMap["TotalTime"] = (endTime - startTime)/TIMEINTERVAL;
198  PTNumStatMap["TotalNode"] = numOfNodes;
200  PTNumStatMap["FormalIn"] = numOfFormalIn;
201  PTNumStatMap["FormalOut"] = numOfFormalOut;
202  PTNumStatMap["FormalParam"] = numOfFormalParam;
203  PTNumStatMap["FormalRet"] = numOfFormalRet;
205  PTNumStatMap["ActualIn"] = numOfActualIn;
206  PTNumStatMap["ActualOut"] = numOfActualOut;
207  PTNumStatMap["ActualParam"] = numOfActualParam;
208  PTNumStatMap["ActualRet"] = numOfActualRet;
210  PTNumStatMap["Addr"] = numOfAddr;
211  PTNumStatMap["Copy"] = numOfCopy;
212  PTNumStatMap["Gep"] = numOfGep;
213  PTNumStatMap["Store"] = numOfStore;
214  PTNumStatMap["Load"] = numOfLoad;
216  PTNumStatMap["PHI"] = numOfPhi;
217  PTNumStatMap["MSSAPhi"] = numOfMSSAPhi;
219  timeStatMap["AvgWeight"] = (totalIndInEdge == 0) ? 0 : ((double)avgWeight / totalIndInEdge);
221  PTNumStatMap["TotalEdge"] = totalInEdge;
222  PTNumStatMap["DirectEdge"] = totalInEdge - totalIndInEdge;
223  PTNumStatMap["IndirectEdge"] = totalIndInEdge;
224  PTNumStatMap["IndirectEdgeLabels"] = totalIndEdgeLabels;
226  PTNumStatMap["IndCallEdge"] = totalIndCallEdge;
227  PTNumStatMap["IndRetEdge"] = totalIndRetEdge;
228  PTNumStatMap["DirectCallEdge"] = totalDirCallEdge;
229  PTNumStatMap["DirectRetEdge"] = totalDirRetEdge;
231  PTNumStatMap["AvgInDegree"] = avgInDegree;
232  PTNumStatMap["AvgOutDegree"] = avgOutDegree;
233  PTNumStatMap["MaxInDegree"] = maxInDegree;
234  PTNumStatMap["MaxOutDegree"] = maxOutDegree;
236  PTNumStatMap["AvgIndInDeg"] = avgIndInDegree;
237  PTNumStatMap["AvgIndOutDeg"] = avgIndOutDegree;
238  PTNumStatMap["MaxIndInDeg"] = maxIndInDegree;
239  PTNumStatMap["MaxIndOutDeg"] = maxIndOutDegree;
241  printStat();
242 }
245 {
246  NodeSet nodeHasIndInEdge;
247  NodeSet nodeHasIndOutEdge;
249  SVFG::SVFGNodeIDToNodeMapTy::iterator it = graph->begin();
250  SVFG::SVFGNodeIDToNodeMapTy::iterator eit = graph->end();
251  for (; it != eit; ++it)
252  {
253  numOfNodes++;
254  if (SVFUtil::isa<FormalINSVFGNode>(it->second))
255  numOfFormalIn++;
256  else if (SVFUtil::isa<FormalOUTSVFGNode>(it->second))
257  numOfFormalOut++;
258  else if (SVFUtil::isa<FormalParmSVFGNode>(it->second))
260  else if (SVFUtil::isa<FormalRetSVFGNode>(it->second))
261  numOfFormalRet++;
262  else if (SVFUtil::isa<ActualINSVFGNode>(it->second))
263  numOfActualIn++;
264  else if (SVFUtil::isa<ActualOUTSVFGNode>(it->second))
265  numOfActualOut++;
266  else if (SVFUtil::isa<ActualParmSVFGNode>(it->second))
268  else if (SVFUtil::isa<ActualRetSVFGNode>(it->second))
269  numOfActualRet++;
270  else if (SVFUtil::isa<AddrSVFGNode>(it->second))
271  numOfAddr++;
272  else if (SVFUtil::isa<CopySVFGNode>(it->second))
273  numOfCopy++;
274  else if (SVFUtil::isa<GepSVFGNode>(it->second))
275  numOfGep++;
276  else if (SVFUtil::isa<LoadSVFGNode>(it->second))
277  numOfLoad++;
278  else if (SVFUtil::isa<StoreSVFGNode>(it->second))
279  numOfStore++;
280  else if (SVFUtil::isa<PHISVFGNode>(it->second))
281  numOfPhi++;
282  else if (SVFUtil::isa<MSSAPHISVFGNode>(it->second))
283  numOfMSSAPhi++;
285  SVFGNode* node = it->second;
286  calculateNodeDegrees(node, nodeHasIndInEdge, nodeHasIndOutEdge);
287  }
289  if (numOfNodes > 0)
290  {
293  }
295  if (!nodeHasIndInEdge.empty())
296  avgIndInDegree = totalIndInEdge / nodeHasIndInEdge.size();
298  if (!nodeHasIndOutEdge.empty())
299  avgIndOutDegree = totalIndOutEdge / nodeHasIndOutEdge.size();
300 }
302 void SVFGStat::calculateNodeDegrees(SVFGNode* node, NodeSet& nodeHasIndInEdge, NodeSet& nodeHasIndOutEdge)
303 {
304  // Incoming edge
305  const SVFGEdge::SVFGEdgeSetTy& inEdges = node->getInEdges();
306  // total in edge
307  if (inEdges.size() > maxInDegree)
308  maxInDegree = inEdges.size();
309  totalInEdge += inEdges.size();
311  // indirect in edge
312  u32_t indInEdges = 0;
313  SVFGEdge::SVFGEdgeSetTy::const_iterator edgeIt = inEdges.begin();
314  SVFGEdge::SVFGEdgeSetTy::const_iterator edgeEit = inEdges.end();
315  for (; edgeIt != edgeEit; ++edgeIt)
316  {
317  if (IndirectSVFGEdge* edge = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<IndirectSVFGEdge>(*edgeIt))
318  {
319  indInEdges++;
320  nodeHasIndInEdge.insert(node->getId());
321  // get edge's weight
322  // TODO: try a new method to calculate weight.
323  const NodeBS& cpts = edge->getPointsTo();
324  avgWeight += cpts.count();
325  totalIndEdgeLabels += cpts.count();
326  }
328  if (SVFUtil::isa<CallDirSVFGEdge>(*edgeIt))
330  else if (SVFUtil::isa<CallIndSVFGEdge>(*edgeIt))
332  else if (SVFUtil::isa<RetDirSVFGEdge>(*edgeIt))
333  totalDirRetEdge++;
334  else if (SVFUtil::isa<RetIndSVFGEdge>(*edgeIt))
335  totalIndRetEdge++;
336  }
338  if (indInEdges > maxIndInDegree)
339  maxIndInDegree = indInEdges;
340  totalIndInEdge += indInEdges;
342  /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
344  // Outgoing edge
345  const SVFGEdge::SVFGEdgeSetTy& outEdges = node->getOutEdges();
346  // total out edge
347  if (outEdges.size() > maxOutDegree)
348  maxOutDegree = outEdges.size();
349  totalOutEdge += outEdges.size();
351  // indirect out edge
352  u32_t indOutEdges = 0;
353  edgeIt = outEdges.begin();
354  edgeEit = outEdges.end();
355  for (; edgeIt != edgeEit; ++edgeIt)
356  {
357  if ((*edgeIt)->isIndirectVFGEdge())
358  {
359  indOutEdges++;
360  nodeHasIndOutEdge.insert(node->getId());
361  }
362  }
364  if (indOutEdges > maxIndOutDegree)
365  maxIndOutDegree = indOutEdges;
366  totalIndOutEdge += indOutEdges;
367 }
369 void SVFGStat::performSCCStat(SVFGEdgeSet insensitiveCalRetEdges)
370 {
372  generalNumMap.clear();
373  PTNumStatMap.clear();
374  timeStatMap.clear();
376  unsigned totalNode = 0;
377  unsigned totalCycle = 0;
378  unsigned nodeInCycle = 0;
379  unsigned maxNodeInCycle = 0;
380  unsigned totalEdge = 0;
381  unsigned edgeInCycle = 0;
383  unsigned totalDirectEdge = 0;
384  unsigned directEdgeInCycle = 0;
385  unsigned totalIndirectEdge = 0;
386  unsigned indirectEdgeInCycle = 0;
387  unsigned totalCallEdge = 0;
388  unsigned callEdgeInCycle = 0;
389  unsigned insensitiveCallEdge = 0;
390  unsigned totalRetEdge = 0;
391  unsigned retEdgeInCycle = 0;
392  unsigned insensitiveRetEdge = 0;
394  SVFGSCC* svfgSCC = new SVFGSCC(graph);
395  svfgSCC->find();
397  NodeSet sccRepNodeSet;
398  SVFG::SVFGNodeIDToNodeMapTy::iterator it = graph->begin();
399  SVFG::SVFGNodeIDToNodeMapTy::iterator eit = graph->end();
400  for (; it != eit; ++it)
401  {
402  totalNode++;
403  if(svfgSCC->isInCycle(it->first))
404  {
405  nodeInCycle++;
406  sccRepNodeSet.insert(svfgSCC->repNode(it->first));
407  const NodeBS& subNodes = svfgSCC->subNodes(it->first);
408  if(subNodes.count() > maxNodeInCycle)
409  maxNodeInCycle = subNodes.count();
410  }
412  SVFGEdge::SVFGEdgeSetTy::const_iterator edgeIt = it->second->InEdgeBegin();
413  SVFGEdge::SVFGEdgeSetTy::const_iterator edgeEit = it->second->InEdgeEnd();
414  for (; edgeIt != edgeEit; ++edgeIt)
415  {
417  const SVFGEdge *edge = *edgeIt;
418  totalEdge++;
419  bool eCycle = false;
420  if(getSCCRep(svfgSCC,edge->getSrcID()) == getSCCRep(svfgSCC,edge->getDstID()))
421  {
422  edgeInCycle++;
423  eCycle = true;
424  }
426  if (edge->isDirectVFGEdge())
427  {
428  totalDirectEdge++;
429  if(eCycle)
430  directEdgeInCycle++;
432  }
433  if (edge->isIndirectVFGEdge())
434  {
435  totalIndirectEdge++;
436  if(eCycle)
437  indirectEdgeInCycle++;
438  }
439  if (edge->isCallVFGEdge())
440  {
441  totalCallEdge++;
442  if(eCycle)
443  {
444  callEdgeInCycle++;
445  }
447  if(insensitiveCalRetEdges.find(edge)!=insensitiveCalRetEdges.end())
448  {
449  insensitiveCallEdge++;
450  }
451  }
452  if (edge->isRetVFGEdge())
453  {
454  totalRetEdge++;
455  if(eCycle)
456  {
457  retEdgeInCycle++;
458  }
460  if(insensitiveCalRetEdges.find(edge)!=insensitiveCalRetEdges.end())
461  {
462  insensitiveRetEdge++;
463  }
464  }
465  }
466  }
469  totalCycle = sccRepNodeSet.size();
472  PTNumStatMap["TotalNode"] = totalNode;
473  PTNumStatMap["TotalCycle"] = totalCycle;
474  PTNumStatMap["NodeInCycle"] = nodeInCycle;
475  PTNumStatMap["MaxNodeInCycle"] = maxNodeInCycle;
476  PTNumStatMap["TotalEdge"] = totalEdge;
477  PTNumStatMap["EdgeInCycle"] = edgeInCycle;
479  PTNumStatMap["TotalDirEdge"] = totalDirectEdge;
480  PTNumStatMap["DirEdgeInCycle"] = directEdgeInCycle;
481  PTNumStatMap["TotalIndEdge"] = totalIndirectEdge;
482  PTNumStatMap["IndEdgeInCycle"] = indirectEdgeInCycle;
484  PTNumStatMap["TotalCallEdge"] = totalCallEdge;
485  PTNumStatMap["CallEdgeInCycle"] = callEdgeInCycle;
486  PTNumStatMap["InsenCallEdge"] = insensitiveCallEdge;
488  PTNumStatMap["TotalRetEdge"] = totalRetEdge;
489  PTNumStatMap["RetEdgeInCycle"] = retEdgeInCycle;
490  PTNumStatMap["InsenRetEdge"] = insensitiveRetEdge;
493  PTAStat::printStat("SVFG SCC Stat");
495  delete svfgSCC;
497 }
499 void SVFGStat::printStat(string str)
500 {
501  PTAStat::printStat("SVFG Statistics");
502 }
Definition: SVFType.h:512
NodeID getDstID() const
Definition: GenericGraph.h:85
NodeID getSrcID() const
get methods of the components
Definition: GenericGraph.h:81
iterator begin()
Definition: GenericGraph.h:627
const GEdgeSetTy & getOutEdges() const
Definition: GenericGraph.h:430
const GEdgeSetTy & getInEdges() const
Definition: GenericGraph.h:434
MRSet & getMRSet()
Definition: MemRegion.h:180
OrderedSet< const MemRegion *, MemRegion::equalMemRegion > MRSet
Get typedef from Pointer Analysis.
Definition: MemRegion.h:141
u32_t getMRNum() const
Definition: MemRegion.h:420
Memory Region class.
Definition: MemRegion.h:56
u32_t getRegionSize() const
Return memory object number inside a region.
Definition: MemRegion.h:122
static const char * TimeOfInsertingPHI
Time for inserting phis.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:55
static const char * NumOfRetMu
Number of function return mu.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:62
static const char * NumOfLoadMu
Number of load mu.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:65
static const char * NumOfStoreHasChi
Number of stores which have chi.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:74
static const char * TimeOfCreateMUCHI
Time for generating mu/chi for load/store/calls.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:54
static const char * NumOfMSSAPhi
Number of mssa phi.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:67
MemSSAStat(MemSSA *)
Definition: SVFGStat.cpp:65
static const char * NumOfBBHasMSSAPhi
Number of basic blocks which have mssa phi.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:75
static const char * NumOfAveragePtsInRegion
Number of average points-to set in region.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:59
static const char * TimeOfGeneratingMemRegions
Time for allocating regions.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:53
static const char * NumOfCSMu
Number of call site mu.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:64
static const char * TotalTimeOfConstructMemSSA
Total time for constructing memory SSA.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:52
static const char * NumOfStoreChi
Number of store chi.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:66
static const char * TimeOfSSARenaming
Time for SSA rename.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:56
virtual void performStat() override
Definition: SVFGStat.cpp:74
static const char * NumOfCSChi
Number of call site chi.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:63
static const char * NumOfMemRegions
Number of memory regions.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:60
static const char * NumOfFunHasRetMu
Number of functions which have return mu.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:70
MemSSA * mssa
Definition: SVFGStat.h:88
static const char * NumOfMaxRegion
Number of max points-to set in region.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:58
static const char * NumOfLoadHasMu
Number of loads which have mu.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:73
virtual void printStat(std::string str="") override
Definition: SVFGStat.cpp:128
static const char * NumOfEntryChi
Number of function entry chi.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:61
static const char * NumOfCSHasChi
Number of call sites which have chi.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:71
static const char * NumOfFunHasEntryChi
Number of functions which have entry chi.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:69
static const char * NumOfCSHasMu
Number of call sites which have mu.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:72
CallSiteToMUSetMap & getCallSiteToMuSetMap()
Definition: MemSSA.h:421
u32_t getFunEntryChiNum() const
Definition: MemSSA.cpp:491
u32_t getCallSiteChiNum() const
Definition: MemSSA.cpp:542
static double timeOfGeneratingMemRegions
Definition: MemSSA.h:107
static double timeOfInsertingPHI
Time for inserting phis.
Definition: MemSSA.h:109
FunToReturnMuSetMap & getFunToRetMuSetMap()
Definition: MemSSA.h:413
static double timeOfCreateMUCHI
Time for generating mu/chi for load/store/calls.
Definition: MemSSA.h:108
u32_t getFunRetMuNum() const
Definition: MemSSA.cpp:508
LoadToMUSetMap & getLoadToMUSetMap()
Definition: MemSSA.h:405
CallSiteToCHISetMap & getCallSiteToChiSetMap()
Definition: MemSSA.h:425
BBToPhiSetMap & getBBToPhiSetMap()
Definition: MemSSA.h:429
StoreToChiSetMap & getStoreToChiSetMap()
Definition: MemSSA.h:409
static double timeOfSSARenaming
Time for SSA rename.
Definition: MemSSA.h:110
u32_t getBBPhiNum() const
Definition: MemSSA.cpp:559
u32_t getCallSiteMuNum() const
Definition: MemSSA.cpp:525
u32_t getStoreChiNum() const
Definition: MemSSA.cpp:474
u32_t getLoadMuNum() const
Stat methods.
Definition: MemSSA.cpp:457
MRGenerator * getMRGenerator()
Return MRGenerator.
Definition: MemSSA.h:313
FunToEntryChiSetMap & getFunToEntryChiSetMap()
Definition: MemSSA.h:417
void find(void)
Definition: SCC.h:308
NodeID repNode(NodeID n) const
get the rep node if not found return itself
Definition: SCC.h:139
bool isInCycle(NodeID n) const
whether the node is in a cycle
Definition: SCC.h:149
const NodeBS & subNodes(NodeID n) const
get all subnodes in one scc, if size is empty insert itself into the set
Definition: SCC.h:173
NodeID getId() const
Get ID.
Definition: GenericGraph.h:260
virtual void performStat() override
Definition: SVFGStat.cpp:178
int numOfActualParam
Definition: SVFGStat.h:181
int totalIndEdgeLabels
Total number of l –o--> lp.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:197
double connectDirSVFGEdgeTimeStart
Definition: SVFGStat.h:222
int totalIndCallEdge
Definition: SVFGStat.h:199
int numOfActualOut
number of actual out svfg nodes.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:180
int avgOutDegree
average out degrees of SVFG nodes.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:207
SCCDetection< SVFG * > SVFGSCC
Definition: SVFGStat.h:97
int totalOutEdge
Total number of outgoing SVFG edges.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:194
double svfgOptTimeStart
Definition: SVFGStat.h:228
int totalDirCallEdge
Definition: SVFGStat.h:201
int numOfFormalParam
Definition: SVFGStat.h:176
int numOfFormalRet
Definition: SVFGStat.h:177
double connectIndSVFGEdgeTimeStart
Definition: SVFGStat.h:225
virtual void printStat(std::string str="") override
Definition: SVFGStat.cpp:499
u32_t maxIndInDegree
max indirect in degrees of SVFG nodes.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:213
double addAddrTakenNodeTimeEnd
Definition: SVFGStat.h:220
double connectIndSVFGEdgeTimeEnd
Definition: SVFGStat.h:226
int avgIndInDegree
average indirect in degrees of SVFG nodes.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:211
void processGraph()
Definition: SVFGStat.cpp:244
SVFG * graph
Definition: SVFGStat.h:170
NodeID nodeInCycle(SVFGSCC *scc, NodeID id) const
Definition: SVFGStat.cpp:173
int avgInDegree
average in degrees of SVFG nodes.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:206
int numOfStore
number of store svfg nodes.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:185
int numOfActualIn
number of actual in svfg nodes.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:179
u32_t maxInDegree
max in degrees of SVFG nodes.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:208
void calculateNodeDegrees(SVFGNode *node, NodeSet &nodeHasIndInEdge, NodeSet &nodeHasIndOutEdge)
Definition: SVFGStat.cpp:302
int avgWeight
average weight.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:204
int totalDirRetEdge
Definition: SVFGStat.h:202
u32_t maxOutDegree
max out degrees of SVFG nodes.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:209
void clear()
Definition: SVFGStat.cpp:148
int avgIndOutDegree
average indirect out degrees of SVFG nodes.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:212
int totalInEdge
Total number of incoming SVFG edges.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:193
int numOfLoad
number of load svfg nodes.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:184
virtual void performSCCStat(SVFGEdgeSet insensitiveCalRetEdges)
Definition: SVFGStat.cpp:369
double addTopLevelNodeTimeEnd
Definition: SVFGStat.h:217
int totalIndInEdge
Total number of indirect SVFG edges.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:195
NodeID getSCCRep(SVFGSCC *scc, NodeID id) const
Definition: SVFGStat.cpp:169
int totalIndOutEdge
Definition: SVFGStat.h:196
int numOfMSSAPhi
number of mssa phi svfg nodes.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:190
double addAddrTakenNodeTimeStart
Definition: SVFGStat.h:219
int numOfFormalOut
number of formal out svfg nodes.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:175
int numOfNodes
number of svfg nodes.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:172
int numOfFormalIn
number of formal in svfg nodes.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:174
double svfgOptTimeEnd
Definition: SVFGStat.h:229
double connectDirSVFGEdgeTimeEnd
Definition: SVFGStat.h:223
u32_t maxIndOutDegree
max indirect out degrees of SVFG nodes.
Definition: SVFGStat.h:214
int numOfActualRet
Definition: SVFGStat.h:182
double addTopLevelNodeTimeStart
Definition: SVFGStat.h:216
Definition: SVFGStat.cpp:136
int totalIndRetEdge
Definition: SVFGStat.h:200
OrderedSet< const SVFGEdge * > SVFGEdgeSet
Definition: SVFGStat.h:96
Definition: SVFG.h:66
NUMStatMap generalNumMap
Definition: SVFStat.h:76
NUMStatMap PTNumStatMap
Definition: SVFStat.h:77
virtual void printStat(std::string str="")
Definition: SVFStat.cpp:66
virtual void endClk()
Definition: SVFStat.h:63
TIMEStatMap timeStatMap
Definition: SVFStat.h:78
virtual void startClk()
Definition: SVFStat.h:58
double endTime
Definition: SVFStat.h:81
double startTime
Definition: SVFStat.h:80
unsigned count() const
bool isRetVFGEdge() const
Definition: VFGEdge.h:88
bool isCallVFGEdge() const
Definition: VFGEdge.h:84
VFGEdgeSetTy SVFGEdgeSetTy
Definition: VFGEdge.h:118
bool isDirectVFGEdge() const
Get methods of the components.
Definition: VFGEdge.h:76
bool isIndirectVFGEdge() const
Definition: VFGEdge.h:80
for isBitcode
Definition: BasicTypes.h:68
Set< NodeID > NodeSet
Definition: GeneralType.h:113
u32_t NodeID
Definition: GeneralType.h:55
unsigned u32_t
Definition: GeneralType.h:46