Static Value-Flow Analysis
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1 //===----- SVFModule.cpp Base class of pointer analyses ---------------------//
2 //
3 // SVF: Static Value-Flow Analysis
4 //
5 // Copyright (C) <2013-2017> <Yulei Sui>
6 //
8 // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
10 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
11 // (at your option) any later version.
13 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 // GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
18 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
19 // along with this program. If not, see <>.
20 //
21 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
23 /*
24  * SVFModule.cpp
25  *
26  * Created on: Aug 4, 2017
27  * Author: Xiaokang Fan
28  */
30 #include <queue>
31 #include <algorithm>
32 #include "SVFIR/SVFModule.h"
33 #include "Util/SVFUtil.h"
34 #include "SVF-LLVM/BasicTypes.h"
35 #include "SVF-LLVM/LLVMUtil.h"
36 #include "SVF-LLVM/CppUtil.h"
39 #include "MSSA/SVFGBuilder.h"
40 #include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
42 #include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/Cloning.h"
43 #include "SVF-LLVM/ICFGBuilder.h"
44 #include "Graphs/PTACallGraph.h"
45 #include "Util/CallGraphBuilder.h"
47 using namespace std;
48 using namespace SVF;
50 /*
51  svf.main() is used to model the real entry point of a C++ program, which
52  initializes all global C++ objects and then call main().
53  LLVM may generate two global arrays @llvm.global_ctors and @llvm.global_dtors
54  that contain constructor and destructor functions for global variables. They
55  are not called explicitly, so we have to add them in the svf.main function.
56  The order to call these constructor and destructor functions are also
57  specified in the global arrays.
58  Related part in LLVM language reference:
60  For example, given a "int main(int argc, char * argv[])", the corresponding
61  svf.main will be generated as follows:
62  define void @svf.main(i32, i8**, i8**) {
63  entry:
64  call void @ctor1()
65  call void @ctor2()
66  %3 = call i32 @main(i32 %0, i8** %1)
67  call void @dtor1()
68  call void @dtor2()
69  ret void
70  }
71 */
73 #define SVF_MAIN_FUNC_NAME "svf.main"
74 #define SVF_GLOBAL_CTORS "llvm.global_ctors"
75 #define SVF_GLOBAL_DTORS "llvm.global_dtors"
77 LLVMModuleSet* LLVMModuleSet::llvmModuleSet = nullptr;
78 bool LLVMModuleSet::preProcessed = false;
80 LLVMModuleSet::LLVMModuleSet()
81  : symInfo(SymbolTableInfo::SymbolInfo()),
82  svfModule(SVFModule::getSVFModule()), typeInference(new ObjTypeInference())
83 {
84 }
87 {
88  for (auto& item : LLVMInst2SVFInst)
89  {
90  delete item.second;
91  item.second = nullptr;
92  }
93  delete typeInference;
94  typeInference = nullptr;
95 }
98 {
99  return typeInference;
100 }
103 {
106  double startSVFModuleTime = SVFStat::getClk(true);
107  SVFModule::getSVFModule()->setModuleIdentifier(mod.getModuleIdentifier());
108  mset->modules.emplace_back(mod); // Populates `modules`; can get context via `this->getContext()`
109  mset->loadExtAPIModules(); // Uses context from module through `this->getContext()`
110  mset->build();
111  double endSVFModuleTime = SVFStat::getClk(true);
112  SVFStat::timeOfBuildingLLVMModule = (endSVFModuleTime - startSVFModuleTime)/TIMEINTERVAL;
114  mset->buildSymbolTable();
115  // Don't releaseLLVMModuleSet() here, as IRBuilder might still need LLVMMoudleSet
116  return SVFModule::getSVFModule();
117 }
119 SVFModule* LLVMModuleSet::buildSVFModule(const std::vector<std::string> &moduleNameVec)
120 {
121  double startSVFModuleTime = SVFStat::getClk(true);
125  mset->loadModules(moduleNameVec); // Populates `modules`; can get context via `this->getContext()`
126  mset->loadExtAPIModules(); // Uses context from first module through `this->getContext()`
128  if (!moduleNameVec.empty())
129  {
130  SVFModule::getSVFModule()->setModuleIdentifier(moduleNameVec.front());
131  }
133  mset->build();
135  double endSVFModuleTime = SVFStat::getClk(true);
137  (endSVFModuleTime - startSVFModuleTime) / TIMEINTERVAL;
139  mset->buildSymbolTable();
140  // Don't releaseLLVMModuleSet() here, as IRBuilder might still need LLVMMoudleSet
141  return SVFModule::getSVFModule();
142 }
145 {
146  double startSymInfoTime = SVFStat::getClk(true);
148  {
150  DBOUT(DGENERAL, SVFUtil::outs() << SVFUtil::pasMsg("Building Symbol table ...\n"));
151  SymbolTableBuilder builder(symInfo);
152  builder.buildMemModel(svfModule);
153  }
154  double endSymInfoTime = SVFStat::getClk(true);
156  (endSymInfoTime - startSymInfoTime) / TIMEINTERVAL;
157 }
160 {
161  if(preProcessed==false)
162  prePassSchedule();
167  if (Options::SVFMain())
168  addSVFMain();
171  initSVFFunction();
172  ICFGBuilder icfgbuilder;
173  icfg =;
175  CallGraphBuilder callGraphBuilder;
176  callgraph = callGraphBuilder.buildSVFIRCallGraph(svfModule);
177 }
180 {
183  // Functions need to be retrieved in the order of insertion
184  // candidateDefs is the vector for all used defined functions
185  // candidateDecls is the vector for all used declared functions
186  std::vector<const Function*> candidateDefs, candidateDecls;
188  for (Module& mod : modules)
189  {
191  for (Function& func : mod.functions())
192  {
193  if (func.isDeclaration())
194  {
195  candidateDecls.push_back(&func);
196  }
197  else
198  {
199  candidateDefs.push_back(&func);
200  }
201  }
202  }
204  for (const Function* func: candidateDefs)
205  {
206  createSVFFunction(func);
207  }
208  for (const Function* func: candidateDecls)
209  {
210  createSVFFunction(func);
211  }
213  // Store annotations of functions in extapi.bc
214  for (const auto& pair : ExtFun2Annotations)
215  {
216  const SVFFunction* svffun = getSVFFunction(pair.first);
217  ExtAPI::getExtAPI()->setExtFuncAnnotations(svffun, pair.second);
218  }
221  for (const Module& mod : modules)
222  {
224  for (const GlobalVariable& global : mod.globals())
225  {
226  SVFGlobalValue* svfglobal = new SVFGlobalValue(
227  global.getName().str(), getSVFType(global.getType()));
228  svfModule->addGlobalSet(svfglobal);
229  addGlobalValueMap(&global, svfglobal);
230  }
233  for (const GlobalAlias& alias : mod.aliases())
234  {
235  SVFGlobalValue* svfalias = new SVFGlobalValue(
236  alias.getName().str(), getSVFType(alias.getType()));
237  svfModule->addAliasSet(svfalias);
238  addGlobalValueMap(&alias, svfalias);
239  }
242  for (const GlobalIFunc& ifunc : mod.ifuncs())
243  {
244  SVFGlobalValue* svfifunc = new SVFGlobalValue(
245  ifunc.getName().str(), getSVFType(ifunc.getType()));
246  svfModule->addAliasSet(svfifunc);
247  addGlobalValueMap(&ifunc, svfifunc);
248  }
249  }
250 }
253 {
254  SVFFunction* svfFunc = new SVFFunction(
255  getSVFType(func->getType()),
256  SVFUtil::cast<SVFFunctionType>(
257  getSVFType(func->getFunctionType())),
258  func->isDeclaration(), LLVMUtil::isIntrinsicFun(func),
259  func->hasAddressTaken(), func->isVarArg(), new SVFLoopAndDomInfo);
260  svfModule->addFunctionSet(svfFunc);
261  addFunctionMap(func, svfFunc);
263  for (const Argument& arg : func->args())
264  {
265  SVFArgument* svfarg = new SVFArgument(
266  getSVFType(arg.getType()), svfFunc, arg.getArgNo(),
268  // Setting up arg name
269  if (!arg.hasName())
270  svfarg->setName(std::to_string(arg.getArgNo()));
272  svfFunc->addArgument(svfarg);
273  addArgumentMap(&arg, svfarg);
274  }
276  for (const BasicBlock& bb : *func)
277  {
278  SVFBasicBlock* svfBB =
279  new SVFBasicBlock(getSVFType(bb.getType()), svfFunc);
280  svfFunc->addBasicBlock(svfBB);
281  addBasicBlockMap(&bb, svfBB);
282  for (const Instruction& inst : bb)
283  {
284  SVFInstruction* svfInst = nullptr;
285  if (const CallBase* call = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<CallBase>(&inst))
286  {
287  if (cppUtil::isVirtualCallSite(call))
288  svfInst = new SVFVirtualCallInst(
289  getSVFType(call->getType()), svfBB,
290  call->getFunctionType()->isVarArg(),
291  inst.isTerminator());
292  else
293  svfInst = new SVFCallInst(
294  getSVFType(call->getType()), svfBB,
295  call->getFunctionType()->isVarArg(),
296  inst.isTerminator());
297  }
298  else
299  {
300  svfInst =
301  new SVFInstruction(getSVFType(inst.getType()),
302  svfBB, inst.isTerminator(),
303  SVFUtil::isa<ReturnInst>(inst));
304  }
306  addInstructionMap(&inst, svfInst);
307  }
308  }
309 }
312 {
313  for (Module& mod : modules)
314  {
316  for (const Function& f : mod.functions())
317  {
318  SVFFunction* svffun = getSVFFunction(&f);
319  initSVFBasicBlock(&f);
321  if (!SVFUtil::isExtCall(svffun))
322  {
323  initDomTree(svffun, &f);
324  }
325  }
326  }
327 }
330 {
331  SVFFunction *svfFun = getSVFFunction(func);
332  for (Function::const_iterator bit = func->begin(), ebit = func->end(); bit != ebit; ++bit)
333  {
334  const BasicBlock* bb = &*bit;
335  SVFBasicBlock* svfbb = getSVFBasicBlock(bb);
336  for (succ_const_iterator succ_it = succ_begin(bb); succ_it != succ_end(bb); succ_it++)
337  {
338  const SVFBasicBlock* svf_scc_bb = getSVFBasicBlock(*succ_it);
339  svfbb->addSuccBasicBlock(svf_scc_bb);
340  }
341  for (const_pred_iterator pred_it = pred_begin(bb); pred_it != pred_end(bb); pred_it++)
342  {
343  const SVFBasicBlock* svf_pred_bb = getSVFBasicBlock(*pred_it);
344  svfbb->addPredBasicBlock(svf_pred_bb);
345  }
348  if (svfbb->getSuccessors().empty())
349  {
351  {
352  assert((LLVMUtil::functionDoesNotRet(func) ||
353  SVFUtil::isa<ReturnInst>(bb->back())) &&
354  "last inst must be return inst");
355  svfFun->setExitBlock(svfbb);
356  }
357  }
359  for (BasicBlock::const_iterator iit = bb->begin(), eiit = bb->end(); iit != eiit; ++iit)
360  {
361  const Instruction* inst = &*iit;
362  if(const CallBase* call = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<CallBase>(inst))
363  {
364  SVFInstruction* svfinst = getSVFInstruction(call);
365  SVFCallInst* svfcall = SVFUtil::cast<SVFCallInst>(svfinst);
366  auto called_llvmval = call->getCalledOperand()->stripPointerCasts();
367  if (const Function* called_llvmfunc = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<Function>(called_llvmval))
368  {
369  SVFFunction* callee = getSVFFunction(called_llvmfunc);
370  svfcall->setCalledOperand(callee);
371  }
372  else
373  {
374  svfcall->setCalledOperand(getSVFValue(called_llvmval));
375  }
376  if(SVFVirtualCallInst* virtualCall = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<SVFVirtualCallInst>(svfcall))
377  {
378  virtualCall->setVtablePtr(getSVFValue(cppUtil::getVCallVtblPtr(call)));
379  virtualCall->setFunIdxInVtable(cppUtil::getVCallIdx(call));
380  virtualCall->setFunNameOfVirtualCall(cppUtil::getFunNameOfVCallSite(call));
381  }
382  for(u32_t i = 0; i < call->arg_size(); i++)
383  {
384  SVFValue* svfval = getSVFValue(call->getArgOperand(i));
385  svfcall->addArgument(svfval);
386  }
387  }
388  }
389  }
390  // For no return functions, we set the last block as exit BB
391  // This ensures that each function that has definition must have an exit BB
392  if (svfFun->exitBlock == nullptr && svfFun->hasBasicBlock())
393  {
394  SVFBasicBlock* retBB = const_cast<SVFBasicBlock*>(svfFun->back());
395  assert((LLVMUtil::functionDoesNotRet(func) ||
396  SVFUtil::isa<ReturnInst>(&func->back().back())) &&
397  "last inst must be return inst");
398  svfFun->setExitBlock(retBB);
399  }
400 }
404 {
405  if (fun->isDeclaration())
406  return;
407  //process and stored dt & df
408  DominatorTree dt;
410  dt.recalculate(const_cast<Function&>(*fun));
411  df.analyze(dt);
412  LoopInfo loopInfo = LoopInfo(dt);
413  PostDominatorTree pdt = PostDominatorTree(const_cast<Function&>(*fun));
414  SVFLoopAndDomInfo* ld = svffun->getLoopAndDomInfo();
417  for (DominanceFrontierBase::const_iterator dfIter = df.begin(), eDfIter = df.end(); dfIter != eDfIter; dfIter++)
418  {
419  const BasicBlock* keyBB = dfIter->first;
420  const std::set<BasicBlock* >& domSet = dfIter->second;
421  Set<const SVFBasicBlock*>& valueBasicBlocks = dfBBsMap[getSVFBasicBlock(keyBB)];
422  for (const BasicBlock* bbValue:domSet)
423  {
424  valueBasicBlocks.insert(getSVFBasicBlock(bbValue));
425  }
426  }
427  std::vector<const SVFBasicBlock*> reachableBBs;
428  LLVMUtil::getFunReachableBBs(fun, reachableBBs);
429  ld->setReachableBBs(reachableBBs);
431  for (Function::const_iterator bit = fun->begin(), beit = fun->end(); bit!=beit; ++bit)
432  {
433  const BasicBlock &bb = *bit;
434  SVFBasicBlock* svfBB = getSVFBasicBlock(&bb);
435  if (DomTreeNode* dtNode = dt.getNode(&bb))
436  {
437  SVFLoopAndDomInfo::BBSet& bbSet = ld->getDomTreeMap()[svfBB];
438  for (const auto domBB : *dtNode)
439  {
440  const auto* domSVFBB = getSVFBasicBlock(domBB->getBlock());
441  bbSet.insert(domSVFBB);
442  }
443  }
445  if (DomTreeNode* pdtNode = pdt.getNode(&bb))
446  {
447  u32_t level = pdtNode->getLevel();
448  ld->getBBPDomLevel()[svfBB] = level;
449  BasicBlock* idomBB = pdtNode->getIDom()->getBlock();
450  const SVFBasicBlock* idom = idomBB == NULL ? NULL: getSVFBasicBlock(idomBB);
451  ld->getBB2PIdom()[svfBB] = idom;
453  SVFLoopAndDomInfo::BBSet& bbSet = ld->getPostDomTreeMap()[svfBB];
454  for (const auto domBB : *pdtNode)
455  {
456  const auto* domSVFBB = getSVFBasicBlock(domBB->getBlock());
457  bbSet.insert(domSVFBB);
458  }
459  }
461  if (const Loop* loop = loopInfo.getLoopFor(&bb))
462  {
463  for (const BasicBlock* loopBlock : loop->getBlocks())
464  {
465  const SVFBasicBlock* loopbb = getSVFBasicBlock(loopBlock);
466  ld->addToBB2LoopMap(svfBB, loopbb);
467  }
468  }
469  }
470 }
477 {
479  std::unique_ptr<BreakConstantGEPs> p1 = std::make_unique<BreakConstantGEPs>();
480  for (Module &M : getLLVMModules())
481  {
482  p1->runOnModule(M);
483  }
486  std::unique_ptr<UnifyFunctionExitNodes> p2 =
487  std::make_unique<UnifyFunctionExitNodes>();
488  for (Module &M : getLLVMModules())
489  {
490  for (auto F = M.begin(), E = M.end(); F != E; ++F)
491  {
492  Function &fun = *F;
493  if (fun.isDeclaration())
494  continue;
495  p2->runOnFunction(fun);
496  }
497  }
498 }
500 void LLVMModuleSet::preProcessBCs(std::vector<std::string> &moduleNameVec)
501 {
503  mset->loadModules(moduleNameVec);
504  mset->loadExtAPIModules();
505  mset->prePassSchedule();
507  std::string preProcessSuffix = ".pre.bc";
508  // Get the existing module names, remove old extension, add preProcessSuffix
509  for (u32_t i = 0; i < moduleNameVec.size(); i++)
510  {
511  u32_t lastIndex = moduleNameVec[i].find_last_of(".");
512  std::string rawName = moduleNameVec[i].substr(0, lastIndex);
513  moduleNameVec[i] = (rawName + preProcessSuffix);
514  }
516  mset->dumpModulesToFile(preProcessSuffix);
517  preProcessed = true;
519 }
521 void LLVMModuleSet::loadModules(const std::vector<std::string> &moduleNameVec)
522 {
524  // We read SVFIR from LLVM IR
525  if(Options::Graphtxt().empty())
526  {
527  if(moduleNameVec.empty())
528  {
529  SVFUtil::outs() << "no LLVM bc file is found!\n";
530  exit(0);
531  }
532  //assert(!moduleNameVec.empty() && "no LLVM bc file is found!");
533  }
534  // We read SVFIR from a user-defined txt instead of parsing SVFIR from LLVM IR
535  else
538  //
539  // LLVMContext objects separate global LLVM settings (from which e.g. types are
540  // derived); multiple LLVMContext objects can coexist and each context can "own"
541  // multiple modules (modules can only have one context). Mixing contexts can lead
542  // to unintended inequalities, such as the following:
543  //
544  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
545  // LLVMContext ctxa,ctxb;
546  // IntegerType * t1 = IntegerType::get(ctxa,32);
547  // IntegerType * t2 = IntegerType::get(ctxa,32);
548  // assert(t1 == t2);
549  // IntegerType * t3 = IntegerType::get(ctxb,32);
550  // IntegerType * t4 = IntegerType::get(ctxb,32);
551  // assert(t3 == t4);
552  // assert(t1 != t3);
553  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
554  //
555  // When loading bytecode files, SVF will use the same LLVMContext object for all
556  // modules (i.e. the context owns all loaded modules). This applies to ExtAPI as
557  // well, which *must* be loaded using the same LLVMContext object. Hence, when
558  // loading modules from bitcode files, a new LLVMContext is created (using a
559  // `std::unique_ptr<LLVMContext>` type to ensure automatic garbage collection).
560  //
561  // This garbage collection should be avoided when building an SVF module from an LLVM
562  // module instance; see the comment(s) in `buildSVFModule` and `loadExtAPIModules()`
564  owned_ctx = std::make_unique<LLVMContext>();
565  for (const std::string& moduleName : moduleNameVec)
566  {
567  if (!LLVMUtil::isIRFile(moduleName))
568  {
569  SVFUtil::errs() << "not an IR file: " << moduleName << std::endl;
570  abort();
571  }
573  SMDiagnostic Err;
574  std::unique_ptr<Module> mod = parseIRFile(moduleName, Err, *owned_ctx);
575  if (mod == nullptr)
576  {
577  SVFUtil::errs() << "load module: " << moduleName << "failed!!\n\n";
578  Err.print("SVFModuleLoader", llvm::errs());
579  abort();
580  }
581  modules.emplace_back(*mod);
582  owned_modules.emplace_back(std::move(mod));
583  }
584 }
587 {
588  // This function loads the ExtAPI bitcode file as an LLVM module. Note that it is important that
589  // the same LLVMContext object is used to load this bitcode file as is used by the other modules
590  // being analysed.
591  // When the modules are loaded from bitcode files (i.e. passing filenames to files containing
592  // LLVM IR to `buildSVFModule({file1.bc, file2.bc, ...})) the context is created while loading
593  // the modules in `loadModules()`, which populates this->modules and this->owned_modules.
594  // If, however, an LLVM Module object is passed to `buildSVFModule` (e.g. from an LLVM pass),
595  // the context should be retrieved from the module itself (note that the garbage collection from
596  // `std::unique_ptr<LLVMContext> LLVMModuleSet::owned_ctx` should be avoided in this case). This
597  // function populates only this->modules.
598  // In both cases, fetching the context from the main LLVM module (through `getContext`) works
599  assert(!empty() && "LLVMModuleSet contains no modules; cannot load ExtAPI module without LLVMContext!");
601  // Load external API module (extapi.bc)
602  if (!ExtAPI::getExtAPI()->getExtBcPath().empty())
603  {
604  std::string extModuleName = ExtAPI::getExtAPI()->getExtBcPath();
605  if (!LLVMUtil::isIRFile(extModuleName))
606  {
607  SVFUtil::errs() << "not an external IR file: " << extModuleName << std::endl;
608  abort();
609  }
610  SMDiagnostic Err;
611  std::unique_ptr<Module> mod = parseIRFile(extModuleName, Err, getContext());
612  if (mod == nullptr)
613  {
614  SVFUtil::errs() << "load external module: " << extModuleName << "failed!!\n\n";
615  Err.print("SVFModuleLoader", llvm::errs());
616  abort();
617  }
618  // The module of extapi.bc needs to be inserted before applications modules, like std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<Module>> modules{extapi_module, app_module}.
619  // Otherwise, when overwriting the app function with SVF extern function, the corresponding SVFFunction of the extern function will not be found.
620  modules.insert(modules.begin(), *mod);
621  owned_modules.insert(owned_modules.begin(),std::move(mod));
622  }
623 }
625 std::vector<const Function* > LLVMModuleSet::getLLVMGlobalFunctions(const GlobalVariable *global)
626 {
627  // This function is used to extract constructor and destructor functions
628  // sorted by their priority from @llvm.global_ctors or @llvm.global_dtors.
629  // For example, given following @llvm.global_ctors, the returning sorted
630  // function list should be [ctor3, ctor1, ctor2].
631  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
632  // ; Each struct in the array is {priority, function, associated data}
633  //
634  // @llvm.global_ctors = appending global [2 x { i32, void ()*, i8* }]
635  // [{ i32, void ()*, i8* } { i32 1234, void ()* @ctor1.cpp, i8* null },
636  // { i32, void ()*, i8* } { i32 2345, void ()* @ctor2.cpp, i8* null },
637  // { i32, void ()*, i8* } { i32 345, void ()* @ctor3.cpp, i8* null }]
638  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
639  // TODO: According to LLVM language reference, if the third field is
640  // non-null, and points to a global variable or function, the initializer
641  // function will only run if the associated data from the current module is
642  // not discarded. However the associated data is currently ignored.
645  // This class is used for the priority queue that sorts the functions by
646  // their priority. Each object of this class stands for an item in the
647  // function array.
648  class LLVMGlobalFunction
649  {
650  public:
651  u32_t priority;
652  const Function* func;
653  LLVMGlobalFunction() {};
654  LLVMGlobalFunction(u32_t _priority, const Function* _func)
655  : priority(_priority), func(_func) {};
656  bool operator>(const LLVMGlobalFunction &other) const
657  {
658  if (priority != other.priority)
659  {
660  return priority > other.priority;
661  }
662  else
663  {
664  return func > other.func;
665  }
666  }
667  };
669  std::priority_queue<LLVMGlobalFunction, std::vector<LLVMGlobalFunction>,
670  greater<LLVMGlobalFunction>>
671  queue;
672  std::vector<const Function* > result;
674  // The @llvm.global_ctors/dtors global variable is an array of struct. Each
675  // struct has three fields: {i32 priority, void ()* @ctor/dtor, i8* @data}.
676  // First get the array here.
677  if(const ConstantArray *globalFuncArray =
678  SVFUtil::dyn_cast<ConstantArray>(global->getInitializer()))
679  {
680  // Get each struct in the array.
681  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < globalFuncArray->getNumOperands(); ++i)
682  {
683  if (
684  const ConstantStruct *globalFuncItem =
685  SVFUtil::dyn_cast<ConstantStruct>(
686  globalFuncArray->getOperand(i)))
687  {
689  // Extract priority and function from the struct
690  const ConstantInt* priority = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(
691  globalFuncItem->getOperand(0));
692  const Function* func = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<Function>(
693  globalFuncItem->getOperand(1));
695  if (priority && func)
696  {
697  queue.push(LLVMGlobalFunction(priority
698  ->getZExtValue(),
699  func));
700  }
701  }
702  }
703  }
705  // Generate a sorted vector of functions from the priority queue.
706  while (!queue.empty())
707  {
708  result.push_back(;
709  queue.pop();
710  }
711  return result;
712 }
715 {
716  std::vector<const Function*> ctor_funcs;
717  std::vector<const Function*> dtor_funcs;
718  Function* orgMain = 0;
719  Module* mainMod = nullptr;
721  for (Module &mod : modules)
722  {
723  // Collect ctor and dtor functions
724  for (const GlobalVariable& global : mod.globals())
725  {
726  if (global.getName().equals(SVF_GLOBAL_CTORS) && global.hasInitializer())
727  {
728  ctor_funcs = getLLVMGlobalFunctions(&global);
729  }
730  else if (global.getName().equals(SVF_GLOBAL_DTORS) && global.hasInitializer())
731  {
732  dtor_funcs = getLLVMGlobalFunctions(&global);
733  }
734  }
736  // Find main function
737  for (auto &func : mod)
738  {
739  auto funName = func.getName();
741  assert(!funName.equals(SVF_MAIN_FUNC_NAME) && SVF_MAIN_FUNC_NAME " already defined");
743  if (funName.equals("main"))
744  {
745  orgMain = &func;
746  mainMod = &mod;
747  }
748  }
749  }
751  // Only create svf.main when the original main function is found, and also
752  // there are global constructor or destructor functions.
753  if (orgMain && getModuleNum() > 0 &&
754  (ctor_funcs.size() > 0 || dtor_funcs.size() > 0))
755  {
756  assert(mainMod && "Module with main function not found.");
757  Module& M = *mainMod;
758  // char **
759  Type* ptr = PointerType::getUnqual(M.getContext());
760  Type* i32 = IntegerType::getInt32Ty(M.getContext());
761  // define void @svf.main(i32, i8**, i8**)
762 #if (LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR >= 9)
763  FunctionCallee svfmainFn = M.getOrInsertFunction(
765  Type::getVoidTy(M.getContext()),
766  i32,ptr,ptr
767  );
768  Function* svfmain = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<Function>(svfmainFn.getCallee());
769 #else
770  Function* svfmain = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<Function>(M.getOrInsertFunction(
772  Type::getVoidTy(M.getContext()),
773  i32,i8ptr2,i8ptr2
774  ));
775 #endif
776  svfmain->setCallingConv(llvm::CallingConv::C);
777  BasicBlock* block = BasicBlock::Create(M.getContext(), "entry", svfmain);
778  IRBuilder Builder(block);
779  // emit "call void @ctor()". ctor_funcs is sorted so the functions are
780  // emitted in the order of priority
781  for (auto& ctor : ctor_funcs)
782  {
783  auto target = M.getOrInsertFunction(
784  ctor->getName(),
785  Type::getVoidTy(M.getContext())
786  );
787  Builder.CreateCall(target);
788  }
789  // main() should be called after all ctor functions and before dtor
790  // functions.
791  Function::arg_iterator arg_it = svfmain->arg_begin();
792  Value* args[] = {arg_it, arg_it + 1, arg_it + 2};
793  size_t cnt = orgMain->arg_size();
794  assert(cnt <= 3 && "Too many arguments for main()");
795  Builder.CreateCall(orgMain, llvm::ArrayRef<Value*>(args, args + cnt));
796  // emit "call void @dtor()". dtor_funcs is sorted so the functions are
797  // emitted in the order of priority
798  for (auto& dtor : dtor_funcs)
799  {
800  auto target = M.getOrInsertFunction(dtor->getName(), Type::getVoidTy(M.getContext()));
801  Builder.CreateCall(target);
802  }
803  // return;
804  Builder.CreateRetVoid();
805  }
806 }
809 {
810  GlobalVariable *glob = mod->getGlobalVariable("");
811  if (glob == nullptr || !glob->hasInitializer())
812  return;
814  ConstantArray *ca = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<ConstantArray>(glob->getInitializer());
815  if (ca == nullptr)
816  return;
818  for (unsigned i = 0; i < ca->getNumOperands(); ++i)
819  {
820  ConstantStruct *structAn = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<ConstantStruct>(ca->getOperand(i));
821  if (structAn == nullptr || structAn->getNumOperands() == 0)
822  continue;
824  // Check if the annotation is for a function
825  Function* fun = nullptr;
826  GlobalVariable *annotateStr = nullptr;
828  if (ConstantExpr *expr = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(structAn->getOperand(0)))
829  {
830  if (expr->getOpcode() == Instruction::BitCast && SVFUtil::isa<Function>(expr->getOperand(0)))
831  fun = SVFUtil::cast<Function>(expr->getOperand(0));
833  ConstantExpr *note = SVFUtil::cast<ConstantExpr>(structAn->getOperand(1));
834  if (note->getOpcode() != Instruction::GetElementPtr)
835  continue;
837  annotateStr = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<GlobalVariable>(note->getOperand(0));
838  }
840  else
841  {
842  fun = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<Function>(structAn->getOperand(0));
843  annotateStr = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<GlobalVariable>(structAn->getOperand(1));
844  }
846  if (!fun || annotateStr == nullptr || !annotateStr->hasInitializer())
847  continue;;
849  ConstantDataSequential *data = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<ConstantDataSequential>(annotateStr->getInitializer());
850  if (data && data->isString())
851  {
852  std::string annotation = data->getAsString().str();
853  if (!annotation.empty())
854  ExtFun2Annotations[fun->getName().str()].push_back(annotation);
855  }
856  }
857 }
859 /*
860  There are three types of functions(definitions) in extapi.c:
861  1. (Fun_Overwrite): Functions with "OVERWRITE" annotion:
862  These functions are used to replace the corresponding function definitions in the application.
863  2. (Fun_Annotation): Functions with annotation(s) but without "OVERWRITE" annotation:
864  These functions are used to tell SVF to do special processing, like malloc().
865  3. (Fun_Noraml): Functions without any annotation:
866  These functions are used to replace the corresponding function declarations in the application.
869  We will iterate over declarations (appFunDecl) and definitons (appFunDef) of functions in the application and extapi.c to do the following clone or replace operations:
870  1. appFuncDecl --> Fun_Normal: Clone the Fun_Overwrite and replace the appFuncDecl in application.
871  2. appFuncDecl --> Fun_Annotation: Move the annotions on Fun_Annotation to appFuncDecl in application.
873  3. appFunDef --> Fun_Overwrite: Clone the Fun_Overwrite and overwrite the appFunDef in application.
874  4. appFunDef --> Fun_Annotation: Replace the appFunDef with appFunDecl and move the annotions to appFunDecl in application
875 */
877 {
878  Set<const Function*> appFunDecls, appFunDefs, extFuncs, clonedFuncs;
879  OrderedSet<string> appFuncDeclNames, appFuncDefNames, extFunDefNames, intersectNames;
880  Map<const Function*, const Function*> extFuncs2ClonedFuncs;
881  Module* appModule = nullptr;
882  Module* extModule = nullptr;
884  for (Module& mod : modules)
885  {
886  // extapi.bc functions
887  if (mod.getName().str() == ExtAPI::getExtAPI()->getExtBcPath())
888  {
890  extModule = &mod;
891  for (const Function& fun : mod.functions())
892  {
893  // there is main declaration in ext bc, it should be mapped to
894  // main definition in app bc.
895  if (fun.getName().str() == "main")
896  {
897  appFunDecls.insert(&fun);
898  appFuncDeclNames.insert(fun.getName().str());
899  }
901  else if (fun.getName().str() == "svf__main")
902  {
903  ExtFuncsVec.push_back(&fun);
904  }
905  else
906  {
907  extFuncs.insert(&fun);
908  extFunDefNames.insert(fun.getName().str());
909  }
910  }
911  }
912  else
913  {
914  appModule = &mod;
916  for (const Function& fun : mod.functions())
917  {
918  if (fun.isDeclaration())
919  {
920  appFunDecls.insert(&fun);
921  appFuncDeclNames.insert(fun.getName().str());
922  }
923  else
924  {
925  appFunDefs.insert(&fun);
926  appFuncDefNames.insert(fun.getName().str());
927  }
928  }
929  }
930  }
932  // Find the intersectNames between appFuncDefNames and externalFunDefNames
933  std::set_intersection(
934  appFuncDefNames.begin(), appFuncDefNames.end(), extFunDefNames.begin(), extFunDefNames.end(),
935  std::inserter(intersectNames, intersectNames.end()));
937  auto cloneAndReplaceFunction = [&](const Function* extFunToClone, Function* appFunToReplace, Module* appModule, bool cloneBody) -> Function*
938  {
939  assert(!(appFunToReplace == NULL && appModule == NULL) && "appFunToReplace and appModule cannot both be NULL");
941  if (appFunToReplace)
942  {
943  appModule = appFunToReplace->getParent();
944  }
945  // Create a new function with the same signature as extFunToClone
946  Function *clonedFunction = Function::Create(extFunToClone->getFunctionType(), Function::ExternalLinkage, extFunToClone->getName(), appModule);
947  // Map the arguments of the new function to the arguments of extFunToClone
948  llvm::ValueToValueMapTy valueMap;
949  Function::arg_iterator destArg = clonedFunction->arg_begin();
950  for (Function::const_arg_iterator srcArg = extFunToClone->arg_begin(); srcArg != extFunToClone->arg_end(); ++srcArg)
951  {
952  destArg->setName(srcArg->getName()); // Copy the name of the original argument
953  valueMap[&*srcArg] = &*destArg++; // Add a mapping from the old arg to the new arg
954  }
955  if (cloneBody)
956  {
957  // Clone the body of extFunToClone into clonedFunction
958  llvm::SmallVector<ReturnInst*, 8> ignoredReturns;
959  CloneFunctionInto(clonedFunction, extFunToClone, valueMap, llvm::CloneFunctionChangeType::LocalChangesOnly, ignoredReturns, "", nullptr);
960  }
961  if (appFunToReplace)
962  {
963  // Replace all uses of appFunToReplace with clonedFunction
964  appFunToReplace->replaceAllUsesWith(clonedFunction);
965  std::string oldFunctionName = appFunToReplace->getName().str();
966  // Delete the old function
967  appFunToReplace->eraseFromParent();
968  clonedFunction->setName(oldFunctionName);
969  }
970  return clonedFunction;
971  };
974  for (const Function* appFunDecl : appFunDecls)
975  {
976  std::string appFunDeclName = LLVMUtil::restoreFuncName(appFunDecl->getName().str());
977  for (const Function* extFun : extFuncs)
978  {
979  if (extFun->getName().str().compare(appFunDeclName) == 0)
980  {
981  auto it = ExtFun2Annotations.find(extFun->getName().str());
982  // Without annotations, this function is normal function with useful function body
983  if (it == ExtFun2Annotations.end())
984  {
985  Function* clonedFunction = cloneAndReplaceFunction(const_cast<Function*>(extFun), const_cast<Function*>(appFunDecl), nullptr, true);
986  extFuncs2ClonedFuncs[extFun] = clonedFunction;
987  clonedFuncs.insert(clonedFunction);
988  }
989  else
990  {
991  ExtFuncsVec.push_back(appFunDecl);
992  }
993  break;
994  }
995  }
996  }
1000  for (string sameFuncDef: intersectNames)
1001  {
1002  Function* appFuncDef = appModule->getFunction(sameFuncDef);
1003  Function* extFuncDef = extModule->getFunction(sameFuncDef);
1004  if (appFuncDef == nullptr || extFuncDef == nullptr)
1005  continue;
1007  FunctionType *appFuncDefType = appFuncDef->getFunctionType();
1008  FunctionType *extFuncDefType = extFuncDef->getFunctionType();
1009  if (appFuncDefType != extFuncDefType)
1010  continue;
1012  auto it = ExtFun2Annotations.find(sameFuncDef);
1013  if (it != ExtFun2Annotations.end())
1014  {
1015  std::vector<std::string> annotations = it->second;
1016  if (annotations.size() == 1 && annotations[0].find("OVERWRITE") != std::string::npos)
1017  {
1018  Function* clonedFunction = cloneAndReplaceFunction(const_cast<Function*>(extFuncDef), const_cast<Function*>(appFuncDef), nullptr, true);
1019  extFuncs2ClonedFuncs[extFuncDef] = clonedFunction;
1020  clonedFuncs.insert(clonedFunction);
1021  }
1022  else
1023  {
1024  if (annotations.size() >= 2)
1025  {
1026  for (const auto& annotation : annotations)
1027  {
1028  if(annotation.find("OVERWRITE") != std::string::npos)
1029  {
1030  assert(false && "overwrite and other annotations cannot co-exist");
1031  }
1032  }
1033  }
1034  }
1035  }
1036  }
1038  auto linkFunctions = [&](Function* caller, Function* callee)
1039  {
1040  for (inst_iterator I = inst_begin(caller), E = inst_end(caller); I != E; ++I)
1041  {
1042  Instruction *inst = &*I;
1044  if (CallInst *callInst = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<CallInst>(inst))
1045  {
1046  Function *calledFunc = callInst->getCalledFunction();
1048  if (calledFunc && calledFunc->getName() == callee->getName())
1049  {
1050  callInst->setCalledFunction(callee);
1051  }
1052  }
1053  }
1054  };
1056  std::function<void(const Function*, Function*)> cloneAndLinkFunction;
1057  cloneAndLinkFunction = [&](const Function* extFunToClone, Function* appClonedFun)
1058  {
1059  if (clonedFuncs.find(extFunToClone) != clonedFuncs.end())
1060  return;
1062  Module* appModule = appClonedFun->getParent();
1063  // Check if the function already exists in the parent module
1064  if (appModule->getFunction(extFunToClone->getName()))
1065  {
1066  // The function already exists, no need to clone, but need to link it with the caller
1067  Function* func = appModule->getFunction(extFunToClone->getName());
1068  linkFunctions(appClonedFun, func);
1069  return;
1070  }
1071  // Decide whether to clone the function body based on ExtFun2Annotations
1072  bool cloneBody = true;
1073  auto it = ExtFun2Annotations.find(extFunToClone->getName().str());
1074  if (it != ExtFun2Annotations.end())
1075  {
1076  std::vector<std::string> annotations = it->second;
1077  if (!(annotations.size() == 1 && annotations[0].find("OVERWRITE") != std::string::npos))
1078  {
1079  cloneBody = false;
1080  }
1081  }
1083  Function* clonedFunction = cloneAndReplaceFunction(extFunToClone, nullptr, appModule, cloneBody);
1085  clonedFuncs.insert(clonedFunction);
1086  // Add the cloned function to ExtFuncsVec for further processing
1087  ExtFuncsVec.push_back(clonedFunction);
1089  linkFunctions(appClonedFun, clonedFunction);
1091  std::vector<const Function*> calledFunctions = LLVMUtil::getCalledFunctions(extFunToClone);
1093  for (const auto& calledFunction : calledFunctions)
1094  {
1095  cloneAndLinkFunction(calledFunction, clonedFunction);
1096  }
1097  };
1099  // Recursive clone called functions
1100  for (const auto& pair : extFuncs2ClonedFuncs)
1101  {
1102  Function* extFun = const_cast<Function*>(pair.first);
1103  Function* clonedExtFun = const_cast<Function*>(pair.second);
1104  std::vector<const Function*> extCalledFuns = LLVMUtil::getCalledFunctions(extFun);
1106  for (const auto& extCalledFun : extCalledFuns)
1107  {
1108  cloneAndLinkFunction(extCalledFun, clonedExtFun);
1109  }
1110  }
1112  // Remove unused annotations in ExtFun2Annotations according to the functions in ExtFuncsVec
1113  Fun2AnnoMap newFun2AnnoMap;
1114  for (const Function* extFun : ExtFuncsVec)
1115  {
1116  std::string name = LLVMUtil::restoreFuncName(extFun->getName().str());
1117  auto it = ExtFun2Annotations.find(name);
1118  if (it != ExtFun2Annotations.end())
1119  {
1120  std::string newKey = name;
1121  if (name != extFun->getName().str())
1122  {
1123  newKey = extFun->getName().str();
1124  }
1125  newFun2AnnoMap.insert({newKey, it->second});
1126  }
1127  }
1128  ExtFun2Annotations.swap(newFun2AnnoMap);
1130  // Remove ExtAPI module from modules
1131  auto it = std::find_if(modules.begin(), modules.end(),
1132  [&extModule](const std::reference_wrapper<llvm::Module>& moduleRef)
1133  {
1134  return &moduleRef.get() == extModule;
1135  });
1137  if (it != modules.end())
1138  {
1139  size_t index = std::distance(modules.begin(), it);
1140  modules.erase(it);
1141  owned_modules.erase(owned_modules.begin() + index);
1142  }
1143 }
1146 {
1147  typedef Map<string, Set<GlobalVariable*>> NameToGlobalsMapTy;
1148  NameToGlobalsMapTy nameToGlobalsMap;
1149  for (Module &mod : modules)
1150  {
1151  // Collect ctor and dtor functions
1152  for (GlobalVariable& global : mod.globals())
1153  {
1154  if (global.hasPrivateLinkage())
1155  continue;
1156  string name = global.getName().str();
1157  if (name.empty())
1158  continue;
1159  nameToGlobalsMap[std::move(name)].insert(&global);
1160  }
1161  }
1163  for (const auto& pair : nameToGlobalsMap)
1164  {
1165  const Set<GlobalVariable*> &globals = pair.second;
1167  const auto repIt =
1168  std::find_if(globals.begin(), globals.end(),
1169  [](GlobalVariable* g)
1170  {
1171  return g->hasInitializer();
1172  });
1173  GlobalVariable* rep =
1174  repIt != globals.end()
1175  ? *repIt
1176  // When there is no initializer, just pick the first one.
1177  : (assert(!globals.empty() && "Empty global set"),
1178  *globals.begin());
1180  for (const GlobalVariable* cur : globals)
1181  {
1182  GlobalDefToRepMap[cur] = rep;
1183  }
1184  }
1185 }
1187 // Dump modules to files
1189 {
1190  for (Module& mod : modules)
1191  {
1192  std::string moduleName = mod.getName().str();
1193  std::string OutputFilename;
1194  std::size_t pos = moduleName.rfind('.');
1195  if (pos != std::string::npos)
1196  OutputFilename = moduleName.substr(0, pos) + suffix;
1197  else
1198  OutputFilename = moduleName + suffix;
1200  std::error_code EC;
1201  raw_fd_ostream OS(OutputFilename.c_str(), EC, llvm::sys::fs::OF_None);
1203 #if (LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR >= 7)
1204  WriteBitcodeToFile(mod, OS);
1205 #else
1206  WriteBitcodeToFile(&mod, OS);
1207 #endif
1209  OS.flush();
1210  }
1211 }
1213 void LLVMModuleSet::setValueAttr(const Value* val, SVFValue* svfvalue)
1214 {
1215  SVFValue2LLVMValue[svfvalue] = val;
1217  if(val->hasName())
1218  svfvalue->setName(val->getName().str());
1220  svfvalue->setPtrInUncalledFunction();
1222  svfvalue->setConstDataOrAggData();
1224  if (SVFGlobalValue* glob = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<SVFGlobalValue>(svfvalue))
1225  {
1226  const Value* llvmVal = LLVMUtil::getGlobalRep(val);
1227  assert(SVFUtil::isa<GlobalValue>(llvmVal) && "not a GlobalValue?");
1228  glob->setDefGlobalForMultipleModule(getSVFGlobalValue(SVFUtil::cast<GlobalValue>(llvmVal)));
1229  }
1230  if (SVFFunction* svffun = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<SVFFunction>(svfvalue))
1231  {
1232  const Function* func = SVFUtil::cast<Function>(val);
1233  svffun->setIsNotRet(LLVMUtil::functionDoesNotRet(func));
1234  svffun->setIsUncalledFunction(LLVMUtil::isUncalledFunction(func));
1235  svffun->setDefFunForMultipleModule(getSVFFunction(func));
1236  }
1238  svfvalue->setSourceLoc(LLVMUtil::getSourceLoc(val));
1239 }
1242 {
1243  SVFBaseNode2LLVMValue[svfBaseNode] = val;
1244  svfBaseNode->setSourceLoc(LLVMUtil::getSourceLoc(val));
1245 }
1248 {
1249  LLVMConst2SVFConstMap::const_iterator it = LLVMConst2SVFConst.find(cd);
1250  if(it!=LLVMConst2SVFConst.end())
1251  {
1252  assert(SVFUtil::isa<SVFConstantData>(it->second) && "not a SVFConstantData type!");
1253  return SVFUtil::cast<SVFConstantData>(it->second);
1254  }
1255  else
1256  {
1257  SVFConstantData* svfcd = nullptr;
1258  if(const ConstantInt* cint = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(cd))
1259  {
1263  if(cint->getBitWidth() == 1)
1264  svfcd = new SVFConstantInt(getSVFType(cint->getType()), cint->getZExtValue(), cint->getZExtValue());
1265  else if(cint->getBitWidth() <= 64 && cint->getBitWidth() > 1)
1266  svfcd = new SVFConstantInt(getSVFType(cint->getType()), cint->getZExtValue(), cint->getSExtValue());
1267  else
1268  svfcd = new SVFConstantInt(getSVFType(cint->getType()), 0, 0);
1269  }
1270  else if(const ConstantFP* cfp = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<ConstantFP>(cd))
1271  {
1272  double dval = 0;
1273  // TODO: Why only double is considered? What about float?
1274  if (cfp->isNormalFP())
1275  {
1276  const llvm::fltSemantics& semantics = cfp->getValueAPF().getSemantics();
1277  if (&semantics == &llvm::APFloat::IEEEhalf() ||
1278  &semantics == &llvm::APFloat::IEEEsingle() ||
1279  &semantics == &llvm::APFloat::IEEEdouble() ||
1280  &semantics == &llvm::APFloat::IEEEquad() ||
1281  &semantics == &llvm::APFloat::x87DoubleExtended())
1282  {
1283  dval = cfp->getValueAPF().convertToDouble();
1284  }
1285  else
1286  {
1287  assert (false && "Unsupported floating point type");
1288  abort();
1289  }
1290  }
1291  else
1292  {
1293  // other cfp type, like isZero(), isInfinity(), isNegative(), etc.
1294  // do nothing
1295  }
1296  svfcd = new SVFConstantFP(getSVFType(cd->getType()), dval);
1297  }
1298  else if(SVFUtil::isa<ConstantPointerNull>(cd))
1299  svfcd = new SVFConstantNullPtr(getSVFType(cd->getType()));
1300  else if (SVFUtil::isa<UndefValue>(cd))
1301  svfcd = new SVFBlackHoleValue(getSVFType(cd->getType()));
1302  else
1303  svfcd = new SVFConstantData(getSVFType(cd->getType()));
1306  svfModule->addConstant(svfcd);
1307  addConstantDataMap(cd,svfcd);
1308  return svfcd;
1309  }
1310 }
1313 {
1314  LLVMConst2SVFConstMap::const_iterator it = LLVMConst2SVFConst.find(oc);
1315  if(it!=LLVMConst2SVFConst.end())
1316  {
1317  return it->second;
1318  }
1319  else
1320  {
1321  SVFConstant* svfoc = new SVFConstant(getSVFType(oc->getType()));
1322  svfModule->addConstant(svfoc);
1323  addOtherConstantMap(oc,svfoc);
1324  return svfoc;
1325  }
1326 }
1329 {
1330  LLVMValue2SVFOtherValueMap::const_iterator it = LLVMValue2SVFOtherValue.find(ov);
1331  if(it!=LLVMValue2SVFOtherValue.end())
1332  {
1333  return it->second;
1334  }
1335  else
1336  {
1337  SVFOtherValue* svfov =
1338  SVFUtil::isa<MetadataAsValue>(ov)
1339  ? new SVFMetadataAsValue(getSVFType(ov->getType()))
1340  : new SVFOtherValue(getSVFType(ov->getType()));
1341  svfModule->addOtherValue(svfov);
1342  addOtherValueMap(ov,svfov);
1343  return svfov;
1344  }
1345 }
1348 {
1349  if (const Function* fun = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<Function>(value))
1350  return getSVFFunction(fun);
1351  else if (const BasicBlock* bb = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<BasicBlock>(value))
1352  return getSVFBasicBlock(bb);
1353  else if(const Instruction* inst = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<Instruction>(value))
1354  return getSVFInstruction(inst);
1355  else if (const Argument* arg = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<Argument>(value))
1356  return getSVFArgument(arg);
1357  else if (const Constant* cons = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<Constant>(value))
1358  {
1359  if (const ConstantData* cd = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<ConstantData>(cons))
1360  return getSVFConstantData(cd);
1361  else if (const GlobalValue* glob = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<GlobalValue>(cons))
1362  return getSVFGlobalValue(glob);
1363  else
1364  return getOtherSVFConstant(cons);
1365  }
1366  else
1367  return getSVFOtherValue(value);
1368 }
1371 {
1372  for(LLVMType2SVFTypeMap::const_iterator it = LLVMType2SVFType.begin(), eit = LLVMType2SVFType.end(); it!=eit; ++it)
1373  {
1374  if (it->second == T)
1375  return it->first;
1376  }
1377  assert(false && "can't find the corresponding LLVM Type");
1378  abort();
1379 }
1385 {
1386  assert(T && "SVFType should not be null");
1387  LLVMType2SVFTypeMap::const_iterator it = LLVMType2SVFType.find(T);
1388  if (it != LLVMType2SVFType.end())
1389  return it->second;
1391  SVFType* svfType = addSVFTypeInfo(T);
1392  StInfo* stinfo = collectTypeInfo(T);
1393  svfType->setTypeInfo(stinfo);
1394  return svfType;
1395 }
1400 {
1401  ICFGNode* node;
1403  node = getCallICFGNode(inst);
1404  else if(LLVMUtil::isIntrinsicInst(inst))
1405  node = getIntraICFGNode(inst);
1406  else
1407  node = getIntraICFGNode(inst);
1409  assert (node!=nullptr && "no ICFGNode for this instruction?");
1410  return node;
1411 }
1414 {
1415  ICFGNode* node;
1417  node = getCallBlock(inst);
1418  else if(LLVMUtil::isIntrinsicInst(inst))
1419  node = getIntraBlock(inst);
1420  else
1421  node = getIntraBlock(inst);
1423  return node != nullptr;
1424 }
1427 {
1428  assert(LLVMUtil::isCallSite(inst) && "not a call instruction?");
1429  assert(LLVMUtil::isNonInstricCallSite(inst) && "associating an intrinsic debug instruction with an ICFGNode!");
1430  CallICFGNode* node = getCallBlock(inst);
1431  assert (node!=nullptr && "no CallICFGNode for this instruction?");
1432  return node;
1433 }
1436 {
1437  assert(LLVMUtil::isCallSite(inst) && "not a call instruction?");
1438  assert(LLVMUtil::isNonInstricCallSite(inst) && "associating an intrinsic debug instruction with an ICFGNode!");
1439  RetICFGNode* node = getRetBlock(inst);
1440  assert (node!=nullptr && "no RetICFGNode for this instruction?");
1441  return node;
1442 }
1445 {
1446  IntraICFGNode* node = getIntraBlock(inst);
1447  assert (node!=nullptr && "no IntraICFGNode for this instruction?");
1448  return node;
1449 }
1452 {
1453  Type2TypeInfoMap::iterator tit = Type2TypeInfo.find(T);
1454  if (tit != Type2TypeInfo.end())
1455  {
1456  return tit->second;
1457  }
1458  // No such StInfo for T, create it now.
1459  StInfo* stInfo;
1460  if (const ArrayType* aty = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<ArrayType>(T))
1461  {
1462  stInfo = collectArrayInfo(aty);
1463  }
1464  else if (const StructType* sty = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<StructType>(T))
1465  {
1466  u32_t nf;
1467  stInfo = collectStructInfo(sty, nf);
1468  if (nf > symInfo->maxStSize)
1469  {
1470  symInfo->maxStruct = getSVFType(sty);
1471  symInfo->maxStSize = nf;
1472  }
1473  }
1474  else
1475  {
1476  stInfo = collectSimpleTypeInfo(T);
1477  }
1478  Type2TypeInfo.emplace(T, stInfo);
1479  symInfo->addStInfo(stInfo);
1480  return stInfo;
1481 }
1484 {
1485  assert(LLVMType2SVFType.find(T) == LLVMType2SVFType.end() &&
1486  "SVFType has been added before");
1488  // add SVFType's LLVM byte size iff T isSized(), otherwise byteSize is 1 (default value)
1489  u32_t byteSize = 1;
1490  if (T->isSized())
1491  {
1493  getMainLLVMModule()->getDataLayout();
1494  Type *mut_T = const_cast<Type *>(T);
1495  byteSize = DL.getTypeAllocSize(mut_T);
1496  }
1498  SVFType* svftype;
1499  if (SVFUtil::isa<PointerType>(T))
1500  {
1501  svftype = new SVFPointerType(byteSize);
1502  }
1503  else if (const IntegerType* intT = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<IntegerType>(T))
1504  {
1505  auto svfIntT = new SVFIntegerType(byteSize);
1506  unsigned signWidth = intT->getBitWidth();
1507  assert(signWidth < INT16_MAX && "Integer width too big");
1508  svfIntT->setSignAndWidth(intT->getSignBit() ? -signWidth : signWidth);
1509  svftype = svfIntT;
1510  }
1511  else if (const FunctionType* ft = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<FunctionType>(T))
1512  svftype = new SVFFunctionType(getSVFType(ft->getReturnType()));
1513  else if (const StructType* st = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<StructType>(T))
1514  {
1515  auto svfst = new SVFStructType(byteSize);
1516  if (st->hasName())
1517  svfst->setName(st->getName().str());
1518  svftype = svfst;
1519  }
1520  else if (const auto at = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<ArrayType>(T))
1521  {
1522  auto svfat = new SVFArrayType(byteSize);
1523  svfat->setNumOfElement(at->getNumElements());
1524  svfat->setTypeOfElement(getSVFType(at->getElementType()));
1525  svftype = svfat;
1526  }
1527  else
1528  {
1530  auto ot = new SVFOtherType(T->isSingleValueType(), byteSize);
1531  llvm::raw_string_ostream(buffer) << *T;
1532  ot->setRepr(std::move(buffer));
1533  svftype = ot;
1534  }
1536  symInfo->addTypeInfo(svftype);
1537  LLVMType2SVFType[T] = svftype;
1539  return svftype;
1540 }
1546 {
1547  u64_t totalElemNum = ty->getNumElements();
1548  const Type* elemTy = ty->getElementType();
1549  while (const ArrayType* aty = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<ArrayType>(elemTy))
1550  {
1551  totalElemNum *= aty->getNumElements();
1552  elemTy = aty->getElementType();
1553  }
1555  StInfo* stInfo = new StInfo(totalElemNum);
1556  const SVFType* elemSvfType = getSVFType(elemTy);
1559  if (totalElemNum == 0)
1560  {
1561  stInfo->addFldWithType(0, elemSvfType, 0);
1562  stInfo->setNumOfFieldsAndElems(1, 1);
1563  stInfo->getFlattenFieldTypes().push_back(elemSvfType);
1564  stInfo->getFlattenElementTypes().push_back(elemSvfType);
1565  return stInfo;
1566  }
1570  StInfo* elemStInfo = collectTypeInfo(elemTy);
1571  u32_t nfF = elemStInfo->getNumOfFlattenFields();
1572  u32_t nfE = elemStInfo->getNumOfFlattenElements();
1573  for (u32_t j = 0; j < nfF; j++)
1574  {
1575  const SVFType* fieldTy = elemStInfo->getFlattenFieldTypes()[j];
1576  stInfo->getFlattenFieldTypes().push_back(fieldTy);
1577  }
1581  u32_t outArrayElemNum = ty->getNumElements();
1582  for (u32_t i = 0; i < outArrayElemNum; ++i)
1583  {
1584  auto idx = (i * nfE * totalElemNum) / outArrayElemNum;
1585  stInfo->addFldWithType(0, elemSvfType, idx);
1586  }
1588  for (u32_t i = 0; i < totalElemNum; ++i)
1589  {
1590  for (u32_t j = 0; j < nfE; ++j)
1591  {
1592  const SVFType* et = elemStInfo->getFlattenElementTypes()[j];
1593  stInfo->getFlattenElementTypes().push_back(et);
1594  }
1595  }
1597  assert(stInfo->getFlattenElementTypes().size() == nfE * totalElemNum &&
1598  "typeForArray size incorrect!!!");
1599  stInfo->setNumOfFieldsAndElems(nfF, nfE * totalElemNum);
1601  return stInfo;
1602 }
1609  u32_t& numFields)
1610 {
1612  StInfo* stInfo = new StInfo(1);
1614  // Number of fields after flattening the struct
1615  numFields = 0;
1616  // The offset when considering array stride info
1617  u32_t strideOffset = 0;
1618  for (const Type* elemTy : structTy->elements())
1619  {
1620  const SVFType* elemSvfTy = getSVFType(elemTy);
1621  // offset with int_32 (s32_t) is large enough and won't overflow
1622  stInfo->addFldWithType(numFields, elemSvfTy, strideOffset);
1624  if (SVFUtil::isa<StructType, ArrayType>(elemTy))
1625  {
1626  StInfo* subStInfo = collectTypeInfo(elemTy);
1627  u32_t nfF = subStInfo->getNumOfFlattenFields();
1628  u32_t nfE = subStInfo->getNumOfFlattenElements();
1629  // Copy ST's info, whose element 0 is the size of ST itself.
1630  for (u32_t j = 0; j < nfF; ++j)
1631  {
1632  const SVFType* elemTy = subStInfo->getFlattenFieldTypes()[j];
1633  stInfo->getFlattenFieldTypes().push_back(elemTy);
1634  }
1635  numFields += nfF;
1636  strideOffset += nfE;
1637  for (u32_t tpj = 0; tpj < nfE; ++tpj)
1638  {
1639  const SVFType* ty = subStInfo->getFlattenElementTypes()[tpj];
1640  stInfo->getFlattenElementTypes().push_back(ty);
1641  }
1643  }
1644  else
1645  {
1646  // Simple type
1647  numFields += 1;
1648  strideOffset += 1;
1649  stInfo->getFlattenFieldTypes().push_back(elemSvfTy);
1650  stInfo->getFlattenElementTypes().push_back(elemSvfTy);
1651  }
1652  }
1654  assert(stInfo->getFlattenElementTypes().size() == strideOffset &&
1655  "typeForStruct size incorrect!");
1656  stInfo->setNumOfFieldsAndElems(numFields,strideOffset);
1658  return stInfo;
1659 }
1666 {
1668  StInfo* stInfo = new StInfo(1);
1669  SVFType* svfType = getSVFType(ty);
1670  stInfo->addFldWithType(0, svfType, 0);
1672  stInfo->getFlattenFieldTypes().push_back(svfType);
1673  stInfo->getFlattenElementTypes().push_back(svfType);
1674  stInfo->setNumOfFieldsAndElems(1,1);
1676  return stInfo;
1677 }
Definition: LLVMModule.cpp:73
Definition: LLVMModule.cpp:75
Definition: LLVMModule.cpp:74
#define F(f)
#define DBOUT(TYPE, X)
LLVM debug macros, define type of your DBUG model of each pass.
Definition: SVFType.h:484
Definition: SVFType.h:512
#define DGENERAL
Definition: SVFType.h:490
return NULL
Definition: cJSON.cpp:1173
const char *const name
Definition: cJSON.h:264
char * buffer
Definition: cJSON.h:163
int index
Definition: cJSON.h:170
cJSON * item
Definition: cJSON.h:222
const char *const string
Definition: cJSON.h:172
PTACallGraph * buildSVFIRCallGraph(SVFModule *svfModule)
Buidl SVFIR callgraoh.
std::string getExtBcPath()
Definition: ExtAPI.cpp:119
static ExtAPI * getExtAPI()
Definition: ExtAPI.cpp:42
void setExtFuncAnnotations(const SVFFunction *fun, const std::vector< std::string > &funcAnnotations)
Definition: ExtAPI.cpp:164
void addOtherValueMap(const Value *ov, SVFOtherValue *svfov)
Definition: LLVMModule.h:208
void createSVFFunction(const Function *func)
Definition: LLVMModule.cpp:252
Definition: LLVMModule.h:98
std::vector< const Function * > getLLVMGlobalFunctions(const GlobalVariable *global)
Definition: LLVMModule.cpp:625
SVFOtherValue * getSVFOtherValue(const Value *ov)
void buildSymbolTable() const
Definition: LLVMModule.cpp:144
void addInstructionMap(const Instruction *inst, SVFInstruction *svfInst)
Definition: LLVMModule.h:178
StInfo * collectTypeInfo(const Type *ty)
Collect a type info.
void initSVFBasicBlock(const Function *func)
Definition: LLVMModule.cpp:329
SVFConstantData * getSVFConstantData(const ConstantData *cd)
void loadModules(const std::vector< std::string > &moduleNameVec)
Definition: LLVMModule.cpp:521
ObjTypeInference * typeInference
Definition: LLVMModule.h:100
static void releaseLLVMModuleSet()
Definition: LLVMModule.h:125
static void preProcessBCs(std::vector< std::string > &moduleNameVec)
Definition: LLVMModule.cpp:500
static bool preProcessed
Definition: LLVMModule.h:76
SVFGlobalValue * getSVFGlobalValue(const GlobalValue *g) const
Definition: LLVMModule.h:258
void addBasicBlockMap(const BasicBlock *bb, SVFBasicBlock *svfBB)
Definition: LLVMModule.h:173
const std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< Module > > & getLLVMModules() const
Definition: LLVMModule.h:149
Definition: LLVMModule.h:93
SVFModule * svfModule
Borrowed from singleton SVFModule::svfModule.
Definition: LLVMModule.h:78
std::unique_ptr< LLVMContext > owned_ctx
Definition: LLVMModule.h:80
LLVMConst2SVFConstMap LLVMConst2SVFConst
Definition: LLVMModule.h:95
void createSVFDataStructure()
Definition: LLVMModule.cpp:179
SVFFunction * getSVFFunction(const Function *fun) const
Definition: LLVMModule.h:230
StInfo * collectSimpleTypeInfo(const Type *T)
Collect simple type (non-aggregate) info.
SymbolTableInfo * symInfo
Definition: LLVMModule.h:77
void addArgumentMap(const Argument *arg, SVFArgument *svfArg)
Definition: LLVMModule.h:183
void addOtherConstantMap(const Constant *cons, SVFConstant *svfcons)
Definition: LLVMModule.h:203
SVFType * getSVFType(const Type *T)
Get or create SVFType and typeinfo.
const Type * getLLVMType(const SVFType *T) const
Get LLVM Type.
bool hasICFGNode(const Instruction *inst)
ICFGNode * getICFGNode(const Instruction *inst)
Get a basic block ICFGNode.
SVFConstant * getOtherSVFConstant(const Constant *oc)
CallICFGNode * getCallICFGNode(const Instruction *cs)
get a call node
Fun2AnnoMap ExtFun2Annotations
Record annotations of function in extapi.bc.
Definition: LLVMModule.h:87
void setValueAttr(const Value *val, SVFValue *value)
void addGlobalValueMap(const GlobalValue *glob, SVFGlobalValue *svfglob)
Definition: LLVMModule.h:188
SVFValue2LLVMValueMap SVFValue2LLVMValue
Definition: LLVMModule.h:97
RetICFGNode * getRetICFGNode(const Instruction *cs)
get a return node
void prePassSchedule()
Invoke llvm passes to modify module.
Definition: LLVMModule.cpp:476
void initDomTree(SVFFunction *func, const Function *f)
Definition: LLVMModule.cpp:403
StInfo * collectStructInfo(const StructType *structTy, u32_t &numFields)
Collect the struct info and set the number of fields after flattening.
Module * getMainLLVMModule() const
Definition: LLVMModule.h:334
SVFBaseNode2LLVMValueMap SVFBaseNode2LLVMValue
Definition: LLVMModule.h:102
PTACallGraph * callgraph
Definition: LLVMModule.h:108
StInfo * collectArrayInfo(const ArrayType *T)
Collect the array info.
void buildGlobalDefToRepMap()
SVFType * addSVFTypeInfo(const Type *t)
Create SVFTypes.
SVFBasicBlock * getSVFBasicBlock(const BasicBlock *bb) const
Definition: LLVMModule.h:237
void addFunctionMap(const Function *func, SVFFunction *svfFunc)
Definition: LLVMModule.h:168
FunctionSetType ExtFuncsVec
Record some "sse_" function declarations used in other ext function definition, e....
Definition: LLVMModule.h:85
CallICFGNode * getCallBlock(const Instruction *cs)
Get/Add a call node.
Definition: LLVMModule.h:406
LLVMContext & getContext() const
Definition: LLVMModule.h:349
LLVMValue2SVFOtherValueMap LLVMValue2SVFOtherValue
Definition: LLVMModule.h:96
IntraICFGNode * getIntraICFGNode(const Instruction *inst)
get a intra node
std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< Module > > modules
Definition: LLVMModule.h:82
static LLVMModuleSet * getLLVMModuleSet()
Definition: LLVMModule.h:118
SVFArgument * getSVFArgument(const Argument *arg) const
Definition: LLVMModule.h:251
bool empty() const
Definition: LLVMModule.h:355
Map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > Fun2AnnoMap
Definition: LLVMModule.h:66
u32_t getModuleNum() const
Definition: LLVMModule.h:144
GlobalDefToRepMapTy GlobalDefToRepMap
Global definition to a rep definition map.
Definition: LLVMModule.h:89
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Module > > owned_modules
Definition: LLVMModule.h:81
SVFInstruction * getSVFInstruction(const Instruction *inst) const
Definition: LLVMModule.h:244
static SVFModule * buildSVFModule(Module &mod)
Definition: LLVMModule.cpp:102
IntraICFGNode * getIntraBlock(const Instruction *inst)
Definition: LLVMModule.h:423
Type2TypeInfoMap Type2TypeInfo
Definition: LLVMModule.h:99
void dumpModulesToFile(const std::string &suffix)
void addConstantDataMap(const ConstantData *cd, SVFConstantData *svfcd)
Definition: LLVMModule.h:198
RetICFGNode * getRetBlock(const Instruction *cs)
Get/Add a return node.
Definition: LLVMModule.h:415
void collectExtFunAnnotations(const Module *mod)
Definition: LLVMModule.cpp:808
ObjTypeInference * getTypeInference()
Definition: LLVMModule.cpp:97
SVFValue * getSVFValue(const Value *value)
static const Option< bool > SVFMain
Definition: Options.h:183
static const Option< std::string > Graphtxt
Definition: Options.h:182
virtual void setSourceLoc(const std::string &sourceCodeInfo)
Definition: GenericGraph.h:276
void addPredBasicBlock(const SVFBasicBlock *pred)
Definition: SVFValue.h:552
const std::vector< const SVFBasicBlock * > & getSuccessors() const
Definition: SVFValue.h:606
void addSuccBasicBlock(const SVFBasicBlock *succ)
Definition: SVFValue.h:547
void setCalledOperand(const SVFValue *v)
Definition: SVFValue.h:682
void addArgument(const SVFValue *a)
attributes to be set only through Module builders e.g., LLVMModule
Definition: SVFValue.h:678
void addBasicBlock(const SVFBasicBlock *bb)
a 'single' basic block having no successors and containing return instruction in a function
Definition: SVFValue.h:326
SVFBasicBlock * exitBlock
all formal arguments of this function
Definition: SVFValue.h:322
SVFLoopAndDomInfo * getLoopAndDomInfo()
Definition: SVFValue.h:362
const SVFBasicBlock * back() const
Definition: SVFValue.h:426
bool hasBasicBlock() const
Definition: SVFValue.h:404
void setExitBlock(SVFBasicBlock *bb)
Definition: SVFValue.cpp:193
void addArgument(SVFArgument *arg)
Definition: SVFValue.h:331
Map< const SVFBasicBlock *, BBSet > & getDomTreeMap()
Definition: SVFValue.h:139
const Map< const SVFBasicBlock *, u32_t > & getBBPDomLevel() const
Definition: SVFValue.h:118
void setReachableBBs(BBList &bbs)
Definition: SVFValue.h:160
const Map< const SVFBasicBlock *, BBSet > & getPostDomTreeMap() const
Definition: SVFValue.h:108
Set< const SVFBasicBlock * > BBSet
Definition: SVFValue.h:55
const Map< const SVFBasicBlock *, BBSet > & getDomFrontierMap() const
Definition: SVFValue.h:75
const Map< const SVFBasicBlock *, const SVFBasicBlock * > & getBB2PIdom() const
Definition: SVFValue.h:128
void addToBB2LoopMap(const SVFBasicBlock *bb, const SVFBasicBlock *loopBB)
Definition: SVFValue.h:103
void addGlobalSet(SVFGlobalValue *glob)
Definition: SVFModule.h:110
static bool pagReadFromTXT()
Definition: SVFModule.h:98
void addOtherValue(SVFOtherValue *ov)
Definition: SVFModule.h:124
static void setPagFromTXT(const std::string &txt)
Definition: SVFModule.h:83
void addFunctionSet(SVFFunction *svfFunc)
Definition: SVFModule.h:106
void addAliasSet(SVFGlobalValue *alias)
Definition: SVFModule.h:115
static SVFModule * getSVFModule()
Definition: SVFModule.cpp:60
void setModuleIdentifier(const std::string &moduleIdentifier)
Definition: SVFModule.h:88
void addConstant(SVFConstant *cd)
Definition: SVFModule.h:120
static double timeOfBuildingLLVMModule
Definition: SVFStat.h:93
static double getClk(bool mark=false)
Definition: SVFStat.cpp:47
static double timeOfBuildingSymbolTable
Definition: SVFStat.h:94
static SVFType * svfPtrTy
ptr type
Definition: SVFType.h:192
static SVFType * svfI8Ty
8-bit int type
Definition: SVFType.h:193
void setTypeInfo(StInfo *ti)
Definition: SVFType.h:225
virtual void setSourceLoc(const std::string &sourceCodeInfo)
Definition: SVFValue.h:276
void setName(const std::string &n)
Definition: SVFValue.h:247
void setPtrInUncalledFunction()
Definition: SVFValue.h:228
void setConstDataOrAggData()
Definition: SVFValue.h:224
std::vector< const SVFType * > & getFlattenElementTypes()
Definition: SVFType.h:102
void setNumOfFieldsAndElems(u32_t nf, u32_t ne)
Set number of fields and elements of an aggregate.
Definition: SVFType.h:132
u32_t getNumOfFlattenElements() const
Return number of elements after flattening (including array elements)
Definition: SVFType.h:139
void addFldWithType(u32_t fldIdx, const SVFType *type, u32_t elemIdx)
Add field index and element index and their corresponding type.
Definition: SVFValue.cpp:9
std::vector< const SVFType * > & getFlattenFieldTypes()
Definition: SVFType.h:106
u32_t getNumOfFlattenFields() const
Return the number of fields after flattening (ignoring array elements)
Definition: SVFType.h:145
void buildMemModel(SVFModule *svfModule)
Start building memory model.
const SVFType * maxStruct
The struct type with the most fields.
void addStInfo(StInfo *stInfo)
void addTypeInfo(const SVFType *ty)
u32_t maxStSize
The number of fields in max_struct.
bool isIntrinsicInst(const Instruction *inst)
Return true if it is an intrinsic instruction.
Definition: LLVMUtil.cpp:204
bool isPtrInUncalledFunction(const Value *value)
Return true if this is value in a dead function (function without any caller)
Definition: LLVMUtil.cpp:176
bool isUncalledFunction(const Function *fun)
whether this is a function without any possible caller?
Definition: LLVMUtil.cpp:159
bool isArgOfUncalledFunction(const Value *val)
Return true if the argument in a function does not have a caller.
Definition: LLVMUtil.h:151
bool isIntrinsicFun(const Function *func)
Definition: LLVMUtil.cpp:191
std::vector< const Function * > getCalledFunctions(const Function *F)
Get all called funcions in a parent function.
Definition: LLVMUtil.cpp:365
bool isCallSite(const Instruction *inst)
Whether an instruction is a call or invoke instruction.
Definition: LLVMUtil.h:45
bool functionDoesNotRet(const Function *fun)
Definition: LLVMUtil.cpp:123
bool isConstDataOrAggData(const Value *val)
Return true if the value refers to constant data, e.g., i32 0.
Definition: LLVMUtil.h:327
const std::string getSourceLoc(const Value *val)
Definition: LLVMUtil.cpp:430
const Value * getGlobalRep(const Value *val)
find the unique defined global across multiple modules
Definition: LLVMUtil.cpp:417
void getFunReachableBBs(const Function *svfFun, std::vector< const SVFBasicBlock * > &bbs)
Get reachable basic block from function entry.
Definition: LLVMUtil.cpp:74
bool basicBlockHasRetInst(const BasicBlock *bb)
Return true if the function has a return instruction.
Definition: LLVMUtil.cpp:109
bool isIRFile(const std::string &filename)
Check whether a file is an LLVM IR file.
Definition: LLVMUtil.cpp:316
std::string restoreFuncName(std::string funcName)
Definition: LLVMUtil.cpp:384
bool isNonInstricCallSite(const Instruction *inst)
Whether an instruction is a callsite in the application code, excluding llvm intrinsic calls.
Definition: LLVMUtil.cpp:649
bool isExtCall(const SVFFunction *fun)
Definition: SVFUtil.h:278
std::string pasMsg(const std::string &msg)
Print each pass/phase message by converting a string into blue string output.
Definition: SVFUtil.cpp:99
constexpr std::remove_reference< T >::type && move(T &&t) noexcept
Definition: SVFUtil.h:447
std::ostream & errs()
Overwrite llvm::errs()
Definition: SVFUtil.h:56
std::ostream & outs()
Overwrite llvm::outs()
Definition: SVFUtil.h:50
std::string getFunNameOfVCallSite(const CallBase *cs)
Definition: CppUtil.cpp:635
s32_t getVCallIdx(const CallBase *cs)
Definition: CppUtil.cpp:646
const Value * getVCallVtblPtr(const CallBase *cs)
Definition: CppUtil.cpp:537
bool isVirtualCallSite(const CallBase *cs)
Definition: CppUtil.cpp:352
for isBitcode
Definition: BasicTypes.h:68
llvm::DataLayout DataLayout
Definition: BasicTypes.h:108
llvm::GlobalVariable GlobalVariable
Definition: BasicTypes.h:130
llvm::GlobalAlias GlobalAlias
Definition: BasicTypes.h:128
llvm::ArrayType ArrayType
Definition: BasicTypes.h:95
llvm::raw_fd_ostream raw_fd_ostream
LLVM outputs.
Definition: BasicTypes.h:264
llvm::Type Type
Definition: BasicTypes.h:83
llvm::CallBase CallBase
Definition: BasicTypes.h:146
llvm::BasicBlock BasicBlock
Definition: BasicTypes.h:86
llvm::inst_iterator inst_iterator
Definition: BasicTypes.h:249
llvm::ConstantStruct ConstantStruct
Definition: BasicTypes.h:106
llvm::StructType StructType
LLVM types.
Definition: BasicTypes.h:94
llvm::succ_const_iterator succ_const_iterator
LLVM Iterators.
Definition: BasicTypes.h:276
unsigned long long u64_t
Definition: GeneralType.h:48
llvm::IntegerType IntegerType
Definition: BasicTypes.h:97
std::set< Key, Compare, Allocator > OrderedSet
Definition: GeneralType.h:105
llvm::Argument Argument
Definition: BasicTypes.h:145
llvm::ConstantArray ConstantArray
Definition: BasicTypes.h:123
llvm::const_pred_iterator const_pred_iterator
Definition: BasicTypes.h:254
llvm::Function Function
Definition: BasicTypes.h:85
llvm::GlobalValue GlobalValue
Definition: BasicTypes.h:88
llvm::FunctionType FunctionType
Definition: BasicTypes.h:98
llvm::ConstantData ConstantData
Definition: BasicTypes.h:116
llvm::LoopInfo LoopInfo
Definition: BasicTypes.h:141
llvm::Instruction Instruction
Definition: BasicTypes.h:87
llvm::Constant Constant
Definition: BasicTypes.h:124
std::unordered_map< Key, Value, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator > Map
Definition: GeneralType.h:101
llvm::DomTreeNode DomTreeNode
Definition: BasicTypes.h:134
llvm::SMDiagnostic SMDiagnostic
Definition: BasicTypes.h:90
llvm::ConstantDataSequential ConstantDataSequential
Definition: BasicTypes.h:119
llvm::Value Value
LLVM Basic classes.
Definition: BasicTypes.h:82
llvm::ConstantExpr ConstantExpr
Definition: BasicTypes.h:120
llvm::IRBuilder IRBuilder
Definition: BasicTypes.h:74
llvm::Module Module
Definition: BasicTypes.h:84
llvm::GlobalIFunc GlobalIFunc
Definition: BasicTypes.h:129
llvm::PostDominatorTree PostDominatorTree
Definition: BasicTypes.h:136
llvm::DominanceFrontier DominanceFrontier
Definition: BasicTypes.h:135
llvm::Loop Loop
LLVM Loop.
Definition: BasicTypes.h:140
unsigned u32_t
Definition: GeneralType.h:46
llvm::ConstantFP ConstantFP
Definition: BasicTypes.h:126
llvm::CallInst CallInst
Definition: BasicTypes.h:147
llvm::ConstantInt ConstantInt
Definition: BasicTypes.h:125
llvm::DominatorTree DominatorTree
LLVM Dominators.
Definition: BasicTypes.h:133
IntervalValue operator>(const IntervalValue &lhs, const IntervalValue &rhs)
std::unordered_set< Key, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator > Set
Definition: GeneralType.h:96