Static Value-Flow Analysis
Macros | Functions
extapi.c File Reference
#include <stddef.h>

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#define NULL   ((void *)0)
#define STATIC_OBJECT   malloc(10)


 __attribute__ ((annotate("ALLOC_RET"), annotate("AllocSize:Arg0")))
 __attribute__ ((annotate("ALLOC_RET"), annotate("AllocSize:UNKNOWN")))
 __attribute__ ((annotate("ALLOC_RET"), annotate("AllocSize:Arg0*Arg1")))
 __attribute__ ((annotate("ALLOC_RET"), annotate("AllocSize:Arg1")))
 __attribute__ ((annotate("REALLOC_RET"), annotate("AllocSize:UNKNOWN")))
 __attribute__ ((annotate("REALLOC_RET"), annotate("AllocSize:Arg1")))
 __attribute__ ((annotate("REALLOC_RET"), annotate("AllocSize:Arg1*Arg2")))
char * strtok (char *str, const char *delim)
char * strtok_r (char *str, const char *delim, char **saveptr)
char * strsep (char **stringp, const char *delim)
 __attribute__ ((annotate("ALLOC_ARG0"), annotate("AllocSize:UNKNOWN")))
 __attribute__ ((annotate("ALLOC_ARG0"), annotate("AllocSize:Arg2")))
 __attribute__ ((annotate("ALLOC_ARG1"), annotate("AllocSize:UNKNOWN")))
 __attribute__ ((annotate("ALLOC_ARG2"), annotate("AllocSize:UNKNOWN")))
 __attribute__ ((annotate("MEMCPY")))
 __attribute__ ((annotate("MEMSET")))
 __attribute__ ((annotate("STRCPY")))
 __attribute__ ((annotate("STRCAT")))
 __attribute__ ((annotate("OVERWRITE")))
void * __rawmemchr (const void *s, int c)
struct jpeg_error_mgr * jpeg_std_error (struct jpeg_error_mgr *a)
char * fgets (char *str, int n, void *stream)
char * fgets_unlocked (char *str, int n, void *stream)
char * gets (char *str)
void * memchr (const void *str, int c, unsigned long n)
void * memrchr (const void *str, int c, unsigned long n)
void * mremap (void *old_address, unsigned long old_size, unsigned long new_size, int flags)
char * strchr (const char *str, int c)
char * __strchrnull (const char *s, int c)
char * strcasestr (const char *haystack, const char *needle)
char * index (const char *s, int c)
char * rindex (const char *s, int c)
char * strerror_r (int errnum, char *buf, unsigned long buflen)
char * strpbrk (const char *str1, const char *str2)
char * strptime (const void *s, const void *format, void *tm)
char * strrchr (const char *str, int c)
char * strstr (const char *haystack, const char *needle)
char * tmpnam_r (char *s)
int isalnum (int character)
int isalpha (int character)
int isblank (int character)
int iscntrl (int c)
int isdigit (int c)
int isgraph (int c)
int islower (int arg)
int isprint (int c)
int ispunct (int argument)
int isspace (char c)
int isupper (int c)
int isxdigit (int c)
char * asctime_r (const void *tm, char *buf)
void * bsearch (const void *key, const void *base, unsigned long nitems, unsigned long size, int(*compar)(const void *, const void *))
struct mntent * getmntent_r (void *fp, struct mntent *mntbuf, char *buf, int buflen)
struct tm * gmtime_r (const void *timer, struct tm *buf)
char * gzgets (void *file, char *buf, int len)
struct tm * localtime_r (const void *timep, struct tm *result)
char * realpath (const char *restrict path, char *restrict resolved_path)
void * freopen64 (const char *voidname, const char *mode, void *fp)
void * freopen (const char *voidname, const char *mode, void *fp)
const char * inet_ntop (int af, const void *restrict src, char *restrict dst, unsigned int size)
double strtod (const char *str, char **endptr)
double strtod_l (const char *str, char **endptr, void *loc)
float strtof (const char *nptr, char **endptr)
float strtof_l (const char *nptr, char **endptr, void *loc)
long int strtol (const char *str, char **endptr, int base)
long long strtoll (const char *str, char **endptr, int base)
long double strtold (const char *str, char **endptr)
unsigned long int strtoul (const char *str, char **endptr, int base)
unsigned long long strtoull (const char *str, char **endptr, int base)
char * gcvt (double x, int ndigit, char *buf)
void * memmem (const void *haystack, unsigned long haystacklen, const void *needle, unsigned long needlelen)
char * ctime_r (const char *timer, char *buf)
int readdir_r (void *__restrict__dir, void *__restrict__entry, void **__restrict__result)
int getpwnam_r (const char *name, void *pwd, char *buf, unsigned long buflen, void **result)
int getpwuid_r (unsigned int uid, void *pwd, char *buf, unsigned long buflen, void **result)
void _ZNSt8__detail15_List_node_base7_M_hookEPS0_ (void *arg0, void **arg1)
void * __dynamic_cast (void *source, const void *sourceTypeInfo, const void *targetTypeInfo, unsigned long castType)
void _ZNSsC1EPKcRKSaIcE (void **arg0, void *arg1)
void _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1EPKcRKS3_ (void **arg0, void *arg1)
const unsigned short ** __ctype_b_loc (void)
int ** __ctype_tolower_loc (void)
int ** __ctype_toupper_loc (void)
int * __errno_location (void)
int * __h_errno_location (void)
void * __res_state (void)
char * asctime (const void *timeptr)
char * bindtextdomain (const char *domainname, const char *dirname)
char * bind_textdomain_codeset (const char *domainname, const char *codeset)
char * ctermid (char *s)
char * dcgettext (const char *domainname, const char *msgid, int category)
char * dgettext (const char *domainname, const char *msgid)
char * dngettext (const char *domainname, const char *msgid, const char *msgid_plural, unsigned long int n)
struct group * getgrgid (unsigned int gid)
struct group * getgrnam (const char *name)
struct hostent * gethostbyaddr (const void *addr, unsigned int len, int type)
struct hostent * gethostbyname (const char *name)
struct hostent * gethostbyname2 (const char *name, int af)
struct mntent * getmntent (void *stream)
struct protoent * getprotobyname (const char *name)
struct protoent * getprotobynumber (int proto)
struct passwd * getpwent (void)
struct passwd * getpwnam (const char *name)
struct passwd * getpwuid (unsigned int uid)
struct servent * getservbyname (const char *name, const char *proto)
struct servent * getservbyport (int port, const char *proto)
struct spwd * getspnam (const char *name)
char * gettext (const char *msgid)
struct tm * gmtime (const void *timer)
const char * gnu_get_libc_version (void)
const char * gnutls_check_version (const char *req_version)
struct lconv * localeconv (void)
struct tm * localtime (const void *timer)
char * ngettext (const char *msgid, const char *msgid_plural, unsigned long int n)
void * pango_cairo_font_map_get_default (void)
char * re_comp (const char *regex)
char * setlocale (int category, const char *locale)
char * tgoto (const char *cap, int col, int row)
char * tparm (char *str,...)
const char * zError (int a)

Macro Definition Documentation


return NULL   ((void *)0)

Definition at line 2 of file extapi.c.


#define STATIC_OBJECT   malloc(10)

Definition at line 3 of file extapi.c.

Function Documentation

◆ __attribute__() [1/16]

__attribute__ ( (annotate("ALLOC_ARG0"), annotate("AllocSize:Arg2"))  )

Definition at line 544 of file extapi.c.

544  :Arg2")))
545 int posix_memalign(void **a, unsigned long b, unsigned long c)
546 {
547  return 0;
548 }

◆ __attribute__() [2/16]

__attribute__ ( (annotate("ALLOC_ARG0"), annotate("AllocSize:UNKNOWN"))  )

Definition at line 502 of file extapi.c.

502  :UNKNOWN")))
503 int asprintf(char **restrict strp, const char *restrict fmt, ...)
504 {
505  return 0;
506 }

◆ __attribute__() [3/16]

__attribute__ ( (annotate("ALLOC_ARG1"), annotate("AllocSize:UNKNOWN"))  )

Definition at line 550 of file extapi.c.

550  :UNKNOWN")))
551 int scandir(const char *restrict dirp, struct dirent ***restrict namelist, int (*filter)(const struct dirent *), int (*compar)(const struct dirent **, const struct dirent **))
552 {
553  return 0;
554 }

◆ __attribute__() [4/16]

__attribute__ ( (annotate("ALLOC_ARG2"), annotate("AllocSize:UNKNOWN"))  )

Definition at line 556 of file extapi.c.

556  :UNKNOWN")))
557 int XmbTextPropertyToTextList(void *a, void *b, char ***c, int *d)
558 {
559  return 0;
560 }

◆ __attribute__() [5/16]

__attribute__ ( (annotate("ALLOC_RET"), annotate("AllocSize:Arg0"))  )

Definition at line 18 of file extapi.c.

18  :Arg0")))
19 void *malloc(unsigned long size)
20 {
21  return NULL;
22 }

◆ __attribute__() [6/16]

__attribute__ ( (annotate("ALLOC_RET"), annotate("AllocSize:Arg0*Arg1"))  )

Definition at line 54 of file extapi.c.

54  :Arg0*Arg1")))
55 void *calloc(unsigned long nitems, unsigned long size)
56 {
57  return NULL;
58 }

◆ __attribute__() [7/16]

__attribute__ ( (annotate("ALLOC_RET"), annotate("AllocSize:Arg1"))  )

Definition at line 216 of file extapi.c.

216  :Arg1")))
217 void* aligned_alloc(unsigned long size1, unsigned long size2)
218 {
219  return NULL;
220 }

◆ __attribute__() [8/16]

__attribute__ ( (annotate("ALLOC_RET"), annotate("AllocSize:UNKNOWN"))  )

Definition at line 24 of file extapi.c.

24  :UNKNOWN")))
25 void *fopen(const char *voidname, const char *mode)
26 {
27  return NULL;
28 }

◆ __attribute__() [9/16]

__attribute__ ( (annotate("MEMCPY"))  )

Definition at line 562 of file extapi.c.

563  {}

◆ __attribute__() [10/16]

__attribute__ ( (annotate("MEMSET"))  )

Definition at line 613 of file extapi.c.

614  {}

◆ __attribute__() [11/16]

__attribute__ ( (annotate("OVERWRITE"))  )

Definition at line 722 of file extapi.c.

724 {
725  void* ptr1 = (char*)arg + 0;
726  void* ptr2 = (char*)ptr1 + 0;
727  return ptr2;
728 }

◆ __attribute__() [12/16]

__attribute__ ( (annotate("REALLOC_RET"), annotate("AllocSize:Arg1"))  )

Definition at line 432 of file extapi.c.

432  :Arg1")))
433 char *mem_realloc(void *ptr, unsigned long size)
434 {
435  return NULL;
436 }

◆ __attribute__() [13/16]

__attribute__ ( (annotate("REALLOC_RET"), annotate("AllocSize:Arg1*Arg2"))  )

Definition at line 450 of file extapi.c.

450  :Arg1*Arg2")))
451 void* saferealloc(void *p, unsigned long n1, unsigned long n2)
452 {
453  return NULL;
454 }

◆ __attribute__() [14/16]

__attribute__ ( (annotate("REALLOC_RET"), annotate("AllocSize:UNKNOWN"))  )

Definition at line 426 of file extapi.c.

426  :UNKNOWN")))
427 char *getcwd(char *buf, unsigned long size)
428 {
429  return NULL;
430 }

◆ __attribute__() [15/16]

__attribute__ ( (annotate("STRCAT"))  )

Definition at line 646 of file extapi.c.

648 {
649  return NULL;
650 }
#define NULL
Definition: extapi.c:2

◆ __attribute__() [16/16]

__attribute__ ( (annotate("STRCPY"))  )

Definition at line 640 of file extapi.c.

642 {
643  return NULL;
644 }

◆ __ctype_b_loc()

const unsigned short** __ctype_b_loc ( void  )

Definition at line 1048 of file extapi.c.

1049 {
1050  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1051 }
Definition: extapi.c:3

◆ __ctype_tolower_loc()

int** __ctype_tolower_loc ( void  )

Definition at line 1053 of file extapi.c.

1054 {
1055  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1056 }

◆ __ctype_toupper_loc()

int** __ctype_toupper_loc ( void  )

Definition at line 1058 of file extapi.c.

1059 {
1060  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1061 }

◆ __dynamic_cast()

void* __dynamic_cast ( void *  source,
const void *  sourceTypeInfo,
const void *  targetTypeInfo,
unsigned long  castType 

Definition at line 1033 of file extapi.c.

1034 {
1035  return source;
1036 }

◆ __errno_location()

int* __errno_location ( void  )

Definition at line 1063 of file extapi.c.

1064 {
1065  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1066 }

◆ __h_errno_location()

int* __h_errno_location ( void  )

Definition at line 1068 of file extapi.c.

1069 {
1070  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1071 }

◆ __rawmemchr()

void* __rawmemchr ( const void *  s,
int  c 

Definition at line 736 of file extapi.c.

737 {
738  return (void *)s;
739 }

◆ __res_state()

void* __res_state ( void  )

Definition at line 1073 of file extapi.c.

1074 {
1075  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1076 }

◆ __strchrnull()

char* __strchrnull ( const char *  s,
int  c 

Definition at line 781 of file extapi.c.

782 {
783  return (char *)s;
784 }


void _ZNSsC1EPKcRKSaIcE ( void **  arg0,
void *  arg1 

Definition at line 1038 of file extapi.c.

1039 {
1040  *arg0 = arg1;
1041 }

◆ _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1EPKcRKS3_()

void _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1EPKcRKS3_ ( void **  arg0,
void *  arg1 

Definition at line 1043 of file extapi.c.

1044 {
1045  *arg0 = arg1;
1046 }

◆ _ZNSt8__detail15_List_node_base7_M_hookEPS0_()

void _ZNSt8__detail15_List_node_base7_M_hookEPS0_ ( void *  arg0,
void **  arg1 

Definition at line 1028 of file extapi.c.

1029 {
1030  *arg1 = arg0;
1031 }

◆ asctime()

char* asctime ( const void *  timeptr)

Definition at line 1078 of file extapi.c.

1079 {
1080  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1081 }

◆ asctime_r()

char* asctime_r ( const void *  tm,
char *  buf 

Definition at line 891 of file extapi.c.

892 {
893  return buf;
894 }

◆ bind_textdomain_codeset()

char* bind_textdomain_codeset ( const char *  domainname,
const char *  codeset 

Definition at line 1088 of file extapi.c.

1089 {
1090  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1091 }

◆ bindtextdomain()

char* bindtextdomain ( const char *  domainname,
const char *  dirname 

Definition at line 1083 of file extapi.c.

1084 {
1085  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1086 }

◆ bsearch()

void* bsearch ( const void *  key,
const void *  base,
unsigned long  nitems,
unsigned long  size,
int(*)(const void *, const void *)  compar 

Definition at line 896 of file extapi.c.

897 {
898  return (void *)base;
899 }

◆ ctermid()

char* ctermid ( char *  s)

Definition at line 1093 of file extapi.c.

1094 {
1095  return s;
1096 }

◆ ctime_r()

char* ctime_r ( const char *  timer,
char *  buf 

Definition at line 1005 of file extapi.c.

1006 {
1007  return buf;
1008 }

◆ dcgettext()

char* dcgettext ( const char *  domainname,
const char *  msgid,
int  category 

Definition at line 1098 of file extapi.c.

1099 {
1100  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1101 }

◆ dgettext()

char* dgettext ( const char *  domainname,
const char *  msgid 

Definition at line 1103 of file extapi.c.

1104 {
1105  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1106 }

◆ dngettext()

char* dngettext ( const char *  domainname,
const char *  msgid,
const char *  msgid_plural,
unsigned long int  n 

Definition at line 1108 of file extapi.c.

1109 {
1110  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1111 }

◆ fgets()

char* fgets ( char *  str,
int  n,
void *  stream 

Definition at line 746 of file extapi.c.

747 {
748  return str;
749 }

◆ fgets_unlocked()

char* fgets_unlocked ( char *  str,
int  n,
void *  stream 

Definition at line 751 of file extapi.c.

752 {
753  return str;
754 }

◆ freopen()

void* freopen ( const char *  voidname,
const char *  mode,
void *  fp 

Definition at line 931 of file extapi.c.

932 {
933  return fp;
934 }

◆ freopen64()

void* freopen64 ( const char *  voidname,
const char *  mode,
void *  fp 

Definition at line 926 of file extapi.c.

927 {
928  return fp;
929 }

◆ gcvt()

char* gcvt ( double  x,
int  ndigit,
char *  buf 

Definition at line 995 of file extapi.c.

996 {
997  return buf;
998 }

◆ getgrgid()

struct group* getgrgid ( unsigned int  gid)

Definition at line 1113 of file extapi.c.

1114 {
1115  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1116 }

◆ getgrnam()

struct group* getgrnam ( const char *  name)

Definition at line 1118 of file extapi.c.

1119 {
1120  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1121 }

◆ gethostbyaddr()

struct hostent* gethostbyaddr ( const void *  addr,
unsigned int  len,
int  type 

Definition at line 1123 of file extapi.c.

1124 {
1125  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1126 }

◆ gethostbyname()

struct hostent* gethostbyname ( const char *  name)

Definition at line 1128 of file extapi.c.

1129 {
1130  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1131 }

◆ gethostbyname2()

struct hostent* gethostbyname2 ( const char *  name,
int  af 

Definition at line 1133 of file extapi.c.

1134 {
1135  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1136 }

◆ getmntent()

struct mntent* getmntent ( void *  stream)

Definition at line 1138 of file extapi.c.

1139 {
1140  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1141 }

◆ getmntent_r()

struct mntent* getmntent_r ( void *  fp,
struct mntent *  mntbuf,
char *  buf,
int  buflen 

Definition at line 901 of file extapi.c.

902 {
903  return mntbuf;
904 }

◆ getprotobyname()

struct protoent* getprotobyname ( const char *  name)

Definition at line 1143 of file extapi.c.

1144 {
1145  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1146 }

◆ getprotobynumber()

struct protoent* getprotobynumber ( int  proto)

Definition at line 1148 of file extapi.c.

1149 {
1150  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1151 }

◆ getpwent()

struct passwd* getpwent ( void  )

Definition at line 1153 of file extapi.c.

1154 {
1155  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1156 }

◆ getpwnam()

struct passwd* getpwnam ( const char *  name)

Definition at line 1158 of file extapi.c.

1159 {
1160  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1161 }

◆ getpwnam_r()

int getpwnam_r ( const char *  name,
void *  pwd,
char *  buf,
unsigned long  buflen,
void **  result 

Definition at line 1016 of file extapi.c.

1017 {
1018  *result = pwd;
1019  return 0;
1020 }

◆ getpwuid()

struct passwd* getpwuid ( unsigned int  uid)

Definition at line 1163 of file extapi.c.

1164 {
1165  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1166 }

◆ getpwuid_r()

int getpwuid_r ( unsigned int  uid,
void *  pwd,
char *  buf,
unsigned long  buflen,
void **  result 

Definition at line 1022 of file extapi.c.

1023 {
1024  *result = pwd;
1025  return 0;
1026 }

◆ gets()

char* gets ( char *  str)

Definition at line 756 of file extapi.c.

757 {
758  return str;
759 }

◆ getservbyname()

struct servent* getservbyname ( const char *  name,
const char *  proto 

Definition at line 1168 of file extapi.c.

1169 {
1170  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1171 }

◆ getservbyport()

struct servent* getservbyport ( int  port,
const char *  proto 

Definition at line 1173 of file extapi.c.

1174 {
1175  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1176 }

◆ getspnam()

struct spwd* getspnam ( const char *  name)

Definition at line 1178 of file extapi.c.

1179 {
1180  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1181 }

◆ gettext()

char* gettext ( const char *  msgid)

Definition at line 1183 of file extapi.c.

1184 {
1185  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1186 }

◆ gmtime()

struct tm* gmtime ( const void *  timer)

Definition at line 1188 of file extapi.c.

1189 {
1190  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1191 }

◆ gmtime_r()

struct tm* gmtime_r ( const void *  timer,
struct tm *  buf 

Definition at line 906 of file extapi.c.

907 {
908  return buf;
909 }

◆ gnu_get_libc_version()

const char* gnu_get_libc_version ( void  )

Definition at line 1193 of file extapi.c.

1194 {
1195  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1196 }

◆ gnutls_check_version()

const char* gnutls_check_version ( const char *  req_version)

Definition at line 1198 of file extapi.c.

1199 {
1200  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1201 }

◆ gzgets()

char* gzgets ( void *  file,
char *  buf,
int  len 

Definition at line 911 of file extapi.c.

912 {
913  return buf;
914 }

◆ index()

char* index ( const char *  s,
int  c 

Definition at line 791 of file extapi.c.

792 {
793  return (char *)s;
794 }

◆ inet_ntop()

const char* inet_ntop ( int  af,
const void *restrict  src,
char *restrict  dst,
unsigned int  size 

Definition at line 936 of file extapi.c.

937 {
938  return dst;
939 }

◆ isalnum()

int isalnum ( int  character)

Definition at line 831 of file extapi.c.

832 {
833  return character;
834 }

◆ isalpha()

int isalpha ( int  character)

Definition at line 836 of file extapi.c.

837 {
838  return character;
839 }

◆ isblank()

int isblank ( int  character)

Definition at line 841 of file extapi.c.

842 {
843  return character;
844 }

◆ iscntrl()

int iscntrl ( int  c)

Definition at line 846 of file extapi.c.

847 {
848  return c;
849 }

◆ isdigit()

int isdigit ( int  c)

Definition at line 851 of file extapi.c.

852 {
853  return c;
854 }

◆ isgraph()

int isgraph ( int  c)

Definition at line 856 of file extapi.c.

857 {
858  return c;
859 }

◆ islower()

int islower ( int  arg)

Definition at line 861 of file extapi.c.

862 {
863  return arg;
864 }

◆ isprint()

int isprint ( int  c)

Definition at line 866 of file extapi.c.

867 {
868  return c;
869 }

◆ ispunct()

int ispunct ( int  argument)

Definition at line 871 of file extapi.c.

872 {
873  return argument;
874 }

◆ isspace()

int isspace ( char  c)

Definition at line 876 of file extapi.c.

877 {
878  return c;
879 }

◆ isupper()

int isupper ( int  c)

Definition at line 881 of file extapi.c.

882 {
883  return c;
884 }

◆ isxdigit()

int isxdigit ( int  c)

Definition at line 886 of file extapi.c.

887 {
888  return c;
889 }

◆ jpeg_std_error()

struct jpeg_error_mgr* jpeg_std_error ( struct jpeg_error_mgr *  a)

Definition at line 741 of file extapi.c.

742 {
743  return a;
744 }
cJSON * a
Definition: cJSON.cpp:2560

◆ localeconv()

struct lconv* localeconv ( void  )

Definition at line 1203 of file extapi.c.

1204 {
1205  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1206 }

◆ localtime()

struct tm* localtime ( const void *  timer)

Definition at line 1208 of file extapi.c.

1209 {
1210  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1211 }

◆ localtime_r()

struct tm* localtime_r ( const void *  timep,
struct tm *  result 

Definition at line 916 of file extapi.c.

917 {
918  return result;
919 }

◆ memchr()

void* memchr ( const void *  str,
int  c,
unsigned long  n 

Definition at line 761 of file extapi.c.

762 {
763  return (void *)str;
764 }

◆ memmem()

void* memmem ( const void *  haystack,
unsigned long  haystacklen,
const void *  needle,
unsigned long  needlelen 

Definition at line 1000 of file extapi.c.

1001 {
1002  return (void *)haystack;
1003 }

◆ memrchr()

void* memrchr ( const void *  str,
int  c,
unsigned long  n 

Definition at line 766 of file extapi.c.

767 {
768  return (void *)str;
769 }

◆ mremap()

void* mremap ( void *  old_address,
unsigned long  old_size,
unsigned long  new_size,
int  flags 

Definition at line 771 of file extapi.c.

772 {
773  return old_address;
774 }

◆ ngettext()

char* ngettext ( const char *  msgid,
const char *  msgid_plural,
unsigned long int  n 

Definition at line 1213 of file extapi.c.

1214 {
1215  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1216 }

◆ pango_cairo_font_map_get_default()

void* pango_cairo_font_map_get_default ( void  )

Definition at line 1218 of file extapi.c.

1219 {
1220  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1221 }

◆ re_comp()

char* re_comp ( const char *  regex)

Definition at line 1223 of file extapi.c.

1224 {
1225  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1226 }

◆ readdir_r()

int readdir_r ( void *  __restrict__dir,
void *  __restrict__entry,
void **  __restrict__result 

Definition at line 1010 of file extapi.c.

1011 {
1012  __restrict__entry = *__restrict__result;
1013  return 0;
1014 }

◆ realpath()

char* realpath ( const char *restrict  path,
char *restrict  resolved_path 

Definition at line 921 of file extapi.c.

922 {
923  return resolved_path;
924 }

◆ rindex()

char* rindex ( const char *  s,
int  c 

Definition at line 796 of file extapi.c.

797 {
798  return (char *)s;
799 }

◆ setlocale()

char* setlocale ( int  category,
const char *  locale 

Definition at line 1228 of file extapi.c.

1229 {
1230  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1231 }

◆ strcasestr()

char* strcasestr ( const char *  haystack,
const char *  needle 

Definition at line 786 of file extapi.c.

787 {
788  return (char *)haystack;
789 }

◆ strchr()

char* strchr ( const char *  str,
int  c 

Definition at line 776 of file extapi.c.

777 {
778  return (char *)str;
779 }

◆ strerror_r()

char* strerror_r ( int  errnum,
char *  buf,
unsigned long  buflen 

Definition at line 801 of file extapi.c.

802 {
803  return buf;
804 }

◆ strpbrk()

char* strpbrk ( const char *  str1,
const char *  str2 

Definition at line 806 of file extapi.c.

807 {
808  return (char *)str1;
809 }

◆ strptime()

char* strptime ( const void *  s,
const void *  format,
void *  tm 

Definition at line 811 of file extapi.c.

812 {
813  return (char *)s;
814 }

◆ strrchr()

char* strrchr ( const char *  str,
int  c 

Definition at line 816 of file extapi.c.

817 {
818  return (char *)str;
819 }

◆ strsep()

char* strsep ( char **  stringp,
const char *  delim 

Definition at line 473 of file extapi.c.

474 {
475  return *stringp;
476 }

◆ strstr()

char* strstr ( const char *  haystack,
const char *  needle 

Definition at line 821 of file extapi.c.

822 {
823  return (char *)haystack;
824 }

◆ strtod()

double strtod ( const char *  str,
char **  endptr 

Definition at line 941 of file extapi.c.

942 {
943  *endptr = (char *)str;
944  return 0.0;
945 }

◆ strtod_l()

double strtod_l ( const char *  str,
char **  endptr,
void *  loc 

Definition at line 947 of file extapi.c.

948 {
949  *endptr = (char *)str;
950  return 0.0;
951 }

◆ strtof()

float strtof ( const char *  nptr,
char **  endptr 

Definition at line 953 of file extapi.c.

954 {
955  *endptr = (char *)nptr;
956  return 0.0;
957 }

◆ strtof_l()

float strtof_l ( const char *  nptr,
char **  endptr,
void *  loc 

Definition at line 959 of file extapi.c.

960 {
961  *endptr = (char *)nptr;
962  return 0.0;
963 }

◆ strtok()

char* strtok ( char *  str,
const char *  delim 

Definition at line 463 of file extapi.c.

464 {
465  return str;
466 }

◆ strtok_r()

char* strtok_r ( char *  str,
const char *  delim,
char **  saveptr 

Definition at line 468 of file extapi.c.

469 {
470  return str;
471 }

◆ strtol()

long int strtol ( const char *  str,
char **  endptr,
int  base 

Definition at line 965 of file extapi.c.

966 {
967  *endptr = (char *)str;
968  return 0;
969 }

◆ strtold()

long double strtold ( const char *  str,
char **  endptr 

Definition at line 977 of file extapi.c.

978 {
979  *endptr = (char *)str;
980  return 0.0;
981 }

◆ strtoll()

long long strtoll ( const char *  str,
char **  endptr,
int  base 

Definition at line 971 of file extapi.c.

972 {
973  *endptr = (char *)str;
974  return 0;
975 }

◆ strtoul()

unsigned long int strtoul ( const char *  str,
char **  endptr,
int  base 

Definition at line 983 of file extapi.c.

984 {
985  *endptr = (char *)str;
986  return 0;
987 }

◆ strtoull()

unsigned long long strtoull ( const char *  str,
char **  endptr,
int  base 

Definition at line 989 of file extapi.c.

990 {
991  *endptr = (char *)str;
992  return 0;
993 }

◆ tgoto()

char* tgoto ( const char *  cap,
int  col,
int  row 

Definition at line 1233 of file extapi.c.

1234 {
1235  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1236 }

◆ tmpnam_r()

char* tmpnam_r ( char *  s)

Definition at line 826 of file extapi.c.

827 {
828  return s;
829 }

◆ tparm()

char* tparm ( char *  str,

Definition at line 1238 of file extapi.c.

1239 {
1240  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1241 }

◆ zError()

const char* zError ( int  a)

Definition at line 1243 of file extapi.c.

1244 {
1245  return STATIC_OBJECT;
1246 }