Static Value-Flow Analysis
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SVF::LockAnalysis Class Reference

#include <LockAnalysis.h>

Public Types

enum  ValDomain { Empty , TDLocked , TDUnlocked }
 semilattice Empty==>TDUnlocked==>TDLocked More...
typedef CxtStmt CxtLock
typedef CxtProc CxtLockProc
typedef NodeBS LockSet
typedef TCT::InstVec InstVec
typedef Set< const ICFGNode * > InstSet
typedef InstSet CISpan
typedef Map< const ICFGNode *, CISpanCILockToSpan
typedef Set< const SVFFunction * > FunSet
typedef Map< const ICFGNode *, InstSetInstToInstSetMap
typedef Map< CxtStmt, ValDomainCxtStmtToLockFlagMap
typedef FIFOWorkList< CxtStmtCxtStmtWorkList
typedef Set< CxtStmtLockSpan
typedef Set< CxtStmtCxtStmtSet
typedef Set< CxtLockCxtLockSet
typedef Map< CxtLock, LockSpanCxtLockToSpan
typedef Map< CxtLock, NodeBSCxtLockToLockSet
typedef Map< const ICFGNode *, NodeBSLockSiteToLockSet
typedef Map< const ICFGNode *, LockSpanInstToCxtStmtSet
typedef Map< CxtStmt, CxtLockSetCxtStmtToCxtLockSet
typedef FIFOWorkList< CxtLockProcCxtLockProcVec
typedef Set< CxtLockProcCxtLockProcSet
typedef Map< const ICFGNode *, CxtStmtSetInstToCxtStmt

Public Member Functions

 LockAnalysis (TCT *t)
void analyze ()
void analyzeIntraProcedualLock ()
bool intraForwardTraverse (const ICFGNode *lock, InstSet &unlockset, InstSet &forwardInsts)
bool intraBackwardTraverse (const InstSet &unlockset, InstSet &backwardInsts)
void collectCxtLock ()
void analyzeLockSpanCxtStmt ()
void collectLockUnlocksites ()
void buildCandidateFuncSetforLock ()
bool isIntraLock (const ICFGNode *lock) const
 Intraprocedural locks. More...
void addIntraLock (const ICFGNode *lockSite, const InstSet &stmts)
 Add intra-procedural lock. More...
void addCondIntraLock (const ICFGNode *lockSite, const InstSet &stmts)
 Add intra-procedural lock. More...
bool isInsideIntraLock (const ICFGNode *stmt) const
 Return true if a statement is inside an intra-procedural lock. More...
bool isInsideCondIntraLock (const ICFGNode *stmt) const
 Return true if a statement is inside a partial lock/unlock pair (conditional lock with unconditional unlock) More...
const InstSetgetIntraLockSet (const ICFGNode *stmt) const
void addCxtLock (const CallStrCxt &cxt, const ICFGNode *inst)
 Context-sensitive locks. More...
bool hasCxtLock (const CxtLock &cxtLock) const
 Get context-sensitive lock. More...
bool intersects (const CxtLockSet &lockset1, const CxtLockSet &lockset2) const
 Return true if the intersection of two locksets is not empty. More...
bool alias (const CxtLockSet &lockset1, const CxtLockSet &lockset2)
 Return true if two locksets has at least one alias lock. More...
bool isLockCandidateFun (const SVFFunction *fun) const
 Return true if it is a candidate function. More...
bool hasCxtStmtfromInst (const ICFGNode *inst) const
 Context-sensitive statement and lock spans. More...
const CxtStmtSetgetCxtStmtfromInst (const ICFGNode *inst) const
bool hasCxtLockfromCxtStmt (const CxtStmt &cts) const
const CxtLockSetgetCxtLockfromCxtStmt (const CxtStmt &cts) const
CxtLockSetgetCxtLockfromCxtStmt (const CxtStmt &cts)
bool addCxtStmtToSpan (const CxtStmt &cts, const CxtLock &cl)
 Add context-sensitive statement. More...
bool removeCxtStmtToSpan (CxtStmt &cts, const CxtLock &cl)
 Add context-sensitive statement. More...
CxtStmtToCxtLockSet getCSTCLS ()
void touchCxtStmt (CxtStmt &cts)
 Touch this context statement. More...
bool hasSpanfromCxtLock (const CxtLock &cl)
LockSpangetSpanfromCxtLock (const CxtLock &cl)
bool hasOneCxtInLockSpan (const ICFGNode *I, LockSpan lspan) const
 Check if one instruction's context stmt is in a lock span. More...
bool hasAllCxtInLockSpan (const ICFGNode *I, LockSpan lspan) const
bool isProtectedByCommonLock (const ICFGNode *i1, const ICFGNode *i2)
bool isProtectedByCommonCxtLock (const ICFGNode *i1, const ICFGNode *i2)
bool isProtectedByCommonCxtLock (const CxtStmt &cxtStmt1, const CxtStmt &cxtStmt2)
bool isProtectedByCommonCILock (const ICFGNode *i1, const ICFGNode *i2)
bool isInSameSpan (const ICFGNode *I1, const ICFGNode *I2)
bool isInSameCSSpan (const ICFGNode *i1, const ICFGNode *i2) const
bool isInSameCSSpan (const CxtStmt &cxtStmt1, const CxtStmt &cxtStmt2) const
bool isInSameCISpan (const ICFGNode *i1, const ICFGNode *i2) const
u32_t getNumOfCxtLocks ()
void printLocks (const CxtStmt &cts)
 Print locks and spans. More...
TCTgetTCT ()
 Get tct. More...

Public Attributes

double lockTime
u32_t numOfTotalQueries
u32_t numOfLockedQueries
double lockQueriesTime

Private Member Functions

void handleFork (const CxtStmt &cts)
 Handle fork. More...
void handleCall (const CxtStmt &cts)
 Handle call. More...
void handleRet (const CxtStmt &cts)
 Handle return. More...
void handleIntra (const CxtStmt &cts)
 Handle intra. More...
void handleCallRelation (CxtLockProc &clp, const PTACallGraphEdge *cgEdge, const CallICFGNode *call)
 Handle call relations. More...
bool isAliasedLocks (const CxtLock &cl1, const CxtLock &cl2)
 Return true it a lock matches an unlock. More...
bool isAliasedLocks (const ICFGNode *i1, const ICFGNode *i2)
void markCxtStmtFlag (const CxtStmt &tgr, const CxtStmt &src)
 Mark thread flags for cxtStmt. More...
bool intersect (CxtLockSet &tgrlockset, const CxtLockSet &srclockset)
void clearFlagMap ()
 Clear flags. More...
bool pushToCTPWorkList (const CxtLockProc &clp)
 WorkList helper functions. More...
CxtLockProc popFromCTPWorkList ()
bool isVisitedCTPs (const CxtLockProc &clp) const
bool pushToCTSWorkList (const CxtStmt &cs)
 Worklist operations. More...
CxtStmt popFromCTSWorkList ()
void pushCxt (CallStrCxt &cxt, const CallICFGNode *call, const SVFFunction *callee)
 Push calling context. More...
bool matchCxt (CallStrCxt &cxt, const CallICFGNode *call, const SVFFunction *callee)
 Match context. More...
bool isTDFork (const ICFGNode *call)
 Whether it is a lock site. More...
bool isTDAcquire (const ICFGNode *call)
 Whether it is a lock site. More...
bool isTDRelease (const ICFGNode *call)
 Whether it is a unlock site. More...
bool isCallSite (const ICFGNode *inst)
 Whether it is a callsite. More...
bool isExtCall (const ICFGNode *inst)
 Whether it is calling an external function. More...
const SVFVargetLockVal (const ICFGNode *call)
 Get lock value. More...
ThreadCallGraphgetTCG () const
 ThreadCallGraph. More...

Private Attributes

 TCT. More...
CxtStmtWorkList cxtStmtList
 context-sensitive statement worklist More...
InstToCxtStmtSet instToCxtStmtSet
 Map a statement to all its context-sensitive statements. More...
CxtLockSet cxtLockset
 Context-sensitive locks. More...
CxtLockToSpan cxtLocktoSpan
CxtStmtToCxtLockSet cxtStmtToCxtLockSet
CxtLockProcVec clpList
 Following data structures are used for collecting context-sensitive locks. More...
CxtLockProcSet visitedCTPs
 CxtLockProc List. More...
InstSet locksites
 Record all visited clps. More...
InstSet unlocksites
FunSet lockcandidateFuncSet
 Candidate functions which relevant to locks/unlocks. More...
CILockToSpan ciLocktoSpan
 Used for context-insensitive intra-procedural locks. More...
InstToInstSetMap instCILocksMap
InstToInstSetMap instTocondCILocksMap

Detailed Description

Lock analysis

Definition at line 44 of file LockAnalysis.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ CILockToSpan

Definition at line 63 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ CISpan

Definition at line 62 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ CxtLock

Definition at line 56 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ CxtLockProc

Definition at line 57 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ CxtLockProcSet

Definition at line 78 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ CxtLockProcVec

Definition at line 77 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ CxtLockSet

Definition at line 70 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ CxtLockToLockSet

Definition at line 73 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ CxtLockToSpan

Definition at line 72 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ CxtStmtSet

Definition at line 69 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ CxtStmtToCxtLockSet

Definition at line 76 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ CxtStmtToLockFlagMap

Definition at line 66 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ CxtStmtWorkList

Definition at line 67 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ FunSet

Definition at line 64 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ InstSet

Definition at line 61 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ InstToCxtStmt

Definition at line 80 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ InstToCxtStmtSet

Definition at line 75 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ InstToInstSetMap

Definition at line 65 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ InstVec

Definition at line 60 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ LockSet

Definition at line 59 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ LockSiteToLockSet

Definition at line 74 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ LockSpan

Definition at line 68 of file LockAnalysis.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ValDomain

semilattice Empty==>TDUnlocked==>TDLocked


Definition at line 49 of file LockAnalysis.h.

50  {
51  Empty, // initial(dummy) state
52  TDLocked, // stmt is locked
53  TDUnlocked, // stmt is unlocked
54  };

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ LockAnalysis()

SVF::LockAnalysis::LockAnalysis ( TCT t)

Definition at line 82 of file LockAnalysis.h.

83  {
84  }

Member Function Documentation

◆ addCondIntraLock()

void SVF::LockAnalysis::addCondIntraLock ( const ICFGNode lockSite,
const InstSet stmts 

Add intra-procedural lock.

Definition at line 120 of file LockAnalysis.h.

121  {
122  for(InstSet::const_iterator it = stmts.begin(), eit = stmts.end(); it!=eit; ++it)
123  {
124  instTocondCILocksMap[*it].insert(lockSite);
125  }
126  }
InstToInstSetMap instTocondCILocksMap
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:520

◆ addCxtLock()

void SVF::LockAnalysis::addCxtLock ( const CallStrCxt cxt,
const ICFGNode inst 

Context-sensitive locks.

Add inter-procedural context-sensitive lock

Definition at line 151 of file LockAnalysis.h.

152  {
153  CxtLock cxtlock(cxt,inst);
154  cxtLockset.insert(cxtlock);
155  DBOUT(DMTA, SVFUtil::outs() << "LockAnalysis Process new lock "; cxtlock.dump());
156  }
#define DBOUT(TYPE, X)
LLVM debug macros, define type of your DBUG model of each pass.
Definition: SVFType.h:484
#define DMTA
Definition: SVFType.h:505
CxtLockSet cxtLockset
Context-sensitive locks.
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:490
std::ostream & outs()
Overwrite llvm::outs()
Definition: SVFUtil.h:50

◆ addCxtStmtToSpan()

bool SVF::LockAnalysis::addCxtStmtToSpan ( const CxtStmt cts,
const CxtLock cl 

Add context-sensitive statement.

Definition at line 232 of file LockAnalysis.h.

233  {
234  cxtLocktoSpan[cl].insert(cts);
235  return cxtStmtToCxtLockSet[cts].insert(cl).second;
236  }
CxtLockToSpan cxtLocktoSpan
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:495
CxtStmtToCxtLockSet cxtStmtToCxtLockSet
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:496

◆ addIntraLock()

void SVF::LockAnalysis::addIntraLock ( const ICFGNode lockSite,
const InstSet stmts 

Add intra-procedural lock.

Definition at line 110 of file LockAnalysis.h.

111  {
112  for(InstSet::const_iterator it = stmts.begin(), eit = stmts.end(); it!=eit; ++it)
113  {
114  instCILocksMap[*it].insert(lockSite);
115  ciLocktoSpan[lockSite].insert(*it);
116  }
117  }
InstToInstSetMap instCILocksMap
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:519
CILockToSpan ciLocktoSpan
Used for context-insensitive intra-procedural locks.
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:518

◆ alias()

bool SVF::LockAnalysis::alias ( const CxtLockSet lockset1,
const CxtLockSet lockset2 

Return true if two locksets has at least one alias lock.

Definition at line 179 of file LockAnalysis.h.

180  {
181  for(CxtLockSet::const_iterator it = lockset1.begin(), eit = lockset1.end(); it!=eit; ++it)
182  {
183  const CxtLock& lock = *it;
184  for(CxtLockSet::const_iterator lit = lockset2.begin(), elit = lockset2.end(); lit!=elit; ++lit)
185  {
186  if(isAliasedLocks(lock,*lit))
187  return true;
188  }
189  }
190  return false;
191  }
bool isAliasedLocks(const CxtLock &cl1, const CxtLock &cl2)
Return true it a lock matches an unlock.
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:345

◆ analyze()

void LockAnalysis::analyze ( )

context-sensitive forward traversal from each lock site. Generate following results (1) context-sensitive lock site, (2) maps a context-sensitive lock site to its corresponding lock span.

Definition at line 41 of file LockAnalysis.cpp.

42 {
47  DOTIMESTAT(double lockStart = PTAStat::getClk(true));
49  DBOUT(DGENERAL, outs() << "\tIntra-procedural LockAnalysis\n");
50  DBOUT(DMTA, outs() << "\tIntra-procedural LockAnalysis\n");
53  DBOUT(DGENERAL, outs() << "\tCollect context-sensitive locks\n");
54  DBOUT(DMTA, outs() << "\tCollect context-sensitive locks\n");
57  DBOUT(DGENERAL, outs() << "\tInter-procedural LockAnalysis\n");
58  DBOUT(DMTA, outs() << "\tInter-procedural LockAnalysis\n");
61  DOTIMESTAT(double lockEnd = PTAStat::getClk(true));
62  DOTIMESTAT(lockTime += (lockEnd - lockStart) / TIMEINTERVAL);
63 }
Definition: SVFType.h:512
#define DGENERAL
Definition: SVFType.h:490
Definition: SVFType.h:486
void analyzeLockSpanCxtStmt()
void buildCandidateFuncSetforLock()
void analyzeIntraProcedualLock()
void collectLockUnlocksites()
static double getClk(bool mark=false)
Definition: SVFStat.cpp:47

◆ analyzeIntraProcedualLock()

void LockAnalysis::analyzeIntraProcedualLock ( )

Analyze intraprocedural locks A lock is intraprocedural if its lock span is within a procedural

FIXME:Should we intersect forwardInsts and backwardInsts?

Definition at line 143 of file LockAnalysis.cpp.

144 {
146  // Identify the protected Instructions.
147  for (InstSet::const_iterator it = locksites.begin(), ie = locksites.end(); it != ie; ++it)
148  {
149  const ICFGNode* lockSite = *it;
150  assert(isCallSite(lockSite) && "Lock acquire instruction must be a CallSite");
152  // Perform forward traversal
153  InstSet forwardInsts;
154  InstSet backwardInsts;
155  InstSet unlockSet;
157  bool forward = intraForwardTraverse(lockSite,unlockSet,forwardInsts);
158  bool backward = intraBackwardTraverse(unlockSet,backwardInsts);
161  if(forward && backward)
162  addIntraLock(lockSite,forwardInsts);
163  else if(forward && !backward)
164  addCondIntraLock(lockSite,forwardInsts);
165  }
166 }
bool intraBackwardTraverse(const InstSet &unlockset, InstSet &backwardInsts)
void addCondIntraLock(const ICFGNode *lockSite, const InstSet &stmts)
Add intra-procedural lock.
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:120
InstSet locksites
Record all visited clps.
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:507
void addIntraLock(const ICFGNode *lockSite, const InstSet &stmts)
Add intra-procedural lock.
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:110
Set< const ICFGNode * > InstSet
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:61
bool intraForwardTraverse(const ICFGNode *lock, InstSet &unlockset, InstSet &forwardInsts)
bool isCallSite(const ICFGNode *inst)
Whether it is a callsite.
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:459

◆ analyzeLockSpanCxtStmt()

void LockAnalysis::analyzeLockSpanCxtStmt ( )

Definition at line 330 of file LockAnalysis.cpp.

331 {
333  FunSet entryFuncSet = tct->getEntryProcs();
334  for (FunSet::const_iterator it = entryFuncSet.begin(), eit = entryFuncSet.end(); it != eit; ++it)
335  {
336  if (!isLockCandidateFun(*it))
337  continue;
338  CallStrCxt cxt;
339  const ICFGNode* frontInst = (*it)->getEntryBlock()->front();
340  CxtStmt cxtstmt(cxt, frontInst);
341  pushToCTSWorkList(cxtstmt);
342  }
344  while (!cxtStmtList.empty())
345  {
346  CxtStmt cts = popFromCTSWorkList();
348  touchCxtStmt(cts);
349  const ICFGNode* curInst = cts.getStmt();
350  instToCxtStmtSet[curInst].insert(cts);
352  DBOUT(DMTA, outs() << "\nVisit cxtStmt: ");
353  DBOUT(DMTA, cts.dump());
355  DBOUT(DMTA, outs() << "\nIts cxt lock sets: ");
356  DBOUT(DMTA, printLocks(cts));
358  if (isTDFork(curInst))
359  {
360  handleFork(cts);
361  }
362  else if (isTDAcquire(curInst))
363  {
364  assert(hasCxtLock(cts) && "context-sensitive lock not found!!");
365  if(addCxtStmtToSpan(cts,cts))
366  handleIntra(cts);
367  }
368  else if (isTDRelease(curInst))
369  {
370  if(removeCxtStmtToSpan(cts,cts))
371  handleIntra(cts);
372  }
373  else if (isCallSite(curInst) && !isExtCall(curInst))
374  {
375  handleCall(cts);
376  }
377  else if (isRetInstNode(curInst))
378  {
379  handleRet(cts);
380  }
381  else
382  {
383  handleIntra(cts);
384  }
386  }
388 }
void dump() const
Dump CxtStmt.
Definition: CxtStmt.h:110
const ICFGNode * getStmt() const
Return current statement.
Definition: CxtStmt.h:63
bool empty() const
Definition: WorkList.h:146
bool removeCxtStmtToSpan(CxtStmt &cts, const CxtLock &cl)
Add context-sensitive statement.
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:238
CxtStmtWorkList cxtStmtList
context-sensitive statement worklist
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:483
bool isExtCall(const ICFGNode *inst)
Whether it is calling an external function.
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:464
CxtStmt popFromCTSWorkList()
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:425
void handleFork(const CxtStmt &cts)
Handle fork.
bool hasCxtLock(const CxtLock &cxtLock) const
Get context-sensitive lock.
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:159
void handleIntra(const CxtStmt &cts)
Handle intra.
bool isTDRelease(const ICFGNode *call)
Whether it is a unlock site.
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:452
bool addCxtStmtToSpan(const CxtStmt &cts, const CxtLock &cl)
Add context-sensitive statement.
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:232
bool isTDFork(const ICFGNode *call)
Whether it is a lock site.
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:438
void handleCall(const CxtStmt &cts)
Handle call.
bool pushToCTSWorkList(const CxtStmt &cs)
Worklist operations.
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:421
void touchCxtStmt(CxtStmt &cts)
Touch this context statement.
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:254
Set< const SVFFunction * > FunSet
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:64
void printLocks(const CxtStmt &cts)
Print locks and spans.
void handleRet(const CxtStmt &cts)
Handle return.
bool isLockCandidateFun(const SVFFunction *fun) const
Return true if it is a candidate function.
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:195
InstToCxtStmtSet instToCxtStmtSet
Map a statement to all its context-sensitive statements.
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:486
bool isTDAcquire(const ICFGNode *call)
Whether it is a lock site.
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:445
const FunSet & getEntryProcs() const
Get marked candidate functions.
Definition: TCT.h:242
bool isRetInstNode(const ICFGNode *node)
Definition: SVFUtil.cpp:388
std::vector< u32_t > CallStrCxt
Definition: GeneralType.h:122

◆ buildCandidateFuncSetforLock()

void LockAnalysis::buildCandidateFuncSetforLock ( )

Collect candidate functions for context-sensitive lock analysis

Definition at line 95 of file LockAnalysis.cpp.

96 {
100  TCT::PTACGNodeSet visited;
103  for (InstSet::iterator it = locksites.begin(), eit = locksites.end(); it != eit; ++it)
104  {
105  const SVFFunction* fun=(*it)->getFun();
106  PTACallGraphNode* cgnode = tcg->getCallGraphNode(fun);
107  if (visited.find(cgnode) == visited.end())
108  {
109  worklist.push(cgnode);
110  visited.insert(cgnode);
111  }
112  }
113  for (InstSet::iterator it = unlocksites.begin(), eit = unlocksites.end(); it != eit; ++it)
114  {
115  const SVFFunction* fun = (*it)->getFun();
116  PTACallGraphNode* cgnode = tcg->getCallGraphNode(fun);
117  if (visited.find(cgnode) == visited.end())
118  {
119  worklist.push(cgnode);
120  visited.insert(cgnode);
121  }
122  }
123  while (!worklist.empty())
124  {
125  const PTACallGraphNode* node = worklist.pop();
126  lockcandidateFuncSet.insert(node->getFunction());
127  for (PTACallGraphNode::const_iterator nit = node->InEdgeBegin(), neit = node->InEdgeEnd(); nit != neit; nit++)
128  {
129  const PTACallGraphNode* srcNode = (*nit)->getSrcNode();
130  if (visited.find(srcNode) == visited.end())
131  {
132  visited.insert(srcNode);
133  worklist.push(srcNode);
134  }
135  }
136  }
137 }
bool push(const Data &data)
Definition: WorkList.h:165
iterator InEdgeBegin()
Definition: GenericGraph.h:462
iterator InEdgeEnd()
Definition: GenericGraph.h:466
FunSet lockcandidateFuncSet
Candidate functions which relevant to locks/unlocks.
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:513
const SVFFunction * getFunction() const
Get function of this call node.
Definition: PTACallGraph.h:198
PTACallGraphEdge::CallGraphEdgeSet::const_iterator const_iterator
Definition: PTACallGraph.h:180
PTACallGraphNode * getCallGraphNode(NodeID id) const
Get call graph node.
Definition: PTACallGraph.h:339
ThreadCallGraph * getThreadCallGraph() const
Get TCG.
Definition: TCT.h:196
Set< const PTACallGraphNode * > PTACGNodeSet
Definition: TCT.h:163

◆ clearFlagMap()

void SVF::LockAnalysis::clearFlagMap ( )

Clear flags.

Definition at line 391 of file LockAnalysis.h.

392  {
393  cxtStmtList.clear();
394  }

◆ collectCxtLock()

void LockAnalysis::collectCxtLock ( )

Definition at line 259 of file LockAnalysis.cpp.

260 {
261  FunSet entryFuncSet = tct->getEntryProcs();
262  for (FunSet::const_iterator it = entryFuncSet.begin(), eit = entryFuncSet.end(); it != eit; ++it)
263  {
264  if (!isLockCandidateFun(*it))
265  continue;
266  CallStrCxt cxt;
267  CxtLockProc t(cxt, *it);
269  }
271  while (!clpList.empty())
272  {
274  PTACallGraphNode* cgNode = getTCG()->getCallGraphNode(clp.getProc());
275  // lzh TODO.
276  if (!isLockCandidateFun(cgNode->getFunction()))
277  continue;
279  for (PTACallGraphNode::const_iterator nit = cgNode->OutEdgeBegin(), neit = cgNode->OutEdgeEnd(); nit != neit; nit++)
280  {
281  const PTACallGraphEdge* cgEdge = (*nit);
283  for (PTACallGraphEdge::CallInstSet::const_iterator cit = cgEdge->directCallsBegin(), ecit = cgEdge->directCallsEnd();
284  cit != ecit; ++cit)
285  {
287  outs() << "\nCollecting CxtLocks: handling direct call:" << **cit << "\t" << cgEdge->getSrcNode()->getFunction()->getName()
288  << "-->" << cgEdge->getDstNode()->getFunction()->getName() << "\n");
289  handleCallRelation(clp, cgEdge, *cit);
290  }
291  for (PTACallGraphEdge::CallInstSet::const_iterator ind = cgEdge->indirectCallsBegin(), eind = cgEdge->indirectCallsEnd();
292  ind != eind; ++ind)
293  {
295  outs() << "\nCollecting CxtLocks: handling indirect call:" << **ind << "\t"
296  << cgEdge->getSrcNode()->getFunction()->getName() << "-->" << cgEdge->getDstNode()->getFunction()->getName()
297  << "\n");
298  handleCallRelation(clp, cgEdge, *ind);
299  }
300  }
301  }
302 }
NodeType * getSrcNode() const
Definition: GenericGraph.h:97
NodeType * getDstNode() const
Definition: GenericGraph.h:101
iterator OutEdgeEnd()
Definition: GenericGraph.h:458
iterator OutEdgeBegin()
Definition: GenericGraph.h:454
bool pushToCTPWorkList(const CxtLockProc &clp)
WorkList helper functions.
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:399
ThreadCallGraph * getTCG() const
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:474
CxtLockProc popFromCTPWorkList()
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:408
void handleCallRelation(CxtLockProc &clp, const PTACallGraphEdge *cgEdge, const CallICFGNode *call)
Handle call relations.
CxtLockProcVec clpList
Following data structures are used for collecting context-sensitive locks.
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:501
CallInstSet::const_iterator indirectCallsEnd() const
Definition: PTACallGraph.h:135
CallInstSet::const_iterator directCallsBegin() const
Iterators for direct and indirect callsites.
Definition: PTACallGraph.h:122
CallInstSet::const_iterator directCallsEnd() const
Definition: PTACallGraph.h:126
CallInstSet::const_iterator indirectCallsBegin() const
Definition: PTACallGraph.h:131

◆ collectLockUnlocksites()

void LockAnalysis::collectLockUnlocksites ( )

Collect lock/unlock sites

Definition at line 69 of file LockAnalysis.cpp.

70 {
73  for (const SVFFunction* F : tct->getSVFModule()->getFunctionSet())
74  {
75  for (const SVFBasicBlock* bb : F->getBasicBlockList())
76  {
77  for (const ICFGNode* icfgNode : bb->getICFGNodeList())
78  {
79  if (isa<CallICFGNode>(icfgNode) && tcg->getThreadAPI()->isTDRelease(cast<CallICFGNode>(icfgNode)))
80  {
81  unlocksites.insert(icfgNode);
82  }
83  if (isa<CallICFGNode>(icfgNode) && tcg->getThreadAPI()->isTDAcquire(cast<CallICFGNode>(icfgNode)))
84  {
85  locksites.insert(icfgNode);
86  }
87  }
88  }
89  }
90 }
#define F(f)
const FunctionSetType & getFunctionSet() const
Definition: SVFModule.h:199
SVFModule * getSVFModule() const
Get SVFFModule.
Definition: TCT.h:190
bool isTDRelease(const CallICFGNode *inst) const
Return true if this call release a lock.
Definition: ThreadAPI.cpp:153
bool isTDAcquire(const CallICFGNode *inst) const
Return true if this call acquire a lock.
Definition: ThreadAPI.cpp:148
ThreadAPI * getThreadAPI() const
Thread API.

◆ getCSTCLS()

CxtStmtToCxtLockSet SVF::LockAnalysis::getCSTCLS ( )

Definition at line 249 of file LockAnalysis.h.

250  {
251  return cxtStmtToCxtLockSet;
252  }

◆ getCxtLockfromCxtStmt() [1/2]

CxtLockSet& SVF::LockAnalysis::getCxtLockfromCxtStmt ( const CxtStmt cts)

Definition at line 225 of file LockAnalysis.h.

226  {
227  CxtStmtToCxtLockSet::iterator it = cxtStmtToCxtLockSet.find(cts);
228  assert(it != cxtStmtToCxtLockSet.end());
229  return it->second;
230  }

◆ getCxtLockfromCxtStmt() [2/2]

const CxtLockSet& SVF::LockAnalysis::getCxtLockfromCxtStmt ( const CxtStmt cts) const

Definition at line 219 of file LockAnalysis.h.

220  {
221  CxtStmtToCxtLockSet::const_iterator it = cxtStmtToCxtLockSet.find(cts);
222  assert(it != cxtStmtToCxtLockSet.end());
223  return it->second;
224  }

◆ getCxtStmtfromInst()

const CxtStmtSet& SVF::LockAnalysis::getCxtStmtfromInst ( const ICFGNode inst) const

Definition at line 208 of file LockAnalysis.h.

209  {
210  InstToCxtStmtSet::const_iterator it = instToCxtStmtSet.find(inst);
211  assert(it != instToCxtStmtSet.end());
212  return it->second;
213  }

◆ getIntraLockSet()

const InstSet& SVF::LockAnalysis::getIntraLockSet ( const ICFGNode stmt) const

Definition at line 140 of file LockAnalysis.h.

141  {
142  InstToInstSetMap::const_iterator it = instCILocksMap.find(stmt);
143  assert(it!=instCILocksMap.end() && "intralock not found!");
144  return it->second;
145  }

◆ getLockVal()

const SVFVar* SVF::LockAnalysis::getLockVal ( const ICFGNode call)

Get lock value.

Definition at line 469 of file LockAnalysis.h.

470  {
471  return getTCG()->getThreadAPI()->getLockVal(call);
472  }
const SVFVar * getLockVal(const ICFGNode *inst) const
Return lock value.
Definition: ThreadAPI.cpp:199

◆ getNumOfCxtLocks()

u32_t SVF::LockAnalysis::getNumOfCxtLocks ( )

Definition at line 316 of file LockAnalysis.h.

317  {
318  return cxtLockset.size();
319  }

◆ getSpanfromCxtLock()

LockSpan& SVF::LockAnalysis::getSpanfromCxtLock ( const CxtLock cl)

Definition at line 262 of file LockAnalysis.h.

263  {
264  assert(cxtLocktoSpan.find(cl) != cxtLocktoSpan.end());
265  return cxtLocktoSpan[cl];
266  }

◆ getTCG()

ThreadCallGraph* SVF::LockAnalysis::getTCG ( ) const


Definition at line 474 of file LockAnalysis.h.

475  {
476  return tct->getThreadCallGraph();
477  }

◆ getTCT()

TCT* SVF::LockAnalysis::getTCT ( )

Get tct.

Definition at line 324 of file LockAnalysis.h.

325  {
326  return tct;
327  }

◆ handleCall()

void LockAnalysis::handleCall ( const CxtStmt cts)

Handle call.

Definition at line 428 of file LockAnalysis.cpp.

429 {
431  const CallStrCxt& curCxt = cts.getContext();
432  const CallICFGNode* call = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<CallICFGNode>(cts.getStmt());
433  if (getTCG()->hasCallGraphEdge(call))
434  {
435  for (PTACallGraph::CallGraphEdgeSet::const_iterator cgIt = getTCG()->getCallEdgeBegin(call), ecgIt = getTCG()->getCallEdgeEnd(call);
436  cgIt != ecgIt; ++cgIt)
437  {
438  const SVFFunction* svfcallee = (*cgIt)->getDstNode()->getFunction();
439  if (SVFUtil::isExtCall(svfcallee))
440  continue;
441  CallStrCxt newCxt = curCxt;
442  pushCxt(newCxt, call, svfcallee);
443  const ICFGNode* svfInst = svfcallee->getEntryBlock()->front();
444  CxtStmt newCts(newCxt, svfInst);
445  markCxtStmtFlag(newCts, cts);
446  }
447  }
448 }
const CallStrCxt & getContext() const
Return current context.
Definition: CxtStmt.h:58
void markCxtStmtFlag(const CxtStmt &tgr, const CxtStmt &src)
Mark thread flags for cxtStmt.
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:358
void pushCxt(CallStrCxt &cxt, const CallICFGNode *call, const SVFFunction *callee)
Push calling context.
const ICFGNode * front() const
Definition: SVFValue.h:594
const SVFBasicBlock * getEntryBlock() const
Definition: SVFValue.h:409
bool isExtCall(const SVFFunction *fun)
Definition: SVFUtil.h:278

◆ handleCallRelation()

void LockAnalysis::handleCallRelation ( CxtLockProc clp,
const PTACallGraphEdge cgEdge,
const CallICFGNode cs 

Handle call relations.

Handling call relations when collecting context-sensitive locks

Definition at line 308 of file LockAnalysis.cpp.

309 {
311  CallStrCxt cxt(clp.getContext());
312  const ICFGNode* curNode = cs;
313  if (isTDAcquire(curNode))
314  {
315  addCxtLock(cxt,curNode);
316  return;
317  }
318  const SVFFunction* svfcallee = cgEdge->getDstNode()->getFunction();
319  pushCxt(cxt, SVFUtil::cast<CallICFGNode>(curNode), svfcallee);
321  CxtLockProc newclp(cxt, svfcallee);
322  if (pushToCTPWorkList(newclp))
323  {
324  DBOUT(DMTA, outs() << "LockAnalysis Process CallRet old clp --"; clp.dump());
325  DBOUT(DMTA, outs() << "LockAnalysis Process CallRet new clp --"; newclp.dump());
326  }
328 }
void addCxtLock(const CallStrCxt &cxt, const ICFGNode *inst)
Context-sensitive locks.
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:151

◆ handleFork()

void LockAnalysis::handleFork ( const CxtStmt cts)

Handle fork.

Definition at line 407 of file LockAnalysis.cpp.

408 {
409  const CallStrCxt& curCxt = cts.getContext();
410  const CallICFGNode* call = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<CallICFGNode>(cts.getStmt());
411  if(getTCG()->hasThreadForkEdge(call))
412  {
413  for (ThreadCallGraph::ForkEdgeSet::const_iterator cgIt = getTCG()->getForkEdgeBegin(call),
414  ecgIt = getTCG()->getForkEdgeEnd(call); cgIt != ecgIt; ++cgIt)
415  {
416  const SVFFunction* svfcallee = (*cgIt)->getDstNode()->getFunction();
417  CallStrCxt newCxt = curCxt;
418  pushCxt(newCxt,call,svfcallee);
419  const ICFGNode* svfInst = svfcallee->getEntryBlock()->front();
420  CxtStmt newCts(newCxt, svfInst);
421  markCxtStmtFlag(newCts, cts);
422  }
423  }
424  handleIntra(cts);
425 }

◆ handleIntra()

void LockAnalysis::handleIntra ( const CxtStmt cts)

Handle intra.

Definition at line 502 of file LockAnalysis.cpp.

503 {
505  const ICFGNode* curInst = cts.getStmt();
506  const CallStrCxt& curCxt = cts.getContext();
508  for(const ICFGEdge* outEdge : curInst->getOutEdges())
509  {
510  if(outEdge->getDstNode()->getFun() == curInst->getFun())
511  {
512  CxtStmt newCts(curCxt, outEdge->getDstNode());
513  markCxtStmtFlag(newCts, cts);
514  }
515  }
516 }
const GEdgeSetTy & getOutEdges() const
Definition: GenericGraph.h:430
virtual const SVFFunction * getFun() const
Return the function of this ICFGNode.
Definition: ICFGNode.h:76

◆ handleRet()

void LockAnalysis::handleRet ( const CxtStmt cts)

Handle return.

Definition at line 451 of file LockAnalysis.cpp.

452 {
454  const ICFGNode* curInst = cts.getStmt();
455  const CallStrCxt& curCxt = cts.getContext();
456  const SVFFunction* svffun = curInst->getFun();
457  PTACallGraphNode* curFunNode = getTCG()->getCallGraphNode(svffun);
459  for (PTACallGraphNode::const_iterator it = curFunNode->getInEdges().begin(), eit = curFunNode->getInEdges().end(); it != eit; ++it)
460  {
461  PTACallGraphEdge* edge = *it;
462  if (SVFUtil::isa<ThreadForkEdge, ThreadJoinEdge>(edge))
463  continue;
464  for (PTACallGraphEdge::CallInstSet::const_iterator cit = (edge)->directCallsBegin(), ecit = (edge)->directCallsEnd(); cit != ecit;
465  ++cit)
466  {
467  CallStrCxt newCxt = curCxt;
468  const ICFGNode* inst = *cit;
469  if (matchCxt(newCxt, SVFUtil::cast<CallICFGNode>(inst), curFunNode->getFunction()))
470  {
471  for(const ICFGEdge* outEdge : curInst->getOutEdges())
472  {
473  if(outEdge->getDstNode()->getFun() == curInst->getFun())
474  {
475  CxtStmt newCts(newCxt, outEdge->getDstNode());
476  markCxtStmtFlag(newCts, cts);
477  }
478  }
479  }
480  }
481  for (PTACallGraphEdge::CallInstSet::const_iterator cit = (edge)->indirectCallsBegin(), ecit = (edge)->indirectCallsEnd();
482  cit != ecit; ++cit)
483  {
484  CallStrCxt newCxt = curCxt;
485  const ICFGNode* inst = *cit;
486  if (matchCxt(newCxt, SVFUtil::cast<CallICFGNode>(inst), curFunNode->getFunction()))
487  {
488  for(const ICFGEdge* outEdge : curInst->getOutEdges())
489  {
490  if(outEdge->getDstNode()->getFun() == curInst->getFun())
491  {
492  CxtStmt newCts(newCxt, outEdge->getDstNode());
493  markCxtStmtFlag(newCts, cts);
494  }
495  }
496  }
497  }
498  }
499 }
const GEdgeSetTy & getInEdges() const
Definition: GenericGraph.h:434
bool matchCxt(CallStrCxt &cxt, const CallICFGNode *call, const SVFFunction *callee)
Match context.

◆ hasAllCxtInLockSpan()

bool SVF::LockAnalysis::hasAllCxtInLockSpan ( const ICFGNode I,
LockSpan  lspan 
) const

Definition at line 287 of file LockAnalysis.h.

288  {
289  if(!hasCxtStmtfromInst(I))
290  return false;
291  const LockSpan ctsset = getCxtStmtfromInst(I);
292  for (LockSpan::const_iterator cts = ctsset.begin(), ects = ctsset.end(); cts != ects; cts++)
293  {
294  if (lspan.find(*cts) == lspan.end())
295  {
296  return false;
297  }
298  }
299  return true;
300  }
Set< CxtStmt > LockSpan
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:68
const CxtStmtSet & getCxtStmtfromInst(const ICFGNode *inst) const
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:208
bool hasCxtStmtfromInst(const ICFGNode *inst) const
Context-sensitive statement and lock spans.
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:203

◆ hasCxtLock()

bool SVF::LockAnalysis::hasCxtLock ( const CxtLock cxtLock) const

Get context-sensitive lock.

Definition at line 159 of file LockAnalysis.h.

160  {
161  return cxtLockset.find(cxtLock)!=cxtLockset.end();
162  }

◆ hasCxtLockfromCxtStmt()

bool SVF::LockAnalysis::hasCxtLockfromCxtStmt ( const CxtStmt cts) const

Definition at line 214 of file LockAnalysis.h.

215  {
216  CxtStmtToCxtLockSet::const_iterator it = cxtStmtToCxtLockSet.find(cts);
217  return (it != cxtStmtToCxtLockSet.end());
218  }

◆ hasCxtStmtfromInst()

bool SVF::LockAnalysis::hasCxtStmtfromInst ( const ICFGNode inst) const

Context-sensitive statement and lock spans.

Get LockSet and LockSpan

Definition at line 203 of file LockAnalysis.h.

204  {
205  InstToCxtStmtSet::const_iterator it = instToCxtStmtSet.find(inst);
206  return (it != instToCxtStmtSet.end());
207  }

◆ hasOneCxtInLockSpan()

bool SVF::LockAnalysis::hasOneCxtInLockSpan ( const ICFGNode I,
LockSpan  lspan 
) const

Check if one instruction's context stmt is in a lock span.

Definition at line 272 of file LockAnalysis.h.

273  {
274  if(!hasCxtStmtfromInst(I))
275  return false;
276  const LockSpan ctsset = getCxtStmtfromInst(I);
277  for (LockSpan::const_iterator cts = ctsset.begin(), ects = ctsset.end(); cts != ects; cts++)
278  {
279  if(lspan.find(*cts) != lspan.end())
280  {
281  return true;
282  }
283  }
284  return false;
285  }

◆ hasSpanfromCxtLock()

bool SVF::LockAnalysis::hasSpanfromCxtLock ( const CxtLock cl)

Definition at line 258 of file LockAnalysis.h.

259  {
260  return cxtLocktoSpan.find(cl) != cxtLocktoSpan.end();
261  }

◆ intersect()

bool SVF::LockAnalysis::intersect ( CxtLockSet tgrlockset,
const CxtLockSet srclockset 

Definition at line 375 of file LockAnalysis.h.

376  {
377  CxtLockSet toBeDeleted;
378  for(CxtLockSet::const_iterator it = tgrlockset.begin(), eit = tgrlockset.end(); it!=eit; ++it)
379  {
380  if(srclockset.find(*it)==srclockset.end())
381  toBeDeleted.insert(*it);
382  }
383  for(CxtLockSet::const_iterator it = toBeDeleted.begin(), eit = toBeDeleted.end(); it!=eit; ++it)
384  {
385  tgrlockset.erase(*it);
386  }
387  return !toBeDeleted.empty();
388  }
Set< CxtLock > CxtLockSet
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:70

◆ intersects()

bool SVF::LockAnalysis::intersects ( const CxtLockSet lockset1,
const CxtLockSet lockset2 
) const

Return true if the intersection of two locksets is not empty.

Definition at line 165 of file LockAnalysis.h.

166  {
167  for(CxtLockSet::const_iterator it = lockset1.begin(), eit = lockset1.end(); it!=eit; ++it)
168  {
169  const CxtLock& lock = *it;
170  for(CxtLockSet::const_iterator lit = lockset2.begin(), elit = lockset2.end(); lit!=elit; ++lit)
171  {
172  if(lock==*lit)
173  return true;
174  }
175  }
176  return false;
177  }

◆ intraBackwardTraverse()

bool LockAnalysis::intraBackwardTraverse ( const InstSet unlockSet,
InstSet backwardInsts 

Intra-procedural backward traversal

Definition at line 215 of file LockAnalysis.cpp.

216 {
218  InstVec worklist;
219  for(InstSet::const_iterator it = unlockSet.begin(), eit = unlockSet.end(); it!=eit; ++it)
220  {
221  const ICFGNode* unlockSite = *it;
222  const ICFGNode* entryInst = unlockSite->getFun()->getEntryBlock()->back();
223  worklist.push_back(*it);
225  while (!worklist.empty())
226  {
227  const ICFGNode *I = worklist.back();
228  worklist.pop_back();
230  if(entryInst == I)
231  return false;
233  // Skip the visited Instructions.
234  if (backwardInsts.find(I)!=backwardInsts.end())
235  continue;
236  backwardInsts.insert(I);
238  if (isTDAcquire(I) && isAliasedLocks(unlockSite, I))
239  {
240  DBOUT(DMTA, outs() << "LockAnalysis ci lock -- " << I->getSourceLoc()<<"\n");
241  DBOUT(DMTA, outs() << "LockAnalysis ci unlock -- " << unlockSite->getSourceLoc()<<"\n");
242  continue;
243  }
245  for(const ICFGEdge* inEdge : I->getInEdges())
246  {
247  if(inEdge->getSrcNode()->getFun() == I->getFun())
248  {
249  worklist.push_back(inEdge->getSrcNode());
250  }
251  }
252  }
253  }
255  return true;
256 }
TCT::InstVec InstVec
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:60
virtual const std::string getSourceLoc() const
Definition: GenericGraph.h:281
const ICFGNode * back() const
Definition: SVFValue.h:600

◆ intraForwardTraverse()

bool LockAnalysis::intraForwardTraverse ( const ICFGNode lockSite,
InstSet unlockSet,
InstSet forwardInsts 

Intra-procedural forward traversal

Definition at line 171 of file LockAnalysis.cpp.

172 {
174  const SVFFunction* svfFun = lockSite->getFun();
176  InstVec worklist;
177  worklist.push_back(lockSite);
178  while (!worklist.empty())
179  {
180  const ICFGNode *I = worklist.back();
181  worklist.pop_back();
182  const ICFGNode* exitInst = svfFun->getExitBB()->back();
183  if(exitInst == I)
184  return false;
186  // Skip the visited Instructions.
187  if (forwardInsts.find(I)!=forwardInsts.end())
188  continue;
189  forwardInsts.insert(I);
191  if (isTDRelease(I) && isAliasedLocks(lockSite, I))
192  {
193  unlockSet.insert(I);
194  DBOUT(DMTA, outs() << "LockAnalysis ci lock -- " << lockSite->getSourceLoc()<<"\n");
195  DBOUT(DMTA, outs() << "LockAnalysis ci unlock -- " << I->getSourceLoc()<<"\n");
196  continue;
197  }
199  for(const ICFGEdge* outEdge : I->getOutEdges())
200  {
201  if(outEdge->getDstNode()->getFun() == I->getFun())
202  {
203  worklist.push_back(outEdge->getDstNode());
204  }
205  }
206  }
208  return true;
209 }
const SVFBasicBlock * getExitBB() const
Definition: SVFValue.cpp:186

◆ isAliasedLocks() [1/2]

bool SVF::LockAnalysis::isAliasedLocks ( const CxtLock cl1,
const CxtLock cl2 

Return true it a lock matches an unlock.

Definition at line 345 of file LockAnalysis.h.

346  {
347  return isAliasedLocks(cl1.getStmt(), cl2.getStmt());
348  }

◆ isAliasedLocks() [2/2]

bool SVF::LockAnalysis::isAliasedLocks ( const ICFGNode i1,
const ICFGNode i2 

todo: must alias

Definition at line 349 of file LockAnalysis.h.

350  {
352  return tct->getPTA()->alias(getLockVal(i1)->getId(), getLockVal(i2)->getId());
353  }
const SVFVar * getLockVal(const ICFGNode *call)
Get lock value.
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:469
virtual AliasResult alias(const SVFValue *V1, const SVFValue *V2)=0
Interface exposed to users of our pointer analysis, given Value infos.
PointerAnalysis * getPTA() const
Get PTA.
Definition: TCT.h:201

◆ isCallSite()

bool SVF::LockAnalysis::isCallSite ( const ICFGNode inst)

Whether it is a callsite.

Definition at line 459 of file LockAnalysis.h.

460  {
461  return tct->isCallSite(inst);
462  }
bool isCallSite(const ICFGNode *inst)
Whether it is a callsite.
Definition: TCT.h:271

◆ isExtCall()

bool SVF::LockAnalysis::isExtCall ( const ICFGNode inst)

Whether it is calling an external function.

Definition at line 464 of file LockAnalysis.h.

465  {
466  return tct->isExtCall(inst);
467  }
bool isExtCall(const ICFGNode *inst)
Whether it is calling an external function.
Definition: TCT.h:264

◆ isInSameCISpan()

bool LockAnalysis::isInSameCISpan ( const ICFGNode i1,
const ICFGNode i2 
) const

Return true if two instructions are inside same context-insensitive lock span

Definition at line 656 of file LockAnalysis.cpp.

657 {
659  {
660  const InstSet& lockset1 = getIntraLockSet(i1);
661  const InstSet& lockset2 = getIntraLockSet(i2);
662  for (InstSet::const_iterator cil1 = lockset1.begin(), ecil1 = lockset1.end(); cil1!=ecil1; ++cil1)
663  {
664  for (InstSet::const_iterator cil2=lockset2.begin(), ecil2=lockset2.end(); cil2!=ecil2; ++cil2)
665  {
666  if (*cil1==*cil2)
667  return true;
668  }
669  }
670  }
671  return false;
672 }
bool isInsideCondIntraLock(const ICFGNode *stmt) const
Return true if a statement is inside a partial lock/unlock pair (conditional lock with unconditional ...
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:135
const InstSet & getIntraLockSet(const ICFGNode *stmt) const
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:140

◆ isInSameCSSpan() [1/2]

bool LockAnalysis::isInSameCSSpan ( const CxtStmt cxtStmt1,
const CxtStmt cxtStmt2 
) const

Return true if two context-sensitive instructions are inside same context-insensitive lock spa

Definition at line 677 of file LockAnalysis.cpp.

678 {
679  if(!hasCxtLockfromCxtStmt(cxtStmt1) || !hasCxtLockfromCxtStmt(cxtStmt2))
680  return true;
681  const CxtLockSet& lockset1 = getCxtLockfromCxtStmt(cxtStmt1);
682  const CxtLockSet& lockset2 = getCxtLockfromCxtStmt(cxtStmt2);
683  return intersects(lockset1,lockset2);
684 }
bool hasCxtLockfromCxtStmt(const CxtStmt &cts) const
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:214
const CxtLockSet & getCxtLockfromCxtStmt(const CxtStmt &cts) const
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:219
bool intersects(const CxtLockSet &lockset1, const CxtLockSet &lockset2) const
Return true if the intersection of two locksets is not empty.
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:165

◆ isInSameCSSpan() [2/2]

bool LockAnalysis::isInSameCSSpan ( const ICFGNode I1,
const ICFGNode I2 
) const

Return true if two instructions are inside at least one common context-sensitive lock span

Definition at line 688 of file LockAnalysis.cpp.

689 {
690  if(!hasCxtStmtfromInst(I1) || !hasCxtStmtfromInst(I2))
691  return false;
692  const CxtStmtSet& ctsset1 = getCxtStmtfromInst(I1);
693  const CxtStmtSet& ctsset2 = getCxtStmtfromInst(I2);
695  for (CxtStmtSet::const_iterator cts1 = ctsset1.begin(), ects1 = ctsset1.end(); cts1 != ects1; cts1++)
696  {
697  const CxtStmt& cxtStmt1 = *cts1;
698  for (CxtStmtSet::const_iterator cts2 = ctsset2.begin(), ects2 = ctsset2.end(); cts2 != ects2; cts2++)
699  {
700  const CxtStmt& cxtStmt2 = *cts2;
701  if(cxtStmt1==cxtStmt2) continue;
702  if(isInSameCSSpan(cxtStmt1,cxtStmt2)==false)
703  return false;
704  }
705  }
706  return true;
707 }
bool isInSameCSSpan(const ICFGNode *i1, const ICFGNode *i2) const
Set< CxtStmt > CxtStmtSet
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:69

◆ isInSameSpan()

bool LockAnalysis::isInSameSpan ( const ICFGNode i1,
const ICFGNode i2 

Return true if two instructions are inside at least one common lock span

Definition at line 638 of file LockAnalysis.cpp.

639 {
640  DOTIMESTAT(double queryStart = PTAStat::getClk(true));
642  bool sameSpan = false;
643  if (isInsideIntraLock(i1) && isInsideIntraLock(i2))
644  sameSpan = isInSameCISpan(i1, i2);
645  else
646  sameSpan = isInSameCSSpan(i1, i2);
648  DOTIMESTAT(double queryEnd = PTAStat::getClk(true));
649  DOTIMESTAT(lockQueriesTime += (queryEnd - queryStart) / TIMEINTERVAL);
650  return sameSpan;
651 }
bool isInsideIntraLock(const ICFGNode *stmt) const
Return true if a statement is inside an intra-procedural lock.
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:129
bool isInSameCISpan(const ICFGNode *i1, const ICFGNode *i2) const

◆ isInsideCondIntraLock()

bool SVF::LockAnalysis::isInsideCondIntraLock ( const ICFGNode stmt) const

Return true if a statement is inside a partial lock/unlock pair (conditional lock with unconditional unlock)

Definition at line 135 of file LockAnalysis.h.

136  {
137  return instTocondCILocksMap.find(stmt)!=instTocondCILocksMap.end();
138  }

◆ isInsideIntraLock()

bool SVF::LockAnalysis::isInsideIntraLock ( const ICFGNode stmt) const

Return true if a statement is inside an intra-procedural lock.

Definition at line 129 of file LockAnalysis.h.

130  {
131  return instCILocksMap.find(stmt)!=instCILocksMap.end() || isInsideCondIntraLock(stmt);
132  }

◆ isIntraLock()

bool SVF::LockAnalysis::isIntraLock ( const ICFGNode lock) const

Intraprocedural locks.

Return true if the lock is an intra-procedural lock

Definition at line 103 of file LockAnalysis.h.

104  {
105  assert(locksites.find(lock)!=locksites.end() && "not a lock site?");
106  return ciLocktoSpan.find(lock)!=ciLocktoSpan.end();
107  }

◆ isLockCandidateFun()

bool SVF::LockAnalysis::isLockCandidateFun ( const SVFFunction fun) const

Return true if it is a candidate function.

Definition at line 195 of file LockAnalysis.h.

196  {
197  return lockcandidateFuncSet.find(fun)!=lockcandidateFuncSet.end();
198  }

◆ isProtectedByCommonCILock()

bool LockAnalysis::isProtectedByCommonCILock ( const ICFGNode i1,
const ICFGNode i2 

Protected by at least one common context-insensitive lock

Definition at line 580 of file LockAnalysis.cpp.

581 {
584  {
585  const InstSet& lockset1 = getIntraLockSet(i1);
586  const InstSet& lockset2 = getIntraLockSet(i2);
587  for (InstSet::const_iterator cil1 = lockset1.begin(), ecil1 = lockset1.end(); cil1!=ecil1; ++cil1)
588  {
589  for (InstSet::const_iterator cil2=lockset2.begin(), ecil2=lockset2.end(); cil2!=ecil2; ++cil2)
590  {
591  if (isAliasedLocks(*cil1, *cil2))
592  return true;
593  }
594  }
595  }
596  return false;
597 }

◆ isProtectedByCommonCxtLock() [1/2]

bool LockAnalysis::isProtectedByCommonCxtLock ( const CxtStmt cxtStmt1,
const CxtStmt cxtStmt2 

Protected by at least one common context-sensitive lock

Definition at line 602 of file LockAnalysis.cpp.

603 {
604  if(!hasCxtLockfromCxtStmt(cxtStmt1) || !hasCxtLockfromCxtStmt(cxtStmt2))
605  return true;
606  const CxtLockSet& lockset1 = getCxtLockfromCxtStmt(cxtStmt1);
607  const CxtLockSet& lockset2 = getCxtLockfromCxtStmt(cxtStmt2);
608  return alias(lockset1,lockset2);
609 }
bool alias(const CxtLockSet &lockset1, const CxtLockSet &lockset2)
Return true if two locksets has at least one alias lock.
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:179

◆ isProtectedByCommonCxtLock() [2/2]

bool LockAnalysis::isProtectedByCommonCxtLock ( const ICFGNode i1,
const ICFGNode i2 

Protected by at least one common context-sensitive lock under each context

Definition at line 614 of file LockAnalysis.cpp.

615 {
616  if(!hasCxtStmtfromInst(i1) || !hasCxtStmtfromInst(i2))
617  return false;
618  const CxtStmtSet& ctsset1 = getCxtStmtfromInst(i1);
619  const CxtStmtSet& ctsset2 = getCxtStmtfromInst(i2);
620  for (CxtStmtSet::const_iterator cts1 = ctsset1.begin(), ects1 = ctsset1.end(); cts1 != ects1; cts1++)
621  {
622  const CxtStmt& cxtStmt1 = *cts1;
623  for (CxtStmtSet::const_iterator cts2 = ctsset2.begin(), ects2 = ctsset2.end(); cts2 != ects2; cts2++)
624  {
625  const CxtStmt& cxtStmt2 = *cts2;
626  if(cxtStmt1==cxtStmt2) continue;
627  if(isProtectedByCommonCxtLock(cxtStmt1,cxtStmt2)==false)
628  return false;
629  }
630  }
631  return true;
632 }
bool isProtectedByCommonCxtLock(const ICFGNode *i1, const ICFGNode *i2)

◆ isProtectedByCommonLock()

bool LockAnalysis::isProtectedByCommonLock ( const ICFGNode i1,
const ICFGNode i2 

Check if two Instructions are protected by common locks echo inst may have multiple cxt stmt we check whether every cxt stmt of instructions is protected by a common lock.

Protected by at least one common lock under every context

Definition at line 563 of file LockAnalysis.cpp.

564 {
566  bool commonlock = false;
567  DOTIMESTAT(double queryStart = PTAStat::getClk(true));
568  if (isInsideIntraLock(i1) && isInsideIntraLock(i2))
569  commonlock = isProtectedByCommonCILock(i1,i2) ;
570  else
571  commonlock = isProtectedByCommonCxtLock(i1,i2);
572  DOTIMESTAT(double queryEnd = PTAStat::getClk(true));
573  DOTIMESTAT(lockQueriesTime += (queryEnd - queryStart) / TIMEINTERVAL);
574  return commonlock;
575 }
bool isProtectedByCommonCILock(const ICFGNode *i1, const ICFGNode *i2)

◆ isTDAcquire()

bool SVF::LockAnalysis::isTDAcquire ( const ICFGNode call)

Whether it is a lock site.

Definition at line 445 of file LockAnalysis.h.

446  {
447  if(SVFUtil::isa<CallICFGNode>(call) == false)
448  return false;
449  return getTCG()->getThreadAPI()->isTDAcquire(SVFUtil::cast<CallICFGNode>(call));
450  }

◆ isTDFork()

bool SVF::LockAnalysis::isTDFork ( const ICFGNode call)

Whether it is a lock site.

Definition at line 438 of file LockAnalysis.h.

439  {
440  if(SVFUtil::isa<CallICFGNode>(call) == false)
441  return false;
442  return getTCG()->getThreadAPI()->isTDFork(SVFUtil::cast<CallICFGNode>(call));
443  }
bool isTDFork(const CallICFGNode *inst) const
Return true if this call create a new thread.
Definition: ThreadAPI.cpp:133

◆ isTDRelease()

bool SVF::LockAnalysis::isTDRelease ( const ICFGNode call)

Whether it is a unlock site.

Definition at line 452 of file LockAnalysis.h.

453  {
454  if(SVFUtil::isa<CallICFGNode>(call) == false)
455  return false;
456  return getTCG()->getThreadAPI()->isTDRelease(SVFUtil::cast<CallICFGNode>(call));
457  }

◆ isVisitedCTPs()

bool SVF::LockAnalysis::isVisitedCTPs ( const CxtLockProc clp) const

Definition at line 413 of file LockAnalysis.h.

414  {
415  return visitedCTPs.find(clp) != visitedCTPs.end();
416  }
CxtLockProcSet visitedCTPs
CxtLockProc List.
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:502

◆ markCxtStmtFlag()

void SVF::LockAnalysis::markCxtStmtFlag ( const CxtStmt tgr,
const CxtStmt src 

Mark thread flags for cxtStmt.

Transfer function for marking context-sensitive statement

Definition at line 358 of file LockAnalysis.h.

359  {
360  const CxtLockSet& srclockset = getCxtLockfromCxtStmt(src);
361  if(hasCxtLockfromCxtStmt(tgr)== false)
362  {
363  for(CxtLockSet::const_iterator it = srclockset.begin(), eit = srclockset.end(); it!=eit; ++it)
364  {
365  addCxtStmtToSpan(tgr,*it);
366  }
367  pushToCTSWorkList(tgr);
368  }
369  else
370  {
371  if(intersect(getCxtLockfromCxtStmt(tgr),srclockset))
372  pushToCTSWorkList(tgr);
373  }
374  }
bool intersect(CxtLockSet &tgrlockset, const CxtLockSet &srclockset)
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:375

◆ matchCxt()

bool LockAnalysis::matchCxt ( CallStrCxt cxt,
const CallICFGNode call,
const SVFFunction callee 

Match context.

partial match

Definition at line 535 of file LockAnalysis.cpp.

536 {
537  const SVFFunction* svfcaller = call->getFun();
538  CallSiteID csId = getTCG()->getCallSiteID(call, callee);
540 // /// handle calling context for candidate functions only
541 // if (isLockCandidateFun(caller) == false)
542 // return true;
545  if (cxt.empty())
546  return true;
548  if (tct->inSameCallGraphSCC(getTCG()->getCallGraphNode(svfcaller), getTCG()->getCallGraphNode(callee)) == false)
549  {
550  if (cxt.back() == csId)
551  cxt.pop_back();
552  else
553  return false;
554  DBOUT(DMTA, tct->dumpCxt(cxt));
555  }
556  return true;
557 }
CallSiteID getCallSiteID(const CallICFGNode *cs, const SVFFunction *callee) const
Definition: PTACallGraph.h:368
bool inSameCallGraphSCC(const PTACallGraphNode *src, const PTACallGraphNode *dst)
Whether two functions in the same callgraph scc.
Definition: TCT.h:306
void dumpCxt(CallStrCxt &cxt)
Dump calling context.
Definition: TCT.cpp:495
unsigned CallSiteID
Definition: GeneralType.h:58

◆ popFromCTPWorkList()

CxtLockProc SVF::LockAnalysis::popFromCTPWorkList ( )

Definition at line 408 of file LockAnalysis.h.

409  {
410  CxtLockProc clp = clpList.pop();
411  return clp;
412  }

◆ popFromCTSWorkList()

CxtStmt SVF::LockAnalysis::popFromCTSWorkList ( )

Definition at line 425 of file LockAnalysis.h.

426  {
427  CxtStmt clp = cxtStmtList.pop();
428  return clp;
429  }

◆ printLocks()

void LockAnalysis::printLocks ( const CxtStmt cts)

Print locks and spans.

Print context-insensitive and context-sensitive locks

Definition at line 394 of file LockAnalysis.cpp.

395 {
396  const CxtLockSet & lockset = getCxtLockfromCxtStmt(cts);
397  outs() << "\nlock sets size = " << lockset.size() << "\n";
398  for (CxtLockSet::const_iterator it = lockset.begin(), eit = lockset.end(); it != eit; ++it)
399  {
400  (*it).dump();
401  }
402 }

◆ pushCxt()

void LockAnalysis::pushCxt ( CallStrCxt cxt,
const CallICFGNode call,
const SVFFunction callee 

Push calling context.

Definition at line 519 of file LockAnalysis.cpp.

520 {
521  const SVFFunction* svfcaller = call->getFun();
522  CallSiteID csId = getTCG()->getCallSiteID(call, callee);
524 // /// handle calling context for candidate functions only
525 // if (isLockCandidateFun(caller) == false)
526 // return;
528  if (tct->inSameCallGraphSCC(getTCG()->getCallGraphNode(svfcaller), getTCG()->getCallGraphNode(callee)) == false)
529  {
530  tct->pushCxt(cxt,csId);
531  DBOUT(DMTA, tct->dumpCxt(cxt));
532  }
533 }
void pushCxt(CallStrCxt &cxt, const CallICFGNode *call, const SVFFunction *callee)
Push calling context.
Definition: TCT.cpp:444

◆ pushToCTPWorkList()

bool SVF::LockAnalysis::pushToCTPWorkList ( const CxtLockProc clp)

WorkList helper functions.

Definition at line 399 of file LockAnalysis.h.

400  {
401  if (isVisitedCTPs(clp) == false)
402  {
403  visitedCTPs.insert(clp);
404  return clpList.push(clp);
405  }
406  return false;
407  }
bool isVisitedCTPs(const CxtLockProc &clp) const
Definition: LockAnalysis.h:413

◆ pushToCTSWorkList()

bool SVF::LockAnalysis::pushToCTSWorkList ( const CxtStmt cs)

Worklist operations.

Definition at line 421 of file LockAnalysis.h.

422  {
423  return cxtStmtList.push(cs);
424  }

◆ removeCxtStmtToSpan()

bool SVF::LockAnalysis::removeCxtStmtToSpan ( CxtStmt cts,
const CxtLock cl 

Add context-sensitive statement.

Definition at line 238 of file LockAnalysis.h.

239  {
240  bool find = cxtStmtToCxtLockSet[cts].find(cl)!=cxtStmtToCxtLockSet[cts].end();
241  if(find)
242  {
243  cxtStmtToCxtLockSet[cts].erase(cl);
244  cxtLocktoSpan[cl].erase(cts);
245  }
246  return find;
247  }

◆ touchCxtStmt()

void SVF::LockAnalysis::touchCxtStmt ( CxtStmt cts)

Touch this context statement.

Definition at line 254 of file LockAnalysis.h.

255  {
256  cxtStmtToCxtLockSet[cts];
257  }

Member Data Documentation

◆ ciLocktoSpan

CILockToSpan SVF::LockAnalysis::ciLocktoSpan

Used for context-insensitive intra-procedural locks.

Definition at line 518 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ clpList

CxtLockProcVec SVF::LockAnalysis::clpList

Following data structures are used for collecting context-sensitive locks.

Definition at line 501 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ cxtLockset

CxtLockSet SVF::LockAnalysis::cxtLockset

Context-sensitive locks.

Definition at line 490 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ cxtLocktoSpan

CxtLockToSpan SVF::LockAnalysis::cxtLocktoSpan

Map a context-sensitive lock to its lock span statements Map a context-sensitive statement to its context-sensitive lock

Definition at line 495 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ cxtStmtList

CxtStmtWorkList SVF::LockAnalysis::cxtStmtList

context-sensitive statement worklist

Definition at line 483 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ cxtStmtToCxtLockSet

CxtStmtToCxtLockSet SVF::LockAnalysis::cxtStmtToCxtLockSet

Definition at line 496 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ instCILocksMap

InstToInstSetMap SVF::LockAnalysis::instCILocksMap

Definition at line 519 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ instTocondCILocksMap

InstToInstSetMap SVF::LockAnalysis::instTocondCILocksMap

Definition at line 520 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ instToCxtStmtSet

InstToCxtStmtSet SVF::LockAnalysis::instToCxtStmtSet

Map a statement to all its context-sensitive statements.

Definition at line 486 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ lockcandidateFuncSet

FunSet SVF::LockAnalysis::lockcandidateFuncSet

Candidate functions which relevant to locks/unlocks.

Definition at line 513 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ lockQueriesTime

double SVF::LockAnalysis::lockQueriesTime

Definition at line 528 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ locksites

InstSet SVF::LockAnalysis::locksites

Record all visited clps.

Collecting lock/unlock sites

Definition at line 507 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ lockTime

double SVF::LockAnalysis::lockTime

Definition at line 525 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ numOfLockedQueries

u32_t SVF::LockAnalysis::numOfLockedQueries

Definition at line 527 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ numOfTotalQueries

u32_t SVF::LockAnalysis::numOfTotalQueries

Definition at line 526 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ tct

TCT* SVF::LockAnalysis::tct


Definition at line 480 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ unlocksites

InstSet SVF::LockAnalysis::unlocksites

Definition at line 508 of file LockAnalysis.h.

◆ visitedCTPs

CxtLockProcSet SVF::LockAnalysis::visitedCTPs

CxtLockProc List.

Definition at line 502 of file LockAnalysis.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: