Static Value-Flow Analysis
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- SVFFileSystem.h -- SVF IR Reader and Writer ------------------------===//
2 //
3 // SVF - Static Value-Flow Analysis Framework
4 // SVF: Static Value-Flow Analysis
5 //
6 // Copyright (C) <2013-2023> <Yulei Sui>
7 //
9 // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
11 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 // (at your option) any later version.
14 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 // GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
19 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
20 // along with this program. If not, see <>.
21 //
22 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
27 #include "Graphs/GenericGraph.h"
28 #include "Util/SVFUtil.h"
29 #include "Util/cJSON.h"
30 #include <type_traits>
32 #define ABORT_MSG(reason) \
33  do \
34  { \
35  SVFUtil::errs() << __FILE__ << ':' << __LINE__ << ": " << reason \
36  << '\n'; \
37  abort(); \
38  } while (0)
39 #define ABORT_IFNOT(condition, reason) \
40  do \
41  { \
42  if (!(condition)) \
43  ABORT_MSG(reason); \
44  } while (0)
46 #define SVFIR_DEBUG 1 /* Turn this on if you're debugging SVFWriter */
48 # define ENSURE_NOT_VISITED(graph) \
49  do \
50  { \
51  static std::set<decltype(graph)> visited; \
52  bool inserted = visited.insert(graph).second; \
53  ABORT_IFNOT(inserted, #graph << " already visited!"); \
54  } while (0)
55 #else
56 # define ENSURE_NOT_VISITED(graph) \
57  do \
58  { \
59  } while (0)
60 #endif
61 #define FIELD_NAME_ITEM(field) #field, (field)
63 #define JSON_FIELD_OR(json, field, default) ((json) ? (json)->field : default)
64 #define JSON_KEY(json) JSON_FIELD_OR(json, string, "NULL")
65 #define JSON_CHILD(json) JSON_FIELD_OR(json, child, nullptr)
67 #define JSON_WRITE_FIELD(root, objptr, field) \
68  jsonAddJsonableToObject(root, #field, (objptr)->field)
70 #define JSON_READ_OBJ_WITH_NAME(json, obj, name) \
71  do \
72  { \
73  ABORT_IFNOT(jsonKeyEquals(json, name), \
74  "Expect name '" << name << "', got " << JSON_KEY(json)); \
75  SVFIRReader::readJson(json, obj); \
76  } while (0)
78 #define JSON_READ_OBJ_WITH_NAME_FWD(json, obj, name) \
79  do \
80  { \
81  JSON_READ_OBJ_WITH_NAME(json, obj, name); \
82  json = (json)->next; \
83  } while (0)
85 #define JSON_READ_OBJ(json, obj) JSON_READ_OBJ_WITH_NAME(json, obj, #obj)
86 #define JSON_READ_OBJ_FWD(json, obj) \
87  JSON_READ_OBJ_WITH_NAME_FWD(json, obj, #obj)
88 #define JSON_DEF_READ_FWD(json, type, obj, ...) \
89  type obj __VA_ARGS__; \
90  JSON_READ_OBJ_FWD(json, obj)
91 #define JSON_READ_FIELD_FWD(json, objptr, field) \
92  JSON_READ_OBJ_WITH_NAME_FWD(json, (objptr)->field, #field)
93 #define CHECK_JSON_KEY_EQUALS(obj, key) \
94  ABORT_IFNOT(jsonKeyEquals(obj, key), \
95  "Expect json key: " << key << ", but get " << JSON_KEY(obj));
96 #define CHECK_JSON_KEY(obj) CHECK_JSON_KEY_EQUALS(obj, #obj)
98 namespace SVF
99 {
102 class NodeIDAllocator;
103 // Classes created upon SVFMoudle construction
104 class SVFType;
105 class SVFPointerType;
106 class SVFIntegerType;
107 class SVFFunctionType;
108 class SVFStructType;
109 class SVFArrayType;
110 class SVFOtherType;
112 class StInfo; // Every SVFType is linked to a StInfo. It also references SVFType
114 class SVFValue;
115 class SVFFunction;
116 class SVFBasicBlock;
117 class SVFInstruction;
118 class SVFCallInst;
119 class SVFVirtualCallInst;
120 class SVFConstant;
121 class SVFGlobalValue;
122 class SVFArgument;
123 class SVFConstantData;
124 class SVFConstantInt;
125 class SVFConstantFP;
126 class SVFConstantNullPtr;
127 class SVFBlackHoleValue;
128 class SVFOtherValue;
129 class SVFMetadataAsValue;
131 class SVFLoopAndDomInfo; // Part of SVFFunction
133 // Classes created upon buildSymbolTableInfo
134 class MemObj;
136 // Classes created upon ICFG construction
137 class ICFGNode;
138 class GlobalICFGNode;
139 class IntraICFGNode;
140 class InterICFGNode;
141 class FunEntryICFGNode;
142 class FunExitICFGNode;
143 class CallICFGNode;
144 class RetICFGNode;
146 class ICFGEdge;
147 class IntraCFGEdge;
148 class CallCFGEdge;
149 class RetCFGEdge;
151 class SVFIR;
152 class SVFIRWriter;
153 class SVFLoop;
154 class ICFG;
155 class IRGraph;
156 class CHGraph;
157 class CommonCHGraph;
158 class SymbolTableInfo;
160 class SVFModule;
162 class AccessPath;
163 class ObjTypeInfo; // Need SVFType
165 class SVFVar;
166 class ValVar;
167 class ObjVar;
168 class GepValVar;
169 class GepObjVar;
170 class FIObjVar;
171 class RetPN;
172 class VarArgPN;
173 class DummyValVar;
174 class DummyObjVar;
176 class SVFStmt;
177 class AssignStmt;
178 class AddrStmt;
179 class CopyStmt;
180 class StoreStmt;
181 class LoadStmt;
182 class GepStmt;
183 class CallPE;
184 class RetPE;
185 class MultiOpndStmt;
186 class PhiStmt;
187 class SelectStmt;
188 class CmpStmt;
189 class BinaryOPStmt;
190 class UnaryOPStmt;
191 class BranchStmt;
192 class TDForkPE;
193 class TDJoinPE;
195 class CHNode;
196 class CHEdge;
197 class CHGraph;
198 // End of forward declarations
201 bool jsonIsBool(const cJSON* item);
202 bool jsonIsBool(const cJSON* item, bool& flag);
203 bool jsonIsNumber(const cJSON* item);
204 bool jsonIsString(const cJSON* item);
205 bool jsonIsNullId(const cJSON* item);
206 bool jsonIsArray(const cJSON* item);
207 bool jsonIsMap(const cJSON* item);
208 bool jsonIsObject(const cJSON* item);
209 bool jsonKeyEquals(const cJSON* item, const char* key);
210 std::pair<const cJSON*, const cJSON*> jsonUnpackPair(const cJSON* item);
211 double jsonGetNumber(const cJSON* item);
215 cJSON* jsonCreateString(const char* str);
216 cJSON* jsonCreateIndex(size_t index);
217 cJSON* jsonCreateBool(bool flag);
218 cJSON* jsonCreateNumber(double num);
219 bool jsonAddPairToMap(cJSON* obj, cJSON* key, cJSON* value);
220 bool jsonAddItemToObject(cJSON* obj, const char* name, cJSON* item);
221 bool jsonAddItemToArray(cJSON* array, cJSON* item);
223 bool jsonAddNumberToObject(cJSON* obj, const char* name, double number);
224 bool jsonAddStringToObject(cJSON* obj, const char* name, const char* str);
225 bool jsonAddStringToObject(cJSON* obj, const char* name, const std::string& s);
226 #define jsonForEach(field, array) \
227  for (const cJSON* field = JSON_CHILD(array); field; field = field->next)
232 template <typename T> class WriterPtrPool
233 {
234 private:
236  std::vector<const T*> ptrPool;
238 public:
239  inline size_t getID(const T* ptr)
240  {
241  if (!ptr)
242  return 0;
244  typename decltype(ptrToId)::iterator it;
245  bool inserted;
246  std::tie(it, inserted) = ptrToId.emplace(ptr, 1 + ptrPool.size());
247  if (inserted)
248  ptrPool.push_back(ptr);
249  return it->second;
250  }
252  inline void saveID(const T* ptr)
253  {
254  getID(ptr);
255  }
257  inline const T* getPtr(size_t id) const
258  {
259  assert(id <= ptrPool.size() && "Invalid ID");
260  return id ? ptrPool[id - 1] : nullptr;
261  }
263  inline const std::vector<const T*>& getPool() const
264  {
265  return ptrPool;
266  }
268  inline size_t size() const
269  {
270  return ptrPool.size();
271  }
273  inline void reserve(size_t size)
274  {
275  ptrPool.reserve(size);
276  }
278  inline auto begin() const
279  {
280  return ptrPool.cbegin();
281  }
283  inline auto end() const
284  {
285  return ptrPool.cend();
286  }
287 };
289 template <typename NodeTy, typename EdgeTy> class GenericGraphWriter
290 {
291  friend class SVFIRWriter;
293 private:
294  using NodeType = NodeTy;
295  using EdgeType = EdgeTy;
298  // const GraphType* graph;
301 public:
303  {
304  assert(graph && "Graph pointer should never be null");
305  edgePool.reserve(graph->getTotalEdgeNum());
307  for (const auto& pair : graph->IDToNodeMap)
308  {
309  const NodeType* node = pair.second;
311  for (const EdgeType* edge : node->getOutEdges())
312  {
313  edgePool.saveID(edge);
314  }
315  }
316  }
318  inline size_t getEdgeID(const EdgeType* edge)
319  {
320  return edgePool.getID(edge);
321  }
322 };
327 {
328  friend class SVFIRWriter;
330 private:
333 public:
334  ICFGWriter(const ICFG* icfg);
336  inline size_t getSvfLoopID(const SVFLoop* loop)
337  {
338  return svfLoopPool.getID(loop);
339  }
340 };
346 {
347  friend class SVFIRWriter;
349 private:
354 public:
355  SVFModuleWriter(const SVFModule* svfModule);
357  inline size_t getSVFValueID(const SVFValue* value)
358  {
359  return svfValuePool.getID(value);
360  }
361  inline const SVFValue* getSVFValuePtr(size_t id) const
362  {
363  return svfValuePool.getPtr(id);
364  }
365  inline size_t getSVFTypeID(const SVFType* type)
366  {
367  return svfTypePool.getID(type);
368  }
369  inline size_t getStInfoID(const StInfo* stInfo)
370  {
371  return stInfoPool.getID(stInfo);
372  }
373  inline size_t sizeSVFValuePool() const
374  {
375  return svfValuePool.size();
376  }
377 };
380 {
381 private:
382  const SVFIR* svfIR;
391 public:
392  using autoJSON = std::unique_ptr<cJSON, decltype(&cJSON_Delete)>;
393  using autoCStr = std::unique_ptr<char, decltype(&cJSON_free)>;
396  SVFIRWriter(const SVFIR* svfir);
398  static void writeJsonToOstream(const SVFIR* svfir, std::ostream& os);
399  static void writeJsonToPath(const SVFIR* svfir, const std::string& path);
401 private:
406  const char* numToStr(size_t n);
408  cJSON* toJson(const NodeIDAllocator* nodeIDAllocator);
409  cJSON* toJson(const SymbolTableInfo* symTable);
410  cJSON* toJson(const SVFModule* module);
411  cJSON* toJson(const SVFType* type);
412  cJSON* toJson(const SVFValue* value);
413  cJSON* toJson(const IRGraph* graph); // IRGraph Graph
414  cJSON* toJson(const SVFVar* var); // IRGraph Node
415  cJSON* toJson(const SVFStmt* stmt); // IRGraph Edge
416  cJSON* toJson(const ICFG* icfg); // ICFG Graph
417  cJSON* toJson(const ICFGNode* node); // ICFG Node
418  cJSON* toJson(const ICFGEdge* edge); // ICFG Edge
419  cJSON* toJson(const CommonCHGraph* graph); // CHGraph Graph
420  cJSON* toJson(const CHGraph* graph); // CHGraph Graph
421  cJSON* toJson(const CHNode* node); // CHGraph Node
422  cJSON* toJson(const CHEdge* edge); // CHGraph Edge
424  cJSON* toJson(const AccessPath& ap);
425  cJSON* toJson(const SVFLoop* loop);
426  cJSON* toJson(const MemObj* memObj);
427  cJSON* toJson(const ObjTypeInfo* objTypeInfo); // Only owned by MemObj
428  cJSON* toJson(const SVFLoopAndDomInfo* ldInfo); // Only owned by SVFFunction
429  cJSON* toJson(const StInfo* stInfo);
431  // No need for 'toJson(short)' because of promotion to int
432  static cJSON* toJson(bool flag);
433  static cJSON* toJson(unsigned number);
434  static cJSON* toJson(int number);
435  static cJSON* toJson(float number);
436  static cJSON* toJson(const std::string& str);
437  cJSON* toJson(unsigned long number);
438  cJSON* toJson(long long number);
439  cJSON* toJson(unsigned long long number);
445  cJSON* virtToJson(const SVFType* type);
446  cJSON* virtToJson(const SVFValue* value);
447  cJSON* virtToJson(const SVFVar* var);
448  cJSON* virtToJson(const SVFStmt* stmt);
449  cJSON* virtToJson(const ICFGNode* node);
450  cJSON* virtToJson(const ICFGEdge* edge);
451  cJSON* virtToJson(const CHNode* node);
452  cJSON* virtToJson(const CHEdge* edge);
454  // Classes inherited from SVFVar
455  cJSON* contentToJson(const SVFVar* var);
456  cJSON* contentToJson(const ValVar* var);
457  cJSON* contentToJson(const ObjVar* var);
458  cJSON* contentToJson(const GepValVar* var);
459  cJSON* contentToJson(const GepObjVar* var);
460  cJSON* contentToJson(const FIObjVar* var);
461  cJSON* contentToJson(const RetPN* var);
462  cJSON* contentToJson(const VarArgPN* var);
463  cJSON* contentToJson(const DummyValVar* var);
464  cJSON* contentToJson(const DummyObjVar* var);
466  // Classes inherited from SVFStmt
467  cJSON* contentToJson(const SVFStmt* edge);
468  cJSON* contentToJson(const AssignStmt* edge);
469  cJSON* contentToJson(const AddrStmt* edge);
470  cJSON* contentToJson(const CopyStmt* edge);
471  cJSON* contentToJson(const StoreStmt* edge);
472  cJSON* contentToJson(const LoadStmt* edge);
473  cJSON* contentToJson(const GepStmt* edge);
474  cJSON* contentToJson(const CallPE* edge);
475  cJSON* contentToJson(const RetPE* edge);
476  cJSON* contentToJson(const MultiOpndStmt* edge);
477  cJSON* contentToJson(const PhiStmt* edge);
478  cJSON* contentToJson(const SelectStmt* edge);
479  cJSON* contentToJson(const CmpStmt* edge);
480  cJSON* contentToJson(const BinaryOPStmt* edge);
481  cJSON* contentToJson(const UnaryOPStmt* edge);
482  cJSON* contentToJson(const BranchStmt* edge);
483  cJSON* contentToJson(const TDForkPE* edge);
484  cJSON* contentToJson(const TDJoinPE* edge);
486  // Classes inherited from ICFGNode
487  cJSON* contentToJson(const ICFGNode* node);
488  cJSON* contentToJson(const GlobalICFGNode* node);
489  cJSON* contentToJson(const IntraICFGNode* node);
490  cJSON* contentToJson(const InterICFGNode* node);
491  cJSON* contentToJson(const FunEntryICFGNode* node);
492  cJSON* contentToJson(const FunExitICFGNode* node);
493  cJSON* contentToJson(const CallICFGNode* node);
494  cJSON* contentToJson(const RetICFGNode* node);
496  // Classes inherited from ICFGEdge
497  cJSON* contentToJson(const ICFGEdge* edge);
498  cJSON* contentToJson(const IntraCFGEdge* edge);
499  cJSON* contentToJson(const CallCFGEdge* edge);
500  cJSON* contentToJson(const RetCFGEdge* edge);
502  // CHNode & CHEdge
503  cJSON* contentToJson(const CHNode* node);
504  cJSON* contentToJson(const CHEdge* edge);
506  cJSON* contentToJson(const SVFType* type);
514  cJSON* contentToJson(const SVFValue* value);
515  cJSON* contentToJson(const SVFFunction* value);
516  cJSON* contentToJson(const SVFBasicBlock* value);
517  cJSON* contentToJson(const SVFInstruction* value);
518  cJSON* contentToJson(const SVFCallInst* value);
519  cJSON* contentToJson(const SVFVirtualCallInst* value);
520  cJSON* contentToJson(const SVFConstant* value);
521  cJSON* contentToJson(const SVFGlobalValue* value);
522  cJSON* contentToJson(const SVFArgument* value);
523  cJSON* contentToJson(const SVFConstantData* value);
524  cJSON* contentToJson(const SVFConstantInt* value);
525  cJSON* contentToJson(const SVFConstantFP* value);
526  cJSON* contentToJson(const SVFConstantNullPtr* value);
527  cJSON* contentToJson(const SVFBlackHoleValue* value);
528  cJSON* contentToJson(const SVFOtherValue* value);
529  cJSON* contentToJson(const SVFMetadataAsValue* value);
531  // Other classes
532  cJSON* contentToJson(const SVFLoop* loop);
533  cJSON* contentToJson(const MemObj* memObj); // Owned by SymbolTable->objMap
534  cJSON* contentToJson(const StInfo* stInfo);
537  template <typename NodeTy, typename EdgeTy>
539  {
540  cJSON* root = jsonCreateObject();
541  JSON_WRITE_FIELD(root, node, id);
542  JSON_WRITE_FIELD(root, node, nodeKind);
543  JSON_WRITE_FIELD(root, node, InEdges);
544  JSON_WRITE_FIELD(root, node, OutEdges);
545  return root;
546  }
548  template <typename NodeTy>
550  {
551  cJSON* root = jsonCreateObject();
552  JSON_WRITE_FIELD(root, edge, edgeFlag);
553  JSON_WRITE_FIELD(root, edge, src);
554  JSON_WRITE_FIELD(root, edge, dst);
555  return root;
556  }
558  template <typename NodeTy, typename EdgeTy>
560  const std::vector<const EdgeTy*>& edgePool)
561  {
562  cJSON* root = jsonCreateObject();
564  cJSON* allNode = jsonCreateArray();
565  for (const auto& pair : graph->IDToNodeMap)
566  {
567  NodeTy* node = pair.second;
568  cJSON* jsonNode = virtToJson(node);
569  jsonAddItemToArray(allNode, jsonNode);
570  }
572  cJSON* allEdge = jsonCreateArray();
573  for (const EdgeTy* edge : edgePool)
574  {
575  cJSON* edgeJson = virtToJson(edge);
576  jsonAddItemToArray(allEdge, edgeJson);
577  }
579  JSON_WRITE_FIELD(root, graph, nodeNum);
580  jsonAddItemToObject(root, FIELD_NAME_ITEM(allNode));
581  JSON_WRITE_FIELD(root, graph, edgeNum);
582  jsonAddItemToObject(root, FIELD_NAME_ITEM(allEdge));
584  return root;
585  }
613  template <typename T, typename U> cJSON* toJson(const std::pair<T, U>& pair)
614  {
615  cJSON* obj = jsonCreateArray();
616  jsonAddItemToArray(obj, toJson(pair.first));
617  jsonAddItemToArray(obj, toJson(pair.second));
618  return obj;
619  }
621  template <typename T,
622  typename = std::enable_if_t<SVFUtil::is_iterable_v<T>>>
623  cJSON* toJson(const T& container)
624  {
625  cJSON* array = jsonCreateArray();
626  for (const auto& item : container)
627  {
628  cJSON* itemObj = toJson(item);
629  jsonAddItemToArray(array, itemObj);
630  }
631  return array;
632  }
634  template <typename T>
635  bool jsonAddJsonableToObject(cJSON* obj, const char* name, const T& item)
636  {
637  cJSON* itemObj = toJson(item);
638  return jsonAddItemToObject(obj, name, itemObj);
639  }
641  template <typename T>
642  bool jsonAddContentToObject(cJSON* obj, const char* name, const T& item)
643  {
644  cJSON* itemObj = contentToJson(item);
645  return jsonAddItemToObject(obj, name, itemObj);
646  }
647 };
649 /*
650  * Reader Part
651  */
656 template <typename T, typename = void> struct KindBaseHelper
657 {
658 };
659 #define KIND_BASE(B, KindGetter) \
660  template <typename T> \
661  struct KindBaseHelper<T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<B, T>::value>> \
662  { \
663  using type = B; \
664  static inline s64_t getKind(T* p) \
665  { \
666  return {p->KindGetter()}; \
667  } \
668  }
669 KIND_BASE(SVFType, getKind);
670 KIND_BASE(SVFValue, getKind);
671 KIND_BASE(SVFVar, getNodeKind);
672 KIND_BASE(SVFStmt, getEdgeKind);
673 KIND_BASE(ICFGNode, getNodeKind);
674 KIND_BASE(ICFGEdge, getEdgeKind);
675 KIND_BASE(CHNode, getNodeKind);
676 KIND_BASE(CHEdge, getEdgeKind);
677 #undef KIND_BASE
679 template <typename T> using KindBaseT = typename KindBaseHelper<T>::type;
684 template <typename T> class ReaderIDToObjMap
685 {
686 private:
690 public:
691  template <typename IdObjCreator>
693  void createObjs(const cJSON* idObjArrayJson, IdObjCreator idObjCreator)
694  {
695  assert(idMap.empty() &&
696  "idToObjMap should be empty when creating objects");
697  ABORT_IFNOT(jsonIsArray(idObjArrayJson), "expects an array");
699  jsonForEach(objJson, idObjArrayJson)
700  {
701  ABORT_IFNOT(jsonIsObject(objJson), "expects an object");
702  const cJSON* objFieldJson = objJson->child;
703  // creator is allowed to change objFieldJson
704  auto idObj = idObjCreator(objFieldJson);
705  auto pair = std::pair<const cJSON*, T*>(objFieldJson, idObj.second);
706  bool inserted = idMap.emplace(idObj.first, pair).second;
707  ABORT_IFNOT(inserted, "ID " << idObj.first << " duplicated in "
708  << idObjArrayJson->string);
709  }
710  }
712  T* getPtr(unsigned id) const
713  {
714  auto it = idMap.find(id);
715  ABORT_IFNOT(it != idMap.end(), "ID " << id << " not found");
716  return it->second.second;
717  }
719  template <typename FillFunc> void fillObjs(FillFunc fillFunc)
720  {
721  for (auto& pair : idMap)
722  {
723  const cJSON* objFieldJson = pair.second.first;
724  T* obj = pair.second.second;
725  fillFunc(objFieldJson, obj);
727  ABORT_IFNOT(!objFieldJson, "json should be consumed by filler, but "
728  << objFieldJson->string << " left");
729  }
730  }
732  inline size_t size() const
733  {
734  return idMap.size();
735  }
737  template <typename Map> void saveToIDToObjMap(Map& idToObjMap) const
738  {
739  for (auto& pair : idMap)
740  {
741  unsigned id = pair.first;
742  T* obj = pair.second.second;
743  assert(obj && "obj should not be null");
744  idToObjMap.insert(std::make_pair(id, obj));
745  }
746  }
747 };
751 template <typename T> class ReaderPtrPool
752 {
753 private:
754  std::vector<const cJSON*> jsonArray;
755  std::vector<T*> ptrPool;
757 public:
758  inline void reserve(size_t size)
759  {
760  jsonArray.reserve(size);
761  ptrPool.reserve(size);
762  }
768  template <typename Creator>
769  void createObjs(const cJSON* objArrayJson, Creator creator)
770  {
771  assert(jsonArray.empty() &&
772  "jsonArray should be empty when creating objects");
773  ABORT_IFNOT(jsonIsArray(objArrayJson), "expects an array");
775  jsonForEach(objJson, objArrayJson)
776  {
777  ABORT_IFNOT(jsonIsObject(objJson), "expects objects in array");
778  const cJSON* objFieldJson = objJson->child;
779  T* obj = creator(objFieldJson);
780  jsonArray.push_back(objFieldJson);
781  ptrPool.push_back(obj);
782  }
783  }
785  T* getPtr(size_t id) const
786  {
787  ABORT_IFNOT(id <= ptrPool.size(),
788  "Invalid ID " << id << ". Max ID = " << ptrPool.size());
789  return id ? ptrPool[id - 1] : nullptr;
790  }
792  template <typename FillFunc> void fillObjs(FillFunc fillFunc)
793  {
794  assert(jsonArray.size() == ptrPool.size() &&
795  "jsonArray and ptrPool should have same size");
796  for (size_t i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); ++i)
797  {
798  const cJSON*& objFieldJson = jsonArray[i];
799  fillFunc(objFieldJson, ptrPool[i]);
800  ABORT_IFNOT(!objFieldJson, "json should be consumed by filler, but "
801  << objFieldJson->string << " left");
802  }
803  jsonArray.clear();
804  jsonArray.shrink_to_fit();
805  }
807  inline size_t size() const
808  {
809  return ptrPool.size();
810  }
812  template <typename Set> void saveToSet(Set& set) const
813  {
814  for (T* obj : ptrPool)
815  {
816  set.insert(obj);
817  }
818  }
819 };
821 template <typename NodeTy, typename EdgeTy> class GenericGraphReader
822 {
823 private:
827 protected:
828  const cJSON* graphFieldJson = nullptr;
830 public:
831  template <typename NodeCreator, typename EdgeCreator>
832  void createObjs(const cJSON* graphJson, NodeCreator nodeCreator,
833  EdgeCreator edgeCreator)
834  {
835  // Read nodeNum
836  const cJSON* nodeNum = graphJson->child;
837  CHECK_JSON_KEY(nodeNum);
838  u32_t numOfNodes = jsonGetNumber(nodeNum);
839  (void)numOfNodes;
841  // Read allNode
842  const cJSON* allNode = nodeNum->next;
843  CHECK_JSON_KEY(allNode);
844  idToNodeMap.createObjs(allNode, nodeCreator);
845  // TODO: ABORT_IFNOT(idToNodeMap.size() == numOfNodes, "nodeNum mismatch");
847  // Read edgeNum
848  const cJSON* edgeNum = allNode->next;
849  CHECK_JSON_KEY(edgeNum);
850  u32_t numOfEdges = jsonGetNumber(edgeNum);
851  (void)numOfEdges;
853  // Read allEdge
854  const cJSON* allEdge = edgeNum->next;
855  CHECK_JSON_KEY(allEdge);
856  edgePool.createObjs(allEdge, edgeCreator);
857  // TODO: ABORT_IFNOT(edgePool.size() == numOfEdges, "edgeNum mismatch");
859  // Rest fields
860  assert(!graphFieldJson && "graphFieldJson should be empty");
861  graphFieldJson = allEdge->next;
862  }
864  inline NodeTy* getNodePtr(unsigned id) const
865  {
866  return idToNodeMap.getPtr(id);
867  }
869  inline EdgeTy* getEdgePtr(unsigned id) const
870  {
871  return edgePool.getPtr(id);
872  }
874  template <typename NodeFiller, typename EdgeFiller>
875  void fillObjs(NodeFiller nodeFiller, EdgeFiller edgeFiller)
876  {
877  // GenericNode<> contains field `InEdges` and `OutEdges`, which are
878  // ordered set of edges with comparator `GenericEdge::equalGEdge()`,
879  // which need operands `src` and `dst` to be non-null to get IDs, so we
880  // need to fill nodes first.
881  edgePool.fillObjs(edgeFiller);
882  idToNodeMap.fillObjs(nodeFiller);
883  }
886  {
887  graph->edgeNum = edgePool.size();
888  graph->nodeNum = idToNodeMap.size();
890  }
892  const cJSON* getFieldJson() const
893  {
894  return graphFieldJson;
895  }
896 };
899 {
900  friend class SVFIRReader;
902 private:
903  const cJSON* symTabFieldJson = nullptr;
906 public:
907  inline MemObj* getMemObjPtr(unsigned id) const
908  {
909  return memObjMap.getPtr(id);
910  }
912  template <typename MemObjCreator>
913  void createObjs(const cJSON* symTabJson, MemObjCreator memObjCreator)
914  {
915  assert(!symTabFieldJson && "symTabFieldJson should be empty");
916  ABORT_IFNOT(jsonIsObject(symTabJson), "symTableJson is not an object?");
918  const cJSON* const allMemObj = symTabJson->child;
919  CHECK_JSON_KEY(allMemObj);
920  memObjMap.createObjs(allMemObj, memObjCreator);
922  symTabFieldJson = allMemObj->next;
923  }
925  inline const cJSON* getFieldJson() const
926  {
927  return symTabFieldJson;
928  }
929 };
936 {
937  // friend class SVFIRReader;
939 private:
942 public:
943  template <typename NodeCreator, typename EdgeCreator, typename SVFLoopCreator>
944  void createObjs(const cJSON* icfgJson, NodeCreator nodeCreator,
945  EdgeCreator edgeCreator, SVFLoopCreator svfLoopCreator)
946  {
947  GenericICFGReader::createObjs(icfgJson, nodeCreator, edgeCreator);
949  const cJSON* const allSvfLoop = graphFieldJson;
950  CHECK_JSON_KEY(allSvfLoop);
951  svfLoopPool.createObjs(graphFieldJson, svfLoopCreator);
952  graphFieldJson = allSvfLoop->next;
953  }
955  inline SVFLoop* getSVFLoopPtr(size_t id) const
956  {
957  return svfLoopPool.getPtr(id);
958  }
960  template <typename NodeFiller, typename EdgeFiller, typename LoopFiller>
961  void fillObjs(NodeFiller nodeFiller, EdgeFiller edgeFiller,
962  LoopFiller loopFiller)
963  {
964  GenericICFGReader::fillObjs(nodeFiller, edgeFiller);
965  svfLoopPool.fillObjs(loopFiller);
966  }
967 };
970 {
971  friend class SVFIRReader;
973 private:
974  const cJSON* svfModuleFieldJson = nullptr;
979 public:
980  template <typename SVFTypeCreator, typename SVFTypeFiller,
981  typename SVFValueCreator, typename SVFValueFiller,
982  typename StInfoCreator>
983  void createObjs(const cJSON* svfModuleJson, SVFTypeCreator typeCreator,
984  SVFTypeFiller typeFiller, SVFValueCreator valueCreator,
985  SVFValueFiller valueFiller, StInfoCreator stInfoCreator)
986  {
987  assert(!svfModuleFieldJson && "SVFModule Already created?");
988  ABORT_IFNOT(jsonIsObject(svfModuleJson),
989  "svfModuleJson not an JSON object?");
991  const cJSON* const allSVFType = svfModuleJson->child;
992  CHECK_JSON_KEY(allSVFType);
993  svfTypePool.createObjs(allSVFType, typeCreator);
995  const cJSON* const allStInfo = allSVFType->next;
996  CHECK_JSON_KEY(allStInfo);
997  stInfoPool.createObjs(allStInfo, stInfoCreator); // Only need SVFType*
999  svfTypePool.fillObjs(typeFiller); // Only need SVFType* & StInfo*
1001  const cJSON* const allSVFValue = allStInfo->next;
1002  CHECK_JSON_KEY(allSVFValue);
1003  svfValuePool.createObjs(allSVFValue, valueCreator);
1004  svfValuePool.fillObjs(valueFiller); // Need SVFType* & SVFValue*
1006  svfModuleFieldJson = allSVFValue->next;
1007  }
1009  inline SVFValue* getSVFValuePtr(size_t id) const
1010  {
1011  return svfValuePool.getPtr(id);
1012  }
1013  inline SVFType* getSVFTypePtr(size_t id) const
1014  {
1015  return svfTypePool.getPtr(id);
1016  }
1017  inline StInfo* getStInfoPtr(size_t id) const
1018  {
1019  return stInfoPool.getPtr(id);
1020  }
1022  const cJSON* getFieldJson() const
1023  {
1024  return svfModuleFieldJson;
1025  }
1026 };
1028 /* SVFIRReader
1029  * Read SVFIR from JSON
1030  */
1033 {
1034 private:
1041 public:
1042  static SVFIR* read(const std::string& path);
1044  static void readJson(const cJSON* obj, bool& flag);
1045  static void readJson(const cJSON* obj, unsigned& val);
1046  static void readJson(const cJSON* obj, int& val);
1047  static void readJson(const cJSON* obj, short& val);
1048  static void readJson(const cJSON* obj, float& val);
1049  static void readJson(const cJSON* obj, unsigned long& val);
1050  static void readJson(const cJSON* obj, long long& val);
1051  static void readJson(const cJSON* obj, unsigned long long& val);
1052  static void readJson(const cJSON* obj, std::string& str);
1054  // Helper functions
1055  static inline s64_t applyEdgeMask(u64_t edgeFlag)
1056  {
1057  return edgeFlag & GenericEdge<void>::EdgeKindMask;
1058  }
1059  template <typename T>
1060  static inline void setEdgeFlag(GenericEdge<T>* edge,
1061  typename GenericEdge<T>::GEdgeFlag edgeFlag)
1062  {
1063  edge->edgeFlag = edgeFlag;
1064  }
1066 private:
1067  using GNodeK = s32_t;
1070  static ICFGNode* createICFGNode(NodeID id, GNodeK type);
1071  static ICFGEdge* createICFGEdge(GEdgeKind kind);
1072  static CHNode* createCHNode(NodeID id, GNodeK kind);
1073  static CHEdge* createCHEdge(GEdgeKind kind);
1074  static SVFVar* createPAGNode(NodeID id, GNodeK kind);
1075  static SVFStmt* createPAGEdge(GEdgeKind kind);
1077  template <typename EdgeCreator>
1078  static inline auto createEdgeWithFlag(GEdgeFlag flag, EdgeCreator creator)
1079  {
1080  auto kind = SVFIRReader::applyEdgeMask(flag);
1081  auto edge = creator(kind);
1082  setEdgeFlag(edge, flag);
1083  return edge;
1084  }
1086  SVFIR* read(const cJSON* root);
1087  const cJSON* createObjs(const cJSON* root);
1089  void readJson(const cJSON* obj, NodeIDAllocator* idAllocator);
1090  void readJson(SymbolTableInfo* symTabInfo);
1091  void readJson(IRGraph* graph); // IRGraph Graph
1092  void readJson(ICFG* icfg); // ICFG Graph
1093  void readJson(CHGraph* graph); // CHGraph Graph
1094  void readJson(SVFModule* module);
1096  void readJson(const cJSON* obj, SVFType*& type);
1097  void readJson(const cJSON* obj, StInfo*& stInfo);
1098  void readJson(const cJSON* obj, SVFValue*& value);
1100  void readJson(const cJSON* obj, SVFVar*& var); // IRGraph Node
1101  void readJson(const cJSON* obj, SVFStmt*& stmt); // IRGraph Edge
1102  void readJson(const cJSON* obj, ICFGNode*& node); // ICFG Node
1103  void readJson(const cJSON* obj, ICFGEdge*& edge); // ICFG Edge
1104  void readJson(const cJSON* obj, CHNode*& node); // CHGraph Node
1105  void readJson(const cJSON* obj, CHEdge*& edge); // CHGraph Edge
1107  void readJson(const cJSON* obj, AccessPath& ap);
1108  void readJson(const cJSON* obj, SVFLoop*& loop);
1109  void readJson(const cJSON* obj, MemObj*& memObj);
1110  void readJson(const cJSON* obj,
1111  ObjTypeInfo*& objTypeInfo); // Only owned by MemObj
1112  void readJson(const cJSON* obj,
1113  SVFLoopAndDomInfo*& ldInfo); // Only owned by SVFFunction
1115  template <unsigned ElementSize>
1116  inline void readJson(const cJSON* obj, SparseBitVector<ElementSize>& bv)
1117  {
1118  ABORT_IFNOT(jsonIsArray(obj), "SparseBitVector should be an array");
1119  jsonForEach(nObj, obj)
1120  {
1121  unsigned n;
1122  readJson(nObj, n);
1123  bv.set(n);
1124  }
1125  }
1127  /* See comment of toJson(SparseBitVectorElement) for reason of commenting
1128  it out.
1129  template <unsigned ElementSize>
1130  inline void readJson(const cJSON* obj,
1131  SparseBitVectorElement<ElementSize>& element)
1132  {
1133  readJson(obj, element.Bits);
1134  }
1135  */
1139  template <typename T>
1140  inline SVFUtil::void_t<KindBaseT<T>> readJson(const cJSON* obj, T*& ptr)
1141  {
1142  // TODO: Can be optimized?
1143  KindBaseT<T>* basePtr = ptr;
1144  readJson(obj, basePtr);
1145  if (!basePtr)
1146  return; // ptr is nullptr when read
1147  ptr = SVFUtil::dyn_cast<T>(basePtr);
1148  ABORT_IFNOT(ptr, "Cast: " << obj->string << " shouldn't have kind "
1149  << KindBaseHelper<T>::getKind(ptr));
1150  }
1153  template <typename T> inline void readJson(const cJSON* obj, const T*& cptr)
1154  {
1155  assert(!cptr && "const pointer should be NULL");
1156  T* ptr{};
1157  readJson(obj, ptr);
1158  cptr = ptr;
1159  }
1161  template <typename T1, typename T2>
1162  void readJson(const cJSON* obj, std::pair<T1, T2>& pair)
1163  {
1164  auto jpair = jsonUnpackPair(obj);
1165  readJson(jpair.first, pair.first);
1166  readJson(jpair.second, pair.second);
1167  }
1169  template <typename T, size_t N>
1170  void readJson(const cJSON* obj, T (&array)[N])
1171  {
1172  static_assert(N > 0, "array size should be greater than 0");
1173  ABORT_IFNOT(jsonIsArray(obj), "array expects an array");
1174  size_t i = 0;
1175  jsonForEach(elemJson, obj)
1176  {
1177  readJson(elemJson, array[i]);
1178  if (++i >= N)
1179  break;
1180  }
1181  ABORT_IFNOT(i == N, "expect array of size " << N);
1182  }
1184  template <typename C>
1185  std::enable_if_t<SVFUtil::is_sequence_container_v<C>> readJson(
1186  const cJSON* obj, C& container)
1187  {
1188  using T = typename C::value_type;
1189  assert(container.empty() && "container should be empty");
1190  ABORT_IFNOT(jsonIsArray(obj), "vector expects an array");
1191  jsonForEach(elemJson, obj)
1192  {
1193  container.push_back(T{});
1194  readJson(elemJson, container.back());
1195  }
1196  }
1198  template <typename C>
1199  std::enable_if_t<SVFUtil::is_map_v<C>> readJson(const cJSON* obj, C& map)
1200  {
1201  assert(map.empty() && "map should be empty");
1202  ABORT_IFNOT(jsonIsMap(obj), "expects an map (represented by array)");
1203  jsonForEach(elemJson, obj)
1204  {
1205  auto jpair = jsonUnpackPair(elemJson);
1206  typename C::key_type key{};
1207  readJson(jpair.first, key);
1208  auto it = map.emplace(std::move(key), typename C::mapped_type{});
1209  ABORT_IFNOT(it.second, "Duplicated map key");
1210  readJson(jpair.second, it.first->second);
1211  }
1212  }
1214  template <typename C>
1215  std::enable_if_t<SVFUtil::is_set_v<C>> readJson(const cJSON* obj, C& set)
1216  {
1217  using T = typename C::value_type;
1218  assert(set.empty() && "set should be empty");
1219  ABORT_IFNOT(jsonIsArray(obj), "expects an array");
1220  jsonForEach(elemJson, obj)
1221  {
1222  T elem{};
1223  readJson(elemJson, elem);
1224  auto inserted = set.insert(std::move(elem)).second;
1225  ABORT_IFNOT(inserted, "Duplicated set element");
1226  }
1227  }
1229  // IGRaph
1230  void virtFill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFVar* var);
1231  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFVar* var);
1232  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, ValVar* var);
1233  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, ObjVar* var);
1234  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, GepValVar* var);
1235  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, GepObjVar* var);
1236  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, FIObjVar* var);
1237  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, RetPN* var);
1238  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, VarArgPN* var);
1239  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, DummyValVar* var);
1240  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, DummyObjVar* var);
1242  void virtFill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFStmt* stmt);
1243  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFStmt* stmt);
1244  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, AssignStmt* stmt);
1245  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, AddrStmt* stmt);
1246  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, CopyStmt* stmt);
1247  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, StoreStmt* stmt);
1248  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, LoadStmt* stmt);
1249  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, GepStmt* stmt);
1250  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, CallPE* stmt);
1251  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, RetPE* stmt);
1252  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, MultiOpndStmt* stmt);
1253  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, PhiStmt* stmt);
1254  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SelectStmt* stmt);
1255  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, CmpStmt* stmt);
1256  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, BinaryOPStmt* stmt);
1257  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, UnaryOPStmt* stmt);
1258  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, BranchStmt* stmt);
1259  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, TDForkPE* stmt);
1260  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, TDJoinPE* stmt);
1262  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, MemObj* memObj);
1263  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, StInfo* stInfo);
1264  // ICFG
1265  void virtFill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, ICFGNode* node);
1266  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, ICFGNode* node);
1267  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, GlobalICFGNode* node);
1268  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, IntraICFGNode* node);
1269  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, InterICFGNode* node);
1270  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, FunEntryICFGNode* node);
1271  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, FunExitICFGNode* node);
1272  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, CallICFGNode* node);
1273  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, RetICFGNode* node);
1275  void virtFill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, ICFGEdge* node);
1276  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, ICFGEdge* edge);
1277  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, IntraCFGEdge* edge);
1278  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, CallCFGEdge* edge);
1279  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, RetCFGEdge* edge);
1281  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFLoop* loop);
1282  // CHGraph
1283  void virtFill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, CHNode* node);
1284  void virtFill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, CHEdge* edge);
1286  // SVFModule
1287  void virtFill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFValue* value);
1288  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFValue* value);
1289  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFFunction* value);
1290  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFBasicBlock* value);
1291  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFInstruction* value);
1292  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFCallInst* value);
1293  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFVirtualCallInst* value);
1294  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFConstant* value);
1295  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFGlobalValue* value);
1296  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFArgument* value);
1297  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFConstantData* value);
1298  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFConstantInt* value);
1299  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFConstantFP* value);
1300  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFConstantNullPtr* value);
1301  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFBlackHoleValue* value);
1302  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFOtherValue* value);
1303  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFMetadataAsValue* value);
1305  void virtFill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFType* type);
1306  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFType* type);
1307  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFPointerType* type);
1308  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFIntegerType* type);
1309  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFFunctionType* type);
1310  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFStructType* type);
1311  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFArrayType* type);
1312  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, SVFOtherType* type);
1314  template <typename NodeTy, typename EdgeTy>
1315  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, GenericNode<NodeTy, EdgeTy>* node)
1316  {
1317  // id and nodeKind have already been read.
1318  JSON_READ_FIELD_FWD(fieldJson, node, InEdges);
1319  JSON_READ_FIELD_FWD(fieldJson, node, OutEdges);
1320  }
1322  template <typename NodeTy>
1323  void fill(const cJSON*& fieldJson, GenericEdge<NodeTy>* edge)
1324  {
1325  // edgeFlag has already been read.
1326  JSON_READ_FIELD_FWD(fieldJson, edge, src);
1327  JSON_READ_FIELD_FWD(fieldJson, edge, dst);
1328  }
1329 };
1331 } // namespace SVF
#define FIELD_NAME_ITEM(field)
Definition: SVFFileSystem.h:61
#define jsonForEach(field, array)
#define ABORT_IFNOT(condition, reason)
Definition: SVFFileSystem.h:39
#define JSON_READ_FIELD_FWD(json, objptr, field)
Definition: SVFFileSystem.h:91
#define CHECK_JSON_KEY(obj)
Definition: SVFFileSystem.h:96
#define JSON_WRITE_FIELD(root, objptr, field)
Definition: SVFFileSystem.h:67
set(THREADS_PREFER_PTHREAD_FLAG ON) find_package(Threads REQUIRED) add_llvm_executable(wpa wpa.cpp) target_link_libraries(wpa PUBLIC $
Definition: CMakeLists.txt:1
newitem type
Definition: cJSON.cpp:2739
cJSON * n
Definition: cJSON.cpp:2558
const char *const name
Definition: cJSON.h:264
struct cJSON cJSON
const char *const const double number
Definition: cJSON.h:268
int index
Definition: cJSON.h:170
cJSON * item
Definition: cJSON.h:222
const char *const string
Definition: cJSON.h:172
Common base for class hierarchy graph. Only implements what PointerAnalysis needs.
Definition: CHG.h:51
GEdgeFlag edgeFlag
edge kind
Definition: GenericGraph.h:66
const cJSON * graphFieldJson
void createObjs(const cJSON *graphJson, NodeCreator nodeCreator, EdgeCreator edgeCreator)
ReaderIDToObjMap< NodeTy > idToNodeMap
void saveToGenericGraph(GenericGraph< NodeTy, EdgeTy > *graph) const
ReaderPtrPool< EdgeTy > edgePool
EdgeTy * getEdgePtr(unsigned id) const
const cJSON * getFieldJson() const
NodeTy * getNodePtr(unsigned id) const
void fillObjs(NodeFiller nodeFiller, EdgeFiller edgeFiller)
size_t getEdgeID(const EdgeType *edge)
WriterPtrPool< EdgeType > edgePool
GenericGraphWriter(const GraphType *graph)
u32_t getTotalEdgeNum() const
Definition: GenericGraph.h:684
u32_t edgeNum
total num of node
Definition: GenericGraph.h:702
u32_t nodeNum
total num of edge
Definition: GenericGraph.h:703
IDToNodeMapTy IDToNodeMap
node map
Definition: GenericGraph.h:699
ReaderPtrPool< SVFLoop > svfLoopPool
SVFLoop * getSVFLoopPtr(size_t id) const
void fillObjs(NodeFiller nodeFiller, EdgeFiller edgeFiller, LoopFiller loopFiller)
void createObjs(const cJSON *icfgJson, NodeCreator nodeCreator, EdgeCreator edgeCreator, SVFLoopCreator svfLoopCreator)
WriterPtrPool< SVFLoop > svfLoopPool
size_t getSvfLoopID(const SVFLoop *loop)
ICFGWriter(const ICFG *icfg)
Definition: ICFG.h:48
Keeps a map from IDs to T objects, such as XXNode.
size_t size() const
void saveToIDToObjMap(Map &idToObjMap) const
void fillObjs(FillFunc fillFunc)
T * getPtr(unsigned id) const
OrderedMap< unsigned, std::pair< const cJSON *, T * > > IDToPairMapTy
void createObjs(const cJSON *idObjArrayJson, IdObjCreator idObjCreator)
idObjcreator : (const cJSON*) -> (id, T*) with id set
Reverse of WriterPtrPool where T is object type without ID field.
std::vector< T * > ptrPool
std::vector< const cJSON * > jsonArray
void saveToSet(Set &set) const
size_t size() const
T * getPtr(size_t id) const
void reserve(size_t size)
void fillObjs(FillFunc fillFunc)
void createObjs(const cJSON *objArrayJson, Creator creator)
IRGraphReader irGraphReader
SVFModuleReader svfModuleReader
static CHNode * createCHNode(NodeID id, GNodeK kind)
static ICFGEdge * createICFGEdge(GEdgeKind kind)
void fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFVar *var)
void fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, GenericNode< NodeTy, EdgeTy > *node)
GenericEdge< void >::GEdgeKind GEdgeKind
void readJson(const cJSON *obj, const T *&cptr)
Read a const pointer.
static void readJson(const cJSON *obj, bool &flag)
static ICFGNode * createICFGNode(NodeID id, GNodeK type)
static CHEdge * createCHEdge(GEdgeKind kind)
static SVFStmt * createPAGEdge(GEdgeKind kind)
void fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, GenericEdge< NodeTy > *edge)
CHGraphReader chGraphReader
GenericEdge< void >::GEdgeFlag GEdgeFlag
std::enable_if_t< SVFUtil::is_sequence_container_v< C > > readJson(const cJSON *obj, C &container)
void readJson(const cJSON *obj, SparseBitVector< ElementSize > &bv)
std::enable_if_t< SVFUtil::is_set_v< C > > readJson(const cJSON *obj, C &set)
ICFGReader icfgReader
static s64_t applyEdgeMask(u64_t edgeFlag)
std::enable_if_t< SVFUtil::is_map_v< C > > readJson(const cJSON *obj, C &map)
static SVFIR * read(const std::string &path)
static auto createEdgeWithFlag(GEdgeFlag flag, EdgeCreator creator)
SVFUtil::void_t< KindBaseT< T > > readJson(const cJSON *obj, T *&ptr)
Read a pointer of some child class of SVFType/SVFValue/SVFVar/SVFStmt/ICFGNode/ICFGEdge/CHNode/CHEdge...
const cJSON * createObjs(const cJSON *root)
void readJson(const cJSON *obj, std::pair< T1, T2 > &pair)
void readJson(const cJSON *obj, T(&array)[N])
static SVFVar * createPAGNode(NodeID id, GNodeK kind)
void virtFill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFVar *var)
static void setEdgeFlag(GenericEdge< T > *edge, typename GenericEdge< T >::GEdgeFlag edgeFlag)
SymbolTableInfoReader symTableReader
const char * numToStr(size_t n)
static void writeJsonToOstream(const SVFIR *svfir, std::ostream &os)
std::unique_ptr< char, decltype(&cJSON_free)> autoCStr
static void writeJsonToPath(const SVFIR *svfir, const std::string &path)
const SVFIR * svfIR
std::unique_ptr< cJSON, decltype(&cJSON_Delete)> autoJSON
cJSON * genericNodeToJson(const GenericNode< NodeTy, EdgeTy > *node)
bool jsonAddContentToObject(cJSON *obj, const char *name, const T &item)
cJSON * toJson(const std::pair< T, U > &pair)
OrderedMap< size_t, std::string > numToStrMap
autoJSON generateJson()
Main logic to dump a SVFIR to a JSON object.
cJSON * toJson(const NodeIDAllocator *nodeIDAllocator)
cJSON * genericGraphToJson(const GenericGraph< NodeTy, EdgeTy > *graph, const std::vector< const EdgeTy * > &edgePool)
IRGraphWriter irGraphWriter
SVFIRWriter(const SVFIR *svfir)
SVFModuleWriter svfModuleWriter
cJSON * toJson(const T &container)
cJSON * contentToJson(const SVFVar *var)
CHGraphWriter chgWriter
autoCStr generateJsonString()
ICFGWriter icfgWriter
bool jsonAddJsonableToObject(cJSON *obj, const char *name, const T &item)
cJSON * virtToJson(const SVFType *type)
Parameter types of these functions are all pointers. When they are used as arguments of toJson(),...
cJSON * genericEdgeToJson(const GenericEdge< NodeTy > *edge)
ReaderPtrPool< SVFValue > svfValuePool
const cJSON * svfModuleFieldJson
ReaderPtrPool< StInfo > stInfoPool
StInfo * getStInfoPtr(size_t id) const
void createObjs(const cJSON *svfModuleJson, SVFTypeCreator typeCreator, SVFTypeFiller typeFiller, SVFValueCreator valueCreator, SVFValueFiller valueFiller, StInfoCreator stInfoCreator)
ReaderPtrPool< SVFType > svfTypePool
SVFValue * getSVFValuePtr(size_t id) const
SVFType * getSVFTypePtr(size_t id) const
const cJSON * getFieldJson() const
size_t getSVFValueID(const SVFValue *value)
size_t sizeSVFValuePool() const
const SVFValue * getSVFValuePtr(size_t id) const
SVFModuleWriter(const SVFModule *svfModule)
WriterPtrPool< SVFValue > svfValuePool
size_t getStInfoID(const StInfo *stInfo)
size_t getSVFTypeID(const SVFType *type)
WriterPtrPool< StInfo > stInfoPool
WriterPtrPool< SVFType > svfTypePool
void set(unsigned Idx)
ReaderIDToObjMap< MemObj > memObjMap
void createObjs(const cJSON *symTabJson, MemObjCreator memObjCreator)
MemObj * getMemObjPtr(unsigned id) const
const cJSON * getFieldJson() const
Bookkeeping class to keep track of the IDs of objects that doesn't have any ID. E....
const std::vector< const T * > & getPool() const
size_t getID(const T *ptr)
const T * getPtr(size_t id) const
std::vector< const T * > ptrPool
void saveID(const T *ptr)
Map< const T *, size_t > ptrToId
auto end() const
void reserve(size_t size)
size_t size() const
auto begin() const
constexpr std::remove_reference< T >::type && move(T &&t) noexcept
Definition: SVFUtil.h:447
typename make_void< Ts... >::type void_t
Definition: SVFUtil.h:457
for isBitcode
Definition: BasicTypes.h:68
bool jsonAddNumberToObject(cJSON *obj, const char *name, double number)
Helper function to write a number to a JSON object.
cJSON * jsonCreateNullId()
double jsonGetNumber(const cJSON *item)
cJSON * jsonCreateNumber(double num)
bool jsonKeyEquals(const cJSON *item, const char *key)
bool jsonIsNumber(const cJSON *item)
bool jsonIsNullId(const cJSON *item)
unsigned long long u64_t
Definition: GeneralType.h:48
u32_t NodeID
Definition: GeneralType.h:55
bool jsonAddPairToMap(cJSON *obj, cJSON *key, cJSON *value)
bool jsonIsMap(const cJSON *item)
cJSON * jsonCreateBool(bool flag)
bool jsonIsArray(const cJSON *item)
std::unordered_map< Key, Value, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator > Map
Definition: GeneralType.h:101
signed s32_t
Definition: GeneralType.h:47
bool jsonAddItemToArray(cJSON *array, cJSON *item)
KIND_BASE(SVFType, getKind)
bool jsonAddStringToObject(cJSON *obj, const char *name, const char *str)
std::pair< const cJSON *, const cJSON * > jsonUnpackPair(const cJSON *item)
bool jsonIsObject(const cJSON *item)
cJSON * jsonCreateObject()
bool jsonAddItemToObject(cJSON *obj, const char *name, cJSON *item)
unsigned u32_t
Definition: GeneralType.h:46
signed long long s64_t
Definition: GeneralType.h:49
bool jsonIsBool(const cJSON *item)
cJSON * jsonCreateString(const char *str)
bool jsonIsString(const cJSON *item)
typename KindBaseHelper< T >::type KindBaseT
std::map< Key, Value, Compare, Allocator > OrderedMap
Definition: GeneralType.h:109
cJSON * jsonCreateIndex(size_t index)
std::unordered_set< Key, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator > Set
Definition: GeneralType.h:96
cJSON * jsonCreateArray()
Type trait to get base type. Helper struct to detect inheritance from Node/Edge.
Definition: cJSON.h:104
struct cJSON * child
Definition: cJSON.h:109
char * string
Definition: cJSON.h:122
struct cJSON * next
Definition: cJSON.h:106