void barReplace(CFGrammar *grammar)
void ebnf_bin(CFGrammar *grammar)
Add nonterminal to tranfer long rules to binary rules.
void ebnfSignReplace(char sign, CFGrammar *grammar)
void insertToCFLGrammar(CFGrammar *grammar, GrammarBase::Production &prod)
Based on prod size to add on suitable member field of grammar.
void removeFirstSymbol(CFGrammar *grammar)
CFGrammar * fillAttribute(CFGrammar *grammar, const Map< CFGrammar::Kind, Set< CFGrammar::Attribute > > &kindToAttrsMap)
Expand every variable attribute in rawProductions of grammarbase.
CFGrammar * normalize(GrammarBase *generalGrammar)
Binary Normal Form(BNF) normalization with variable attribute expanded.
int ebnfBracketMatch(GrammarBase::Production &prod, int i, CFGrammar *grammar)
void getFilledProductions(GrammarBase::Production &prod, const NodeSet &nodeSet, CFGrammar *grammar, GrammarBase::Productions &normalProds)
void strTrans(std::string strPro, CFGrammar *grammar, GrammarBase::Production &normalProd)
GrammarBase::Symbol check_head(GrammarBase::SymbolMap< GrammarBase::Symbol, GrammarBase::Productions > &grammar, GrammarBase::Production &rule)
std::unordered_map< Key, Value, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator > SymbolMap
SymbolSet< Production > Productions
std::vector< Symbol > Production
std::unordered_map< Key, Value, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator > Map
llvm::IRBuilder IRBuilder