Static Value-Flow Analysis
SVF::WTO< GraphT > Member List

This is the complete list of members for SVF::WTO< GraphT >, including all inherited members.

_allComponentsSVF::WTO< GraphT >protected
_componentsSVF::WTO< GraphT >protected
_entrySVF::WTO< GraphT >protected
_graphSVF::WTO< GraphT >protected
_nodeToCDNSVF::WTO< GraphT >protected
_nodeToDepthSVF::WTO< GraphT >protected
_numSVF::WTO< GraphT >protected
_stackSVF::WTO< GraphT >protected
accept(WTOComponentVisitor< GraphT > &v)SVF::WTO< GraphT >inline
begin() constSVF::WTO< GraphT >inline
buildNodeToDepth()SVF::WTO< GraphT >inlineprotected
component(const NodeT *node)SVF::WTO< GraphT >inlineprotectedvirtual
cycleDepth(const NodeT *n) constSVF::WTO< GraphT >inline
CycleDepthNumber typedefSVF::WTO< GraphT >protected
EdgeT typedefSVF::WTO< GraphT >
end() constSVF::WTO< GraphT >inline
forEachSuccessor(const NodeT *node, std::function< void(const NodeT *)> func) constSVF::WTO< GraphT >inlineprotectedvirtual
getCDN(const NodeT *n) constSVF::WTO< GraphT >inlineprotected
getWTOComponents() constSVF::WTO< GraphT >inline
GraphTWTOCycleDepth typedefSVF::WTO< GraphT >
headBegin() constSVF::WTO< GraphT >inline
headEnd() constSVF::WTO< GraphT >inline
headRefToCycleSVF::WTO< GraphT >protected
in_cycleDepth_table(const NodeT *n) constSVF::WTO< GraphT >inline
init()SVF::WTO< GraphT >inline
isHead(const NodeT *node) constSVF::WTO< GraphT >inline
Iterator typedefSVF::WTO< GraphT >
newCycle(const WTONodeT *node, const WTOComponentRefList &partition)SVF::WTO< GraphT >inlineprotected
newNode(const NodeT *node)SVF::WTO< GraphT >inlineprotected
NodeRefList typedefSVF::WTO< GraphT >
NodeRefToCycleDepthNumber typedefSVF::WTO< GraphT >protected
NodeRefTONodeRefListMap typedefSVF::WTO< GraphT >protected
NodeRefToWTOCycleDepthPtr typedefSVF::WTO< GraphT >protected
NodeRefToWTOCycleMap typedefSVF::WTO< GraphT >protected
NodeT typedefSVF::WTO< GraphT >
operator<<(std::ostream &o, const WTO< GraphT > &wto)SVF::WTO< GraphT >friend
operator=(const WTO &other)=defaultSVF::WTO< GraphT >
operator=(WTO &&other)=defaultSVF::WTO< GraphT >
pop()SVF::WTO< GraphT >inlineprotected
push(const NodeT *n)SVF::WTO< GraphT >inlineprotected
setCDN(const NodeT *n, const CycleDepthNumber &dfn)SVF::WTO< GraphT >inlineprotected
Stack typedefSVF::WTO< GraphT >protected
toString() constSVF::WTO< GraphT >inline
visit(const NodeT *node, WTOComponentRefList &partition)SVF::WTO< GraphT >inlineprotectedvirtual
WTO(GraphT *graph, const NodeT *entry)SVF::WTO< GraphT >inlineexplicit
WTO(const WTO &other)=defaultSVF::WTO< GraphT >
WTO(WTO &&other)=defaultSVF::WTO< GraphT >
WTOComponentPtr typedefSVF::WTO< GraphT >protected
WTOComponentRefList typedefSVF::WTO< GraphT >protected
WTOComponentRefSet typedefSVF::WTO< GraphT >protected
WTOComponentT typedefSVF::WTO< GraphT >
WTOCycleDepthPtr typedefSVF::WTO< GraphT >protected
WTOCycleT typedefSVF::WTO< GraphT >
WTONodeT typedefSVF::WTO< GraphT >
~WTO()SVF::WTO< GraphT >inline