Static Value-Flow Analysis
This is the complete list of members for SVF::SVFIRReader, including all inherited members.
applyEdgeMask(u64_t edgeFlag) | SVF::SVFIRReader | inlinestatic |
chGraphReader | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
createCHEdge(GEdgeKind kind) | SVF::SVFIRReader | privatestatic |
createCHNode(NodeID id, GNodeK kind) | SVF::SVFIRReader | privatestatic |
createEdgeWithFlag(GEdgeFlag flag, EdgeCreator creator) | SVF::SVFIRReader | inlineprivatestatic |
createICFGEdge(GEdgeKind kind) | SVF::SVFIRReader | privatestatic |
createICFGNode(NodeID id, GNodeK type) | SVF::SVFIRReader | privatestatic |
createObjs(const cJSON *root) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
createPAGEdge(GEdgeKind kind) | SVF::SVFIRReader | privatestatic |
createPAGNode(NodeID id, GNodeK kind) | SVF::SVFIRReader | privatestatic |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFVar *var) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, ValVar *var) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, ObjVar *var) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, GepValVar *var) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, GepObjVar *var) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, BaseObjVar *var) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, RetPN *var) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, VarArgPN *var) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, DummyValVar *var) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, DummyObjVar *var) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFStmt *stmt) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, AssignStmt *stmt) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, AddrStmt *stmt) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, CopyStmt *stmt) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, StoreStmt *stmt) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, LoadStmt *stmt) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, GepStmt *stmt) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, CallPE *stmt) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, RetPE *stmt) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, MultiOpndStmt *stmt) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, PhiStmt *stmt) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SelectStmt *stmt) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, CmpStmt *stmt) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, BinaryOPStmt *stmt) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, UnaryOPStmt *stmt) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, BranchStmt *stmt) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, TDForkPE *stmt) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, TDJoinPE *stmt) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, MemObj *memObj) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, StInfo *stInfo) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, ICFGNode *node) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, GlobalICFGNode *node) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, IntraICFGNode *node) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, InterICFGNode *node) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, FunEntryICFGNode *node) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, FunExitICFGNode *node) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, CallICFGNode *node) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, RetICFGNode *node) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, ICFGEdge *edge) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, IntraCFGEdge *edge) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, CallCFGEdge *edge) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, RetCFGEdge *edge) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFLoop *loop) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFValue *value) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFFunction *value) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFBasicBlock *value) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFInstruction *value) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFCallInst *value) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFConstant *value) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFGlobalValue *value) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFArgument *value) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFConstantData *value) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFConstantInt *value) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFConstantFP *value) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFConstantNullPtr *value) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFBlackHoleValue *value) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFOtherValue *value) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFMetadataAsValue *value) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFType *type) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFPointerType *type) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFIntegerType *type) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFFunctionType *type) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFStructType *type) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFArrayType *type) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFOtherType *type) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, GenericNode< NodeTy, EdgeTy > *node) | SVF::SVFIRReader | inlineprivate |
fill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, GenericEdge< NodeTy > *edge) | SVF::SVFIRReader | inlineprivate |
GEdgeFlag typedef | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
GEdgeKind typedef | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
GNodeK typedef | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
icfgReader | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
irGraphReader | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
read(const std::string &path) | SVF::SVFIRReader | static |
read(const cJSON *root) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, bool &flag) | SVF::SVFIRReader | static |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, unsigned &val) | SVF::SVFIRReader | static |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, int &val) | SVF::SVFIRReader | static |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, short &val) | SVF::SVFIRReader | static |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, float &val) | SVF::SVFIRReader | static |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, unsigned long &val) | SVF::SVFIRReader | static |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, long long &val) | SVF::SVFIRReader | static |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, unsigned long long &val) | SVF::SVFIRReader | static |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, std::string &str) | SVF::SVFIRReader | static |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, NodeIDAllocator *idAllocator) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
readJson(SymbolTableInfo *symTabInfo) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
readJson(IRGraph *graph) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
readJson(ICFG *icfg) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
readJson(CHGraph *graph) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
readJson(SVFModule *module) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, SVFType *&type) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, StInfo *&stInfo) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, SVFValue *&value) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, SVFVar *&var) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, SVFStmt *&stmt) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, ICFGNode *&node) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, ICFGEdge *&edge) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, CHNode *&node) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, CHEdge *&edge) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, AccessPath &ap) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, SVFLoop *&loop) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, MemObj *&memObj) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, ObjTypeInfo *&objTypeInfo) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, SVFLoopAndDomInfo *&ldInfo) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, SparseBitVector< ElementSize > &bv) | SVF::SVFIRReader | inlineprivate |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, T *&ptr) | SVF::SVFIRReader | inlineprivate |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, const T *&cptr) | SVF::SVFIRReader | inlineprivate |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, std::pair< T1, T2 > &pair) | SVF::SVFIRReader | inlineprivate |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, T(&array)[N]) | SVF::SVFIRReader | inlineprivate |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, C &container) | SVF::SVFIRReader | inlineprivate |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, C &map) | SVF::SVFIRReader | inlineprivate |
readJson(const cJSON *obj, C &set) | SVF::SVFIRReader | inlineprivate |
setEdgeFlag(GenericEdge< T > *edge, typename GenericEdge< T >::GEdgeFlag edgeFlag) | SVF::SVFIRReader | inlinestatic |
svfModuleReader | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
symTableReader | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
virtFill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFVar *var) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
virtFill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFStmt *stmt) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
virtFill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, ICFGNode *node) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
virtFill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, ICFGEdge *node) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
virtFill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, CHNode *node) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
virtFill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, CHEdge *edge) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
virtFill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFValue *value) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |
virtFill(const cJSON *&fieldJson, SVFType *type) | SVF::SVFIRReader | private |