Static Value-Flow Analysis
This is the complete list of members for SVF::SVFIR, including all inherited members.
addAddrStmt(NodeID src, NodeID dst) | SVF::SVFIR | private |
addBinaryOPStmt(NodeID op1, NodeID op2, NodeID dst, u32_t opcode) | SVF::SVFIR | private |
addBlackHoleAddrStmt(NodeID node) | SVF::SVFIR | private |
addBlackholeObjNode() | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addBlackholePtrNode() | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addBranchStmt(NodeID br, NodeID cond, const BranchStmt::SuccAndCondPairVec &succs) | SVF::SVFIR | private |
addCallPE(NodeID src, NodeID dst, const CallICFGNode *cs, const FunEntryICFGNode *entry) | SVF::SVFIR | private |
addCallSite(const CallICFGNode *call) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addCallSiteArgs(CallICFGNode *callBlockNode, const ValVar *arg) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addCallSiteRets(RetICFGNode *retBlockNode, const SVFVar *arg) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addCmpStmt(NodeID op1, NodeID op2, NodeID dst, u32_t predict) | SVF::SVFIR | private |
addConstantDataObjNode(const SVFValue *curInst, const NodeID i) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addConstantDataValNode(const SVFValue *curInst, const NodeID i, const ICFGNode *icfgNode) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addConstantFPObjNode(const SVFValue *curInst, double dval, const NodeID i) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addConstantFPValNode(const SVFValue *curInst, double dval, const NodeID i, const ICFGNode *icfgNode) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addConstantIntObjNode(const SVFValue *curInst, const std::pair< s64_t, u64_t > &intValue, const NodeID i) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addConstantIntValNode(const SVFValue *curInst, const std::pair< s64_t, u64_t > &intValue, const NodeID i, const ICFGNode *icfgNode) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addConstantNullPtrObjNode(const SVFValue *curInst, const NodeID i) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addConstantNullPtrValNode(const SVFValue *curInst, const NodeID i, const ICFGNode *icfgNode) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addConstantObjNode() | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addCopyStmt(NodeID src, NodeID dst, CopyStmt::CopyKind type) | SVF::SVFIR | private |
addDummyMemObj(NodeID i, const SVFType *type) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addDummyObjNode(const SVFType *type) | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
addDummyObjNode(NodeID i, const SVFType *type) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addDummyValNode() | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
addDummyValNode(NodeID i) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addEdge(SVFVar *src, SVFVar *dst, SVFStmt *edge) | SVF::IRGraph | protected |
addFIObjNode(const MemObj *obj) | SVF::SVFIR | private |
addFunArgs(const SVFFunction *fun, const SVFVar *arg) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addFunObjNode(const CallGraphNode *callGraphNode, NodeID id) | SVF::SVFIR | private |
addFunRet(const SVFFunction *fun, const SVFVar *ret) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addFunValNode(const CallGraphNode *callGraphNode, NodeID i, const ICFGNode *icfgNode) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addGepObjNode(const MemObj *obj, const APOffset &apOffset, const NodeID gepId) | SVF::SVFIR | private |
addGepStmt(NodeID src, NodeID dst, const AccessPath &ap, bool constGep) | SVF::SVFIR | private |
addGepValNode(const SVFValue *curInst, const SVFValue *val, const AccessPath &ap, NodeID i, const SVFType *type) | SVF::SVFIR | private |
addGlobalPAGEdge(const SVFStmt *edge) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addGlobalValueObjNode(const SVFValue *curInst, const NodeID i) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addGlobalValueValNode(const SVFValue *curInst, const NodeID i, const ICFGNode *icfgNode) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addGNode(NodeID id, NodeType *node) | SVF::GenericGraph< SVFVar, SVFStmt > | inline |
addHeapObjNode(const SVFValue *val, const SVFFunction *f, NodeID i) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addIndirectCallsites(const CallICFGNode *cs, NodeID funPtr) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addLoadStmt(NodeID src, NodeID dst) | SVF::SVFIR | private |
addNode(SVFVar *node, NodeID i) | SVF::IRGraph | inlineprotected |
addNormalGepStmt(NodeID src, NodeID dst, const AccessPath &ap) | SVF::SVFIR | private |
addObjNode(const SVFValue *val, NodeID i) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addObjNode(const SVFValue *, SVFVar *node, NodeID i) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addPhiStmt(NodeID res, NodeID opnd, const ICFGNode *pred) | SVF::SVFIR | private |
addRetNode(const CallGraphNode *callGraphNode, NodeID i) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addRetNode(const CallGraphNode *, SVFVar *node, NodeID i) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addRetPE(NodeID src, NodeID dst, const CallICFGNode *cs, const FunExitICFGNode *exit) | SVF::SVFIR | private |
addSelectStmt(NodeID res, NodeID op1, NodeID op2, NodeID cond) | SVF::SVFIR | private |
addStackObjNode(const SVFValue *val, const SVFFunction *f, NodeID i) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addStoreStmt(NodeID src, NodeID dst, const ICFGNode *val) | SVF::SVFIR | private |
addThreadForkPE(NodeID src, NodeID dst, const CallICFGNode *cs, const FunEntryICFGNode *entry) | SVF::SVFIR | private |
addThreadJoinPE(NodeID src, NodeID dst, const CallICFGNode *cs, const FunExitICFGNode *exit) | SVF::SVFIR | private |
addToStmt2TypeMap(SVFStmt *edge) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addToSVFStmtList(ICFGNode *inst, SVFStmt *edge) | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
addToTypeLocSetsMap(NodeID argId, SVFTypeLocSetsPair &locSets) | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
addUnaryOPStmt(NodeID src, NodeID dst, u32_t opcode) | SVF::SVFIR | private |
addValNode(const SVFValue *val, NodeID i, const ICFGNode *icfgNode) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addValNode(const SVFValue *, SVFVar *node, NodeID i) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addVarargNode(const CallGraphNode *val, NodeID i) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addVarargNode(const SVFFunction *, SVFVar *node, NodeID i) | SVF::SVFIR | inlineprivate |
addVariantGepStmt(NodeID src, NodeID dst, const AccessPath &ap) | SVF::SVFIR | private |
begin() | SVF::GenericGraph< SVFVar, SVFStmt > | inline |
begin() const | SVF::GenericGraph< SVFVar, SVFStmt > | inline |
BVDataPTAImpl | SVF::SVFIR | friend |
callGraph | SVF::SVFIR | private |
callSiteArgsListMap | SVF::SVFIR | private |
callsiteHasRet(const RetICFGNode *cs) const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
callSiteRetMap | SVF::SVFIR | private |
callSiteSet | SVF::SVFIR | private |
CallSiteSet typedef | SVF::SVFIR | |
CallSiteToFunPtrMap typedef | SVF::SVFIR | |
candidatePointers | SVF::SVFIR | private |
chgraph | SVF::SVFIR | private |
const_iterator typedef | SVF::GenericGraph< SVFVar, SVFStmt > | |
CSToArgsListMap typedef | SVF::SVFIR | |
CSToRetMap typedef | SVF::SVFIR | |
destroy() | SVF::SVFIR | private |
dump(std::string name) | SVF::IRGraph | |
edgeNum | SVF::GenericGraph< SVFVar, SVFStmt > | |
EdgeType typedef | SVF::GenericGraph< SVFVar, SVFStmt > | |
end() | SVF::GenericGraph< SVFVar, SVFStmt > | inline |
end() const | SVF::GenericGraph< SVFVar, SVFStmt > | inline |
ExternalPAG | SVF::SVFIR | friend |
fromFile | SVF::IRGraph | protected |
funArgsListMap | SVF::SVFIR | private |
funHasRet(const SVFFunction *func) const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
funPtrToCallSitesMap | SVF::SVFIR | private |
FunPtrToCallSitesMap typedef | SVF::SVFIR | |
funRetMap | SVF::SVFIR | private |
FunToArgsListMap typedef | SVF::SVFIR | |
FunToPAGEdgeSetMap typedef | SVF::SVFIR | |
FunToRetMap typedef | SVF::SVFIR | |
GenericGraph() | SVF::GenericGraph< SVFVar, SVFStmt > | inline |
GepObjVarMap | SVF::SVFIR | private |
GepValObjMap | SVF::SVFIR | private |
GepValueVarMap typedef | SVF::SVFIR | |
getAllFieldsObjVars(const MemObj *obj) | SVF::SVFIR | |
getAllFieldsObjVars(NodeID id) | SVF::SVFIR | |
getAllValidPtrs() | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getBaseObj(NodeID id) const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getBaseObject(NodeID id) const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getBaseObjVar(NodeID id) const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getBaseValVar(NodeID id) const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getBlackHoleNode() const | SVF::IRGraph | inline |
getBlackHoleObj() const | SVF::IRGraph | inline |
getBlkPtr() const | SVF::IRGraph | inline |
getCallGraph() | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getCallSiteArgsList(const CallICFGNode *cs) const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getCallSiteArgsMap() | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getCallSiteRet(const RetICFGNode *cs) const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getCallSiteRets() | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getCallSiteSet() const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getCHG() | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getConstantNode() const | SVF::IRGraph | inline |
getConstantObj() const | SVF::IRGraph | inline |
getFieldObjNodeNum() const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getFieldsAfterCollapse(NodeID id) | SVF::SVFIR | |
getFieldValNodeNum() const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getFIObjVar(const MemObj *obj) const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getFIObjVar(NodeID id) const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getFunArgsList(const SVFFunction *func) const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getFunArgsMap() | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getFunPtr(const CallICFGNode *cs) const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getFunRet(const SVFFunction *func) const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getFunRets() | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getGepObjNodeMap() | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getGepObjVar(const MemObj *obj, const APOffset &ap) | SVF::SVFIR | |
getGepObjVar(NodeID id, const APOffset &ap) | SVF::SVFIR | |
getGepValVar(const SVFValue *curInst, NodeID base, const AccessPath &ap) const | SVF::SVFIR | |
getGlobalSVFStmtSet() | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getGNode(NodeID id) const | SVF::GenericGraph< SVFVar, SVFStmt > | inline |
getGraphName() const | SVF::IRGraph | inline |
getICFG() const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getIndCallSites(NodeID funPtr) const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getIndirectCallsites() const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getIntraPAGEdge(NodeID src, NodeID dst, SVFStmt::PEDGEK kind) | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getIntraPAGEdge(SVFVar *src, SVFVar *dst, SVFStmt::PEDGEK kind) | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getMemObj(const SVFValue *val) const | SVF::IRGraph | inlineprotected |
getMemToFieldsMap() | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getModule() | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getNodeNumAfterPAGBuild() const | SVF::IRGraph | inline |
getNullPtr() const | SVF::IRGraph | inline |
getObject(NodeID id) const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getObject(const ObjVar *node) const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getObjectNode(const SVFValue *V) | SVF::IRGraph | inline |
getObjectNodeNum() const | SVF::IRGraph | inline |
getPAG(bool buildFromFile=false) | SVF::SVFIR | inlinestatic |
getPAGEdgeNum() const | SVF::IRGraph | inline |
getPAGNodeNum() const | SVF::IRGraph | inline |
getPTAPAGEdgeNum() const | SVF::IRGraph | inline |
getPTASVFStmtList(const ICFGNode *inst) | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getPTASVFStmtSet(SVFStmt::PEDGEK kind) | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getReturnNode(const SVFFunction *func) const | SVF::IRGraph | inline |
getSVFStmtList(const ICFGNode *inst) | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getSVFStmtSet(SVFStmt::PEDGEK kind) | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getSymbolInfo() const | SVF::IRGraph | inline |
getTotalEdgeNum() const | SVF::GenericGraph< SVFVar, SVFStmt > | inline |
getTotalNodeNum() const | SVF::GenericGraph< SVFVar, SVFStmt > | inline |
getTypeLocSetsMap(NodeID argId) | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
getValueEdges(const SVFValue *V) | SVF::IRGraph | inline |
getValueNode(const SVFValue *V) | SVF::IRGraph | inline |
getValueNodeNum() const | SVF::IRGraph | inline |
getVarargNode(const SVFFunction *func) const | SVF::IRGraph | inline |
globSVFStmtSet | SVF::SVFIR | private |
handleBlackHole(bool b) | SVF::SVFIR | static |
hasCallSiteArgsMap(const CallICFGNode *cs) const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
hasFunArgsList(const SVFFunction *func) const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
hasGNode(NodeID id) const | SVF::GenericGraph< SVFVar, SVFStmt > | inline |
hasLabeledEdge(SVFVar *src, SVFVar *dst, SVFStmt::PEDGEK kind, const ICFGNode *cs) | SVF::IRGraph | protected |
hasLabeledEdge(SVFVar *src, SVFVar *op1, SVFStmt::PEDGEK kind, const SVFVar *op2) | SVF::IRGraph | protected |
hasNonlabeledEdge(SVFVar *src, SVFVar *dst, SVFStmt::PEDGEK kind) | SVF::IRGraph | protected |
hasPTASVFStmtList(const ICFGNode *inst) const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
hasSVFStmtList(const ICFGNode *inst) const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
hasValueNode(const SVFValue *V) | SVF::IRGraph | inline |
icfg | SVF::SVFIR | private |
icfgNode2PTASVFStmtsMap | SVF::SVFIR | private |
icfgNode2SVFStmtsMap | SVF::SVFIR | private |
ICFGNode2SVFStmtsMap typedef | SVF::SVFIR | |
IDToNodeMap | SVF::GenericGraph< SVFVar, SVFStmt > | protected |
IDToNodeMapTy typedef | SVF::GenericGraph< SVFVar, SVFStmt > | |
incEdgeNum() | SVF::GenericGraph< SVFVar, SVFStmt > | inline |
incNodeNum() | SVF::GenericGraph< SVFVar, SVFStmt > | inline |
indCallSiteToFunPtrMap | SVF::SVFIR | private |
initialiseCandidatePointers() | SVF::SVFIR | |
IRGraph(bool buildFromFile) | SVF::IRGraph | inline |
isBlkObj(NodeID id) const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
isBlkObjOrConstantObj(NodeID id) const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
isBlkPtr(NodeID id) const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
isBuiltFromFile() | SVF::IRGraph | inline |
isConstantObj(NodeID id) const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
isFunPtr(NodeID id) const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
isIndirectCallSites(const CallICFGNode *cs) const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
isNullPtr(NodeID id) const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
isPhiNode(const SVFVar *node) const | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
isValidPointer(NodeID nodeId) const | SVF::SVFIR | |
isValidTopLevelPtr(const SVFVar *node) | SVF::SVFIR | |
iterator typedef | SVF::GenericGraph< SVFVar, SVFStmt > | |
KindToPTASVFStmtSetMap | SVF::IRGraph | protected |
KindToSVFStmtSetMap | SVF::IRGraph | protected |
mapValueToEdge(const SVFValue *V, SVFStmt *edge) | SVF::IRGraph | inlineprotected |
MemObjToFieldsMap typedef | SVF::SVFIR | |
memToFieldsMap | SVF::SVFIR | private |
NodeAccessPath typedef | SVF::SVFIR | |
NodeAccessPathMap typedef | SVF::SVFIR | |
nodeNum | SVF::GenericGraph< SVFVar, SVFStmt > | |
nodeNumAfterPAGBuild | SVF::IRGraph | protected |
NodeOffset typedef | SVF::SVFIR | |
NodeOffsetMap typedef | SVF::SVFIR | |
NodePairSetMap typedef | SVF::SVFIR | |
NodeToNodeMap typedef | SVF::SVFIR | |
NodeType typedef | SVF::GenericGraph< SVFVar, SVFStmt > | |
pag | SVF::SVFIR | privatestatic |
PAGBuilderFromFile | SVF::SVFIR | friend |
PHINodeMap typedef | SVF::SVFIR | |
phiNodeMap | SVF::SVFIR | private |
print() | SVF::SVFIR | |
releaseSVFIR() | SVF::SVFIR | inlinestatic |
removeGNode(NodeType *node) | SVF::GenericGraph< SVFVar, SVFStmt > | inline |
setCallGraph(CallGraph *c) | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
setCHG(CommonCHGraph *c) | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
setICFG(ICFG *i) | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
setModule(SVFModule *mod) | SVF::SVFIR | inline |
setNodeNumAfterPAGBuild(u32_t num) | SVF::IRGraph | inline |
SVFIR(bool buildFromFile) | SVF::SVFIR | private |
SVFIRBuilder | SVF::SVFIR | friend |
SVFIRReader | SVF::SVFIR | friend |
SVFIRWriter | SVF::SVFIR | friend |
svfModule | SVF::SVFIR | private |
SVFStmtList typedef | SVF::SVFIR | |
SVFStmtSet typedef | SVF::IRGraph | |
SVFTypeLocSetsPair typedef | SVF::SVFIR | |
SVFVarList typedef | SVF::SVFIR | |
symInfo | SVF::IRGraph | protected |
totalPTAPAGEdge | SVF::IRGraph | protected |
TypeBasedHeapCloning | SVF::SVFIR | friend |
TypeLocSetsMap typedef | SVF::SVFIR | |
typeLocSetsMap | SVF::SVFIR | private |
valueToEdgeMap | SVF::IRGraph | protected |
ValueToEdgeMap typedef | SVF::IRGraph | |
view() | SVF::IRGraph | |
~GenericGraph() | SVF::GenericGraph< SVFVar, SVFStmt > | inlinevirtual |
~IRGraph() | SVF::IRGraph | virtual |
~SVFIR() | SVF::SVFIR | inlinevirtual |