Static Value-Flow Analysis
This is the complete list of members for SVF::MHP, including all inherited members.
addInterleavingThread(const CxtThreadStmt &tgr, NodeID tid) | SVF::MHP | inlineprivate |
addInterleavingThread(const CxtThreadStmt &tgr, const CxtThreadStmt &src) | SVF::MHP | inlineprivate |
analyze() | SVF::MHP | |
analyzeInterleaving() | SVF::MHP | |
cxtStmtList | SVF::MHP | private |
CxtThreadStmtSet typedef | SVF::MHP | |
CxtThreadStmtWorkList typedef | SVF::MHP | |
executedByTheSameThread(const ICFGNode *i1, const ICFGNode *i2) | SVF::MHP | virtual |
fja | SVF::MHP | private |
FuncPair typedef | SVF::MHP | |
FuncPairToBool typedef | SVF::MHP | |
FunSet typedef | SVF::MHP | |
getCallee(const CallICFGNode *inst, PTACallGraph::FunctionSet &callees) | SVF::MHP | inlineprivate |
getDirAndIndJoinedTid(const CallStrCxt &cxt, const ICFGNode *call) | SVF::MHP | private |
getInterleavingThreads(const CxtThreadStmt &cts) | SVF::MHP | inline |
getJoinInSymmetricLoop(const CallStrCxt &cxt, const ICFGNode *call) const | SVF::MHP | private |
getTCT() const | SVF::MHP | inline |
getThreadCallGraph() const | SVF::MHP | inline |
getThreadStmtSet(const ICFGNode *inst) const | SVF::MHP | inline |
handleCall(const CxtThreadStmt &cts, NodeID rootTid) | SVF::MHP | private |
handleFork(const CxtThreadStmt &cts, NodeID rootTid) | SVF::MHP | private |
handleIntra(const CxtThreadStmt &cts) | SVF::MHP | private |
handleJoin(const CxtThreadStmt &cts, NodeID rootTid) | SVF::MHP | private |
handleNonCandidateFun(const CxtThreadStmt &cts) | SVF::MHP | private |
handleRet(const CxtThreadStmt &cts) | SVF::MHP | private |
hasInterleavingThreads(const CxtThreadStmt &cts) const | SVF::MHP | inline |
hasJoinInSymmetricLoop(const CallStrCxt &cxt, const ICFGNode *call) const | SVF::MHP | private |
hasThreadStmtSet(const ICFGNode *inst) const | SVF::MHP | inline |
InstToThreadStmtSetMap typedef | SVF::MHP | |
instToTSMap | SVF::MHP | private |
interleavingQueriesTime | SVF::MHP | |
interleavingTime | SVF::MHP | |
isConnectedfromMain(const SVFFunction *fun) | SVF::MHP | |
isHBPair(NodeID tid1, NodeID tid2) | SVF::MHP | private |
isMultiForkedThread(NodeID curTid) | SVF::MHP | inlineprivate |
isMustJoin(const NodeID curTid, const ICFGNode *joinsite) | SVF::MHP | private |
isRecurFullJoin(NodeID parentTid, NodeID curTid) | SVF::MHP | private |
isTDFork(const ICFGNode *call) | SVF::MHP | inlineprivate |
isTDJoin(const ICFGNode *call) | SVF::MHP | inlineprivate |
LockSpan typedef | SVF::MHP | |
LoopBBs typedef | SVF::MHP | |
matchCxt(CallStrCxt &cxt, const CallICFGNode *call, const SVFFunction *callee) | SVF::MHP | inlineprivate |
mayHappenInParallel(const ICFGNode *i1, const ICFGNode *i2) | SVF::MHP | virtual |
mayHappenInParallelCache(const ICFGNode *i1, const ICFGNode *i2) | SVF::MHP | virtual |
mayHappenInParallelInst(const ICFGNode *i1, const ICFGNode *i2) | SVF::MHP | virtual |
MHP(TCT *t) | SVF::MHP | |
nonCandidateFuncMHPRelMap | SVF::MHP | private |
numOfMHPQueries | SVF::MHP | |
numOfTotalQueries | SVF::MHP | |
popFromCTSWorkList() | SVF::MHP | inlineprivate |
printInterleaving() | SVF::MHP | |
pushCxt(CallStrCxt &cxt, const CallICFGNode *call, const SVFFunction *callee) | SVF::MHP | inlineprivate |
pushToCTSWorkList(const CxtThreadStmt &cs) | SVF::MHP | inlineprivate |
rmInterleavingThread(const CxtThreadStmt &tgr, const NodeBS &tids, const ICFGNode *joinsite) | SVF::MHP | inlineprivate |
tcg | SVF::MHP | private |
tct | SVF::MHP | private |
threadStmtToTheadInterLeav | SVF::MHP | private |
ThreadStmtToThreadInterleav typedef | SVF::MHP | |
updateAncestorThreads(NodeID tid) | SVF::MHP | private |
updateNonCandidateFunInterleaving() | SVF::MHP | private |
updateSiblingThreads(NodeID tid) | SVF::MHP | private |
~MHP() | SVF::MHP | virtual |